555 resultados para horne-zeilinger entanglement


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Recent observations from the EISCAT incoherent scatter radar have revealed bursts of poleward ion flow in the dayside auroral ionosphere which are consistent with the ionospheric signature of flux transfer events at the magnetopause. These bursts frequently contain ion drifts which exceed the neutral thermal speed and, because the neutral thermospheric wind is incapable of responding sufficiently rapidly, toroidal, non-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions are expected. The EISCAT observations are made with high time resolution (15 seconds) and at a large angle to the geomagnetic field (73.5°), allowing the non-Maxwellian nature of the distribution to be observed remotely for the first time. The observed features are also strongly suggestive of a toroidal distribution: characteristic spectral shape, increased scattered power (both consistent with reduced Landau damping and enhanced electric field fluctuations) and excessively high line-of-sight ion temperatures deduced if a Maxwellian distribution is assumed. These remote sensing observations allow the evolution of the distributions to be observed. They are found to be non-Maxwellian whenever the ion drift exceeds the neutral thermal speed, indicating that such distributions can exist over the time scale of the flow burst events (several minutes).


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The effect of a prolonged period of strongly northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) on the high-latitude F-region is studied using data from the EISCAT Common Programme Zero mode of operation on 11–12 August 1982. The analysis of the raw autocorrelation functions is kept to the directly derived parameters Ne, Te, Ti and velocity, and limits are defined for the errors introduced by assumptions about ion composition and by changes in the transmitted power and system constant. Simple data-cleaning criteria are employed to eliminate problems due to coherent signals and large background noise levels. The observed variations in plasma densities, temperatures and velocities are interpreted in terms of supporting data from ISEE-3 and local riometers and magnetometers. Both field-aligned and field-perpendicular plasma flows at Tromsø showed effects of the northward IMF: convection was slow and irregular and field-aligned flow profiles were characteristic of steady-state polar wind outflow with flux of order 1012 m−2 s−1. This period followed a strongly southward IMF which had triggered a substorm. The substorm gave enhanced convection, with a swing to equatorward flow and large (5 × 1012 m−2 s−1), steady-state field-aligned fluxes, leading to the possibility of O+ escape into the magnetosphere. The apparent influence of the IMF over both field-perpendicular and field-aligned flows is explained in terms of the cross-cap potential difference and the location of the auroral oval.


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Subtle quantum properties offer exciting new prospects in optical communications. For example, quantum entanglement enables the secure exchange of cryptographic keys(1) and the distribution of quantum information by teleportation(2,3). Entangled bright beams of light are increasingly appealing for such tasks, because they enable the use of well-established classical communications techniques(4). However, quantum resources are fragile and are subject to decoherence by interaction with the environment. The unavoidable losses in the communication channel can lead to a complete destruction of entanglement(5-8), limiting the application of these states to quantum-communication protocols. We investigate the conditions under which this phenomenon takes place for the simplest case of two light beams, and analyse characteristics of states which are robust against losses. Our study sheds new light on the intriguing properties of quantum entanglement and how they may be harnessed for future applications.


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We consider bipartitions of one-dimensional extended systems whose probability distribution functions describe stationary states of stochastic models. We define estimators of the information shared between the two subsystems. If the correlation length is finite, the estimators stay finite for large system sizes. If the correlation length diverges, so do the estimators. The definition of the estimators is inspired by information theory. We look at several models and compare the behaviors of the estimators in the finite-size scaling limit. Analytical and numerical methods as well as Monte Carlo simulations are used. We show how the finite-size scaling functions change for various phase transitions, including the case where one has conformal invariance.


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We present a technique to build, within a dissipative bosonic network, decoherence-free channels (DFCs): a group of normal-mode oscillators with null effective damping rates. We verify that the states protected within the DFC define the well-known decoherence-free subspaces (DFSs) when mapped back into the natural network oscillators. Therefore, our technique to build protected normal-mode channels turns out to be an alternative way to build DFSs, which offers advantages over the conventional method. It enables the computation of all the network-protected states at once, as well as leading naturally to the concept of the decoherence quasi-free subspace (DQFS), inside which a superposition state is quasi-completely protected against decoherence. The concept of the DQFS, weaker than that of the DFS, may provide a more manageable mechanism to control decoherence. Finally, as an application of the DQFSs, we show how to build them for quasi-perfect state transfer in networks of coupled quantum dissipative oscillators.


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In this paper we extend the results presented in (de Ponte, Mizrahi and Moussa 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 032101) to treat quantitatively the effects of reservoirs at finite temperature in a bosonic dissipative network: a chain of coupled harmonic oscillators whatever its topology, i.e., whichever the way the oscillators are coupled together, the strength of their couplings and their natural frequencies. Starting with the case where distinct reservoirs are considered, each one coupled to a corresponding oscillator, we also analyze the case where a common reservoir is assigned to the whole network. Master equations are derived for both situations and both regimes of weak and strong coupling strengths between the network oscillators. Solutions of these master equations are presented through the normal ordered characteristic function. These solutions are shown to be significantly involved when temperature effects are considered, making difficult the analysis of collective decoherence and dispersion in dissipative bosonic networks. To circumvent these difficulties, we turn to the Wigner distribution function which enables us to present a technique to estimate the decoherence time of network states. Our technique proceeds by computing separately the effects of dispersion and the attenuation of the interference terms of the Wigner function. A detailed analysis of the dispersion mechanism is also presented through the evolution of the Wigner function. The interesting collective dispersion effects are discussed and applied to the analysis of decoherence of a class of network states. Finally, the entropy and the entanglement of a pure bipartite system are discussed.


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By considering a network of dissipative quantum harmonic oscillators, we deduce and analyse the optimum topologies which are able to store quantum superposition states, protecting them from decoherence, for the longest period of time. The storage is made dynamically, in that the states to be protected evolve through the network before being retrieved back in the oscillator where they were prepared. The decoherence time during the dynamic storage process is computed and we demonstrate that it is proportional to the number of oscillators in the network for a particular regime of parameters.


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We show that a broad class of quantum critical points can be stable against locally correlated disorder even if they are unstable against uncorrelated disorder. Although this result seemingly contradicts the Harris criterion, it follows naturally from the absence of a random-mass term in the associated order parameter field theory. We illustrate the general concept with explicit calculations for quantum spin-chain models. Instead of the infinite-randomness physics induced by uncorrelated disorder, we find that weak locally correlated disorder is irrelevant. For larger disorder, we find a line of critical points with unusual properties such as an increase of the entanglement entropy with the disorder strength. We also propose experimental realizations in the context of quantum magnetism and cold-atom physics. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011


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In this paper we analyze the double Caldeira-Leggett model: the path integral approach to two interacting dissipative harmonic oscillators. Assuming a general form of the interaction between the oscillators, we consider two different situations: (i) when each oscillator is coupled to its own reservoir, and (ii) when both oscillators are coupled to a common reservoir. After deriving and solving the master equation for each case, we analyze the decoherence process of particular entanglements in the positional space of both oscillators. To analyze the decoherence mechanism we have derived a general decay function, for the off-diagonal peaks of the density matrix, which applies both to common and separate reservoirs. We have also identified the expected interaction between the two dissipative oscillators induced by their common reservoir. Such a reservoir-induced interaction, which gives rise to interesting collective damping effects, such as the emergence of relaxation- and decoherence-free subspaces, is shown to be blurred by the high-temperature regime considered in this study. However, we find that different interactions between the dissipative oscillators, described by rotating or counter-rotating terms, result in different decay rates for the interference terms of the density matrix. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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NMR quantum information processing studies rely on the reconstruction of the density matrix representing the so-called pseudo-pure states (PPS). An initially pure part of a PPS state undergoes unitary and non-unitary (relaxation) transformations during a computation process, causing a ""loss of purity"" until the equilibrium is reached. Besides, upon relaxation, the nuclear polarization varies in time, a fact which must be taken into account when comparing density matrices at different instants. Attempting to use time-fixed normalization procedures when relaxation is present, leads to various anomalies on matrices populations. On this paper we propose a method which takes into account the time-dependence of the normalization factor. From a generic form for the deviation density matrix an expression for the relaxing initial pure state is deduced. The method is exemplified with an experiment of relaxation of the concurrence of a pseudo-entangled state, which exhibits the phenomenon of sudden death, and the relaxation of the Wigner function of a pseudo-cat state.


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In this paper we propose a scheme for quasi-perfect state transfer in a network of dissipative harmonic oscillators. We consider ideal sender and receiver oscillators connected by a chain of nonideal transmitter oscillators coupled by nearest-neighbour resonances. From the algebraic properties of the dynamical quantities describing the evolution of the network state, we derive a criterion, fixing the coupling strengths between all the oscillators, apart from their natural frequencies, enabling perfect state transfer in the particular case of ideal transmitter oscillators. Our criterion provides an easily manipulated formula enabling perfect state transfer in the special case where the network nonidealities are disregarded. We also extend such a criterion to dissipative networks where the fidelity of the transferred state decreases due to the loss mechanisms. To circumvent almost completely the adverse effect of decoherence, we propose a protocol to achieve quasi-perfect state transfer in nonideal networks. By adjusting the common frequency of the sender and the receiver oscillators to be out of resonance with that of the transmitters, we demonstrate that the sender`s state tunnels to the receiver oscillator by virtually exciting the nonideal transmitter chain. This virtual process makes negligible the decay rate associated with the transmitter line at the expense of delaying the time interval for the state transfer process. Apart from our analytical results, numerical computations are presented to illustrate our protocol.


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This study proposes and uses a multipolar qualitative methodology for the investigation of the meanings of corporate work under the impact of the technical-scientific knowledge. Based on the constructionist epistemology and on a heideggerian approach, this methodology made possible the description of such phenomenon under the Management perspective, but also under the Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy views. Study starts with empirical data, collected by interviews and in publications, and analyzes them based on conceptual contributions from the four referred poles. As a result, this investigation proposes reflexivity, impermanence and entanglement as meanings of the corporate work that culminate in the paradoxical work. It also demonstrates that the impact of knowledge occurs in a reflexive spiral of complexification, continuously affecting individuals and work processes; describes the impermanent character of the work ruled by time, by neophilia and by uncertainties that make precarious the very subjective experience of worker; and proposes that this work becomes entangled due to the way it is managed, and is an entangling work, for embarrassing the individual in its techniques, logics and dissonances. The paradoxical essence that emerges from this appreciation of corporate work is described on the following scopes: its reflexivity does not prevent its rationality to be fragile; its dynamism coexists with the difficulty to achieve substantive organizational changes; its entanglement compromises the possibilities of an apparently reachable well-being; its focus on present ends up to be emptied; and its purpose of individual sustenance becomes unsustainable due to hyperconsumption. But the conclusions of the study do no describe a definitive phenomenon. At the ending, it points out possibilities of living with the paradoxical work as well as possibilities of its transformation.


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Este ensaio identifica referenciais preferenciais para a interpretação do marco regulatório do setor bancário brasileiro. O texto parte da transição do modelo de Estado brasileiro nas últimas duas décadas e dos seus reflexos sobre o direito administrativo bancário. O argumento apresentado é o de que o intérprete do marco regulatório bancário deve guiar-se a partir de uma perspectiva que defino como teleológica e insularizada, porém limitada pelas normas e princípios constitucionais que resguardam as liberdades individuais dos agentes privados ante o arbítrio do Estado.


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Empresas de diferentes setores, dentro da nova estrutura competitiva, cientes da importância de satisfazer as necessidades dos consumidores, vêm provocando mudanças nos hábitos e costumes da população. Novos alimentos e novas formas de distribuição têm sido introduzidos, acompanhados de agressivas campanhas publicitárias. O setor de café, confiante na sua tradição, não acompanhou o ritmo de modernização e de marketing do setor de bebidas, tendo como conseqüência uma significativa perda de participação no mercado e redução no consumo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer o consumidor jovem de café no Brasil e sugerir estratégias mercadológicas que possam estimulá-lo a consumir mais o produto. Através da técnica de análise de grupos foram realizados estudos qualitativos na cidade "de São "Paulo e estudos quantitativos na cidade. de Belo Horizonte. Analisados os resultados, e identificado o significado do café para este público jovem, foram sugeridas estratégias genéricas que contribuam para o aumento do consumo de café no mercado interno. Os resultados mostram que predomina, entre os jovens universitários, uma imagem negativa em relação ao café. Muito associado ao cigarro e ao vicio, 54% dos entrevistados não têm o hábito de tomar café, além de associar a imagem do café a uma pessoa adulta, que trabalha muito, estressada e cheia de responsabilidades. Quem toma aprendeu com a família, por um hábito, ou no trabalho. Como aspectos positivos consideram o café como estimulante e muito associado a um intervalo, descanso e relaxamento. Consideram que o café ainda mantém sua postura tradicional, não é um produto prático e adequado ao jovem e as propagandas não falam com o jovem. Estratégias de marketing elaboradas com vistas ao futuro consumidor de café devem descobrir os valores que norteiam os interesses dos jovens de hoje para construir produtos, embalagens, formas de consumo e de comunicação que façam sentido em seu mundo. Pois esse mundo é diferente daquele onde o café tem ou teve um lugar de honra: o lar brasileiro. Da forma como vem sendo percebido hoje pelos jovens, constata-se que é preciso mudar se quiser permanecer.