842 resultados para Value Chain


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Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise da regulação da inovação em países do Trópico Úmido. A questão norteadora é como estes países lidam com a regulação da propriedade industrial nas suas políticas de inovação e como eles incorporam sua rica biodiversidade neste contexto. Propriedade intelectual – particularmente patentes – fornece uma ampla discussão nas políticas de inovação, contudo, também indicam como as questões da biodiversidade são negligenciadas pelos governos ao estabelecer seu caminho de convergência para o desenvolvimento. O estudo selecionou alguns países do Trópico Úmido que são conhecidos por seus esforços de convergência e de grande biodiversidade, são eles: Brasil, China, Cingapura, Filipinas, Índia, Indonésia, Malásia, México, Tailândia, Taiwan e Vietnã. Os dados coletados nas bases de dados de patentes da Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual – OMPI mostram que esses países fazem pouco uso de patentes para a proteção da biodiversidade. O conhecimento científico sobre a riqueza de espécies e sua apropriação pela sociedade é limitada. Isso pode ocorrer quando a biodiversidade não é vista pelas instituições do Trópico Úmido como um ativo crucial. Argumenta-se que os países devem concentrar seus investimentos em P&D em ativos específicos, portanto, nós acreditamos que isso se aplica para a biodiversidade. Fazendo uma análise dos sistemas de patentes de regulamentação desses países selecionados, verificou-se que os requisitos básicos de uma patente são padronizados. Nossa análise sugere que os países do Trópico Úmido redirecionem a sua proteção da propriedade intelectual, a fim de que as inovações futuras destaquem os ativos específicos da região. Além disso, um projeto cuidadoso de leis sobre esses direitos é necessário, levando em conta os aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. A divulgação das vantagens locais através da análise da intensidade da apropriação da biodiversidade por meio do sistema de patentes, bem como a comparação entre a dinâmica das leis de patentes dos países no sistema de inovação, pode orientar as decisões institucionais em relação ao desenvolvimento tecnológico regional.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In Brazil, the discussion about thereplacement of analog television signals to digitaland its impact on society, in media companies andgovernment began in the 90s. Embryonic steps towardsdigitalisation of the television signal ground were thegovernment of Fernando Collor de Mello (1990-1992),with advances during the government of FernandoHenrique Cardoso (1994-2001) and in the governmentof Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2002). The academy startsthe discussion in 1996. This article aims to bring to lightthe results obtained from the survey Digital television:a historical perspective , which received the supportof CNPq for funding of two scholarships for scientifi cinitiation between August 2008 and July 2009. Theproject sought to identify what has been published onthe subject in the fi eld of Social Sciences and from threemacrodescritores (information management, publicpolicy and value chain), providing the li ing of a virtualcollection Zotero bibliographic innovative platform.The mapping serves to show the growing interest anddevelopment of research in the country during theperiod - when the number jumped to three works inthe fi rst seven years (1995-2001) to 198 in the last sevenyears (2002-2008). The research sought to identify themajor authors and works related to digital televisionand published in the country. The survey took intoaccount books, articles published in books, journals,Annals of Compós and Intercom, and dissertations andtheses. Data and refl ections on the survey are containedin this communication.


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When we think of a transposition from a traditional culture industry to the new coherence of the creative industries, a number of new parallel discussions arises, encircled by the reconfiguration of the value chain of such industries and, not only, but also due to a change on creation coherence of a product whose most valuable input is creativity. Therefore, as a mechanism through which such creativity is valued, the intellectual property becomes one of the key elements of this debate, mainly in a world where the coherence of distribution transcends the physical copies towards the digitization of content. From this initial debate, the present article seeks to weave the main relations between the theme of creative industries and the intellectual property, describing the adversities of a deficient regulation and its consequences on the creative industries production, indicating the existing alternatives and questioning the balance between two forces: the collective and the individual rights.


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The exceptional advance of information technology and computer application to the mineral sector has allowed the automation of several processes of the mineral value chain. ERP systems (Enterprise Resource Planning) provided the platform for the efficient integration of all support activities of the mineral value chain. Despite all advances gathered with the application of computers, it was not possible to date, to effectively integrate the primary activities of the mineral value chain. The main reason for that are the uncertainties present in the productive process, which are intrinsic to the business, and the difficulty to quantify and qualify the benefits obtained with this integration due to the lack of a clear definition of the key performance indicators (KPIs). This work presents an analysis of the ERP systems application in Brazilian mining, identifies the KPIs of some of the most important Brazilian mining companies, and discusses the importance of mapping and measuring these indicators for the effective. management of the mining business.


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Este artigo apresenta um modelo de cadeia de valor da saúde que representa, de maneira esquemática, o sistema de saúde do Brasil. O modelo proposto tem como intuito apresentar uma adequação à realidade brasileira, bem como abrangência e flexibilidade para utilização em atividades acadêmicas e análises do setor de saúde do Brasil. O modelo coloca ênfase em três componentes: principais atividades dessa cadeia, agrupadas em elos verticais e horizontais; missão de cada um desses elos; e principais fluxos da cadeia. A cadeia proposta é formada por seis elos verticais e três horizontais, perfazendo um total de nove: desenvolvimento de conhecimento em saúde; fornecimento de produtos e tecnologias; serviços de saúde; intermediação financeira; financiamento da saúde; consumo de saúde; regulação; distribuição de produtos de saúde; e serviços de apoio e complementares. A análise da cadeia proposta pode ser realizada por meio de quatro fluxos: inovação e conhecimento; produtos e serviços; financeiro; e de informação.


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Purpose - The objective of this paper is to characterise the transactions between European buyers and Brazilian mango and grape producers. Design/methodology/approach - The method selected for this paper was multiple case studies. The Brazilian mango and grape supply chains' export activities to Europe were investigated. The field research was undertaken in Brazil, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK. In total, 41 face-to-face interviews were carried out. Findings - The supermarkets' literature tends to generalise the strategies of retailers focusing on differentiation and preferred suppliers. However, in empirical research conducted in the UK, Germany and The Netherlands it is possible to conclude that the procurement strategies of supermarkets can vary sharply. The results reveal the presence of different agents who demand different quality standards. The level of intensity depends on consumer behaviour, the features of product commercialised and the characteristics of the production segment in each country. Research limitations/implications - First, in relation to the empirical method there is a limitation because the case study does not allow statistical generalisation. Consequently, it will be interesting to undertake quantitative research in order to quantify the variables presented and their impact on the structure of value chains. Second, the research focuses only on two stages of the supply chain, producers and buyers. Practical implications - The differences between UK and German supermarkets challenge the supermarket literature, which tends to generalise the strategies of retailers focusing on differentiation and preferred suppliers. Originality/value - The study shows that the issue of influence and activities of retail agents along the value chain can be analysed taking several variables into consideration: the products commercialised; the distribution segment; and the consumer market. This result opens the way for analysing different structures of the value chain and the impact of these differences on the entry of producers for developing countries into the global market.


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The aim of my project is to find operational strategies for increasing the commercial exploitation of fish in Apulia region and to acquire a thorough knowledge of several important aspects of this system order to propose concrete, suitable and appropriate development tools. The plan is to analyze the impact that the socio-economic context has on blue fish systems of fishing and marketing in the various maritime regions. The sector of fishery is typified by a settled downward trend due to both communitarian policies driving towards a reduction of the fishery effort and to reduction of fishing resources. In the same time in Italy a increasing of costs (expecially fuel) and a reduction of market prices, because of the increasing of imports, are observed. Although a big part of Italian fishing fleet is to be referred to Apulia region, this dynamics are worsen, here, also because of market inefficiency and lack of integration and cooperation among fishermen. In this first part of my work I have investigated two areas that are relevant for regional fishery. On a first step I have evaluated fish amount for each kind of dealer working in each one of the two areas than, according to Porter's value chain analysis theory. Than i have applied the approach of value system to evaluate the value chains of the firm's supplier, the firm of fishery itself, and the firms distribution channels. Distribution of value has been resulted different but very unfavorable to fisherman in both investigated areas. The second step of my study has been the evaluation of the social capital value in both areas, defining the networks of fishery consistence and number of their mutual relationship. Results lay stress on a relation to an higher social capital value and a distribution of value system more profitable for fishermen.


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Many observers view Jatropha as a miracle plant that grows in harsh environments, halts land degradation and provides seeds for fuel production. This makes it particularly attractive for use in Ethiopia, where poverty levels are high and the degradation of agricultural land is widespread. In this article, we investigate the potentials and limitations of a government-initiated Jatropha project for smallholders in northeastern Ethiopia from a green economy perspective. Data are based on a 2009 household survey and interviews with key informants, as well as on a 2012 follow-up round of interviews with key informants. We conclude that the project has not contributed to a greener economy so far, but has the potential to do so in the future. To maximize Jatropha’s potential, interventions must focus mainly on smallholders and pay more attention to the entire biofuel value chain.


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The session aims at analyzing efforts in up-scaling cleaner and more efficient energy solutions for poor people in developing countries by addressing the following questions: What are factors along the whole value chain and in the institutional, social, but also environmental space that enable up-scaling of improved pro-poor technologies? Are there differences between energy carriers or in different contexts? What are most promising entry points for up-scaling?


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Food security is the main concern in Africa as the production and productivity of crops are under continuous threat. Indigenous crops also known as orphan- or as underutilized- crops provide key contributions to food security under the present scenario of increasing world population and changing climate. Hence, these crops which belong to the major categories of cereals, legumes, fruits and root crops play a key role in the livelihood of the resource-poor farmers and consumers since they perform better than the major world crops under extreme soil and climate conditions prevalent in the continent. These indigenous crops have the major advantage that they fit well into the general socio-economic and ecological context of the region. However, despite their huge importance, African crops have generally received little attention by the global scientific community. With the current production systems, only a fraction of yield potential was achieved for most of these crops. In order to devise strategies towards boosting crop productivity in Africa, the current production constraints should be investigated and properly addressed. Key traits known to increase productivity and/or improve nutrition and diverse conventional and modern crop improvement techniques need to be implemented. Commitments in the value-chain from the research, production, marketing to distribution of improved seeds are required by relevant national and international institutions as well as African governments to promote food security in a sustainable manner. The review also presents major achievements and suggestions for stakeholders interested in African agriculture.


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En el artículo nos planteamos los cambios que desde los años 1990 ha sufrido la producción de algodón en la Provincia del Chaco -principal referente nacional del cultivo- y cómo estos fueron modificando la estructura de vida de los agentes históricamente vinculados, en especial, los trabajadores y los minifundistas hoy prácticamente excluidos de dicho proceso. Entre los numerosos cambios, los más relevantes son los vinculados al proceso de tecnificación, a la desarticulación en el territorio de cadenas de valor agregado y a la diversificación hacia otros cultivos como las oleaginosas y, notoriamente, al avance del cultivo de soja sobre hectáreas antes destinadas al algodón. Como consecuencia de dichos procesos de cambio, se evidencia la imposibilidad -por parte de los minifundistas- de sostener una producción rentable, la pérdida de numerosas fuentes de trabajo directas e indirectas, el aumento de la pobreza, la emigración hacia los cordones periféricos urbanos (Gran Resistencia, Gran Rosario) y el deterioro de las condiciones laborales de quienes aún permanecen dentro del sistema productivo algodonero. Las políticas públicas, tanto locales como nacionales, también son un punto de interés en el análisis puesto que tienen gran repercusión en el actual estado de la situación


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En el artículo nos planteamos los cambios que desde los años 1990 ha sufrido la producción de algodón en la Provincia del Chaco -principal referente nacional del cultivo- y cómo estos fueron modificando la estructura de vida de los agentes históricamente vinculados, en especial, los trabajadores y los minifundistas hoy prácticamente excluidos de dicho proceso. Entre los numerosos cambios, los más relevantes son los vinculados al proceso de tecnificación, a la desarticulación en el territorio de cadenas de valor agregado y a la diversificación hacia otros cultivos como las oleaginosas y, notoriamente, al avance del cultivo de soja sobre hectáreas antes destinadas al algodón. Como consecuencia de dichos procesos de cambio, se evidencia la imposibilidad -por parte de los minifundistas- de sostener una producción rentable, la pérdida de numerosas fuentes de trabajo directas e indirectas, el aumento de la pobreza, la emigración hacia los cordones periféricos urbanos (Gran Resistencia, Gran Rosario) y el deterioro de las condiciones laborales de quienes aún permanecen dentro del sistema productivo algodonero. Las políticas públicas, tanto locales como nacionales, también son un punto de interés en el análisis puesto que tienen gran repercusión en el actual estado de la situación