468 resultados para complaint


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: Auditory Late Responses (ALR) assess central auditory processing by neuro electric activity of the auditory pathway and analyse the activities involved in cortical abilities of discrimination, attention and integration of the brain. Individuals withAsperger Syndrome experience changes in these skills, so it is important to research these potential this population. The objective of this paper was to describe the auditory late responses of two patients with Asperger Syndrome. Methods: The study included two male patients with Asperger Syndrome, of 7 and 12 years of age, treated in a study centre. The patients did not present any auditory complaint detected by an amnesis. The external auditory canal was inspected and audiological and auditory late responses assessed. After evaluation the components P2, N2 and P3 were analysed. Results: In both patients, the latency of the components P2, N2 and P3 were elongated in both ears. Regarding the amplitude of the P2 component, reduced values were found for the left ear of patient 1 and the right ear of patient 2. The N2 amplitude was reduced for both ears of patient 1 and only the right ear of patient 2. The two patients showed a decrease in the amplitude of the P3 only in the right ear. Conclusion:This study concludes that there were changes in the ALR results in both patients with Asperger Syndrome, suggesting alteration of the auditory function at the cortex level.


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The goal of this research was to characterize written stories, produced by students, without complaint of language development (oral and written), from pictographic support. In a specific way, it has been searched, in those stories, elements that could grant coherence, applying that performance with the participants’ profile variables. It was characterized as a descriptive-exploratory study, held at a rural municipal school in the State of Parana. Twenty-one (21) students of both genders and ages between seven and nine years old have participated in this study. Data collection consisted of two narratives requests: one oral, after being released, to the child, four pictures placed in sequence to form a story, and one written. This writing production had been taken for the analysis. The results have indicated that most children (71.42%) managed to produce coherent stories, seventeen (80%) in story 1 and thirteen (61%) in story 2. As to the relation of that coherence with the students’ profile in story 1, there has been no statistically significant association, for none of the analyzed variables (gender, age and education), whereas there has been a statistically significant association with gender in story 2 (p-value 0.027). It is considered that the use of the pictographic support in developing stories have been confirmed as a facilitating strategy for its construction, for it has enabled the production of coherent narratives.


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Introduction: Due to the high recurrence of pain complaints and the increasing incidence of musculoskeletal injuries and postural changes in dance practice, researches related to this issue gained greater importance in scientific community. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate complaints and pain threshold, postural misalignments and the incidence of injuries in dancers noting if there is a relationship between these variables. Method: Participants were 15 ballet dancers in Marília - SP. We used photogrammetry for postural analysis, the McGill Pain Questionnaire for pain location of the volunteer, algometry pressure for measuring the threshold of pain perception and Referred Morbidity to verify and characterize the incidence of injuries this population. In the data analysis we use to percentage to quantify the data from questionnaires and Pearson correlation test angles of photogrammetry correlating with the values of the threshold of pain perception. Results: 73.33% of dancers reported to have suffered some kind of injury in the last year. The area of greatest pain complaint checked at McGill, was the region of the foot (73.30%). Conclusion: There was an agreement between regions of injury and pain, however, there wasn’t a correlation between the threshold of pain tolerance and postural angles.


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Uremic syndrome, arising from kidney malfunction, consists of a set of systemic changes caused by the accumulation of toxic substances to the body. Since, with the advance of medicine, the animals lived more reaching advanced age and entering thus on track of senility, chronic renal disease, became a common complaint in the routine of the ambulatory. This high rate of morbidity generates an increased need for clarification of pathophysiology involved in this disease. The components of the uremic syndrome include water and sodium imbalance, anemia, intolerance to carbohydrate, neurological disorders, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, osteoarthritis, immunological incompetence and metabolic acidosis. The clinical manifestations occur in isolation or in combination. In most cases canines patients are subject to an assessment when the kidney disease has evolved to the final stage with uremic syndrome and installed already, under these conditions, the prognosis is reserved


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The searches for a health service it’s a part of a process, searches for a qualified evaluation can arise the perception, in form of irritating factors taking for an alert state. The personal expectation, it makes influence in its perceptions, too. The objective was to evaluate the satisfaction degree of the users of “Seção Técnica de Ambulatório Geral do Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu”. The work is about a quantitative and transversal study, with calculated sample of 366 users, chosen randomly and invited to participate through a questionnaire. The population was compounded by a majority of women (64,5%), between 50 to 59 years old and average degree of education (38,3%). 25 specialties were cited. The evaluate about comfort, cleaning, reception, waiting time, medical attention and nursing vary between “very good” and “good”. Obtained significant “regular” assessment, the comfort in the waiting rooms (24%), silence (25%) and cleaning bathroom (63%). Others negative evaluation was the reception about the waiting time (26%), waiting time between arrival and the consultation (34%), waiting time between the request and consultation (27%). 30,6% report to know the place for complaints and 79,4% of these pointed to the ombudsman. 62% consider their problems solved, 84,4% would indicate the hospital, 57,4% would consider the hospital better than imagined. 42,62% used the opened area for thanking, critical for staff, suggestion infrastructure improvements, cleaning and waiting time. The biggest complaint was the staff turnover in the treatment. There was disharmony between the objective and subjective questions, but, all of them must be considered to propose improvements. The satisfaction evaluation makes the service more effective, bringing credibility to the health service and the patients adhere better to the treatment


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Worldwide, growth is seen in the elderly population, which has prompted the use oftechnologies of care that include all stages of life and for that use, it is necessary toprepare professionals to meet this growing demand population. This work aims to understand how old people feel by their condition and identify how old people perceive this treatment in the Family Health Unit. The research is characterized asqualitative and Minayo second analysis was used Bardin. After, thematicinterviews, it was possible to appreciate the topics: Good, dissatisfaction through the life and likes / dislikes of the service unit. This work can be seen that the elderlywho were well, allied to good living with this family, with spouses, autonomy, respect they encounter in society. And when compared with those who have a complaint, we find that lack of family and age restrictions and diseases are the main complaints


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The treatment of aggressive periodontitis is a challenge to the clinician, therefore the search for effective treatment protocols of this disease is important. The aim of this case report was demonstrate the effectiveness of the combination of systemic antibiotics with non-surgical periodontal therapy in the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis. a 27-year-old patient (RCS), smoker for 11 years (10 cigarettes/day on average), with no systemic alteration, attended the periodontal clinic with a complaint abnormal dental position. After the clinical examination, the diagnosis of generalized aggressive periodontitis was defined. The non-surgical periodontal treatment was executed associated with administration of amoxicillin plus metronidazole for ten days. Clinical parameters (Clinical Attachment level, marginal gingival level, periodontal probing depth, bleeding on probing, plaque index and gingival index) and radiographic parameters (distance between the cemento-enamel junction and the bone crest) were evaluated before and after non-surgical periodontal treatment, after antibiotic therapy and three, six and 12 months after the treatment. After one year follow-up, the results showed improvement in clinical and radiographic parameters with stabilized and decreased tooth mobility and absence of tooth loss. It was concluded that the association of non-surgical periodontal therapy with the administration of amoxicillin/metronidazole was effective in the treatment of generalized aggressive periodontitis.


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Periodontal therapy has undergone significant changes in recent decades. While in the past the only goal was to restore gingival health, with no concern about the possible consequences of the disease treatment, currently the procedures are performed in a less invasive manner, to maintain aesthetic periodontal results or even recover them. Gingival recession is an alteration frequently found in patients and may be a complaint for causing various complications. For their treatment, several surgical techniques are reported in the literature. The techniques that are more predictable are those that associate a subepithelial connective tissue graft and a coronally repositioned flap. The original technique consists in performing two vertical incisions for an extensive release of the flap and its stabilization in a coronal position. Although this procedure is extremely widespread in the literature, the search for less invasive surgeries without the use of vertical incisions are the current aim of periodontal plastic surgeries, since they present several advantages. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a case where adjacent, deep and multiple recessions were present resulting in aesthetic problems, which was resolved by a less invasive approach using a surgical technique in envelope and a subepithelial connective tissue graft.


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The aim of this paper is to present a complex rehabilitation, of fractured tooth, with implants in anterior region considering the orthodontics extrusion to clinical success. At 7 years old, the patient fractured the maxillary left central incisor and the dentist did a crown with the fragment. Twenty years later, the patient was referred to a dental clinic for orthodontic treatment, with the chief complaint related to an accentuated deep bite, and a professional started an orthodontic treatment. After sixteen months of orthodontic treatment, tooth 21 fractured. The treatment plan included an orthodontic extrusion of tooth 21 and implant placement. This case has been followed up and the clinical and radiographic examinations show excellence esthetic results and satisfaction of patient. The forced extrusion can be a viable treatment option in the management of crown root fracture of an anterior tooth to gain bone in a vertical direction. This case emphasizes that to achieve the esthetic result a multidisciplinary approach is necessary.


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Current dental treatments search for alternatives to achieve restablishment of esthetics and function. The increased demand for high esthetic patterns stimulates an interaction between the dental specialties towards a comprehensive treatment in order to solve slinical cases effectively. Knowing the components involved in the dental smile harmony is essential for treatment planning and implementation. It is also important to be aware of the changes that may impair suck harmony and become a patient's complaint. This article addresses a multidisciplinary treatment that involved the integration between Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry. After the surgical-restorative planning, periodontal procedures were performed to obtain an adequate balance between the teeth and soft tiessues.


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Some regions of the oral cavity present anatomical conditions that seem to hinder the result of gingival recessions coverage. Thus, the aim of this case report was to present two surgeries for gingival recessions coverage in the mandibular teeth performed on the same patient with the follow-up of 24 months. Patient RP, 35 years old, male, Caucasian, nonsmoker, systemically healthy, sought care at the clinic of specialization course in Periodontics from the Araraquara Dental School (Foar-Unesp). His main complaint was the gingival recessions within the lower teeth 33, 34, 35, 43, 44 and 45. Besides the aesthetic nuisance, the patient reported occasional dentin sensitivity. For resolution of the case was referred to the technique of subepithelial connective tissue graft associated with a coronally advanced flap. After 2 years of surgery, it was observed an excellent root guards with significant aesthetic improvement of the case. It can be concluded that the subepithelial connective tissue graft technique was effective in covering of type class I gingival recessions of Miller, even in a region that provides a difficult procedure.


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Gingival recession has a high prevalence in the population. This alteration may promote several complications such as cervical dentinal hypersensitivity (HSDC), carious and non-carious cervical lesions, and cosmetic changes due to the increase of the clinical crown length. To treat HSDC there are several therapeutic possibilities that should aim to eliminate pain after external stimulus. Treatment of this alteration can be performed by a conventional or invasive procedure, depending on the clinical condition and patients' desires. In situations where aesthetics is not the main complaint and HSDC persists even after conservative procedures, it is possible to indicate a procedure to achieve root coverage in Miller's Class I and II recessions. The aim of this paper is to report a case where the HSDC was not eliminated by conventional methods, which was resolved only after performing a minimally invasive surgery that promoted total root coverage.


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Besides producing a vast literary work, Angela Carter (1940-1992) participated of the screenplay’s production for two movies based on her books, The Company of Wolves and The Magic Toyshop. Either through the influence that cinema had in her life or through the very own style of her writing, the relation of the British author with the seventh art is visible. Considering the importance of significations in literary works, this paper proposes a comparative study between Angela Carter’s The Magic Toyshop (1967) and the film of the same title, based on Carter’s novel, directed by David Wheatley and produced by Granada Television, in 1987. Based on Tania Carvalhal’s conception about intertextuality and film theories, the focus of this paper is the gender study, since its ideology is subscribed, represented and reproduced in every cultural practice, including literature and cinema. The characters construction in both cases, especially the female characters, is filled with symbols which are going to bring the film closer to the literary work and contribute to express the critics suggested in the work’s leading: the complaint to the patriarchal system. However, given the different nature of each work, it is necessary to stress that this present comparison doesn’t intend to establish a total identification between novel and film, but to set a dialogue between both, observing the approximation and distance of these two instances.