319 resultados para biceps femoris


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Se ha descrito en la literatura como el fútbol es un deporte en cuya práctica existe una alta incidencia de lesión. Sin embargo, en España, hasta el momento no se había llevado a cabo ningún estudio que analizara la incidencia de lesión de los jugadores de fútbol profesional. Para poder prevenir lesiones, en primer lugar debemos de identificar la magnitud del problema, así como conocer aquellos factores que pueden influir sobre la producción de lesiones, Éste es principal objetivo de nuestro estudio para, a partir de él, poder diseñar e introducir en la práctica deportiva medidas preventivas con el objetivo de disminuir la incidencia de lesión en el fútbol. Hay que considerar que nos encontramos ante un estudio descriptivo, el cual se caracteriza, por no tener una hipótesis previa. En él nos planteamos como principal objetivo el conocer la influencia de los diferentes factores que influyen en la posibilidad de sufrir una lesión en el fútbol, además de realizar un análisis que describiera las lesiones sufridas, así como sus periodos de recuperación, en el fútbol profesional español, En esta investigación, participaron 27 equipos pertenecientes a la primera y segunda división española (728 jugadores), registrándose durante la temporada 2008- 2009 un total de 2184 lesiones. Para el registro de las lesiones, se utilizó el cuestionario REINLE cumplimentado de forma confidencial por miembros del equipo técnico de los clubes colaboradores, a través de la base de datos LEFUTPRO con acceso vía internet. Como dato general, encontramos que en la práctica del fútbol profesional existe una elevada incidencia de lesión con 8,92 les.*1000h. de exposición, siendo ésta mayor en competición (41,33 les.*1000h.) que en entrenamiento (6,02 les.*1000h.), valores muy acordes a los encontrados en la literatura científica especifica. Se registraron un promedio de 81 lesiones que causaron baja por equipo y temporada, provocando una ausencia media por lesión de 11,3 días. De estas lesiones, el 11,9% de ellas fueron de carácter recidivante, las cuales causaron periodos de baja superiores a las lesiones iníciales, alcanzando un valor promedio de 17,9 días de baja por lesión. El 84,4% las lesiones que se registraron, se localizaron en la extremidad inferior, siendo el muslo, con un 30,5% de todas las lesiones, la región corporal más afectada. A su vez, dentro del muslo, el 53% de las lesiones se localizaron en la región posterior, dentro de la cual, en el 73% de los casos la lesión afectó al bíceps femoral. Además, se encontró una mayor frecuencia de lesión en la pierna dominante (54,4% de las todas las lesiones) frente a la no dominante (36,5% de las todas las lesiones). Desde el punto de vista de la tipología de la lesión, las lesiones de carácter muscular con un 49,1% de los casos, fueron las más frecuentes, seguidas de las lesiones ligamentosas con un 15,1% de los casos. Los mecanismos de producción de lesiones en el jugador sin contacto, fueron más frecuentes (69,1% de todos los casos), que aquellos mecanismos de lesión en los que si hubo contacto (30,9%). En relación al momento de producción de lesión a lo largo de la temporada, se encontró que las lesiones sufridas en entrenamiento fueron progresivamente menos frecuentes con el transcurso de la temporada, mientras que en la competición se fueron incrementando, siendo los últimos meses de la temporada cuando se registraron la mayor parte de las lesiones. A partir de este estudio, proponemos ampliar la investigación en esta línea, concretando algunos de los aspectos que hemos podido identificar a través de nuestros resultados, y que en un futuro puedan tener alguna aplicación práctica en el objetivo común de reducir la incidencia de lesión existente en la práctica deportiva del fútbol. ABSTRACT Football has been described in literature as a sport in which there is a high incidence of injuries. Nevertheless, in Spain, to date, not a single study analyzing the incidence of lesions in professional football players has been carried out. In order to prevent lesions, in the first place we must identify the magnitude of the problem, as well as discover those factors that may influence on the production of lesions, being the latter the main objective of our study, and hence, starting from this point, be able to design and introduce in sports practice preventive measures with the aim of decreasing the incidence of lesions. We must take into consideration that we are before a study characterized by the fact of not having a previous hypothesis. In the present study, our main areas of focus is finding out the different factors that have influence on the possibility of suffering a lesion in this sports practice, as well as carrying out an analysis that describes the lesions suffered in professional football, as well as the necessary recovery periods. 27 teams (728 players), belonging to Spain’s First and Second Football (soccer) Divisions took part in this research. During the 2008-2009 season, a total of 2,184 lesions were registered. To register the lesions, a REINLE questionnaire, of the LEFUTPRO database was used, with access via internet. Each of the participating teams was given a password in a totally confidential manner. In the first place, we found that in the practice of professional football there exists a high incidence of lesions, with 8.92 lesions per 1000 h. of exposure. We found an increase in lesions during competitions (41.33 lesions per 1000 h.) with respect to those occurring during training (6.02 lesions per 1000 h.); these values being in accordance with those found in specific scientific literature. An average of 81 lesions that implied sick leaves were registered per team and season, causing an average of 11.3 days of absence per lesion. Of these, 11.9% of all the lesions studied were recurrent, causing longer sick leave periods than the ones due to the initial lesions and reaching an average of 17.9 days of sick leave per lesion. 84.4% of the lesions registered were located in the inferior extremities, the thigh being the anatomical region, with 30.5% of all the lesions, the most affected body region. In turn, 53% of the lesions to the thigh occurred in the posterior area, and within the latter, in 73% of the cases, the lesion affected the femoral biceps. In addition, we found a greater frequency of lesions in the dominant leg (54.4% of all the lesions), in contrast with the non dominant leg (36.5% of all the lesions). From the point of view of lesion type the most frequent lesions were muscular (49.1% of all cases), followed by ligament lesions (15.1%). Most of the lesions were produced during moments in which the players were not in physical contact at the moment of suffering the injury (69.1%), in comparison with those produced when there was physical contact (30.9%). With relation to the instance in which the injuries were produced along the season, we found that those lesions suffered during training were progressively less frequent as the season wore on, whilst those suffered during competitions gradually incremented, being the last months of the season when most of the injuries were registered. From the research of this study, we propose the need to carry out more research in this same line, focalizing on some more concrete aspects, which, through our results, we have been able to realize that would be interesting to study in greater depth, and that in the future, our results may have a practical application, helping reduce the incidence of injuries that exist in this sport practice.


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The anti-atherogenic role of high density lipoprotein is well known even though the mechanism has not been established. In this study, we have used a novel model system to test whether removal of lipoprotein cholesterol from a localized depot will be affected by apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) deficiency. We compared the egress of cholesterol injected in the form of cationized low density lipoprotein into the rectus femoris muscle of apo A-I K-O and control mice. When the injected lipoprotein had been labeled with [3H]cholesterol, the t½ of labeled cholesterol loss from the muscle was about 4 days in controls and more than 7 days in apo A-I K-O mice. The loss of cholesterol mass had an initial slow (about 4 days) and a later more rapid component; after day 4, the disappearance curves for apo A-I K-O and controls began to diverge, and by day 7, the loss of injected cholesterol was significantly slower in apo A-I K-O than in controls. The injected lipoprotein cholesterol is about 70% in esterified form and undergoes hydrolysis, which by day 4 was similar in control and apo A-I K-O mice. The efflux potential of serum from control and apo A-I K-O mice was studied using media containing 2% native or delipidated serum. A significantly lower efflux of [3H]cholesterol from macrophages was found with native and delipidated serum from apo A-I K-O mice. In conclusion, these findings show that lack of apo A-I results in a delay in cholesterol loss from a localized depot in vivo and from macrophages in culture. These results provide support for the thesis that anti-atherogenicity of high density lipoprotein is related in part to its role in cholesterol removal.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito de diferentes volumes de treinamento de força na força máxima de membros inferiores e na hipertrofia do reto femoral e do vasto lateral após quatro, oito e doze semanas em indivíduos treinados em força. Vinte e seis indivíduos jovens saudáveis do sexo masculino (idade 23,6 ± 4,6 anos, massa corporal 76,6 ± 7,5 kg, estatura 1,75 ± 0,1 cm), com tempo médio de treinamento de força (4,7 ± 4,1 anos) foram divididos em três grupos experimentais, treinamento de força alto volume (TFAV, n = 8), treinamento de força médio volume (TFMV, n = 9) e treinamento de força baixo volume (TFBV, n = 9). As medidas de força dinâmica máxima (1RM) e de área de secção transversa muscular (ASTM) do reto femoral (RF) e do vasto lateral (VL) foram realizadas nos momentos pré- treinamento, pós quatro semanas, pós oito semanas e pós-treinamento. O volume total de treinamento apresentou aumento estatístico para todos os grupos TFAV (p < 0,0001), TFMV (p < 0,0001) e TFBV (p < 0,0001) ao longo do período experimental. Os valores de 1RM aumentaram de maneira significativa após a oitava semana de treinamento TFAV (11,8 ± 4,7%; p < 0,0001) e TFMV (12,1 ± 8,5%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (9,6 ± 7,3%; p < 0,001) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (13,9 ± 3,9%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (16,7 ± 10,8%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (14,0 ± 8,1%; p < 0,0001) para todos os grupos, porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. A ASTM do RF apresentou aumento estatístico no pós-treinamento somente para o grupo TFAV (15,0 ± 11,9%; p < 0,0001). Apenas o grupo TFAV aumentou estatisticamente a ASTM do VL após quatro semanas de treinamento (7,71 ± 4,42%; p < 0,0001), porém todos os grupos aumentaram significativamente a ASTM do VL após oito semanas de treinamento TFAV (11,37 ± 3,88%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (9,68 ± 9,36%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (7,26 ± 3,15%; p < 0,01) e no pós-treinamento TFAV (14,54 ± 4,07%; p < 0,0001), TFMV (14,77 ± 8,24%; p < 0,0001) e TFBV (8,66 ± 3,97%; p < 0,001), porém não foi observado diferença entre os grupos. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que, independente do volume adotado, os ganhos de força máxima foram semelhantes. Por outro lado, a ASTM foi influenciada pelo volume de treinamento, dado que o grupo TFAV foi o único que apresentou aumento significativo da ASTM do RF no pós-treinamento e aumentou a ASTM do VL com apenas quatro semanas de treinamento


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The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in knee extensor maximal and endurance strength in elderly. Sixteen healthy elderly served as subjects, eight of them trained , age 61.0±8.9 yrs; height, 170.6±6.8 cm; weight, 71.8±11.7 kg [mean ± standard deviation] and eight untrained 61.4±8.1 yrs, height 174.6±7.4 cm; weight 83.9 ±14.2 kg. Maximal strength in single leg extension exercise was measured unilaterally with the dominant leg until the subjects reached their 1 Repetition Maximum (RM) covering the full Range of Motion (ROM). Muscular endurance was obtained with a load of 75% of 1-RM for 3 consecutive sets, with 2 min rest periods till failure. Load at 1 RM was lower in absolute terms in untrained, but not significant, while the relative 1-RM test was significantly lower in untrained subjects (0.20 vs. 0.25 kg load/kg body weight) (p<0.05). The number of repetitions and amount of weight lifted performed of all 3 sets was higher in trained subjects, but not significant. In the trained group both repetitions and the load managed in the third set was significant lower compared with the first two sets. The result that maximal force output is more affected compared to muscular endurance in these subjects might be due to the habitual use of quadriceps femoris muscles during activity of daily living in both trained and untrained elderly.


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Introducción: el triatlón es un deporte de resistencia e individual que está formado por tres disciplinas diferentes: natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie. El objetivo del estudio es describir las características antropométricas en triatletas varones universitarios, además de analizar y describir la composición corporal y el somatotipo de dichos triatletas. Metodología: estudio observacional y descriptivo de las características antropométricas, la composición corporal y el somatotipo de 39 triatletas varones universitarios entre 24 ± 4,5 años, participantes en el campeonato de España universitario de triatlón, modalidad sprint (Alicante 2010), procedentes de diferentes universidades españolas. Según la técnicas de medición antropométrica adoptadas por la International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) y el Grupo Español de Cineantropometría (GREC) por un evaluador acreditado ISAK de nivel II. Resultados: nos encontramos con deportistas de talla baja, en los que destacan valores inferiores a lo normal en los pliegues cutáneos subescapular, supraespinal, tricipital y bicipital, un porcentaje de masa muscular (45,27 ± 3,29%), de masa grasa (10,22 ± 2,92%) y de masa ósea (16,65 ± 1,34%) y un somatotipo en el que predomina la mesomorfia. Discusión: los triatletas y corredores presentan más baja talla que los ciclistas y nadadores. Los triatletas y ciclistas muestran un peso similar, siendo menor que el de los nadadores de fondo y mayor que el de los corredores de 10 km. Los pliegues cutáneos cresta ilíaca, abdominal y muslo frontal de los ciclistas son inferiores al de los triatletas. El porcentaje de masa grasa de triatletas corredores y nadadores son similares; sin embargo, el de la masa muscular de los triatletas suele ser inferior al de los ciclistas pero similar a las demás modalidades. El somatotipo del triatleta se asemeja al del ciclista (mesomorfo). El del corredor es mesomorfo-ectomorfo y el del nadador puede oscilar de mesomorfo a ectomorfo.


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During voluntary arm movements, the medial back muscles are differentially active. It is not known whether differential activity also occurs when the trunk is perturbed unpredictably, when the earliest responses are initiated by short-latency spinal mechanisms rather than voluntary commands. To assess this, in unpredictable and self-initiated conditions, a weight was dropped into a bucket that was held by the standing subject (n = 7). EMG activity was recorded from the deep (Deep MF), superficial (Sup MF) and lateral (Lat MF) lumbar multifidus, the thoracic erector spinae (ES) and the biceps brachii. With unpredictable perturbations, EMG activity was first noted in the biceps brachii, then the thoracic ES, followed synchronously in the components of the multifidus. During self-initiated perturbations, background EMG in the Deep MF increased two- to threefold, and the latency of the loading response decreased in six out of the seven subjects. In Sup MF and Lat MF, this increase in background EMG was not observed, and the latency of the loading response was increased. Short-latency reflex mechanisms do not cause differential action of the medial back muscles when the trunk is loaded. However, during voluntary tasks the central nervous system exerts a 'tuned response', which involves discrete activity in the deep and superficial components of the medial lumbar muscles in a way that varies according to the biomechanical action of the muscle component.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the capacity of resistance training to enhance the rapid and coordinated production of force by older people. Thirty adults (greater than or equal to 60 years) completed a visually guided aiming task that required the generation of isometric torque in 2 df about the elbow prior to and following a 4-week training period. Groups of six participants were allocated to two progressive ( 40 - 100% maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)) resistance-training (PRT) groups, to two constant low-load (10% MVC) training groups (CLO) and to one no-training control group. Training movements required the generation of either combined flexion and supination (FLESUP), or combined extension and supination (EXTSUP). In response to training, target acquisition times in the aiming task decreased for all groups; however, both the nature of the training load and the training movement influenced the pattern and magnitude of improvements (EXTSUP_ CLO: 36%, FLESUP_ PRT 26%, EXTSUP_ PRT 22%, FLESUP_ CLO 20%, CONTROL 15%). For one group that trained with progressively increasing loads, there arose a subsequent decrease in performance in one condition of the transfer task. For each group, these adaptations were accompanied by systematic changes in the coordination of muscles about the elbow joint, particularly the biceps brachii.