(Table 3a and b) Median biomass of macrobenthos in surface sediments

Autoria(s): Kröncke, Ingrid

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 84.947676 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 1.679094 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 80.268700 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: -14.368700 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 88.993800 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 15.672300 * DATE/TIME START: 1991-09-09T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 1991-10-01T00:00:00 * MINIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.1 m * MAXIMUM DEPTH, sediment/rock: 0.1 m




text/tab-separated-values, 1870 data points










Kröncke, Ingrid (1998): Macrofauna communities in the Amundsen Basin, at the Morris Jesup Rise and at the Yermak Plateau (Eurasian Arctic Ocean). Polar Biology, 19(6), 383-392, doi:10.1007/s003000050263


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted

Palavras-Chave #Aegidae, biomass, wet mass; Aglaophamus malmgreni, biomass, wet mass; Alkmaria spp., biomass, wet mass; Ampharete falcata, biomass, wet mass; Ampharetidae, biomass, wet mass; Amphipoda spp., biomass, wet mass; Amundsen Basin; Anthozoa, biomass, wet mass; Apseudidae, biomass, wet mass; Arca spp., biomass, wet mass; Aricidea jeffreysii, biomass, wet mass; ARK-VIII/3; Arrhis phyllonyx, biomass, wet mass; Asychis biceps, biomass, wet mass; Axiothella catenata, biomass, wet mass; Bivalvia, biomass, wet mass; Bodotriidae, biomass, wet mass; Brada villosa, biomass, wet mass; Calathura norvegica, biomass, wet mass; Campylaspis spp., biomass, wet mass; Capitomastus minimus, biomass, wet mass; Cirolanidae, biomass, wet mass; Cirratulus spp., biomass, wet mass; Comment; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; Depth, top/min; Desmosoma lineare, biomass, wet mass; Desmosomatidae, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis lucifera, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis nodosa, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis oxyrhyncha, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis rathkei, biomass, wet mass; Diastylis spinulosa, biomass, wet mass; Elevation of event; Entoprocta spp., biomass, wet mass; Euchone analis, biomass, wet mass; Eudorella spp., biomass, wet mass; Eunoe nodosa, biomass, wet mass; Eusyllis blomstrandi, biomass, wet mass; Event label; Formalin, wet weight >500 µm fraction; Gastropoda, biomass, wet mass; Geodia phlegraei, biomass, wet mass; Giant box corer; GKG; Gnathia maxillaris, biomass, wet mass; Golfingia margaritacea, biomass, wet mass; Golfingia spp., biomass, wet mass; Golfingia vulgaris, biomass, wet mass; Harmothoe longisetis, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia antennaria, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia cf. mucronata, biomass, wet mass; Harpinia spp., biomass, wet mass; Hyale nilssoni, biomass, wet mass; Hydrozoa, biomass, wet mass; Ianira spp., biomass, wet mass; Idoteidae, biomass, wet mass; Ischnosoma spp., biomass, wet mass; Janthe spp., biomass, wet mass; Jassa marmorata, biomass, wet mass; Laonice cirrata, biomass, wet mass; Latitude of event; Leptognathia spp., biomass, wet mass; Leptostylis spp., biomass, wet mass; Leucon fulvus, biomass, wet mass; Leucon pallidus, biomass, wet mass; Ligia oceanica, biomass, wet mass; Liljeborgiidae, biomass, wet mass; Location of event; Longitude of event; Lumbrineris fragilis, biomass, wet mass; Magelona cf. minuta, biomass, wet mass; Maldane arctica, biomass, wet mass; Melinninae, biomass, wet mass; Microphthalminae, biomass, wet mass; Monoculodes spp., biomass, wet mass; Morris Jesup Rise; Munnidae, biomass, wet mass; Munnopsidae, biomass, wet mass; Myriochele oculata, biomass, wet mass; Nansen Basin; Nematoda, biomass, wet mass; Nemertini, biomass, wet mass; Nicomache spp., biomass, wet mass; Notomastus latericeus, biomass, wet mass; Notoproctus scutiferus, biomass, wet mass; Nucula tenuis, biomass, wet mass; Onuphis conchylega, biomass, wet mass; Ophelina abranchiata, biomass, wet mass; Ophiura robusta, biomass, wet mass; Paraonis gracilis, biomass, wet mass; Pardaliscidae, biomass, wet mass; Pholoe minuta, biomass, wet mass; Phoxocephalus, biomass, wet mass; Phyllodoce groenlandica, biomass, wet mass; Pisione remota, biomass, wet mass; Poecilochaetus spp., biomass, wet mass; Polarstern; Polyphysia crassa, biomass, wet mass; Potamilla cf. neglecta, biomass, wet mass; Protodorvillea kefersteini, biomass, wet mass; PS19/196; PS19/198; PS19/200; PS19/204; PS19/206; PS19/210; PS19/214; PS19/216; PS19/218; PS19/220; PS19/222; PS19/226; PS19/239; PS19/241; PS19/245; PS19/246; PS19/249; PS19 ARCTIC91; PS2191-4; PS2192-1; PS2193-2; PS2194-1; PS2195-4; PS2196-2; PS2198-1; PS2199-5; PS2200-3; PS2201-2; PS2202-11; PS2205-7; PS2209-3; PS2210-1; PS2212-1; PS2213-1; PS2214-1; Pseudopotamilla reniformis, biomass, wet mass; Pycnogonidae, biomass, wet mass; Rhodine gracilior, biomass, wet mass; Scalibregma inflatum, biomass, wet mass; Scolelepis foliosa, biomass, wet mass; Serpulidae, biomass, wet mass; Spiochaetopterus typicus, biomass, wet mass; Spiophanes kroyeri, biomass, wet mass; Spiophanes urceolata, biomass, wet mass; Spisula elliptica, biomass, wet mass; Stenula rubrovittata, biomass, wet mass; Synopiidae, biomass, wet mass; Tentorium semisuberites, biomass, wet mass; Thenea abyssorum, biomass, wet mass; Typhlotanais penicillatus, biomass, wet mass; Yermak Plateau; Yoldiella spp., biomass, wet mass
