863 resultados para informal discussion
This thesis strived to find out which informal learning (IL) mechanisms are used the most by the respondents. Additionally, the goal was to know more about the respondents as informal learners and what could explain possible differences. The target was to resolve whether informal learning explains differences in individual performance or, do some other explanations for success exist. Informal learning was to be made more visible, since many are unaware of it. Relevant IL mechanisms that the interviewees could explain were selected for this thesis. The theory on informal learning was presented and some additional informal learning mechanisms were included: Underlying learning theories, internal and external learning resources, as well as some sport related informal learning mechanisms. Various scholars have explained these terms. The final results of this thesis relate to business context, but sport is at the scope of my research. The target group consisted of nine individuals in team sports that were considered as high performers (good/successful). Hence, also the concept of high performance was clarified with competence, expertise and talent literature. The study is qualitative and face-to-face interviews were chosen. The data was analyzed with Grounded Theory principles and theory elaboration. This thesis pointed out similarities and differences between the respondents´ answers (good/successful, inexperienced/experienced). Thus, the analysis clarified that there are different attitudes to learning and different learner profiles in sports context. Also, it became clear that some informal learning mechanisms are more used than others. Secondly, based on the most crucial differences, Typology of Talentum was formulated based on Le Deist & Winteron´s (2005, 39) Typology of holistic competence. Some variables of informal learning seemed to constitute the Meta-competence of Typology that ultimately causes the differences in individual performance and success. The results can be transferred to business context because meta-competence is transferable by nature.
This study discusses the procedures of value co-creation that persist in gaming industry. The purpose of this study was to identify the procedures that persist in current video gaming industry which answers the main research problem how value is co-created in video gaming industry followed by three sub questions: (i) What is value co-creation in gaming industry? (ii) Who participates in value co-creation in gaming industry? (iii) What are the procedures that are involved in value co-creation in gaming industry? The theoretical background of the study consists of literature relating to the theory of marketing i.e., notion of value, conventional understanding of value creation, value chain, co-creation approach, co-production approach. The research adopted qualitative research approach. As a platform of relationship researcher used web 2.0 tool interface. Data were collected from the social networks and netnography method was applied for analyzing them. Findings show that customer and company both co-create optimum level of value while they interact with each other and within the customers as well. However mostly the C2C interaction, discussions and dialogues threads that emerged around the main discussion facilitated to co-create value. In this manner, companies require exploiting and further motivating, developing and supporting the interactions between customers participating in value creation. Hierarchy of value co-creation processes is the result derived from the identified challenges of value co-creation approach and discussion forums data analysis. Overall three general sets and seven topics were found that explored the phenomenon of customer to customer (C2C) and business to customer (B2C) interaction/debating for value co-creation through user generated contents. These topics describe how gamer contributes and interacts in co-creating value along with companies. A methodical quest in current research literature acknowledged numerous evolving flows of value in this study. These are general management perspective, new product development and innovation, virtual customer environment, service science and service dominant logic. Overall the topics deliver various realistic and conceptual implications for using and handling gamers in social networks for augmenting customers’ value co-creation process.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vammaisiksi määriteltyjen ihmisten kansalaisasemaa suomalaisessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeisessä vammaispoliittisessa keskustelussa. Analyysissa huomioidaan suomalaisen vammaishuollon molemmista päälinjoista, eli invalidihuollosta sekä vajaamielis- ja kehitysvammahuollosta, käydyt keskustelut. Tutkimuksen aikarajauksena toimii niin kutsuttu invalihuollon kausi, joka ulottui lakisääteisen vammaishuollon tarpeesta 1940-luvun taitteessa virinneestä keskustelusta vuoteen 1987, jolloin säädettiin periaatteiltaan edeltävään lainsäädäntöön verrattuna uudenlainen laki vammaisuuden perusteella järjestettävistä palveluista ja tukitoimista. Vammaisuuden käsitettä lähestytään tutkimuksessa yhtenä modernin sosiaalipoliittisen lainsäädännön kategorioista, jotka ovat vapauttaneet kansalaisen velvollisuudesta itsensä ja perheensä elättämiseen ja oikeuttaneet hänet toimeentulossaan sosiaaliturvaan. Tutkimuksessa pyritään hahmottamaan millaiseksi tutkimuksen kohteena olevien vammaisten ryhmien kansalaisasema tutkimusajankohtana ymmärrettiin. Tarkastelussa keskitytään kansalaisuuden käsitteen niin kutsuttuun aineellisoikeudelliseen sisältöön analysoimalla tutkimuksen kohteena olevissa keskusteluissa esiintyneitä kansalaisuuden ideaaleja ja käsityksiä kansalaisen ja valtion suhteesta. Tutkimusaihetta lähestytään etsimällä vastausta kysymyksiin 1) Mihin yhteiskunnallisiin ongelmiin invalidihuollosta ja vajaamielis- tai 312 kehitysvammahuollosta käydyissä asiantuntijakeskusteluissa haettiin ratkaisuja? 2) Millaisia tavoitteita huollolle asetettiin? 3) Millaiseksi hahmotettiin huollon kohderyhmien asema ja tehtävät yhteiskunnassa? Analyysissa keskitytään huollosta käydyn asiantuntijakeskustelun tarkasteluun. Tutkimuksen keskeisin lähdeaineisto muodostuu tutkimusajankohdan vammaishuoltoa käsittelevästä lainsäädännöstä, sen valmistelun materiaaleista sekä vammaisjärjestöjen ja muiden alan asiantuntijoiden vammaishuollosta julkisuudessa käymästä keskustelusta. Tutkimuksessa esitetään, että suomalaisen vammaispolitiikan ja vammaisten kansalaisaseman kehityksessä on tutkimusajankohtana erotettavissa kolme vaihetta: 1) 1940–1950-lukujen yhteiskunnan rationalisointia ja sosiaalisten ongelmien vähentämistä painottaneella ennaltaehkäisevän huoltopolitiikan kaudella vammaiset ihmiset hahmotettiin yhteiskunnan reunamilla tai ulkopuolella olevaksi erityisryhmäksi, joka tuli pyrkiä huollon toimenpiteillä integroimaan omalle paikalleen yhteiskunnan kokonaisuuteen. 2) 1960-luvun kuntoutusideaalin laajenemisen kaudella vammaishuollon julkilausutuksi tavoitteeksi omaksuttiin yksilön edun ajaminen. 3) 1970–1980-lukujen normalisaation periaatetta painottaneessa vammaispolitiikassa tavoitteeksi otettiin vammaisille tarkoitettujen erityisjärjestelmien purkaminen sekä vammaisten tasa-arvoisen kansalaisaseman turvaaminen heidän osallistumismahdollisuuksiaan parantavilla tukitoimenpiteillä.
The purpose of this research was to study how management trainee program participants experienced the program with respect to their learning and competence development. Additionally, the purpose was also to examine what the trainees learned and how the learning occurred. Furthermore, factors affecting learning in the workplace were examined. The theoretical framework of this research was formed utilizing individual competence and informal learning frameworks. Research was conducted as a single case study and data was gathered by thematic interviews. The results of this research indicate that the trainees experienced the program as a good method for learning the overall picture of the organization and its business. Regarding competence development, especially knowledge- and cognitive competence categories were developed during the program. The best learning outcomes were achieved through learning by doing, in co-operation with others, and learning from others. The results indicate that the planning of the program and its structure have a significant effect on learning. Furthermore, a sufficient level of challenge was experienced as being important for the quality of the learning as well.
Tämä tutkimus osallistuu organisaation oppimiseen liittyvästä osaamisen jalkauttamisesta käytävään akateemiseen ja käytännön johtamisen keskusteluun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kuvata ja ymmärtää, miten kranaatinheitinkouluttajien AHJO-ammunnanhallintajärjestelmän käytön osaaminen rakentuu Puolustus-voimissa. Tutkimuskysymystä lähestytään analysoimalla viittä asiantuntijahaastat-telua ja 58 kirjallista tutkimuskyselyvastausta. Tutkimuksen mukaan AHJO-osaaminen rakentuu yksilötasolla formaalien, non-formaalien ja informaalien oppimismenetelmien vuorovaikutuksessa. Peruskoulutuksen aikainen formaali opetus vaikuttaa korostuvan perusosaamisen rakentamisessa, kun taas syvemmän osaamisen kehittämisen edellytyksenä vaikuttaa olevan informaali harjaantuminen. Non-formaalin täydennyskoulutuksen merkitys korostuu vähemmän harjaantuneen henkilöstön osaamisen rakentamisessa sekä järjestelmän käyttöönottokynnyksen madaltamisessa.
Para fornecer dados sobre a influência climática e a forma de comercialização sobre carotenóides de vegetais, este estudo pesquisou o conteúdo de alfa e beta-caroteno e o valor de vitamina A de sete hortaliças (batata-doce, cenoura, moranga, pimentão, quiabo, tomate e vagem), na cidade de Viçosa (MG), utilizando a Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência. Compararam-se hortaliças comercializadas nos mercados formal (mercados locais) e informal (feira livre) durante primavera, verão e outono. A cenoura apresentou os teores mais elevados de alfa e beta-caroteno (31,17 e 58,18 µg/g, respectivamente), seguida pela moranga (4,33 e 23,16 µg/g, respectivamente), enquanto a batata-doce apresentou o teor mais reduzido de beta-caroteno (0,51 µg/g). O valor de vitamina A variou conforme o perfil de alfa e beta-caroteno. Com exceção da cenoura e do quiabo, não houve influência significativa do local de comercialização sobre o conteúdo de carotenóides. A variação do conteúdo de carotenos nas estações do ano foi inexpressiva, sendo que apenas o pimentão apresentou valores significativamente diferentes. Porções de 100 g das hortaliças analisadas fornecem entre 3 e 78% da recomendação de vitamina A.
Integration of marketing research data in new product development. Case study: Food industry company
The aim of this master’s thesis is to provide a real life example of how marketing research data is used by different functions in the NPD process. In order to achieve this goal, a case study in a company was implemented where gathering, analysis, distribution and synthesis of marketing research data in NPD were studied. The main research question was formulated as follows: How is marketing research data integrated and used by different company functions in the NPD process? The theory part of the master’s thesis was focused on the discussion of the marketing function role in NPD, use of marketing research particularly in the food industry, as well as issues related to the marketing/R&D interface during the NPD process. The empirical part of the master’s thesis was based on qualitative explanatory case study research. Individual in-depth interviews with company representatives, company documents and online research were used for data collection and analyzed through triangulation method. The empirical findings advocate that the most important marketing data sources at the concept generation stage of NPD are: global trends monitoring, retailing audit and consumers insights. These data sets are crucial for establishing the potential of the product on the market and defining the desired features for the new product to be developed. The findings also suggest the example of successful crossfunctional communication during the NPD process with formal and informal communication patterns. General managerial recommendations are given on the integration in NPD of a strategy, process, continuous improvement, and motivated cross-functional product development teams.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the quality of propolis produced and commercialized informally in São Paulo State through physicochemical analyses of ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP). Thus, 40 samples of in nature propolis, provided by beekeepers from 32 towns, were analyzed. The EEP were prepared in a proportion of 30% (w/v), and the physicochemical tests were performed according to the Technical Regulation of Propolis Identity and Quality. The pH of each EEP sample was also evaluated. Regarding the dry extract, it was observed that 80% of the samples meet the minimum requirements established by the Brazilian legislation. With regard to the oxidizing property, 67.5% of EEP were below the maximum time allowed for oxidation. With regard to the solubility in lead acetate, 97.5% of the samples showed positive results, whereas no sample produced a negative result in terms of solubility in sodium hydroxide. Regarding the concentration of flavonoids, 95% of the samples produced results consistent with the minimum value allowed, and regarding the phenolic compounds, all samples were in accordance with the legislation. The EEP pH was slightly acidic. Therefore, it can be concluded that most EEP is consistently in accordance with the Brazilian legislation, which suggests that good quality propolis is produced by those beekeepers.
The purpose of this thesis is to focus on credit risk estimation. Different credit risk estimation methods and characteristics of credit risk are discussed. The study is twofold, including an interview of a credit risk specialist and a quantitative section. Quantitative section applies the KMV model to estimate credit risk of 12 sample companies from three different industries: automobile, banking and financial sector and technology. Timeframe of the estimation is one year. On the basis of the KMV model and the interview, implications for analysis of credit risk are discussed. The KMV model yields consistent results with the existing credit ratings. However, banking and financial sector requires calibration of the model due to high leverage of the industry. Credit risk is considerably driven by leverage, value and volatility of assets. Credit risk models produce useful information on credit worthiness of a business. Yet, quantitative models often require qualitative support in the decision-making situation.
This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.