906 resultados para feminism, reproduction, new reproductive technologies, body
Este trabalho descreve algumas das soluções atualmente adotadas pelos tribunais federais para a gravação de audiência, bem como indica a oportunidade que o ambiente de interatividade da TV Digital Brasileira oferece para uma proposta de modelo de documento eletrônico de escritório que sirva de suporte para o resultado da gravação de audiência (texto, som e imagem), bem como possa contribuir para a mudança de paradigma dos atuais sistemas processuais (softwares). O objetivo é estabelecer um padrão fundamentado em uma política pública (Governo Eletrônico Brasileiro e Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre), onde não existam restrições comerciais quanto ao uso das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação no que se refere ao mínimo para se privilegiar a inclusão social sem perda de eficiência. O trabalho é formado por dois tipos de conteúdo: parte textual e parte digital. A parte textual contém o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada junto aos tribunais federais, bem como apresenta os principais pontos do Governo Eletrônico Brasileiro e do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital Terrestre. Ainda descreve a estrutura montada na elaboração e realização da parte digital. Por sua vez, a parte digital reúne o material utilizado para a apresentação de protótipos (vídeos e exemplos de aplicações), para demonstrar as possibilidades de interatividade da TV Digital Brasileira e dos benefícios que os jurisdicionados e os operadores do Direito alcançariam com a proposta. Palavras-
As indústrias criativas são hoje um tema de intenso debate na literatura acadêmica internacional e nas organizações públicas e governamentais. Essas indústrias nasceram como um conceito conciliador entre as indústrias culturais tradicionais, as artes criativas e as novas tecnologias de informação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sobre o tema e um mapeamento de um core dessas indústrias no país e no Estado de São Paulo. Para a realização deste mapeamento, utilizou-se de informações provenientes de fontes secundárias, como de relatórios de institutos de pesquisa, listas telefônicas e órgãos de classe. Os resultados apontam para um desenvolvimento mais pronunciado das indústrias criativas focadas em produção de bens culturais de massa, como Televisão e rádio, bem como, menos expressivamente porém, em audiovisual. No Estado de São Paulo, apenas 1,0% do PIB está associado às atividades das indústrias criativas, com esperada concentração na capital e região metropolitana. Este relatório aponta ainda algumas linhas de pesquisas futuras sobre o tema.
A new paradigm is modeling the World: evolutionary innovations in all fronts, new information technologies, huge mobility of capital, use of risky financial tools, globalization of production, new emerging powers and the impact of consumer concerns on governmental policies. These phenomena are shaping the World and forcing the advent of a new World Order in the Multilateral Monetary, Financial, and Trading System. The effects of this new paradigm are also transforming global governance. The political and economic orders established after the World War and centered on the multilateral model of UN, IMF, World Bank, and the GATT, leaded by the developed countries, are facing significant challenges. The rise of China and emerging countries shifted the old model to a polycentric World, where the governance of these organizations are threatened by emerging countries demanding a bigger participation in the role and decision boards of these international bodies. As a consequence, multilateralism is being confronted by polycentrism. Negotiations for a more representative voting process and the pressure for new rules to cope with the new demands are paralyzing important decisions. This scenario is affecting seriously not only the Monetary and Financial Systems but also the Multilateral Trading System. International trade is facing some significant challenges: a serious deadlock to conclude the last round of the multilateral negotiation at the WTO, the fragmentation of trade rules by the multiplication of preferential and mega agreements, the arrival of a new model of global production and trade leaded by global value chains that is threatening the old trade order, and the imposition of new sets of regulations by private bodies commanded by transnationals to support global value chains and non-governmental organizations to reflect the concerns of consumers in the North based on their precautionary attitude about sustainability of products made in the World. The lack of any multilateral order in this new regulation is creating a big cacophony of rules and developing a new regulatory war of the Global North against the Global South. The objective of this paper is to explore how these challenges are affecting the Tradinge System and how it can evolve to manage these new trends.
This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process
Current policies on education to visually impaired point for a growing trend of including students with special educational needs in regular schools. However, most often this inclusion is not accompanied by an appropriate professional trained or infrastructure, which has been presented as a big problem for regular school teachers who have students with visual impairments in their classroom. Based on this situation, the Group of Extension in Tactile Cartography from UNESP - University of the State of São Paulo - Campus de Rio Claro - SP - Brazil has been developing educational material of geography and cartography to blind students at a special school. Among the materials developed in this study highlight the development of graphics and board games provided with sound capabilities through MAPAVOX, software developed in partnership with UFRJ - Federal University from Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil. Through this software, sound capabilities can be inserted into built materials, giving them a multi-sensory character. In most cases the necessary conditions for building specific materials to students with visual impairments is expensive and beyond the reach of features from a regular school, so the survey sought to use easy access and low cost materials like Cork, leaf aluminum, material for fixing and others. The development of these materials was supported by preparation in laboratory and its subsequent test through practices involving blind students. The methodology used on the survey is based on qualitative research and non comparative analysis of the results. In other words, the material is built based on the special students perception and reality construction, not being mere adaptations of visual materials, but a construction focused on the reality of the visually impaired. The results proved were quite successful as the materials prepared were effective on mediating the learning process of students with disabilities. Geographical and cartographic concepts were seized by the students through the technology used, associated with the use of materials that took into account in its building process the perception of the students.
Novos contextos de aprendizagem virtual de línguas estrangeiras vêm surgindo com o desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias. Há a necessidade agora de se pensar em como a competência linguística poderá ser também avaliada em meio virtual. Este artigo traz uma retrospectiva da origem e desenvolvimento das provas de proficiência oral para falantes de línguas estrangeiras, buscando também levantar e discutir os aspectos a serem levados em consideração para a formulação deste tipo de teste em ambiente virtual.
This paper describes the experiences of long-distance courses, it focused on the continuing education of basic education teachers in all Brazilian territory. Such courses were offered by CECEMCA (Center for Continuing Education in Mathematics Education, Science and Environment), linked to the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - Campus de Rio Claro during 15/01/2009 to 30/11/2009. The subjects report to the theme of Education, Geography and Environment, it was organized in four courses: "Introduction to Cartography," Environment and climate change - thinking a new paradigm of sustainable green planet "," Remote Sensing in environmental studies Environment "and" Methodological Alternatives for Inclusive Classroom: Experimenting with visual and hearing impairments". So, we show here, the feasibility and importance of distance learning tools for education, specifically teacher training, based on the results obtained in these courses.
Reproduction and feeding aspects of Neoplecostomus microps (Loricariidae, Neoplecostominae) in the Ribeirao Grande system, eastern Serra da Mantiqueira (São Paulo State). The Ribeirao Grande system is located in the slope of the Serra da Mantiqueira and is surrounded by Atlantic forest. Eight sites were surveyed in the Ribeirao Grande system, during the winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and fall (April 2002). Samples were made with an electrofishing device. Gonad maturation, levels of stomach fullness and fat content were analyzed and their distributions reported in an annual cycle. Neoplecostomus microps has a spawning in the spring through to summer. The size at sexual maturity is about 5.9 cm total length for males and 6.9 cm for females. The high values in October and February by the gonadosomatic index and the relative condition factor coincided with the spawning period. In the diet of N. microps were found Diptera larvae (Simulium, Chironomus), Plecoptera nymphs and Coleoptera aquatic Larvae (Psephenus). The increased feeding from summer to fall provided fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction. The reproductive pattern and feeding are interpreted as being an adaptation with respect to temporal and spatial variation and food availability.
The purpose of this investigation was to verify the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH-antagonist protocol for assisted reproductive technologies cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. In this review and meta-analysis, the observed advantages for the LH supplementation protocol were a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration and a higher number of mature oocytes. However, there were no differences observed in the total amount of r-FSH administered, days of stimulation, number of oocyte retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of r-LH with r-FSH may prevent any decrease in estradiol after antagonist administration and a significant higher number of mature oocytes was obtained. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials are needed confirm these observations.
The recent years have seen the appearance of innovative system for acoustic and vibration attenuation, most of them integrating new actuator technologies. In this sense, the study of algorithms for active vibrations control in rotating machinery became an area of enormous interest, mainly due to countless demands of an optimal performance of mechanical systems in aircraft, aerospace and automotive structures. In this way, this paper presents an approach that is numerically verified for active vibration control in a rotor using Active Magnetic Bearings (AMB). The control design in a discrete state-space formulation is carried out through feedback technique and Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI) approach. LMI is useful for system with uncertainties. The AMB uses electromagnetic forces to support a rotor without mechanical contact. By monitoring the position of the shaft and changing the dynamics of the system accordingly, the AMB keeps the rotor in a desired position. This unique feature has broadened for the applications of AMB and now they can be considered not only as a main support bearing in a machine but also as dampers for vibration control and force actuators. © 2009 Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)