1000 resultados para corpo genicolato mediale, cetacei, tursiope


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A doação de órgãos é um problema de relevância social e científica, pois envolve as formas como a vida é perpetuada através do corpo de outra pessoa, especificamente por meio de seus órgãos. Quais são os fatores de resistência e de facilitação à doação de órgãos? Este artigo propõe um fator de resistência e um de facilitação. O primeiro, o narcisismo pelo próprio corpo; o segundo, o desejo de perpetuar-se a si mesmo e a vida.


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While looking to the body and finding it engraved by cultural, imaginary and power-related texts through a discourse embodied in itself, this research proposes a new vertiginous approach to it by analyzing the following works: Poesia completa II, more specifically, Educação sentimental, and Novas cartas portuguesas. Such transgressive and performatic works are from Maria Teresa Horta (1937-), Portuguese writer, who proposes a new education by a renewed language: a sentimental education spawned from the erotic element. Starting from the deconstruction of the view over the spoiled body and exposed in Novas cartas portuguesas, from the poetic texts in Educação sentimental, as well as in remaining ones in Poesia completa II, Horta disassembles and reassembles the body, giving a new meaning to the symbols that surround us and our experiences. Other than proposing to all, men and women, such new meaning of the behavior and current practices models, Horta s education allows, through a performance action, the construction of a stage for female identity, free from the phallic influence. A new identity, able to handle all holy and profane characteristics of women, discarding the chromatic lens of sin. Horta s poetry emerges as a new proposal of literary labor


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La présente thèse est une approche critique de la production littéraire de l écrivain carioca Ana Cristina Cesar. Aussi bien dans la poésie que dans son oeuvre critique, Ana Cristina Cesar a mis en évidence la question de l écriture comme le principal dilème de son projet comme écrivain. En face d autant de registres, soit en forme de poèmes, texte critique ou lettres, la question de l écriture est, dans l ensemble de son oeuvre, formulée à partir d une interpénétration entre la littérature et la vie. Considérant le problème de l écriture comme partie d un projet de l être écrivain pour Ana Cristina Cesar, nous affirmons que l intérêt de notre recherche se dirige vers l analyse des manières selon lesquelles ce problème parcourt son écriture et dévient une question métalinguistique dans sa création. Nous partons de la réflexion sur l écriture dans son oeuvre pour relever la question principale de notre proposition de travail avec son texte: Qu est-ce que c est, après tout, écrire pour Ana Cristina Cesar et comment cela se formule-t-il dans la production des rôles qu elle exerce en tant que poète, critique et professeur? Parmi les principaux objectifs qui guident cette recherche sont: promouvoir un dialogue avec les textes de l auteur, où se présente le problème de l écrire, à travers une réflexion sur le parcours de son activité intellectuelle, pour elle imprégné de questions sur l écriture féminine et la production marginale; et enquêter les manières dont cette réflexion s articule dans les fonctions qu elle développe comme poète, critique et professeur et les rélations qu elle établi avec la littérature de son époque. En outre, nous discuterons l importance de son oeuvre dans la littérature marginale, ce qui possibilite aussi une évaluation de cette production dans la littérature brésilienne


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The main objective of this study is to investigate the meanings of body and costume as essential components of television journalists aesthetic discourse, as exemplified by the presenters of Jornal Nacional, from Rede Globo. The study is inspired on the paths proposed by semiotics, and combines this approach with other techniques of scientific investigation to identify the meanings of this non-verbal communication form. For that, this work uses the concept of communication proposed by the Palo Alto School s authors, more specifically the concept of Watzlawick et al. (2005), which understands communication like relation and inherent of human beings. The precepts of complex thought and the hologramatic principle of Morin (1990), which value the union and the need to connect the knowledge of elements or parts to that of the systems these parts constitute, is also present in the thinking that guides the work. Throughout the chapters, we elucidate our understanding of body and television as media, and fashion and television journalism as languages. This work approaches a televisual history of Jornal Nacional in order to better understand the aesthetic proposed by television news over time, its presenters and costumes. The elements that are part of the televisual language s expression and content are addressed so that we can better understand the importance of body and presenters costume in this context. Finally, we conduct an analysis of the meanings of television journalism presenters body and costume through their stereotypes, their integration into the fashion cycle and also into the televisual analysis of the most important costume elements of Jornal Nacional s presenter couple: colors, models and accessories. We thus seek to strengthen the understanding of the wardrobe inseparable from the body as communication and detail some of their production understanding processes. The women historical role in brazilian television journalism, as well as masculinization of TV journalism environment are important elements to contextualize televisual language thinking in contemporary society. The investigation covers the origins, concepts, proposals, stereotypes, prejudices, reproductions, naturalizations and reinterpretation of the body and the costume of the presenters through time and the relationship between body, fashion and communication


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The theme that fits the perspective of this thesis comes from the interest of treating, in the Epicurean corpus, about the importance of the body and its manners of realization for understanding the thought of Epicurus of Samos. Based on the inferences contained in the texts that remained from Epicurus, we did an analysis of the aspects that characterize Epicurism as a thought that makes repeated references to the body as an instance of sensitivity. It was necessary, therefore, to discuss how the body is linked to the possibility of thought, and how the latter can be admitted as a body element. It is further understood that the atomistic physics converges to the idea that asserts natural phenomena as likely to be contained and explained by the observations that come from the senses which are manifested through the body. For this reason, it was also pertinent to reflect on the admission of the body as a key element for the interpretation of Epicurean thought, even under the constitution of language. The Epicurean construction about body image was also used for the interpretation and questioning of the dynamics that define the relationships between individuals, characterizing the koinonía of the garden through the notion of corporeal unity. It was defined, therefore, that the characterization of the action field of individuals who lived in the Epicurean garden revolves around the use of logos, with the dialogues coming from the exercise of philosophy for therapeutic purposes, which were able to introduce a specific mode of political action marked by the absence of strange interests of the notion of philía


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Considering that the Jesuitical tradition which Father Samuel Fritz belonged, has a clear political and institutional dimension that reveals itself in the missionary initiative placed since the Trento Council, his journal is a experience story as missionary at Maynás region during the period from 1686 until 1725. In his narrative, a series of data related to the conquer of Amazonia, conflicts among the Iberic Kingdoms and french, dutches and british, transformation of culture and space close the period of the Madrid Deal. I´ll explore the men and space relationship, in this case, the missionary in his special practice, therefore an effective and geometrical politic for border control was only applied at 1750 with reformist governments and that Amazônia was, until now, an object of autonomous initiatives, not being until now a priority focused state politics action like the ones in the central regions (silver mines) and that the missionary action of Samuel Fritz represented ant that moment represented the most important border advance to the Spanish Kingdom, coinciding with the end of the borders previously set in Madrid and Santo Idelfonso, I´ll put the question of how and with which politics the experience of Fritz in Maynás could represent an advance about Amazônia space. Then I´ll approach the problem about three aspects that are chapters: The first one was focused to the Iberic Kingdoms atlantic politics and the internal geopolitical relationships they created as the centre and the border emerging a new order; in the second chapter I studied the special transformation cause by the encounter and conflicts between the Indian and European order generating a new organization; in the third chapter I´ll examined the political border of the state and the emergency of the missionary body as an institution, with the tradition and missionary action as support, or not, to the exploration of the east border of Spanish America influencing the delimitation process of the border between Portugal and Spain


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The concern about a good physical condition is heavily present nowadays, in documentary films about health and in the media, and it is also expressed through the outstanding growth of physical academies, beauty institutes and aesthetic medicine and all kind of aesthetic surgeries. In the western world the body wave is a significant trend, characterized by the great investments in body image. However, what is overlooked is the fact that in parallel trend grows the number of teenagers, especially females, with all kind of problems related to their body image. As adolescence is a moment of transformations, teenagers tend to be more aware of their body image and often neglect food ingestion and try to build their bodies following the images they have from top models and movie stars. The low self-esteem accompanying this sort of experience is an additional problem. Therefore the research aim to analyze discourses regarding the body image produced in world wide web diaries (blogs). The blogs selection was made through the site www.blogs.com.br, which is considered the widest guide of electronic diaries in Brazil. We looked after blogs including the keyword body and from adolescents aged 10 to 19, who showed concern about a slim body. Three blogs were chosen, considering the example criteria. Discourse analysis shows that these teenagers feel unsatisfied with their bodies, searching by all means the thinness presented as a aesthetic paradigm in western societies which often implies neglecting their own health, using appetite inhibitor drugs, restricting or totally abstaining food ingestion for long periods of time, or provoking themselves vomits after ingesting food. These behaviors, together with intense fear of gaining weight, can be characterized as alimentary disorders, related to the body image. As they usually hide this sort of behaviors from family and friends who do not share this concern, the blogs seem to be an easy tool for adolescents to find peers with whom to share common values and ideas and reaffirm their identities and virtual sense of community


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Nos últimos trinta anos de desenvolvimento capitalista, ocorreram transformações significativas nas diversas instâncias do ser social, com destaque para o mundo do trabalho e da reprodução social. Desenvolve-se o toyotismo, ideologia orgânica da nova produção capitalista, 'momento predominante' da reestruturação produtiva do capital. Sob o toyotismo, tende a constituir-se, pelo menos como 'promessa frustrada' do capital, o que iremos denominar 'compressão psicocorporal'. Esta constitui-se como um elemento da nova disposição sócio-subjetiva instaurada pelo toyotismo que caracteriza uma nova experiência do corpo, tanto no processo de trabalho quanto no processo sócio-reprodutivo.


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A epidemia do HIV/AIDS tem desafiado tanto a biomedicina como a ciência de modo geral. Tecnologias vêm sendo exploradas a fim de criar uma base terapêutica consistente às pessoas infectadas. Se os tratamentos exigem o consumo diário de medicamentos, os exames laboratoriais contemplam uma rotina a ser sempre mantida. Levam a um processo de mudança e adaptação pessoal junto de uma reorganização intensiva das formas de cuidado do corpo. As práticas clínico-terapêuticas devem ser entendidas, porém, como elementos particulares de processos culturais de grande alcance. Partindo de pesquisa etnográfica no Rio de Janeiro, discuto os efeitos sociais da biomedicina como um saber e uma cultura global sobre práticas sociais locais.


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Falar em corpo e beleza parece algo bastante familiar à Educação Física. Para tanto, consideraremos a relação entre os significados do corpo e da beleza identificados nas produções analisadas e os modelos de beleza na Educação Física. Essa pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, tendo a Análise de Conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. O corpus de análise foi composto por 8 dissertações da área de Educação Física, publicadas no Banco de Teses da Capes no período de 2004 a 2008, selecionados a partir da temática corpo e beleza. Diante do exposto, foi possível observar que a compreensão do corpo e da beleza na área, vem sendo ressignificada ao admitir outras concepções estéticas de belo, o que representa o avanço ocorrido na área no trato do conhecimento do corpo e da beleza


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O texto trata-se de um recorte de uma pesquisa de mestrado realizada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFRN. Para tanto, consideraremos a relação entre os significados do corpo e da beleza identificados nas produções analisadas e os modelos de beleza na Educação Física. Essa pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, tendo a Análise de Conteúdo para tratamento dos dados. O corpus de análise foi composto por 8 dissertações da área de Educação Física, publicadas no Banco de Teses da Capes no período de 2004 a 2008, selecionados a partir da temática corpo e beleza. Foi possível observar que a compreensão do corpo e da beleza na área vem sendo ressignificada, ao tratar de outras concepções estéticas, que consideram as singularidades expressas no corpo humano e na cultura da qual o indivíduo faz parte


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A partir de trabalhos que questionam limites de linguagens artísticas, discute-se o termo dançatividade enquanto potência do corpo-artista. A escolha dos trabalhos se orientou pela percepção de tal potência como impulso para a desterritorialização dos campos específicos da dança para se re-territorializar em outro campo de fronteira pela própria experiência do corpo


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Esta pesquisa objetiva identifi car as novas confi gurações de corpo advindas da interconexão entre Dança e Tecnologia, bem como compreender de que maneiras essas confi - gurações se aproximam e contribuem para a compreensão de corpo na Educação Física. O recurso metodológico é a análise de imagens dos vídeos de dança: Digital Brazuca e Corpo Aberto. Os vídeos analisados apontam para um repertório de saberes, que podem ser problematizados na área, e contribuem para reconfi gurar a relação homem/ambiente. Nesse sentido, promovem a plasticidade e a polissemia de relações entre o carbono e o silício, e desenham outras formas de compressão do corpo que incluem a complexidade, a incerteza, a reversibilidade e a descoberta


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Neste artigo pretende-se refletir, apoiado em alguns ensaios de Merleau-Ponty e com base na fenomenologia, acerca do corpo e das narrativas e saberes que nele se anunciam na dança butô — modalidade que combina dança e teatro, criada no Japão na década de 1950. De modo geral, o corpo foi compreendido como elemento acessório no processo educativo, e essa compreensão ainda é predominante no contexto atual. Nossa reflexão tenta apontar outros caminhos de entendimento do corpo na educação, a partir de uma atitude que busca superar o instrumentalismo e ampliar as referências educativas, ao considerar a fenomenologia do corpo, e sua relação com o conhecimento sensível, como aquela capaz de amplificar a textura corpórea dos processos de conhecimento. Considerando a experiência do corpo na dança butô, apresentamos indicadores para pensar a educação, relacionados à experiência estética. Dentre eles destacamos: a plasticidade do corpo, a sua produção incessante de ressignificações, a sua abertura à inovação, a sua condição mutante, a sua ruptura com a mecanização gestual, a sua não dissociação entre homem e mundo, pensamento e sentimento. Todos esses aspectos que reúnem o saber recursivo, integrativo e criativo do corpo, são indicadores para pensarmos na educação, por tratar-se de uma nova possibilidade de leitura do real, a partir da linguagem do gesto, em que dialogam saberes e práticas inscritos na experiência corporal