580 resultados para mares


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Ao longo dos meses de estágio acompanhei diversos procedimentos médicos veterinários, sendo que a maior parte deles diziam respeito à área da reprodução equina. A Raça Puro Sangue Lusitano (PSL) é a mais importante raça portuguesa autóctone de equinos. Contudo, não existem muitos estudos no que respeita à sua eficiência reprodutiva. Este trabalho pretende fazer um estudo sobre o efeito da idade da égua e do tipo de cobrição (natural e inseminação artificial - IA) na taxa de fertilidade de éguas PSL, através do cálculo das diferentes taxas de gestação. Neste estudo, verificou-se que a percentagem de éguas gestantes no final da época reprodutiva foi de 90%, encontrando-se dentro dos valores esperados (71% - 96%). Os dados foram recolhidos durante a época reprodutiva de 2011/2012 e permitiram-me elaborar um estudo retrospectivo para melhor perceber a prática do maneio reprodutivo equino e a influência de alguns parâmetros na taxa de fertilidade das éguas. Relativamente aos diferentes tipos de sémen, verificou-se que a taxa de fertilidade em éguas cobertas por cobrição natural (n=14) foi de 78,6% e por IA (n=36) foi de 94,4%, resultado que se situa dentro dos valores esperados. No que respeita à IA, a taxa de fertilidade com sémen fresco (n=16) foi de 93,8%, com sémen refrigerado (n=19) foi de 94,7% e com sémen congelado (n=1) foi de 100%. Os valores para sémen fresco e refrigerado encontram-se dentro do esperado, sendo que para sémen congelado este é muito superior aos valores reportados na bibliografia, visto ser o tipo de sémen com menores taxas de fertilidade. Este facto deve-se, provavelmente, à dimensão da amostra, e ao facto de o sémen congelado ser de elevada qualidade. Neste estudo verificamos também que não há relação estatística entre a idade das éguas e a taxa de gestação, contrariamente ao que é referido na bibliografia, o que se deverá provavelmente ao tamanho da amostra (n=50).


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Endogenous formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), which are known animal carcinogens, could contribute to human carcinogenesis but definitive evidence is still lacking. To investigate the relevance of NOCs in human colorectal cancer (CRC) development, we analyzed whole genome gene expression modifications in human colon biopsies in relation to fecal NOC exposure. We had a particular interest in patients suffering from intestinal inflammation as this may stimulate endogenous NOC formation, and consequently predispose to CRC risk. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome patients without inflammation, serving as controls, were therefore recruited. Fecal NOC were demonstrated in the majority of subjects. By associating gene expression levels of all subjects to fecal NOC levels, we identified a NOC exposure-associated transcriptomic response that suggests that physiological NOC concentrations may potentially induce genotoxic responses and chromatin modifications in human colon tissue, both of which are linked to carcinogenicity. In a network analysis, chromatin modifications were linked to 11 significantly modulated histone genes, pointing towards a possible epigenetic mechanism that may be relevant in comprehending NOC-induced carcinogenesis. In addition, pro-inflammatory transcriptomic modifications were identified in visually non-inflamed regions of the IBD colon. However, fecal NOC levels were slightly but not significantly increased in IBD patients, suggesting that inflammation did not strongly stimulate NOC formation. We conclude that NOC exposure is associated with gene expression modifications in the human colon that may suggest a potential role of these compounds in CRC development.


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Red meat consumption is associated with an increased colorectal cancer (CRC) risk, which may be due to an increased endogenous formation of genotoxic N-nitroso compounds (NOCs). To assess the impact of red meat consumption on potential risk factors of CRC, we investigated the effect of a 7-day dietary red meat intervention in human subjects on endogenous NOC formation and fecal water genotoxicity in relation to genome-wide transcriptomic changes induced in colonic tissue. The intervention showed no effect on fecal NOC excretion but fecal water genotoxicity significantly increased in response to red meat intake. Colonic inflammation caused by inflammatory bowel disease, which has been suggested to stimulate endogenous nitrosation, did not influence fecal NOC excretion or fecal water genotoxicity. Transcriptomic analyses revealed that genes significantly correlating with the increase in fecal water genotoxicity were involved in biological pathways indicative of genotoxic effects, including modifications in DNA damage repair, cell cycle, and apoptosis pathways. Moreover, WNT signaling and nucleosome remodeling pathways were modulated which are implicated in human CRC development. We conclude that the gene expression changes identified in this study corroborate the genotoxic potential of diets high in red meat and point towards a potentially increased CRC risk in humans.


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Three strains of a Gram-positive, catalase-positive, fermentative, non-lipophilic, previously unknown bacterium were isolated from urogenital samples taken from mares in Scotland (M401624/00/1) and Sweden (VM 2074 and VM 2298T). All were deposited with the CCUG with tentative identifications as Corynebacterium spp. The strains were characterized using a polyphasic taxonomic approach. Biochemically, the strains were very similar to each other, but phylogenetically distinct from Corynebacterium species with validly published names (≤95% sequence similarity). rpoB gene sequence data confirmed the strains belonged to the same species (>99% sequence similarity) and were distinct from species with validly published names (>13% sequence divergence). On the basis of phenotypic and sequence data, the strains represent a novel species within the genus Corynebacterium, for which the name Corynebacterium uterequi is proposed. The type strain is VM 2298T (=CCUG 61235T = DSM 45634T), isolated from equine uterus.


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Transplantation of pancreatic islets is efficient in improving the metabolic control and quality of life and in preventing severe hypoglycemia in patients with brittle type I diabetes mellitus. More accurate methods to assess islet viability would be extremely useful in designing target interventions for islet cytoprorection and in reducing the number of islets required to achieve insulin independence. Here we report on an application of calorimetry to evaluate the metabolic response of pancreatic islets to glucose stimulation. A significant increase in metabolic heat was produced by islet samples when consecutively subjected to 2.8 and 16.3 mmol L-1 glucose. Under these glucose concentrations, 1000 islets released average heat values of 9.16 +/- 0.71 mJ and 14.90 +/- 1.21 mJ over 50 min, respectively. Additionally, the glucose stimulation indexes were 1.67 +/- 0.30 for insulin. 1.72 +/- 0.13 for heat and 2.91 +/- 0.50 for lactate, raising the important possibility of substituting the secreted insulin index/ratio by the index/ratio of the heat released in the evaluation of Langerhans islets viability for transplantation. Altogether, Our results demonstrate the applicability of calorimetry to assess the quality of isolated pancreatic islets and to study vital islet functions. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Background. Microencapsulation of pancreatic islets with polymeric compounds constitutes an attractive alternative therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus. The major limiting factor is the availability of a biocompatible and mechanically stable polymer. We investigated the potential of Biodritin, a novel polymer constituted of alginate and chondroitin sulfate, for islet microencapsulation. Methods. Biodritin microcapsules were obtained using an air jet droplet generator and gelated with barium or calcium chloride. Microencapsulated rat insulinoma RINm5F cells were tested for viability using the [3-(4,5-dimetyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-tetrazoliumbromide] [MTT] colorimetric assay. Microencapsulated rat pancreatic islets were coincubated with macrophages derived from mouse peritoneal liquid to assess the immunomodulatory potential of the microcapsules, using quantitative real time-PCR (qPCR). Biodritin biocompatibility was demonstrated by subcutaneous injection of empty microcapsules into immunocompetent Wistar rats. Insulin secretion by microencapsulated human pancreatic islets was evaluated using an electrochemoluminescent assay. Microencapsulated human islets transplanted into chemically induced diabetic mice were monitored for reversal of hyperglycemia. Results. The metabolic activity of microencapsulated RINm5F cells persisted for at least 15 days. Interleukin-1 beta expression by macrophages was observed during coculture with islets microencapsulated with Biodritin-CaCl2, but not with Biodritin-BaCl2. No statistical difference in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion was observed between nonencapsulated and microencapsulated islets. Upon microencapsulated islet transplantation, the blood glucose level of diabetic mice normalized; they remained euglycemic for at least 60 days, displaying normal oral glucose tolerance tests. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that Biodritin can be used for islet microencapsulation and reversal of diabetes; however, further investigations are required to assess its potential for long-term transplantation.


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Social and economical development is closely associated with technological innovation and a well-developed biotechnological industry. In the last few years, Brazil`s scientific production has been steadily increasing; however, the number of patents is lagging behind, with technological and translational research requiring governmental incentive and reinforcement. The Cell and Molecular Therapy Center (NUCEL) was created to develop activities in the translational research field, addressing concrete problems found in biomedical and veterinary areas and actively searching for solutions by employing a genetic engineering approach to generate cell lines over-expressing recombinant proteins to be transferred to local biotech companies, aiming at furthering the development of a national competence for local production of biopharmaceuticals of widespread use and of life-saving importance. To this end, mammalian cell engineering technologies were used to generate cell lines over-expressing several different recombinant proteins of biomedical and biotechnological interest, namely, recombinant human Amylin/IAPP for diabetes treatment, human FVIII and FIX clotting factors for hemophilia, human and bovine FSH for fertility and reproduction, and human bone repair proteins (BMPs). Expression of some of these proteins is also being sought with the baculovirus/insect cell system (BEVS) which, in many cases, is able to deliver high-yield production of recombinant proteins with biological activity comparable to that of mammalian systems, but in a much more cost-effective manner. Transfer of some of these recombinant products to local Biotech companies has been pursued by taking advantage of the Sao Paulo State Foundation (FAPESP) and Federal Government (FINEP, CNPq) incentives for joint Research Development and Innovation partnership projects.


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The ethanol extract from Xyris pteygoblephara aerial parts was evaluated against five microorganism strains, by the microdilution and agar diffusion methods. Extract fractionation led to the isolation of three compounds, whose structures were assigned by spectrometric data (113 and 2D NMR, IR, MS and UV) as (3R,4R)-(-)-6-methoxy-3,4-dihydro-3-n-pentil-4-acethoxy-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one (1), moronic acid and quercetin. The absolute configuration of I was defined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and comparison with data reported for other dihydroisocoumarins. Assay of 1 (100 mu g/disc) by the agar diffusion method against clinical isolates of the dermatophytes Epidermophyton floccosum (inhibition zone, mm +/- s.d.: 4.5 +/- 0.8), Trichophyton mentagrophytes (4.8 +/- 0.4) and Trichophyton rubrum (10.2 +/- 0.8) revealed similar inhibition zones to the positive control amphotericin B (32 mu g/disc; 5.0 +/- 0.2; 5.0 +/- 0.6 and 8.8 +/- 1.2, respectively). The result corroborates the ethnomedical use of Xyris species to treat dermatitis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Erythroxylum species have several traditional uses in different countries, including the treatment of hypertension. The ethanol extract from E. gonocladum aerial parts, a species endemic to the Brazilian cerrado, elicited a concentration-dependent inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) (pIC(50)=4.53 +/- 0.05). Extract fractionation led to the isolation of two compounds, whose structures were assigned by spectrometric data as astilbin and beta-sitosterol, along with a mixture of palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids. This is the first report on the occurrence of these compounds on E. gonocladum. Astilbin promoted significant ACE inhibition in vitro (pIC(50)=5.86 +/- 0.33) and its activity did not differ from captopril, when both compounds were assayed at 10 mu M concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The characterization and identification of proteolytic bacteria from the gut of the velvetbean caterpillar (Anticarsia gemmatalis) were the objectives of this study. Twelve aerobic and anaerobic isolates of proteolytic bacteria were obtained from the caterpillar gut in calcium caseinate agar. The number of colony forming units (CFUs) of proteolytic bacteria was higher when the bacteria were extracted from caterpillars reared on artificial diet rather than on soybean leaves (1.73 +/- 0.35 X 10(3) and 0.55 +/- 0.22 X 10(3) CFU/mg gut, respectively). The isolated bacteria were divided into five distinct groups, according to their polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment-length polymorphism profiles. After molecular analysis, biochemical tests and fatty acid profile determination, the bacteria were identified as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Enterococcus gallinarum, Enterococcus mundtii, and Staphylococcus xylosus. Bacterial proteolytic activity was assessed through in vitro colorimetric assays for (general) proteases, serine proteases, and cysteine proteases. The isolated bacteria were able of hydrolyzing all tested substrates, except Staphylococcus xylosus, which did not exhibit serine protease activity. This study provides support for the hypothesis that gut proteases from velvetbean caterpillar are not exclusively secreted by the insect cells but also by their symbiotic gut bacteria. The proteolytic activity from gut symbionts of the velvetbean caterpillar is suggestive of their potential role minimizing the potentially harmful consequences of protease inhibitors from some of this insect host plants, such as soybean, with implications for the management of this insect pest species.


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Keynote addresses: What next for Australia's refugee policy? / Peter Mares -- One year after Tampa: refugees, deportees and TPVs / Chris Sidoti -- Academic papers: The tension of re-other-ing bodies / Snezana Dabic -- Acting for asylum: the nexus of pro-refugee activism in Melbourne / Helen Hintjens & Alison Jarman -- Biopolitics and the 'problem' of the refugee / Matthew Holt -- Temporary protection of refugees: Australian policy and international comparison / Fethi Mansouri & Michael Leach --The not-so-special benefit and non-mutual obligation: refugees on a TPV and income support arrangements / Greg Marston -- Family separation: Somali women in Melbourne / Celia McMichael & Malyun Ahmed -- Embodying exile: protest, performance, trauma and effect in the formation of East Timorese refugee identities / Amanda Wise -- Personal and Community Sector Perspectives -- A personal experience of the TPV policy / Mueen Al-Breihi -- A city of refuge?: protecting the social and cultural rights of refugees in Brisbane / Renae Mann -- Temporary protection visas, recovery from trauma and personal identity / Helen Martin -- All I ask for is protection: young people seeking asylum in Australia / Samira Mohamed.


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As the work of the UN Special Representative (UNSR) for business and human rights moves towards its conclusion in mid-2011, the core principles of the UNSR’s ‘responsibility to respect’ framework have received widespread endorsement from businesses, NGOs and governments. The translation of these general principles into specific obligations governing business activity will need to differ according to context. The reasons why overarching regulatory principles can get ‘lost in translation’ when applied in practice have important implications for understanding how the UNSR’s responsibility to respect framework can be meaningfully implemented across widely varying regulatory contexts. The central goal of this chapter is to understand why and under what conditions this loss is likely to arise, and how regulatory standards for business and human rights might be designed to enable the responsibility to respect principle to be applied in context-sensitive ways, without losing regulatory force.