702 resultados para marketing management


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A 2010-es években járunk. A piaci szereplők megfigyelése szerint a világ autóipara Nyugat-Európából egyre inkább Kelet-Európába helyeződik át. Fontos kérdés az autóipar jövőjét tekintve, hogy ez a tendencia hogyan fog alakulni a továbbiakban. Ez az átmenet milyen hatással lesz egy olyan regionális, vertikálisan integrált vállalatcsoportra, mely több mint 20 éve a világ autóiparának egyik jelentős beszállítója. Megáll-e itt a folyamat vagy tovább megy Kelet felé?


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A szerző egy korábbi tanulmánya (Görög, 2013b) a projektteljesítési stratégiára vonatkozó projektvezetési szakirodalom alapján, tehát elméleti megfontolásokra alapozva, azonosította a projektpiac tipikus szegmensének alapvető sajátosságait, valamint ugyanígy levezette az ebben a piaci szegmensben működő projektalapú szervezetek piaci pozícióit alapvetően meghatározó tényezőket. A szerző ebben a tanulmányában az így feltárt sajátosságok és a piaci pozíciót determináló tényezők empirikus igazolására elvégzett kutatási eredményeit mutatja be.


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In his study - The Food Service Industry: Beliefs Held by Academics - by Jack Ninemeier, Associate Professor, School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management at Michigan State University, Associate Professor Ninemeier initially describes his study this way: “Those in the academic sector exert a great deal of influence on those they are training to enter the food service industry. One author surveyed educational institutions across the country to ascertain attitudes of teachers toward various segments of the industry.” Those essential segments of the industry serve as the underpinnings of this discussion and are four-fold. They are lodging, institutional, multi-unit, and single-unit properties. For each segment the analysis addressed factors relating to Marketing, management and operating concerns: Marketing, operations, fiscal management, innovation, future of the segment Employee-related concerns: quality of work life, training/education opportunities, career opportunities The study uses a survey of academicians as a guide; they point to segments of the food service industry students might be inclined to enter, or even ignore. The survey was done via a questionnaire sent from the campus of the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management at Michigan State University to 1850 full-time faculty members in two and four-year hospitality programs in the United States. Through the survey, Ninemeier wishes to reasonably address specific problems now confronting the food service industry. Those problems include but are not limited to: reducing employee turnover, retaining staff, increasing productivity and revenue, and attracting new staff. “Teachers in these programs are, therefore, an important plank in industry's platform designed to recruit students with appropriate background knowledge and interest in their operations,” Ninemeier says. Your author actually illustrates the survey results, in table form. The importance to an employee, of tangibles and intangibles such as morale, ego/esteem, wages, and benefits are each explored through the survey. According to the study, an interesting dichotomy exists in the institutional property element. Although, beliefs the academics hold about the institutional element suggest that it offers low job stress, attractive working conditions, and non-demanding competitive pressures, the survey and Ninemeier also observe: “Academics do not believe that many of their graduates will enter the institutional segment.” “If academic beliefs are incorrect, an educational program to educate academics about management and employee opportunities in the segment may be in order,” Ninemeier waxes philosophically.


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In an article entitled - The Specialist: Coming Soon To Your Local Hotel - by Stan Bromley, Regional Vice President and General Manager, Four Seasons Clift Hotel, San Francisco, the author’s introduction states: “An experienced hotelier discusses the importance of the delivery of a high “quality-to-value” ratio consistently to guests, particularly as the hotel market becomes specialized and a distinction is drawn between a “property” and a “hotel.” The author’s primary intention is to make you, the reader, aware of changes in the hospitality/hotel marketplace. From the embryo to the contemporary, the hotel market has consistently evolved; this includes but is not limited to mission statement, marketing, management, facilities, and all the tangibles and intangibles of the total hotel experience. “Although we are knocking ourselves out trying to be everything to everyone, I don't think hotel consumers are as interested in “mixing and matching” as they were in the past,” Bromley says. “Today's hotel guest is looking for “specialized care,” and is increasingly skeptical of our industry-wide hotel ads and promises of greatness.” As an example Bromley makes an analogy using retail outlets such as Macy’s, Saks, and Sears, which cater to their own unique market segment. Hotels now follow the same outline, he allows. “In my view, two key factors will make a hotel a success,” advises Bromley. “First, know your specialty and market to that segment. Second, make sure you consistently offer a high quality-to-value ratio. That means every day.” To emphasize that second point, Bromley offers this bolstering thought, “The second factor that will make or break your business is your ability to deliver a high "quality/value" ratio-and to do so consistently.” The author evidently considers quality-to-value ratio to be an important element. Bromley emphasizes the importance of convention and trade show business to the hotel industry. That business element cannot be over-estimated in his opinion. This doesn’t mean an operator who can accommodate that type of business should exclude other client opportunities outside the target market. It does mean, however, these secondary opportunities should only be addressed after pursuing the primary target strategy. After all, the largest profit margin lies in the center of the target. To amplify the above statement, and in reference to his own experience, Bromley says, “Being in the luxury end of the business I, on the other hand, need to uncover and book individuals and small corporate meetings more than convention or association business.


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The purpose of the study is to examine the impactof the timesharing concept on the resort industry in order to determine the industry's familiarity with timesharing and the industry's conception of the present and future effects of timesharing. The study utilizes two methods of research, primarydata and secondary data, to examine the concept of timesharing. This section includes information on the different forms of timesharing, the legal aspects, the marketing, management, finance and future of timesharing in order to educate the public about the concept. The primary data takes the form of a survey thatquestions hotel/motel operators in the Fort Lauderdale Beach area to determine their attitudes towards the impact of timesharing on the resort industy.


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Critical perspectives on theory play an important and valued role in disciplines across the academy. Feminist perspectives might be expected to be at or near the forefront of critical engagement with consumer behaviour theory, especially given the importance of gender in consumer research. Following a brief upsurge during the 1990s, critical feminist voices have been muted of late. This paper explores some reasons for this. It begins with a brief overview of research on gender and consumer behaviour and how insights from feminist theories and feminist activism began to alter our understanding of gendered consumption. It then discusses how postmodern and postfeminist perspectives have diluted feminism as a critique of gendered consumption. Finally, it argues that a return to materialist feminism would open up possibilities for new and more critical analyses of gendered consumption.


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By employing a research approach, known as subjective personal introspection - the critical "I" - four co-researchers wrote extensive autobiographical essays on their responses to an advertisement for Caffrey's Irish Ale. By delving in the shamelessly subjective this paper draws out the main themes by comparing, contrasting and critiquing the introspective insights of these four critical "I's". In doing so, it demonstrates that there can be no grounded interpretations of an advertising text, that the critical "I" can yield uniquely illuminating insights, and that its chief power, as a research method, lies in its capacity for creativity, imagination and discovery.


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This paper explores the ways in which consumers’ brand trust during a brand crisis is affected through direct experience versus when it is amplified through mass media. By using case-study methodology, our findings reveal that generalised public images of a product crisis initiate a public perception of risk, which provides more negative effects on brand trust than the actual consumers’ experience does. We introduce the media as a third partner influencing the trust relationship between consumers and brands, and offer suggestions for restoring and preserving customers’ brand trust.


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En los últimos años el término Economía Colaborativa se ha popularizado sin que, hasta el momento, haya sido definido de manera inequívoca. Bajo esta denominación se engloban experiencias tan diversas como bancos de tiempo, huertos urbanos, startups o grandes plataformas digitales. La proliferación de este tipo de iniciativas puede relacionarse con una multiplicidad de factores tales como el desarrollo tecnológico, la recesión económica y otras crisis superpuestas (medioambiental, de cuidados, de valores, de lo político) y un cierto cambio en los valores sociales. Entre 2014-2015 se han realizado dos investigaciones en Andalucía de manera casi paralela y con una metodología similar. La primera de ellas pretendía identificar prácticas de Economía Colaborativa en el entorno universitario. La segunda investigación identificaba experiencias de emprendimiento a nivel autonómico. A luz de los resultados obtenidos se plantea la siguiente cuestión sobre la naturaleza misma de la Economía Colaborativa: ¿nos encontramos ante prácticas postcapitalistas que abren el camino a una sociedad más justa e igualitaria o, más bien, estamos ante una respuesta del capital para, una vez más, seguir extrayendo de manera privada el valor que se genera socialmente? Este artículo, partiendo del análisis del conjunto de iniciativas detentadas en Andalucía, se centra en aquellas basadas en el software libre y la producción digital concluyendo cómo, gracias a la incorporación de ciertos aspectos de la ética hacker y las lógicas del conocimiento abierto, éstas pueden situarse dentro de un escenario de fomento de los comunes globales frente a las lógicas imperantes del capitalismo netárquico. 


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Este estudio describe la percepción de valor de los clientes actuales y potenciales de la firma consultora Penta sobre el servicio BPO de cultura corporativa y gestión humana en la ciudad de Medellín -- El trabajo fue de tipo descriptivo y de corte cualitativo, mediante la técnica de estudio de caso, sobre una población de catorce empresas -- Los resultados encontrados no solo ayudarán a que la firma consultora tome la decisión de implementar o no este nuevo servicio, sino que lleva a una reflexión frente al valor estratégico de la gestión humana y la reconfiguración a la que está llamada, luego de la aparición de la nueva generación de trabajadores conocida como millennials -- Las respuestas de las empresas entrevistadas permitieron conocer cómo el comportamiento de esta nueva generación incide en el funcionamiento y la competitividad de las empresas -- Luego del estudio se concluye que existe el potencial para crear el servicio, que se persigue que se convierta en una herramienta para las micro y las pequeñas empresas, de modo tal que les permita crecer en el mercado mediante el fortalecimiento y la estructuración del componente humano y cultural frente a un entorno competitivo de empresas medianas, nacionales y multinacionales


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Uno de los más importantes procesos que se lleva a cabo al interior de las áreas de mercadeo de toda empresa es la segmentación de clientes, puesto que determina las características principales que definen a los consumidores de los bienes y servicios de la misma -- Los bienes y servicios que las empresas de servicios públicos domiciliarios ofrecen a sus clientes no residenciales son parte vital de su aparato productivo y representan un porcentaje importante de su estructura de costos -- Este estudio parte del inventario de los criterios que son tenidos en cuenta por ellas para caracterizar sus segmentos en la actualidad hasta llegar a proponer nuevos criterios de segmentación y un modelo que les permita a las mencionadas organizaciones adaptar sus estrategias de mercadeo con base en las necesidades de los clientes, con el fin de generar comportamientos de lealtad con un impacto positivo en sus retornos financieros


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A fogyasztói lojalitás elméleti és empirikus vizsgálata már több mint két évtizede népszerű a nemzetközi és hazai szakirodalomban. Hosszú ideje a vita az ügyfélhűség fontosságáról szól, és számtalan forgatókönyvet találhatunk arra vonatkozóan, hogy hogyan tartsuk meg fogyasztóinkat, és annak milyen pozitív hatásai lehetnek a B2C piacokon a szervezetek teljesítményére. Sajnos ugyanez nem mondható el a vállalatok közötti (B2B) lojalitásvizsgálatokkal kapcsolatban. Sokkal kevesebb az elméleti fejtegetés, és sokkal kevesebb az empirikus kutatás ezen a területen. A lojalitás kérdésében kétségtelenül több a hasonlóság, mint a különbség a B2B és a B2C piacokon, de mégis nagyobb figyelmet érdemelne az olyan tényezők vizsgálata a B2B piacokon, mint az érték, a kapcsolatépítés, az elkötelezettség, a bizalom, a kölcsönösség. A tanulmány egy átfogó empirikus kutatás kvalitatív vizsgálati eredményeivel kíván rávilágítani arra, hogy miként is vélekednek az egymással kapcsolatban lévő szervezetek a B2B lojalitásról.


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This research enhances the understanding of consumer behaviour and customer experience in the context of town centres. First, it defines town centre customer experience (TCCE) as a multifaceted journey that combines interactions with a diverse range of public and private organisations, including retailers and social and community elements; this results in a unique experience co-created with the consumer across a series of functional and experiential touchpoints. Second, combining qualitative and quantitative insights, this research reveals a series of specific functional and experiential TCCE touchpoints, which underpin the consumer internal response (motivation to visit) and outward behaviour (desire to stay and revisit intentions) in the town centre. In addition to enhancing town centre and customer experience knowledge, these findings offer important new insights to those managing town centres and seeking to retain customer loyalty in the high street. Above all, these findings can help identify the touchpoints that need to be reinforced and/or improved to differentiate a town from its competing centres and to create tailored marketing strategies. Taken together, such initiatives have the potential to positively impact the revitalisation of the high street and the town centre economy.