958 resultados para fever episodes
It has been demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) has a thermoregulatory action, but very little is known about the mechanisms involved. In the present study we determined the effect of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) inhibition on thermoregulation. We used 7-nitroindazole (7-NI, 1, 10 and 30 mg/kg body weight), a selective nNOS inhibitor, injected intraperitoneally into normothermic Wistar rats (200-250 g) and rats with fever induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (100 µg/kg body weight) administration. It has been demonstrated that the effects of 30 mg/kg of 7-NI given intraperitoneally may inhibit 60% of nNOS activity in rats. In all experiments the colonic temperature of awake unrestrained rats was measured over a period of 5 h at 15-min intervals after intraperitoneal injection of 7-NI. We observed that the injection of 30 mg/kg of 7-NI induced a 1.5oC drop in body temperature, which was statistically significant 1 h after injection (P<0.02). The coinjection of LPS and 7-NI was followed by a significant (P<0.02) hypothermia about 0.5oC below baseline. These findings show that an nNOS isoform is required for thermoregulation and participates in the production of fever in rats.
The immune and central nervous systems are functionally connected and interacting. The concept that the immune signaling to the brain which induces fever during infection and inflammation is mediated by circulating cytokines has been traditionally accepted. Administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induces the appearance of a so-termed "cytokine cascade" in the circulation more or less concomitantly to the developing febrile response. Also, LPS-like fever can be induced by systemic administration of key cytokines (IL-1ß, TNF-alpha, and others). However, anti-cytokine strategies against IL-1ß or TNF-alpha along with systemic injections of LPS frequently lead to attenuation of the later stages of the febrile response but not of the initial phase of fever, indicating that cytokines are rather involved in the maintenance than in the early induction of fever. Within the last years experimental evidence has accumulated indicating the existence of neural transport pathways of immune signals to the brain. Because subdiaphragmatic vagotomy prevents or attenuates fever in response to intraperitoneal or intravenous injections of LPS, a role for vagal afferent nerve fibers in fever induction has been proposed. Also other sensory nerves may participate in the manifestation of febrile responses under certain experimental conditions. Thus, injection of a small dose of LPS into an artificial subcutaneous chamber results in fever and formation of cytokines within the inflamed tissue around the site of injection. This febrile response can be blocked in part by injection of a local anesthetic into the subcutaneous chamber, indicating a participation of cutaneous afferent nerve signals in the manifestation of fever in this model. In conclusion, humoral signals and an inflammatory stimulation of afferent sensory nerves can participate in the generation and maintenance of a febrile response.
Water and 1.8% NaCl intake was recorded daily in adult male rats (N = 6) submitted to four water deprivations plus four sodium appetite tests, each at the end of each 7-day interval, or in controls (non-deprived, N = 6). Water deprivation was achieved by removing water and 1.8% NaCl for 24 h. Water was then offered for 2 h. At the end of this period, 1.8% NaCl was also offered in addition to water (sodium appetite test). Average daily 1.8% NaCl intake was enhanced from 5.2 ± 1.0 to 15.7 ± 2.5 ml from the first to the fifth week in the experimental group and was unchanged in the control group. Daily water intake was not altered in either group. Thus, repeated episodes of water deprivation enhance daily NaCl intake.
A chimeric yellow fever (YF)-dengue serotype 2 (dengue 2) virus was constructed by replacing the premembrane and envelope genes of the YF 17D virus with those from dengue 2 virus strains of Southeast Asian genotype. The virus grew to high titers in Vero cells and, after passage 2, was used for immunogenicity and attenuation studies in rhesus monkeys. Subcutaneous immunization of naive rhesus monkeys with the 17D-D2 chimeric virus induced a neutralizing antibody response associated with the protection of 6 of 7 monkeys against viremia by wild-type dengue 2 virus. Neutralizing antibody titers to dengue 2 were significantly lower in YF-immune animals than in YF-naive monkeys and protection against challenge with wild-type dengue 2 virus was observed in only 2 of 11 YF-immune monkeys. An anamnestic response to dengue 2, indicated by a sharp increase of neutralizing antibody titers, was observed in the majority of the monkeys after challenge with wild-type virus. Virus attenuation was demonstrated using the standard monkey neurovirulence test. The 17D-D2 chimera caused significantly fewer histological lesions than the YF 17DD virus. The attenuated phenotype could also be inferred from the limited viremias compared to the YF 17DD vaccine. Overall, these results provide further support for the use of chimeric viruses for the development of a new live tetravalent dengue vaccine.
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is common in asthma patients and can contribute to sleep disruption. The aim of the present study was to determine the time-related distribution of GER events together with their impact on sleep in asthmatic subjects with GER disease symptoms. The inclusion criteria were: 18-65 years, controlled moderate to severe asthma and GER-compatible clinical evidence. The exclusion criteria were: chronic obstructive lung disease, smoking, infections of the upper airways, use of oral corticosteroids, other co-morbidities, pregnancy, sleep-related disorders, night-time shift work, and the use of substances with impact on sleep. Asthmatic patients with nocturnal symptoms were excluded. All-night polysomnography and esophageal pH monitoring were recorded simultaneously. Of the 147 subjects selected, 31 patients and 31 controls were included. Seventeen patients were classified as DeMeester positive and 14 as DeMeester negative. Both groups displayed similar outcomes when general variables were considered. Sleep stage modification one minute prior to GER was observed in the DeMeester-positive group. Awakening was the most frequent occurrence at GER onset and during the 1-min period preceding 38% of the nocturnal GER. Sleep stage 2 was also prevalent and preceded 36% of GER events. In the DeMeester-negative group, awakening was the most frequent response before and during GER. Modifications in sleep stages, arousals or awakenings were associated with 75% of the total GER events analyzed during the period of one minute before and after the fall of esophageal pH below 4 in the DeMeester-positive group. These data provide evidence that sleep modifications precede the GER events in asthmatic patients.
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a periodic autoinflammatory disease characterized by chronic inflammation. This study investigated the relationship between acute-phase reactants and gene mutations in attack-free periods of childhood FMF. Patients diagnosed with FMF were divided into four groups based on genetic features: no mutation, homozygous, heterozygous, and compound heterozygous. These groups were monitored for 2 years, and blood samples were collected every 6 months during attack-free periods. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and white blood cell count were measured. A disease severity score was determined for each patient. Mean values for erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen were significantly different in the homozygous group. White blood cell count and C-reactive protein were similar between the groups. Disease severity score was higher in patients with the M694V mutation than in individuals without the mutation, as well as in those with other mutation groups. Periodic follow-up of patients with FMF MEFV mutations in subjects with acute-phase reactants may be useful in the prevention of morbidity.
This research project is a longitudinal qualitative case study. It contributes to an understanding of self-injurious behaviour (SIB) by inviting the reader through the narrative of the lived experience of a fifteen year old child-informant and the network of individuals in his life. The value and importance of a case-study is that it focuses on the authenticity of the experience of living with disability. Through the use of detailed field observations, interviews and photo documents, the study thoroughly explores three main areas: quality of movements, potential cues as pre-cursors to episodes of self-injury, and purposeful communication. The research begins with a review of literature on Autism, Deafness and Self-injury, formulates the research design and orientation of Physical Education, Phenomenology and Semiotics, and then systematically explores four distinct phases in the analytical process. The aim was to explore self-injurious episodes in the child informant in hopes to translate the meaning of the behaviour and potentially utilize this to provide more opportunities for adapted physical activity. The findings reveal distinct patterns of movement cues utilized for different purposes. The implications of the findings are self-injurious episodes in the child informant are preceded by distinct patterns of movement that are potentially communicative. Suggested future direction of the research is expanding the scope to other disabilities for which verbal communication is challenging, and standardizing the translating tools to assist in understanding the communication of movement.
"Rob, Vikki, Shireen, Muzz and Delia have been randomly selected to work together to develop a presentation entitled 'The barriers to learning'. It's not an easy ride. The following 10 episodes show the journey, from their first meeting through to their impressions of the presentation and working together". Produced by the LearnHigher CETL Three areas covered by the site as follows Listening and Interpersonal Skills - the University of Leeds Oral Presentations - Brunel University Group Work - Bradford University
Introducción: La neutropenia febril es una condición frecuente en los pacien¬tes pediátricos con cáncer y una de las mayores causas de morbimortalidad. Es necesario conocer la frecuencia su comportamiento. Objetivo: Caracterizar los eventos de neutropenia febril en niños con cáncer en la clínica Infantil Colsubsidio, Bogotá desde Enero de 2014 hasta Diciembre de 2014. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio transversal en niños de 1 mes a 18 años con cáncer y neutropenia febril atendidos de Enero 2014 a Diciembre 2014. Resultados: Se presentaron 74 eventos de un total de 41 pacientes con un máximo de 3 eventos por paciente, 20 mujeres y 21 hombres con una edad promedio de 8 años. 61% de los pacientes tenían diagnostico de Leucemia Linfoide Aguda .Se clasificaron como Fiebre sin causa clara con 43 eventos (58.11%), colitis neutropenica con 10 eventos (13.51%) y neumonía que registro 7 eventos (9%). El 70% de los pacientes presentaron al ingreso menos de 100 neutrofilos y una PCR con un promedio de 97.4. En un 6,76% de los pacientes se diagnostico bacteriemia. Los Hemocultivos fueron positivos en 5 pacientes (7 %), siendo el S epidermidis y el S mitis los gérmenes más frecuentes La mortalidad fue nula. Conclusiones: Esta estudio permitió conocer el comportamiento de la neutropenia febril en nuestra institución conociendo los organismos principalmente aislados, el perfil de resistencia y la respuesta al manejo antibiótico. Es importante determinar estudios prospectivos y analíticos con el fin de establecer factores de riesgo asociados a complicaciones y mortalidad.
This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock in the form of the 2010 Colombian Dengue outbreak to examine the direct and indirect impact of negative health shocks on behaviour of households in affected areas. Our analysis combines data from several sources in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the influence of the outbreak, and furthermore to understand the underlying mechanisms driving the effects. Our initial analysis indicates that the outbreak had a substantial negative effect on the health status of adults and adversely affected their ability to function as usual in their daily lives. In our aggregated school data, in areas with high levels of haemorrhagic Dengue we observe a reduction innational exam attendance (last year of secondary school) and on enrolment rates in primary education. Further analysis aims to exploit detailed individual level data to gain a more in depth understanding of the precise channels through which this disease influenced the behaviour and outcomes of the poor in Colombia.
Introducción y objetivos: La endocarditis infecciosa (EI) es una enfermedad grave producida por diversos gérmenes que afectan las válvulas cardiacas y el tejido endomiocárdico. El objetivo fue describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, ecocardiográficas y microbiológicas de la endocarditis infecciosa por Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) meticilino sensible y resistente de la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología (FCI-IC) en el periodo de tiempo 2010- 2015. Métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva de casos de EI por S. aureus en la FCIIC para el período 2010-2015. Se realizó descripción de las variables generales de la población a estudio utilizando medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Análisis de desenlaces teniendo cuenta la concentración inhibitoria mínima de vancomicina. Resultados: En el estudio se presentaron 27 casos de EI, con una mayor proporción de pacientes de sexo masculino, con hipertensión, diabetes y hemodiálisis. La fiebre fue la manifestación más frecuente seguida de fenómenos vasculares. La válvula más comprometida fue la mitral, principalmente nativa. Discusión: La presentación clínica de los pacientes con EI por S. aureus es aguda por lo que la fiebre es la principal manifestación clínica presentada, lo anterior favorece un rápido diagnóstico clínico. De las cepas de S. aureus causante de EI no se encontró gérmenes con sensibilidad intermedia ni resistente a la vancomicina según criterios establecidos por CLSI. Se encontró mayor proporción de pacientes con un valor de CMI para vancomicina mayor a 0,5μg/ml lo cual es importante dado que podemos estar enfrentándonos a cepas hetero VISA (hVISA).
The occurrence of strong and persistent mid-latitude anticyclonic ridges over the Eastern North Atlantic is a major contributor to the occurrence of severe winter droughts over Western Iberia. We analyze the development of strong and persistent ridge episodes within 40–50°N; 40°W–5°E, which are defined as 300 hPa geopotential height anomalies above 50 gpm that persist for at least 10 consecutive days. Results suggest that the generation and maintenance of these episodes, with positive stratospheric geopotential anomalies over the North American continent and the adjacent North Pacific, are associated with an intensified polar jet. Such positive anomalies tend to detach from the main stratospheric anomaly and propagate eastwards and downwards as Rossby tropospheric waves. Furthermore, the Eastern North Atlantic ridge is generated and repeatedly reinforced until the stratospheric anomaly dissipates. Results also show evidence for waves breaking anticyclonically during the episodes, which is dynamically coherent with their persistency and quasi-stationarity.