981 resultados para correlation methods
For some study cases (the Cathedral of Modena, Italy, XII-XIV century; the Ducal Palace in Mantua, Italy, XVI century; the church of San Francesco in Fano, Italy, XIV-XIX century), considered as representative of the use of natural and artificial stones in historical architecture, the complex interaction between environ-mental aggressiveness, materials’ microstructural characteristics and degradation was investigated. From the results of such analyses, it was found that materials microstructure plays a fundamental role in the actual extent to which weathering mechanisms affect natural and artificial stones. Consequently, the need of taking into account the important role of material microstructure, when evaluating the environmental aggressiveness to natural and artificial stones, was highlighted. Therefore, a possible quantification of the role of microstructure on the resistance to environmental attack was investigated. By exposing stone samples, with significantly different microstructural features, to slightly acidic aqueous solutions, simulating clean and acid rain, a good correlation between weight losses and the product of carbonate content and specific surface area (defined as the “vulnerable specific surface area”) was found. Alongside the evaluation of stone vulnerability, the development of a new consolidant for weathered carbonate stones was undertaken. The use of hydroxya-patite, formed by reacting the calcite of the stone with an aqueous solution of di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate, was found to be a promising consolidating tech-nique for carbonates stones. Indeed, significant increases in the mechanical prop-erties can be achieved after the treatment, which has the advantage of simply con-sisting in a non-hazardous aqueous solution, able to penetrate deeply into the stone (> 2 cm) and bring significant strengthening after just 2 days of reaction. Furthermore, the stone sorptivity is not eliminated after treatment, so that water and water vapor exchanges between the stone and the environment are not com-pletely blocked.
III-nitride materials are very promising for high speed electronics/optical applications but still suffer in performance due to problems during high quality epitaxial growth, evolution of dislocation and defects, less understanding of fundamental physics of materials/processing of devices etc. This thesis mainly focus on GaN based heterostructures to understand the metal-semiconductor interface properties, 2DE(H)G influence on electrical and optical properties, and deep level states in GaN and InAlN, InGaN materials. The detailed electrical characterizations have been employed on Schottky diodes at GaN and InAl(Ga)N/GaN heterostructures in order to understand the metal-semiconductor interface related properties in these materials. I have observed the occurrence of Schottky barrier inhomogenity, role of dislocations in terms of leakage and creating electrically active defect states within energy gap of materials. Deep level transient spectroscopy method is employed on GaN, InAlN and InGaN materials and several defect levels have been observed related to majority and minority carriers. In fact, some defects have been found common in characteristics in ternary layers and GaN layer which indicates that those defect levels are from similar origin, most probably due to Ga/N vacancy in GaN/heterostructures. The role of structural defects, roughness has been extensively understood in terms of enhancing the reverse leakage current, suppressing the mobility in InAlN/AlN/GaN based high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) structures which are identified as key issues for GaN technology. Optical spectroscopy methods have been employed to understand materials quality, sub band and defect related transitions and compared with electrical characterizations. The observation of 2DEG sub band related absorption/emission in optical spectra have been identified and proposed for first time in nitride based polar heterostructures, which is well supported with simulation results. In addition, metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM)-InAl(Ga)N/GaN based photodetector structures have been fabricated and proposed for achieving high efficient optoelectronics devices in future.
Die Bor-Neuroneneinfang-Therapie (engl.: Boron Neutron Capture Therapy, BNCT) ist eine indirekte Strahlentherapie, welche durch die gezielte Freisetzung von dicht ionisierender Strahlung Tumorzellen zerstört. Die freigesetzten Ionen sind Spaltfragmente einer Kernreaktion, bei welcher das Isotop 10B ein niederenergetisches (thermisches) Neutron einfängt. Das 10B wird durch ein spezielles Borpräparat in den Tumorzellen angereichert, welches selbst nicht radioaktiv ist. rnAn der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz wurde die Forschung für die Anwendung eines klinischen Behandlungsprotokolls durch zwei Heilversuche bei Patienten mit kolorektalen Lebermetastasen an der Universität Pavia, Italien, angeregt, bei denen die Leber außerhalb des Körpers in einem Forschungsreaktor bestrahlt wurde. Als erster Schritt wurde in Kooperation verschiedener universitärer Institute eine klinische Studie zur Bestimmung klinisch relevanter Parameter wie der Borverteilung in verschiedenen Geweben und dem pharmakokinetischen Aufnahmeverhalten des Borpräparates initiiert.rnDie Borkonzentration in den Gewebeproben wurde hinsichtlich ihrer räumlichen Verteilung in verschiedenen Zellarealen bestimmt, um mehr über das Aufnahmeverhalten der Zellen für das BPA im Hinblick auf ihre biologischen Charakteristika zu erfahren. Die Borbestimung wurde per Quantitative Neutron Capture Radiography, Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis und Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy parallel zur histologischen Analyse des Gewebes durchgeführt. Es war möglich zu zeigen, dass in Proben aus Tumorgewebe und aus tumorfreiem Gewebe mit unterschiedlichen morphologischen Eigenschaften eine sehr heterogene Borverteilung vorliegt. Die Ergebnisse der Blutproben werden für die Erstellung eines pharmakokinetischen Modells verwendet und sind in Übereinstimmung mit existierenden pharmakokinetische Modellen. Zusätzlich wurden die Methoden zur Borbestimmung über speziell hergestellte Referenzstandards untereinander verglichen. Dabei wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse festgestellt, ferner wurde für alle biologischen Proben Standardanalyseprotokolle erstellt.rnDie bisher erhaltenen Ergebnisse der klinischen Studie sind vielversprechend, lassen aber noch keine endgültigen Schlussfolgerungen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit von BNCT für maligne Lebererkrankungen zu. rn
This thesis details the development of quantum chemical methods for the accurate theoretical description of molecular systems with a complicated electronic structure. In simple cases, a single Slater determinant, in which the electrons occupy a number of energetically lowest molecular orbitals, offers a qualitatively correct model. The widely used coupled-cluster method CCSD(T) efficiently includes electron correlation effects starting from this determinant and provides reaction energies in error by only a few kJ/mol. However, the method often fails when several electronic configurations are important, as, for instance, in the course of many chemical reactions or in transition metal compounds. Internally contracted multireference coupled-cluster methods (ic-MRCC methods) cure this deficiency by using a linear combination of determinants as a reference function. Despite their theoretical elegance, the ic-MRCC equations involve thousands of terms and are therefore derived by the computer. Calculations of energy surfaces of BeH2, HF, LiF, H2O, N2 and Be3 unveil the theory's high accuracy compared to other approaches and the quality of various hierarchies of approximations. New theoretical advances include size-extensive techniques for removing linear dependencies in the ic-MRCC equations and a multireference analog of CCSD(T). Applications of the latter method to O3, Ni2O2, benzynes, C6H7NO and Cr2 underscore its potential to become a new standard method in quantum chemistry.
In this thesis mainly two alternating indenofluorene-phenanthrene copolymers were investigated with a variety of spectroscopic and optoelectronic experiments. The different experimental techniques allowed to retrieve deeper insights into their unique optical as well as optoelectronic properties. The motivation of the research presented in this work was to correlate their photophysical properties with respect to their application in electrically pumped lasing. This thesis begins with the description of optical properties studied by classical absorption and emission spectroscopy and successively describes an overall picture regarding their excited state dynamics occurring after photoexcitation studied by time-resolved spectroscopy. The different spectroscopic methods do not only allow to elucidate the different optical transitions occurring in this class of materials, but also contribute to a better understanding of exciton dynamics and exciton interaction with respect to the molecular structure as well as aggregation and photooxidation of the polymers. Furthermore, the stimulated emission properties were analyzed by amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) experiments. Especially one of the investigated materials, called BLUE-1, showed outstanding optical properties including a high optical gain, a low threshold for ASE and low optical losses. Apart from the optical experiments, the charge carrier mobility was measured with the time-of-flight technique and a comparably high hole mobility on the order of 1 x 10-² cm²/(Vs) was determined for BLUE-1 which makes this material promising for organic lasing. The impact of the high charge carrier mobility in this material class was further analyzed in different optoelectronic devices such as organic LEDs (OLEDs) and organic solar cells.
Eisbohrkerne stellen wertvolle Klimaarchive dar, da sie atmosphärisches Aerosol konservieren. Die Analyse chemischer Verbindungen als Bestandteil atmosphärischer Aerosole in Eisbohrkernen liefert wichtige Informationen über Umweltbedingungen und Klima der Vergangenheit. Zur Untersuchung der α-Dicarbonyle Glyoxal und Methylglyoxal in Eis- und Schneeproben wurde eine neue, sensitive Methode entwickelt, die die Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction (SBSE) mit der Hochleistungsflüssigchromatographie-Massenspektrometrie (HPLC-MS) kombiniert. Zur Analyse von Dicarbonsäuren in Eisbohrkernen wurde eine weitere Methode entwickelt, bei der die Festphasenextraktion mit starkem Anionenaustauscher zum Einsatz kommt. Die Methode erlaubt die Quantifizierung aliphatischer Dicarbonsäuren (≥ C6), einschließlich Pinsäure, sowie aromatischer Carbonsäuren (wie Phthalsäure und Vanillinsäure), wodurch die Bestimmung wichtiger Markerverbindungen für biogene und anthropogene Quellen ermöglicht wurde. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Methoden wurde ein Eisbohrkern aus den Schweizer Alpen analysiert. Die ermittelten Konzentrationsverläufe der Analyten umfassen die Zeitspanne von 1942 bis 1993. Mittels einer Korrelations- und Hauptkomponentenanalyse konnte gezeigt werden, dass die organischen Verbindungen im Eis hauptsächlich durch Waldbrände und durch vom Menschen verursachte Schadstoffemissionen beeinflusst werden. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die Konzentrationsverläufe einiger Analyten auf den Mineralstaubtransport auf den Gletscher zurückzuführen. Zusätzlich wurde ein Screening der Eisbohrkernproben mittels ultrahochauflösender Massenspektrometrie durchgeführt. Zum ersten Mal wurden in diesem Rahmen auch Organosulfate und Nitrooxyorganosulfate in einem Eisbohrkern identifiziert.
Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a direct ethanol metabolite, and has recently attracted attention as biomarker of ethanol intake. The aims of the current study are: (1) to characterize the normalization time of PEth in larger samples than previously conducted; (2) to elucidate potential gender differences; and (3) to report the correlation of PEth with other biomarkers and self-reported alcohol consumption. Fifty-seven alcohol-dependent patients (ICD 10 F 10.25; 9 females, 48 males) entering medical detoxification at three study sites were enrolled. The study sample was comprised of 48 males and 9 females, with mean age 43.5. Mean gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) was 209.61 U/l, average mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was 97.35 fl, mean carbohydrate deficient transferrin (%CDT) was 8.68, and mean total ethanol intake in the last 7 days was 1653 g. PEth was measured in heparinized whole blood with a high-pressure liquid chromatography method, while GGT, MCV and %CDT were measured using routine methods. PEth levels at day 1 of detoxification ranged between 0.63 and 26.95 micromol/l (6.22 mean, 4.70 median, SD 4.97). There were no false negatives at day 1. Sensitivities for the other biomarkers were 40.4% for MCV, 73.1% for GGT and 69.2% for %CDT, respectively. No gender differences were found for PEth levels at any time point. Our data suggest that PEth is (1) a suitable intermediate term marker of ethanol intake in both sexes; and (2) sensitivity is extraordinary high in alcohol dependent patients. The results add further evidence to the data that suggest that PEth has potential as a candidate for a sensitive and specific biomarker, which reflects longer-lasting intake of higher amounts of alcohol and seemingly has the above mentioned certain advantages over traditional biomarkers.
We present assembly and application of an optical reflectometer for the analysis of dental erosion. The erosive procedure involved acid-induced softening and initial substance loss phases, which are considered to be difficult for visual diagnosis in a clinic. Change of the specular reflection signal showed the highest sensitivity for the detection of the early softening phase of erosion among tested methods. The exponential decrease of the specular reflection intensity with erosive duration was compared to the increase of enamel roughness. Surface roughness was measured by optical analysis, and the observed tendency was correlated with scanning electron microscopy images of eroded enamel. A high correlation between specular reflection intensity and measurement of enamel softening (r(2) ? -0.86) as well as calcium release (r(2) ? -0.86) was found during erosion progression. Measurement of diffuse reflection revealed higher tooth-to-tooth deviation in contrast to the analysis of specular reflection intensity and lower correlation with other applied methods (r(2) = 0.42-0.48). The proposed optical method allows simple and fast surface analysis and could be used for further optimization and construction of the first noncontact and cost-effective diagnostic tool for early erosion assessment in vivo.
Charge-transfer cross sections have been obtained by using time-of-flight techniques, and results correlated with reaction energetics and theoretical structures computed by self-consistent field-molecular orbital methods. Ion recombination energies, structures, heats of formation, reaction energy defects, and 3.0-keV charge-transfer cross sections are presented for reactions of molecular and fragment ions produced by electron bombardment ionization of CH30CH, and CH$l molecules. Relationships between experimental cross sections and reaction energetics involving different ion structures are discussed.
This study evaluated the correlation between three strip-type, colorimetric tests and two laboratory methods with respect to the analysis of salivary buffering. The strip-type tests were saliva-check buffer, Dentobuff strip and CRT(®) Buffer test. The laboratory methods included Ericsson's laboratory method and a monotone acid/base titration to create a reference scale for the salivary titratable acidity. Additionally, defined buffer solutions were prepared and tested to simulate the carbonate, phosphate and protein buffer systems of saliva. The correlation between the methods was analysed by the Spearman's rank test. Disagreement was detected between buffering capacity values obtained with three strip-type tests that was more pronounced in case of saliva samples with medium and low buffering capacities. All strip-type tests were able to assign the hydrogencarbonate, di-hydrogenphosphate and 0.1% protein buffer solutions to the correct buffer categories. However, at 0.6% total protein concentrations, none of the test systems worked accurately. Improvements are necessary for strip-type tests because of certain disagreement with the Ericsson's laboratory method and dependence on the protein content of saliva.
BACKGROUND: The objective of the study was to correlate MR-detectable motility alterations of the terminal ileum with biopsy-documented active and chronic changes in Crohn's disease. METHODS: This IRB approved retrospective analysis of 43 patients included magnetic resonance enterography (MRE) and terminal ileum biopsies (<2 weeks apart). Motility was measured at the terminal ileum using coronal 2D trueFISP pulse sequences (1.5T MRI,TR 83.8,TE1.89) and dedicated motility assessment software. Motility grading (hypermotility, normal, hypomotility, complete arrest) was agreed by two experienced readers. Motility was compared and correlated with histopathology using two-tailed Kruskal-Wallis test and paired Spearman Rank-Order Correlation tests. KEY RESULTS: Motility abnormalities were present in 27/43 patients: nine hypomotility and 18 complete arrest. Active disease was diagnosed on 15 biopsies: eight moderate and seven severe inflammatory activity. Chronic changes were diagnosed on 17 biopsies: 13 moderate and four severe cases. In four patients with normal motility alterations on histopathology were diagnosed. Histopathology correlated with presence (P = 0.0056 for hypomotility and P = 0.0119 for complete arrest) and grade (P < 0.0001; P = 0.0004) of motility alterations. A significant difference in the motility was observed in patients with active or chronic CD compared with patients without disease (P < 0.001; P = 0.0024). CONCLUSIONS & INFERENCES: MR-detectable motility changes of the terminal ileum correlate with histopathological findings both in active and chronic CD. Motility changes may indicate the presence pathology, but do not allow differentiation of active and chronic disease.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Rebound tonometry (RT) is performed without anaesthesia with a hand held device. The primary aim was to compare RT with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) and to correlate with central corneal thickness (CCT). The secondary aim was to prove tolerability and practicability of RT under "study conditions" and "routine practice conditions." METHODS: In group 1 (52 eyes/28 patients), all measurements were taken by the same physician, in the same room and order: non-contact optical pachymetry, RT, slit lamp inspection, GAT. Patients were questioned about discomfort or pain. In group 2 (49 eyes/27 patients), tonometry was performed by three other physicians during routine examinations. RESULTS: RT was well tolerated and safe. Intraocular pressure (IOP) ranged between 6 mm Hg and 48 mm Hg. No different trends were found between the groups. RT tended to give slightly higher readings: n = 101, mean difference 1.0 (SD 2.17) mm Hg; 84.1% of RT readings within plus or minus 3 mm Hg of GAT; 95% confidence interval in the Bland-Altman analysis -3.2 mm Hg to +5.2 mm Hg. Both RT and GAT showed a weak positive correlation with CCT (r2 0.028 and 0.025, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: RT can be considered a reliable alternative for clinical screening and in cases where positioning of the head at the slit lamp is impossible or topical preparations are to be avoided.
AIMS: Postmortem magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging is currently evaluated as alternative to traditional autopsy and myocardial infarction plays a key role therein. The aim of this study is to determine the suitability of postmortem MRI in infarction age staging. METHODS AND RESULTS: In eight human forensic corpses presenting with a total of 11 myocardial infarcted areas, short-axis, transversal, and longitudinal long-axis images (T1, T2, stir, flair) were acquired in situ on a 1.5 T system. During subsequent autopsy, the section technique was adapted to short-axis images. Histological investigations were performed along the entire circumference of the left ventricle to correlate the signal alteration in MR to the histological appearance. Two peracute infarctions were not detected in MRI and autopsy. Four acute infarcted areas presented with decreased signal in necrotic centres and increased signal in marginal myocardial regions (T2-weighted). T1-weighted images showed local hyperintensities when intramyocardial haemorrhage occurred. Four cases showed subacute infarctions with hyperintense regions in T2-weighted images and no signal alteration in T1-weighted images. Four chronic myocardial infarctions showed distinctively decreased signals in all applied sequences. CONCLUSION: Postmortem MRI demonstrates myocardial infarction in situ and allows for an infarction age estimation based on the signal behaviour.
PURPOSE: To test the hypothesis that the extension of areas with increased fundus autofluorescence (FAF) outside atrophic patches correlates with the rate of spread of geographic atrophy (GA) over time in eyes with age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS: The database of the multicenter longitudinal natural history Fundus Autofluorescence in AMD (FAM) Study was reviewed for patients with GA recruited through the end of August 2003, with follow-up examinations within at least 1 year. Only eyes with sufficient image quality and with diffuse patterns of increased FAF surrounding atrophy were chosen. In standardized digital FAF images (excitation, 488 nm; emission, >500 nm), total size and spread of GA was measured. The convex hull (CH) of increased FAF as the minimum polygon encompassing the entire area of increased FAF surrounding the central atrophic patches was quantified at baseline. Statistical analysis was performed with the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rho). RESULTS: Thirty-nine eyes of 32 patients were included (median age, 75.0 years; interquartile range [IQR], 67.8-78.9); median follow-up, 1.87 years; IQR, 1.43-3.37). At baseline, the median total size of atrophy was 7.04 mm2 (IQR, 4.20-9.88). The median size of the CH was 21.47 mm2 (IQR, 15.19-28.26). The median rate of GA progression was 1.72 mm2 per year (IQR, 1.10-2.83). The area of increased FAF around the atrophy (difference between the CH and the total GA size at baseline) showed a positive correlation with GA enlargement over time (rho=0.60; P=0.0002). CONCLUSIONS: FAF characteristics that are not identified by fundus photography or fluorescein angiography may serve as a prognostic determinant in advanced atrophic AMD. As the FAF signal originates from lipofuscin (LF) in postmitotic RPE cells and since increased FAF indicates excessive LF accumulation, these findings would underscore the pathophysiological role of RPE-LF in AMD pathogenesis.
Multislice-computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are increasingly used for forensic purposes. Based on broad experience in clinical neuroimaging, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were performed in 57 forensic cases with the goal to evaluate the radiological methods concerning their usability for forensic head and brain examination. An experienced clinical radiologist evaluated the imaging data. The results were compared to the autopsy findings that served as the gold standard with regard to common forensic neurotrauma findings such as skull fractures, soft tissue lesions of the scalp, various forms of intracranial hemorrhage or signs of increased brain pressure. The sensitivity of the imaging methods ranged from 100% (e.g., heat-induced alterations, intracranial gas) to zero (e.g., mediobasal impression marks as a sign of increased brain pressure, plaques jaunes). The agreement between MRI and CT was 69%. The radiological methods prevalently failed in the detection of lesions smaller than 3mm of size, whereas they were generally satisfactory concerning the evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage. Due to its advanced 2D and 3D post-processing possibilities, CT in particular possessed certain advantages in comparison with autopsy with regard to forensic reconstruction. MRI showed forensically relevant findings not seen during autopsy in several cases. The partly limited sensitivity of imaging that was observed in this retrospective study was based on several factors: besides general technical limitations it became apparent that clinical radiologists require a sound basic forensic background in order to detect specific signs. Focused teaching sessions will be essential to improve the outcome in future examinations. On the other hand, the autopsy protocols should be further standardized to allow an exact comparison of imaging and autopsy data. In consideration of these facts, MRI and CT have the power to play an important role in future forensic neuropathological examination.