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We present predictions of the signatures of magnetosheath particle precipitation (in the regions classified as open low-latitude boundary layer, cusp, mantle and polar cap) for periods when the interplanetary magnetic field has a southward component. These are made using the “pulsating cusp” model of the effects of time-varying magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause. Predictions are made for both low-altitude satellites in the topside ionosphere and for midaltitude spacecraft in the magnetosphere. Low-altitude cusp signatures, which show a continuous ion dispersion signature, reveal "quasi-steady reconnection" (one limit of the pulsating cusp model), which persists for a period of at least 10 min. We estimate that “quasi-steady” in this context corresponds to fluctuations in the reconnection rate of a factor of 2 or less. The other limit of the pulsating cusp model explains the instantaneous jumps in the precipitating ion spectrum that have been observed at low altitudes. Such jumps are produced by isolated pulses of reconnection: that is, they are separated by intervals when the reconnection rate is zero. These also generate convecting patches on the magnetopause in which the field lines thread the boundary via a rotational discontinuity separated by more extensive regions of tangential discontinuity. Predictions of the corresponding ion precipitation signatures seen by midaltitude spacecraft are presented. We resolve the apparent contradiction between estimates of the width of the injection region from midaltitude data and the concept of continuous entry of solar wind plasma along open field lines. In addition, we reevaluate the use of pitch angle-energy dispersion to estimate the injection distance.


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THE plasma precipitating into the Earth's dayside auroral atmosphere has characteristics which show that it originates from the shocked solar-wind plasma of the magnetosheath1'2. The particles of the magnetosheath plasma precipitate down a funnel-shaped region (cusp) of open field lines resulting from reconnection of the geomagnetic field with the interplanetary magnetic field3. Although the cusp has long been considered a well defined spatial structure maintained by continuous reconnection, it has recently been suggested4–6 that reconnection instead may take place in a series of discontinuous events; this is the ‘pulsating cusp model’. Here we present coordinated radar and satellite observations of a series of discrete, poleward-moving plasma structures that are consistent with the pulsating-cusp model.


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The generation of flow and current vortices in the dayside auroral ionosphere has been predicted for two processes ocurring at the dayside magnetopause. The first of these mechanisms is time-dependent magnetic reconnection, in “flux transfer events” (FTEs); the second is the action of solar wind dynamic pressure changes. The ionospheric flow signature of an FTE should be a twin vortex, with the mean flow velocity in the central region of the pattern equal to the velocity of the pattern as a whole. On the other hand, a pulse of enhanced or reduced dynamic pressure is also expected to produce a twin vortex, but with the central plasma flow being generally different in speed from, and almost orthogonal to, the motion of the whole pattern. In this paper, we make use of this distinction to discuss recent observations of vortical flow patterns in the dayside auroral ionosphere in terms of one or other of the proposed mechanisms. We conclude that some of the observations reported are consistent only with the predicted signature of FTEs. We then evaluate the dimensions of the open flux tubes required to explain some recent simultaneous radar and auroral observations and infer that they are typically 300 km in north–south extent but up to 2000 km in longitudinal extent (i.e., roughly 5 hours of MLT). Hence these observations suggest that recent theories of FTEs which invoke time-varying reconnection at an elongated neutral line may be correct. We also present some simultaneous observations of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and solar wind dynamic pressure (observed using the IMP8 satellite) and the ionospheric flow (observed using the EISCAT radar) which are also only consistent with the FTE model. We estimate that for continuously southward IMF ( ≈ 5 nT) these FTEs contribute about 30 kV to the mean total transpolar voltage (∼30%).


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The concept of magnetic reconnection originated with the suggestion by Giovanelli [1946] that particles could be energized during solar flares near nulls in the magnetic field. Hoyle [1949] subsequently proposed that such a process could also act at nulls between the geomagnetic field and the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) to generate the energized particles responsible for auroral displays. However, the idea of the interconnection of the two magnetic fields, as we know it today, was first presented by Hoyle's student, Dungey [1953, 1961].


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The usual interpretation of a flux transfer event (FTE) at the magnetopause, in terms of time-dependent and possibly patchy reconnection, demands that it generate an ionospheric signature. Recent ground-based observations have revealed that auroral transients in the cusp/cleft region have all the characteristics required of FTE effects. However, signatures in the major available dataset, namely that from low-altitude polar-orbiting satellites, have not yet been identified. In this paper, we consider a cusp pass of the DE-2 spacecraft during strongly southward IMF. The particle detectors show magnetosheath ion injection signatures. However, the satellite motion and convection are opposed, and we discuss how the observed falling energy dispersion of the precipitating ions can have arisen from a static, moving or growing source. The spatial scale of the source is typical of an FTE. A simple model of the ionospheric signature of an FTE reproduces the observed electric and magnetic field perturbations. Precipitating electrons of peak energy ∼100eV are found to lie on the predicted boundary of the newly-opened tube, very similar to those found on the edges of FTEs at the magnetopause. The injected ions are within this boundary and their dispersion is consistent with its growth as reconnection proceeds. The reconnection potential and the potential of the induced ionospheric motion are found to be the same (≃25kV). The scanning imager on DE-1 shows a localised transient auroral feature around DE-2 at this time, similar to the recent optical/radar observations of FTEs.


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The retarding ion mass spectrometer on the Dynamics Explorer 1 spacecraft has generated a unique data set which documents, among other things, the occurrence of non-Maxwellian superthermal features in the auroral topside ionosphere distribution functions. In this paper, we provide a representative sampling of the observed features and their spatial morphology as observed at altitudes in the range from a few thousand kilometers to a few earth radii. At lower altitudes, these features appear at auroral latitudes separating regions of polar cap and subauroral light ion polar wind. The most common signature is the appearance of an upgoing energetic tail having conical lobes representing significant ion heat and number flux in all species, including O+. Transverse ion heating below the observation point at several thousand kilometers is clearly associated with O+ outflows. In some events observed, transverse acceleration apparently involves nearly the entire thermal plasma, the distribution function becomes highly anisotropic with T⊥ > T∥, and may actually develop a minimum at zero velocity, i.e., become a torus having as its axis the local magnetic field direction. At higher altitudes, the localized dayside source region appears as a field aligned flow which is dispersed tailward across the polar cap according to parallel velocity by antisunward convective flow, so that upflowing low energy O+ ions appear well within the polar cap region. While this flow can appear beamlike in a given location, the energy dispersion observed implies a very broad energy distribution at the source, extending from a few tenths of an eV to in excess of 50 eV. On the nightside, upgoing ion beams are found to be latitudinally bounded by regions of ion conics whose half angles increase with increasing separation from the beam region, indicating low altitude transverse acceleration in immediate proximity to, and below, the parallel acceleration region. These observations reveal a clear distinction between classical polar wind ion outflow and O+ enhanced superthermal flows, and confirm the importance of low altitude transverse acceleration in ionospheric plasma transport, as suggested by previous observations.


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This study demonstrates that the expression profile of cholesteatoma is similar to a metastatic tumour and chronically inflamed tissue. Based on the investigated profiles we present novel protein-protein interaction and signal transduction networks, which include cholesteatoma-regulated transcripts and may be of great value for drug targeting and therapy development.


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We search for planar deviations of statistical isotropy in the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data by applying a recently introduced angular-planar statistics both to full-sky and to masked temperature maps, including in our analysis the effect of the residual foreground contamination and systematics in the foreground removing process as sources of error. We confirm earlier findings that full-sky maps exhibit anomalies at the planar (l) and angular (l) scales (l; l) = (2; 5); (4; 7); and (6; 8), which seem to be due to unremoved foregrounds since this features are present in the full-sky map but not in the masked maps. On the other hand, our test detects slightly anomalous results at the scales (l; l) = (10; 8) and (2; 9) in the masked maps but not in the full-sky one, indicating that the foreground cleaning procedure (used to generate the full-sky map) could not only be creating false anomalies but also hiding existing ones. We also find a significant trace of an anomaly in the full-sky map at the scale (l; l) = (10; 5), which is still present when we consider galactic cuts of 18.3% and 28.4%. As regards the quadrupole (l = 2), we find a coherent over-modulation over the whole celestial sphere, for all full-sky and cut-sky maps. Overall, our results seem to indicate that current CMB maps derived from WMAP data do not show significant signs of anisotropies, as measured by our angular-planar estimator. However, we have detected a curious coherence of planar modulations at angular scales of the order of the galaxy`s plane, which may be an indication of residual contaminations in the full-and cut-sky maps.


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The relation between alkaline magmatism and tectonism has been a contentious issue, particularly for the Precambrian continental regions. Alkaline complexes at the southwestern margin of Eastern Ghats belt, India, have been interpreted as rift-valley magmatism. However, those complexes occurring in granulite ensemble in the interior segments of the Eastern Ghats belt could not possibly be related to the rift-system, assumed for the western margin of the Eastern Ghats belt. Koraput complex was emplaced in a pull-apart structure, dominated by magmatic fabrics and geochemically similar to a fractionated alkaline complex, compatible with an alkalibasalt series. Rairakhol complex, on the other hand, shows dominantly solid-state deformation fabrics and geochemically similar to a fractionated calc-alkaline suite. Isotopic data for the Koraput complex indicate ca. 917 Ma alkaline magmatism from a depleted mantle source and postcrystalline thermal overprint at ca. 745 Ma, also recorded from sheared metapelitic country rocks. The calc-alkaline magmatism of the Rairakhol complex occurred around 938 Ma, from an enriched mantle source, closely following Grenvillian granulite facies imprint in the charnockitic country rocks.


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The Guarguaraz Complex, in western Argentina, comprises a metasedimentary assemblage, associated with mafic sills and ultramafic bodies intruded by basaltic dikes, which are interpreted as Ordovician dismembered ophiolites. Two kinds of dikes are recognized, a group associated with the metasediments and the other ophiolite-related. Both have N-MORB signatures, with epsilon(Nd) between +3.5 and +8.2, indicating a depleted source, and Grenville model ages between 0.99 and 1.62 Ga. A whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron yielded an age of 655 +/- 76 Ma for these mafic rocks, which is compatible with cianobacteria and acritarchae recognized in the clastic metasedimentary platform sequences, that indicate a Neoproterozoic (Vendian)-Cambrian age of deposition. The Guarguaraz metasedimentary-ophiolitic complex represents, therefore, a remnant of an oceanic basin developed to the west of the Grenville-aged Cuyania terrane during the Neoproterozoic. The southernmost extension of these metasedimentary sequences in Cordon del Portillo might represent part of this platform and not fragments of the Chilenia terrane. An extensional event related to the fragmentation of Rodinia is represented by the mafic and ultramafic rocks. The Devonian docking of Chilenia emplaced remnants of ocean floor and slices of the Cuyania terrane (Las Yaretas Gneisses) in tectonic contact with the Neoproterozoic metasediments, marking the Devonian western border of Gondwana. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neodymium and lead isotope values in sediment samples were used to interpret sediment transport and source rocks on the Southeastern South American upper margin. The sediments of the Argentinian margin exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) value of -1.9, indicating the influence of the Andean rocks as sediment sources. Sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary show an average epsilon(Nd) value of -9.6 which is similar to that of the Southern Brazilian Upper Margin. Finally, sediments of Southeastern Brazil, which are associated with the transport of the Brazil Current exhibit an average epsilon(Nd) of -13.0. The Pb isotope signatures also confirm the differentiation of source rocks in the sedimentation of the study area. In addition, Pb isotopes helped to establish the extent of the influence of the Rio de La Plata on the sedimentation of the Southern Brazilian margin. In terms of Pb isotopes the sediments from the Rio de La Plata estuary and Southern Brazil are more radiogenic than those of Southeastem Brazil and the Argentinian margin. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss an algebraic theory for generalized Jordan chains and partial signatures, that are invariants associated to sequences of symmetric bilinear forms on a vector space. We introduce an intrinsic notion of partial signatures in the Lagrangian Grassmannian of a symplectic space that does not use local coordinates, and we give a formula for the Maslov index of arbitrary real analytic paths in terms of partial signatures.


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It has been postulated that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are involved in the posttranscriptional control of gene expression, and may have contributed to the emergence of the complex attributes observed in mammalians. We show here that the complement of ncRNAs expressed from intronic regions of the human and mouse genomes comprises at least 78,147 and 39,660 transcriptional units, respectively. To identify conserved intronic sequences expressed in both humans and mice, we used custom-designed human cDNA microarrays to separately interrogate RNA from mouse and human liver, kidney, and prostate tissues. An overlapping tissue expression signature was detected for both species, comprising 198 transcripts; among these, 22 RNAs map to intronic regions with evidence of evolutionary conservation in humans and mice. Transcription of selected human-mouse intronic ncRNAs was confirmed using strand-specific RT-PCR. Altogether, these results support an evolutionarily conserved role of intronic ncRNAs in human and mouse, which are likely to be involved in the fine tuning of gene expression regulation in different mammalian tissues. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.