935 resultados para common fisheries policy


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CONTENTS: Impacts of the fisheries policy reform on livelihoods in Cambodia, by Chun Sophat and Mitchell Isaacs. A success story about aquaculture in India, by Shri Prameswar Bhoi. Two stories from Nepal: fisherman becomes a rich fish farmer, women’s empowerment through aquaculture, by Rjendra Yadav, Rabindra Man Malla. A positive change in perceptions in Pakistan, by Cecile Brugere. Small details that matter: a story from the Philippines, by Rommel Guarin. A Vietnamese farmer managing aquaculture and capture in a reservoir, by Nguyen Van Lung.


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In the past, agricultural researchers tended to ignore the fisheries factor in global food and nutritional security. However, the role of fish is becoming critical as a result of changes in fisheries regimes, income distribution, demand and increasing international trade. Fish has become the fastest growing food commodity in international trade and this is raising concern for the supply of fish for poorer people. As a result, the impact of international trade regimes on fish supply and demand, and the consequences on the availability of fish for developing countries need to be studied. Policies aimed at increasing export earnings are in conflict with those aimed at increasing food security in third world countries. Fisheries policy research will need to focus on three primary areas which have an impact on the marginal and poorer communities of developing countries: increased international demand for low-value fish on the supply of poorer countries; improved aquaculture technologies and productivity on poorer and marginal farmers; and land and water allocation policy on productivity, food security and sustainability across farm, fishery and related sectors. The key to local food security is in the integration of agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources but an important focus on fisheries policy research will be to look at the linkages between societal, economic and natural systems in order to develop adequate and flexible solutions to achieve sustainable use of aquatic resources systems.


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It has been predicted that the global demand for fish for human consumption will increase by more than 50% over the next 15 years. The FAO has projected that the increase in supply will originate primarily from marine fisheries, aquaculture and to a lesser extent from inland fisheries, but with a commensurate price increase. However, there are constraints to increased production in both marine and inland fisheries, such as overfishing, overexploitation limited potential increase and environmental degradation due to industrialization. The author sees aquaculture as having the greatest potential for future expansion. Aquaculture practices vary depending on culture, environment, society amd sources of fish. Inputs are generally low-cost, ecologically efficient and the majority of aquaculture ventures are small-scale and family operated. In the future, advances in technology, genetic improvement of cultured species, improvement in nutrition, disease management, reproduction control and environmental management are expected along with opportunities for complimentary activities with agriculture, industrial and wastewater linkages. The main constraints to aquaculture are from reduced access to suitable land and good quality water due to pollution and habitat degradation. Aquaculture itself carries minimal potential for aquatic pollution. State participation in fisheries production has not proven to be the best way to promote the fisheries sector. The role of governments is increasingly seen as creating an environment for economic sectors to make an optimum contribution, through support in areas such as infrastructure, research, training and extension and a legal framework. The author feels that a holistic approach integrating the natural and social sciences is called for when fisheries policy is being examined.


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Contents: ITQs in New Zealand. Finfish Farming in Atlantic Canada. Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries. Salmon Aquaculture in Chile. South Africa’s Fisheries Policy. Voluntary Guidelines for SSF


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Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych:Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej


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In the European Union under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) milk production was restricted by milk quotas since 1984. However, due to recent changes in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), milk quotas will be abolished by 2015. Therefore, the European dairy sector will soon face an opportunity, for the first time in a generation, to expand. Numerous studies have shown that milk production in Ireland will increase significantly post quotas (Laepple and Hennessy (2010), Donnellan and Hennessy (2007) and Lips and Reider (2005)). The research in this thesis explored milk transport and dairy product processing in the Irish dairy processing sector in the context of milk quota removal and expansion by 2020. In this study a national milk transport model was developed for the Irish dairy industry, the model was used to examine different efficiency factors in milk transport and to estimate milk transport costs post milk quota abolition. Secondly, the impact of different milk supply profiles on milk transport costs was investigated using the milk transport model. Current processing capacity in Ireland was compared against future supply, it was concluded that additional milk processing capacity would not be sufficient to process the additional milk. Thirdly, the milk transport model was used to identify the least cost locations (based on transport costs) to process the additional milk supply in 2020. Finally, an optimisation model was developed to identify the optimum configuration for the Irish dairy processing sector in 2020 taking cognisance of increasing transport costs and decreasing processing costs.


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In 1986, New Zealand responded to the open-access problem by establishing the world's largest individual transferable quota (ITQ) system. Using a 15-year panel dataset from New Zealand that covers 33 species and more than 150 markets for fishing quotas, we assess trends in market activity, price dispersion, and the fundamentals determining quota prices. We find that market activity is sufficiently high in the economically important markets and that price dispersion has decreased. We also find evidence of economically rational behavior through the relationship between quota lease and sale prices and fishing output and input prices, ecological variability, and market interest rates. Controlling for these factors, our results show a greater increase in quota prices for fish stocks that faced significant reductions, consistent with increased profitability due to rationalization. Overall, this suggests that these markets are operating reasonably well, implying that ITQs can be effective instruments for efficient fisheries management. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Common Agricultural Policy - Clearance of EAGGF accounts - 1988 financial year


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The challenges of Common Agricultural Policy are driven by internal and external factors, such as the budgetary constraints, the budget reform, the globalization and the world financial crisis. According to this work results, CAP will continue its evolution from a sectorial to a territorial approach, with a slow re-balance of its two pillars. The Portuguese agriculture will slowly adjust itself to the disappearance of prices and markets policy and the reinforcement of rural development policy. As in the past, agriculture will accommodate the reform effects and adjust to a new framework without sudden brakes or disclosers.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientadora: Professora Doutora Maria Clara Ribeiro Coorientadora: Mestre Maria Luísa Verdelho Alves


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Esta monografía analiza la nueva diplomacia migratoria española enfocada hacia África Subsahariana y el proceso que llevó a cabo el Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero por reintroducir el Enfoque Global sobre Migraciones dentro de las prioridades de la agenda política común europea.


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Con la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre los países que conforman la Unión Europea (UE) y Colombia, se abre un camino complejo y dinámico de flujos en comercio exterior que, sin duda, traerá beneficios y desventajas para la actividad productora de leche cruda en Colombia, a raíz de la forma como se hicieron las negociaciones del acuerdo. Partiendo de esta premisa, el presente trabajo de grado, hace un análisis cualitativo de los efectos previsibles que la implementación del TLC de la referencia tendrá sobre el sector lácteo en Colombia


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Colombia ha sido tradicionalmente un país exportador de banano, incluso éste producto es uno de los que conforman la canasta de los tradicionales. Ahora bien, con el Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea es factible que su posición mejore en este mercado de más de 500 millones de habitantes, sin embargo, y bajo el supuesto que a futuro Ecuador ( el primer productor mundial) y Costa Rica suscriban TLC´S con la Unión Europea . El país ha emprendido una etapa de transformación que tiene como fin convertirla en una economía atractiva, es por esto que el gobierno ha decidido firmar acuerdos que permitan abrir nuevas oportunidades gracias al acceso preferencial a mercados como el de la Unión Europea otorgando así un beneficio para el sector agropecuario y por consiguiente para los productores bananeros. El Tratado de Libre comercio es una herramienta que permite desarrollar la economía del país que acompañado de la globalización que se vive actualmente a nivel mundial permite llevar a cabo procesos de integración entre países con el fin de impulsar el comercio internacional porque este es el motor del crecimiento para alcanzar una economía sostenible.


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El presente trabajo intenta analizar brevemente los distintos aspectos relativos a la inclusión de la inversión extranjera directa en la política comercial común de la Unión Europea, reformada por el Tratado de Lisboa. Inicialmente se hará referencia a la práctica de la UE en el área de inversiones previas al Tratado de Lisboa, acto seguido, se expondrán las interpretaciones sugeridas al concepto de “inversión extranjera directa” en la política comercial común de la Unión Europea, así como también las distintas posturas sobre el alcance de esta política con relación a este concepto, tras la vigencia del Tratado de Lisboa. Finalmente serán descritos los posibles efectos de dicha competencia de la Unión para los tratados bilaterales de inversión celebrados entre sus países miembros, y de estos con terceros países.


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Lax financial conditions can foster credit booms. The global credit boom of the last decade led to large capital flows across the world, including large movements of resources from the northern countries of the euro area towards the southern part. Since the start of the crisis and more markedly after 2009, these flows have suddenly stopped, creating severe adjustment pressure. At this point the common monetary policy can only try to mitigate the unavoidable adjustment by maintaining overall financial stability. The challenge is to strike a delicate balance between providing liquidity for solvent institutions while keeping the overall pressure on for a rapid correction of the imbalances.