394 resultados para fenomenologia


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations


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This paper seeks to understand-the process by which the child in kindergarten builds the idea of number. Therefore we developed a qualitative study of phenomenological approach that involved field work in the classroom with children of four and five years. Starting from their real-world contexts, their experiences and using the natural language tasks are designed to help the student to go beyond the already known, analyzing how they thinks and what knowledge they bring their lived experience. By interference carried expanded mathematical ideas acquired. The analysis and interpretation of research data shows that the idea of number is built by children from all kinds of relationships created between objects and the world around them, and the more diverse are these experiences, the greater the understanding opportunities and development of mathematical skills and competencies. It showed also that, in kindergarten, children tread just a few ways to build the idea of number


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This research aims to understand the assessment practices used by teachers at a public state school in the city of Cunha, Sao Paulo. To this end, we interviewed five mathematics teachers, who answered a questionnaire with five questions. The responses were analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research. To understand the investigation region, that is to say, the meaning of evaluation, we proceeded to a review of studies on the subject in authors like Buriasco (2002), Pavanello (2006), Hoffmann (1994), expressive in Mathematics Education that allows us to explain the concept of prevailing interpretation in the area. The phenomenological analysis enabled the development of three categories open revealing the concept of evaluation of teachers investigated. The first shows the review As a way to measure the knowledge acquired by the student. His interpretation leads us to understand that for some teachers, the research subjects, the assessment becomes a method to ' measure ' the knowledge acquired by the student. The second category, expressed by As a way of understanding the student's behavior in class, shows that some of the interviewees understand the evaluation as a medium that reveals and appreciates the ways of the student behave in class. Finally, the third category refers to the evaluation by means of said instruments. On this subject the claim that the assessment is through instruments such that: evidence, exercise lists, among others. In summary, interviews and categories analyzed explain the ways in which the assessment reveals the concept of implicit learning the instruments used in the evaluation practices of teachers interviewed. However, the authors read, evaluation is a necessary and permanent teaching job in teaching, which must follow step by step the process of teaching and learning. It follows, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This research presents an investigation about the relevance of visualization in teaching geometry. Our interest turns to analyzing the use of technology in teaching geometry, seeking to highlight their contribution to learning. The students of today - second decade of the 21st century - require that, each time more, the school move towards the integration of technologies for teaching since tablets, smartphone, netbook, notebook are items present on daily life of most students. Thereby, we investigate, taking the phenomenological orientation, the potential of educational software, especially the Geogebra 3D, directed at teaching math and favoring the work with the geometry viewing. At work we bring some theoretical considerations about the importance of viewing for the geometric learning and the use of technologies. We build an intervention proposal for the classroom of the 7th year of elementary school with tasks aimed at visual exploration and allow the teacher to work the concept of volume of geometric solids


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This text presents the research developed with students of the 5th year of elementary school at a public school in the city of Taubaté-SP, involved in solving problems involving the Mental Calculation. The read authors show that the Mental Calculation is relevant for the production of mathematical knowledge as it favors the autonomy of students, making it the most critical. Official documents that guide educational practices, such as the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais also emphasize that working with mental arithmetic should be encouraged as it has the potential to encourage the production of mathematical knowledge by the student. In this research work Completion of course the tasks proposed to students, who constituted the fieldwork to production data, were designed, developed and analyzed in a phenomenological approach. The intention, the research was to understand the perception of students in the face of situations that encourage them to implement appropriate technical and mental calculation procedures. We analyze how students express and realize the strategies for mental calculation in the search for solution to problem situations


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This paper seeks to understand-the process by which the child in kindergarten builds the idea of number. Therefore we developed a qualitative study of phenomenological approach that involved field work in the classroom with children of four and five years. Starting from their real-world contexts, their experiences and using the natural language tasks are designed to help the student to go beyond the already known, analyzing how they thinks and what knowledge they bring their lived experience. By interference carried expanded mathematical ideas acquired. The analysis and interpretation of research data shows that the idea of number is built by children from all kinds of relationships created between objects and the world around them, and the more diverse are these experiences, the greater the understanding opportunities and development of mathematical skills and competencies. It showed also that, in kindergarten, children tread just a few ways to build the idea of number


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This research aims to understand the assessment practices used by teachers at a public state school in the city of Cunha, Sao Paulo. To this end, we interviewed five mathematics teachers, who answered a questionnaire with five questions. The responses were analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research. To understand the investigation region, that is to say, the meaning of evaluation, we proceeded to a review of studies on the subject in authors like Buriasco (2002), Pavanello (2006), Hoffmann (1994), expressive in Mathematics Education that allows us to explain the concept of prevailing interpretation in the area. The phenomenological analysis enabled the development of three categories open revealing the concept of evaluation of teachers investigated. The first shows the review As a way to measure the knowledge acquired by the student. His interpretation leads us to understand that for some teachers, the research subjects, the assessment becomes a method to ' measure ' the knowledge acquired by the student. The second category, expressed by As a way of understanding the student's behavior in class, shows that some of the interviewees understand the evaluation as a medium that reveals and appreciates the ways of the student behave in class. Finally, the third category refers to the evaluation by means of said instruments. On this subject the claim that the assessment is through instruments such that: evidence, exercise lists, among others. In summary, interviews and categories analyzed explain the ways in which the assessment reveals the concept of implicit learning the instruments used in the evaluation practices of teachers interviewed. However, the authors read, evaluation is a necessary and permanent teaching job in teaching, which must follow step by step the process of teaching and learning. It follows, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This research presents an investigation about the relevance of visualization in teaching geometry. Our interest turns to analyzing the use of technology in teaching geometry, seeking to highlight their contribution to learning. The students of today - second decade of the 21st century - require that, each time more, the school move towards the integration of technologies for teaching since tablets, smartphone, netbook, notebook are items present on daily life of most students. Thereby, we investigate, taking the phenomenological orientation, the potential of educational software, especially the Geogebra 3D, directed at teaching math and favoring the work with the geometry viewing. At work we bring some theoretical considerations about the importance of viewing for the geometric learning and the use of technologies. We build an intervention proposal for the classroom of the 7th year of elementary school with tasks aimed at visual exploration and allow the teacher to work the concept of volume of geometric solids


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Pesquisa fundamentada na fenomenologia de Martin Heidegger que objetivou compreender as necessidades de cuidados das mulheres infectadas pelo Papilomavírus Humanos. Participaram catorze mulheres que haviam recebido o diagnóstico dessa infecção. As questões norteadoras foram: como é, para você, estar com este diagnóstico? Conte-me sua experiência, desde que soube do diagnóstico até hoje. Como está sendo a assistência que você tem recebido? O desvelamento do tema - buscando o cuidado como solicitude - mostrou a importância do suporte dos familiares e de amigos. A presença da infecção como motivo de conflitos e separação conjugal foi outro aspecto ressaltado. Os depoimentos deixam em evidência a resignação após a tentativa frustrada de busca por informações precisas e esclarecedoras para a tomada de decisões assertivas. As ações de saúde à mulher infectada necessitam ultrapassar os modelos tradicionais de cuidado, incluindo ações de promoção e prevenção à saúde, com profissionais capacitados, sensíveis à dimensão subjetiva.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand the typical actions of the mother during the pregnancy of her teenage daughter. METHODS: Qualitative study, based on the theoretical-methodological framework of social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The data were collected in 2009, and the subjects were nine mothers of adolescent primigravidae. RESULTS: The mother of the pregnant adolescent is typified as one that reacts with surprise and disappointment to being notified of the pregnancy and who, subsequently, conforms to the new reality. In reflecting on her own experience of an adolescent mother, she has expectations to support her daughter during the pregnancy and to offer support, so that the course of her life is not impaired as a result of pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Considering the experience and expectations of the mother of the pregnant adolescent, this study could give subsidies to the planning and execution of the care for this binomial, decreasing the distance between the demands made by it and the practice of health professionals.


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Este estudo objetivou compreender as experiências e expectativas de mulheres submetidas à histerectomia. O referencial filosófico do estudo foi a Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com dez mulheres que realizaram histerectomia eletiva. A análise dos depoimentos mostrou que a mulher, diante da necessidade da histerectomia, evoca mitos e constructos sociais referentes à retirada do útero e transcende-os, decidindo pela cirurgia em decorrência dos sinais e sintomas vivenciados em seu cotidiano. Ao ser submetida à histerectomia, experiencia um processo positivo de mudanças, com melhora na vida sexual e nas relações sociais. Tem como projeto a busca por qualidade de vida, considerando as necessidades biopsicossociais vivenciadas nesse período do ciclo vital. O conhecimento das vivências da mulher após histerectomizada oferece subsídios aos profissionais de saúde que cuidam dessa clientela, sinalizando ações conforme suas experiências e expectativas de cuidado.


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OBJECTIVE: To understand how nurses see care delivery to elderly women. METHODS: In this phenomenological study, ten nurses working at Primary Health Care Units were interviewed between September 2010 and January 2011. RESULTS: In care delivery, nurses consider the elderly women's knowledge background and biographical situation, and also value the family's participation as a care mediator. These professionals have the acuity to capture these women's specific demands, but face difficulties to deliver care to these clients. Nurses expect to deliver qualified care to these women. CONCLUSION: The theoretical and methodological approach of social phenomenology permitted revealing that the nurse designs qualified care to elderly women, considering the possibilities in the context. This includes the participation of different social actors and health sectors, assuming collective efforts in action strategies and professional training, in line with the particularities and care needs of elderly women nurses identify.


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O presente trabalho buscou identificar e compreender como se dão os processos reflexivos prevalentes na relação interpessoal constituída na atuação pré-profissional de formandos em um curso na área da educação física. Tendo em vista este objetivo, utilizou-se a fenomenologia como um método capaz de identificar o sentido das coisas dadas à consciência. Optou-se também pela utilização adaptada de um roteiro de supervisão para psicólogos do esporte por abordar amplamente os variados aspectos da experiência relacional em contexto de atendimento. Os resultados apontam para a prevalência do modo de pensamento mecanicista como plano de fundo de uma reflexividade causal e restrita durante a atuação pré-profissional destes formandos. Assim, uma atuação dirigida à reflexibilidade, possibilita uma abertura ao relacionamento interpessoal de maneira a incluir o sujeito a quem a prática se destina como agente do processo, e não como objeto de intervenção. O método fenomenológico pode auxiliar na manutenção e constante aprimoramento deste processo reflexivo, uma vez que permite compreender as dimensões de ordem existencial da atividade física.