990 resultados para mosquito Culicidae


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Three Piper species, Piper longum, P. ribesoides and P. sarmentosum, were selected for investigation of adulticidal potential against Stegomyia aegypti, a main vector of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever. Successive extraction by maceration with 95% ethanol showed percentage yields of ethanolic extracts, which derived from P. longum, P. ribesoides and P. sarmentosum, of 8.89, 3.21 and 5.30% (w/w), respectively. All Piper extracts illustrated an impressive adulticidal activity when tested against female mosquitoes by topical application. The susceptibility of St. aegypti females to ethanol-extracted Piper was dose dependent and varied among the plant species. The highest adulticidal effect was established from P. sarmentosum, followed by P. ribesoides and P. longum, with LD50 values of 0.14, 0.15 and 0.26 µg/female, respectively. The potential of these Piper species, as possible mosquitocides, established convincing activity for further researches to develop natural substances for combat against adult mosquitoes.


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Rute C. Félix PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Malária, mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae, parasita, Plasmodium berghei, infecção, enzimas de detoxificação, citocromos P450, tubulinas A malária, uma das doenças mais devastadoras que ocorrem em África é causada por um parasita do género Plasmodium e é transmitida aos humanos por mosquitos vectores do género Anopheles durante a refeição de sangue. Apesar da resposta do mosquito à infecção por Plasmodium ter vindo a ser intensamente estudada nos últimos anos, as interacções entre o mosquito vector e o parasita são muito complexas e, estão longe de serem completamente compreendidas. Este estudo tem como objectivo principal contribuir para o conhecimento da resposta do mosquito à infecção por Plasmodium, focando-se no papel das enzimas de detoxificação. Para atingir este objectivo realizouse uma análise transcriptómica com microarrays, com o intuito de identificar alterações de transcrição de enzimas de detoxificação no mosquito Anopheles gambiae em resposta à infecção por Plasmodium. Esta análise permitiu identificar alterações na expressão de 254 genes de destoxificação no estômago e corpo gordo de A. gambiae durante a invasão do intestino médio pelos oocinetos e durante a libertação dos esporozoítos do oocisto. Os resultados mostraram que a invasão do intestino médio pelos oocinetos causou alterações num maior número de genes em ambos os tecidos estudados, sendo o intestino médio do mosquito o tecido mais afectado nas duas fases da infecção do parasita. De todos os genes de destoxificação com expressão alterada, as tubulinas e os citocromos P450 destacaram-se e foram escolhidos para continuar o estudo. As tubulinas foram seleccionadas porque estão associadas à invasão do epitélio do intestino médio e a sua função na resposta à invasão do Plasmodium ainda não está bem definida. Os citocromos P450 foram seleccionados porque já foram descritos como tendo a expressão alterada em resposta ao Plasmodium e a outras infecções. Para identificar e caracterizar o papel das tubulinas durante a infecção pelo parasita e a sua possível associação com os citocromos P450 foi utilizado o silenciamento génico por RNA de interferência e a injecção de inibidores químicos de tubulinas. O silenciamento e co-silenciamento das tubulinas causaram um aumento da taxa e intensidade da infecção. No entanto, apesar de o aumento ser consistente não foi significativo. Por outro lado, a injecção de paclitaxel, um inibidor de tubulinas, aumentou significativamente a taxa e intensidade da infecção, fortalecendo a hipótese do envolvimento das tubulinas na resposta à infecção por Plasmodium. Este trabalho também mostrou que o co-silenciamento da tubulina A e tubulina B e a injecção do inibidor de tubulinas colchicine causam alterações significativas na expressão da CYP6Z2, sendo este proposto como um possível elo de ligação entre as tubulinas e os citocromos P450. Finalmente, uma análise comparativa foi realizada para estudar as regiões promotoras dos citocromos P450: CYP6M2 e o CYP6Z1. Este estudo obteve novos dados sobre compostos que activam estes citocromos e quais os possíveis factores de transcrição envolvidos. Dos diferentes estímulos utilizados, a exposição a insecticidas e a bactérias foram os que mais afectaram estes citocromos. O conjunto total das diferentes abordagens utilizadas neste trabalho contribuiu para aumentar o conhecimento do papel das enzimas de destoxificação durante a passagem do parasita da malária pelo mosquito vector.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of essential oil aqueous solutions (hydrolates) obtained by steam distillation of stalks and leaves of Croton argyrophylloides, Croton nepetaefolius, Croton sonderianus and Croton zehntneri against Aedes aegypti larvae. Twenty-five larvae of third instar were placed in plastic beckers, containing the hydrolates (50 mL), in a four repetitions scheme. Water was used as control and the number of dead larvae was counted after 24 hours. The data obtained were submitted to Variance Analysis and Tukey test. Significant differences were observed among the hydrolates from different species and from different parts of each plant (p < 0.001). The hydrolates of stalk and leaf from C. nepetaefolius and C. zehntneri and leaf hydrolate of C. argyrophylloides presented 100% mortality against larvae. The compounds present in C. zenhtneri and C. nepetaefolius are oxygenated phenylpropanoids that are more soluble in water than the monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes detected in the oils of C. argyrophylloides and C. sonderianus. This study showed that all species analyzed presented compounds with larvicidal properties, with differences between each plant parts.


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Salivary gland proteins of the human malaria vector, Anopheles dirus B were determined and analyzed. The amount of salivary gland proteins in mosquitoes aged between 3 - 10 days was approximately 1.08 ± 0.04 µg/female and 0.1 ± 0.05 µg/male. The salivary glands of both sexes displayed the same morphological organization as that of other anopheline mosquitoes. In females, apyrase accumulated in the distal regions, whereas alpha-glucosidase was found in the proximal region of the lateral lobes. This differential distribution of the analyzed enzymes reflects specialization of different regions for sugar and blood feeding. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that at least seven major proteins were found in the female salivary glands, of which each morphological region contained different major proteins. Similar electrophoretic protein profiles were detected comparing unfed and blood-fed mosquitoes, suggesting that there is no specific protein induced by blood. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analysis showed the most abundant salivary gland protein, with a molecular mass of approximately 35 kilodaltons and an isoelectric point of approximately 4.0. These results provide basic information that would lead to further study on the role of salivary proteins of An. dirus B in disease transmission and hematophagy.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of diterpenoids obtained from the oil-resin of Copaifera reticulata against Aedes aegypti larvae, the principal vector of dengue and urban yellow fever. Four diterpenes were obtained from oil-resin extraction with organic solvents and subsequent chromatographic and spectroscopic procedures allowed to isolation and identification of these compounds as 3-b-acetoxylabdan-8(17)-13-dien-15-oic acid (1), alepterolic acid (2), 3-b-hidroxylabdan-8(17)-en-15-oic acid (3), and ent-agatic acid (4). Each compound was previously dissolved in dimethylsulphoxide, and distilled water was added to obtain the desired concentrations. Twenty larvae of third instars were placed into plastic beckers, containing the solution test (25 mL), in a five repetitions scheme, and their mortality, indicated by torpor and darkening of the cephalic capsule, was recorded after 48h. Probit analyses were used to determine lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC90) and their respective 95% confidence intervals. This study showed that only diterpenoids 1 and 2 exhibited larvicidal properties with LC50 of 0.8 ppm and 87.3 ppm, respectively, revealing the former as the most toxic compound against third instars of Ae. aegypti. Therefore, this compound seems to be an interesting source for new metabolite to be exploited.


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In view of the high circulation of migratory birds and the environmental and climatic conditions which favor the proliferation of arthropods, the Brazilian Pantanal is susceptible to circulation of arboviruses. However, the amount of data concerning arbovirus vectors in this area is scarce; therefore the aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of Culicidae species in the Nhecolândia Sub-region of South Pantanal, Brazil and their potential importance in the arbovirus transmission. A total of 3684 specimens of mosquitoes were captured, 1689 of which caught in the rainy season of 2007, were divided into 78 pools and submitted to viral isolation, Semi-Nested RT-PCR and Nested RT-PCR, with a view to identifying the most important arboviruses in Brazil. Simultaneously, 70 specimens of ticks found blood-feeding on horses were also submitted to the same virological assays. No virus was isolated and viral nucleic-acid detection by RT-PCR was also negative. Nevertheless, a total of 22 Culicidae species were identified, ten of which had previously been reported as vectors of important arboviruses. The diversity of species found blood-feeding on human and horse hosts together with the arboviruses circulation previously reported suggest that the Nhecolândia Sub-region of South Pantanal is an important area for arbovirus surveillance in Brazil.


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Irrigation schemes and dams have posed a great concern on public health systems of several countries, mainly in the tropics. The focus of the present review is to elucidate the different ways how these human interventions may have an effect on population dynamics of anopheline mosquitoes and hence, how local malaria transmission patterns may be changed. We discuss different studies within the three main tropical and sub-tropical regions (namely Africa, Asia and the Pacific and the Americas). Factors such as pre-human impact malaria epidemiological patterns, control measures, demographic movements, human behaviour and local Anopheles bionomics would determine if the implementation of an irrigation scheme or a dam will have negative effects on human health. Some examples of successful implementation of control measures in such settings are presented. The use of Geographic Information System as a powerful tool to assist on the study and control of malaria in these scenarios is also highlighted.


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Culex quinquefasciatus is a vector of human pathogens, including filarial nematodes and several viruses. Although its epidemiological relevance is known to vary across geographical regions, an understanding of its population genetic structure is still incipient. In light of this, we evaluated the genetic diversity of Cx. quinquefasciatus and Cx. pipiens x Cx. quinquefasciatus hybrids collected from nine localities in Brazil and one site in Argentina. We used mitochondrial genes cox1 and nd4, along with the coxA and wsp genes of the maternally-inherited Wolbachia endosymbiont. The nd4 fragment was invariant between samples, whilst cox1 exhibited four haplotypes that separated two types of Cx. quinquefasciatus, one clustered in southern Brazil. Low sequence diversity was generally observed, being discussed. Both Brazilian and Argentinian mosquitoes were infected with a single Wolbachia strain. As reported in previous studies with these populations, cox1 and nd4 diversity is not congruent with the population structure revealed by nuclear markers or alar morphology. Future Cx. quinquefasciatus research should, if possible, evaluate mtDNA diversity in light of other markers.


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Anopheles (Kerteszia) cruzii has been implicated as the primary vector of human and simian malarias out of the Brazilian Amazon and specifically in the Atlantic Forest regions. The presence of asymptomatic human cases, parasite-positive wild monkeys and the similarity between the parasites infecting them support the discussion whether these infections can be considered as a zoonosis. Although many aspects of the biology of An. cruzii have already been addressed, studies conducted during outbreaks of malaria transmission, aiming at the analysis of blood feeding and infectivity, are missing in the Atlantic Forest. This study was conducted in the location of Palestina, Juquitiba, where annually the majority of autochthonous human cases are notified in the Atlantic Forest of the state of São Paulo. Peridomiciliary sites were selected for collection of mosquitoes in a perimeter of up to 100 m around the residences of human malaria cases. The mosquitoes were analyzed with the purpose of molecular identification of blood-meal sources and to examine the prevalence of Plasmodium. A total of 13,441 females of An. (Ker.) cruzii were collected. The minimum infection rate was calculated at 0.03% and 0.01%, respectively, for P. vivax and P. malariae and only human blood was detected in the blood-fed mosquitoes analyzed. This data reinforce the hypothesis that asymptomatic human carriers are the main source of anopheline infection in the peridomiciliary area, making the probability of zoonotic transmission less likely to happen.


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Neste trabalho, é proposta uma modificação do tubo de Borel, habitualmente utilizado no laboratório para a criação individual de fêmeas de mosquitos. Os primeiros estudos foram realizados com o principal vetor da febre amarela no Brasil, Haemagogus janthinomys. Os resultados, comparados aos da literatura, mostraram um aumento do período de vida das fêmeas, que chegou a 72 dias, uma elevação do número de ovos, até 80, e um ciclo trofogônico mais curto, 7-8 dias. Estes resultados mostram boas perspectivas para estudos posteriores em laborattório sobre a transmissão vertical do vírus da febre amarela por este vetor.


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Neste trabalho, estudou-se as espécies do gênero Anopheles que se atraem por iscas humanas na Região de Buriticupu, Santa Luzia, Estado do Maranhão. Foram encontradas 7 espécies do subgênero Nyssorhyncus A. (N) darlingi, o principal vetor da malária humana na região, foi a espécie mais freqüente (53,1% da amostra total). Seguem na ordem de importância, A. (N) evansae (21.0%), A. (N) triannulatus (17.4%) e A. (N) nuñeztovari (4,8%). As demais espécies, A. (N) argyritarsis, A. (N) oswaldoi e A. (N) rangeli representaram juntas 3,7% da amostra total. As visitas foram mais frequentes no extra (51,7% da amostra total) do que no peridomicílio (45,7%). A. (N) darlingi e A. (N) evansae foram as únicas espécies encontradas no intradomicílio, numa proporção de aproximadamente 2,6% da amostra total. Os anofelinos ocorreram nas estações seca e chuvosa, com maior frequência na última, coincidindo com os elevados índices de caso de malária naquela região.


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Em 1996, foi realizado um levantamento da fauna de Culicidae (coleta de adultos e imaturos) em cinco dos dez municípios onde foram registrados 14 casos de febre amarela silvestre (Rio Preto da Eva, Iranduba, Manacapuru, Manaquiri e Careiro). Os mosquitos foram coletados utilizando-se armadilhas de luz CDC, inspeções domiciliares e captura com tubos coletores para isca humana. Foram identificadas entre adultos e imaturos 36 espécies de Culicidae, entre estas, nove foram encontradas apenas na fase imatura. Dentre os adultos, coletou-se espécies de Haemagogus janthinomys, Ha. leucocelaenus e Aedes fulvus, incluídas entre os vetores de febre amarela silvestre.