327 resultados para Trichoderma harzianus Rifai


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Ziel der Untersuchungen war, Pilze aus geschädigtem und ungeschädigtem Wurzelmaterial konventionell und ökologisch bewirtschafteter Weinbergsböden zu isolieren und diese auf ihre Durchsetzungsfähigkeit gegenüber den anderen Arten bzw. deren Pilzmetabolitsuspensionen unter unterschiedlichen Nahrungsbedingungen zu prüfen und eine eventuelle substratabhängige Verhaltensänderung bei den Spezies in Interaktion festzustellen. Zudem wurde in weiteren In-vitro- Versuchen das pathogene Potenzial der gefundenen Arten gegenüber Vitis spp. getestet. Hintergrund dieser Untersuchungen war die Hypothese, dass Absterbeerscheinungen in Rebanlagen nicht durch die Reblaus per se verursacht werden, sondern dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Bewirtschaftungsmethode und dem Schadbild in reblausbefallenen Rebanlagen besteht und dessen Entstehung auf pathogenkonduktive und –suppressive Eigenschaften des Bodens zurückgeführt werden kann. Aus rund 2400 Wurzelproben konnten insgesamt 49 Pilzarten isoliert und bestimmt und mehr als die Hälfte davon in Wurzeln beider Versuchsflächen nachgewiesen werden. Ein Großteil der Pilze wurde sowohl in geschädigten als auch in ungeschädigten Wurzelgeweben identifiziert. Darunter waren Arten, die in der Literatur als Parasiten und Saprobier beschrieben werden, aber auch Arten, die eine andere Lebensweise pflegen oder deren Lebensweise nicht bekannt ist. Mit Hilfe von Interaktionsversuchen auf unterschiedlichen Nährmedien (einem Voll- und einem Mangelmedium) konnte bei den untersuchten Arten teilweise starke substratabhängige Verhaltensänderung in Interaktion mit bestimmten Pilzkolonien festgestellt und auf die Verfügbarkeit von organischem Kohlenstoff zurückgeführt werden. Starke Konkurrenz um organischen Kohlenstoff und dadurch entstehende fungistatische und antibiotische Effekte können in diesem Zusammenhang pathogenkonduktive bzw. pathogensuppressive Bodeneigenschaften fördern oder hemmen. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass alle 15 in vitro an Vitis spp. inokulierten Pilze (Absidia glauca, Acremonium kiliense, Aspergillus ustus, Cylindrocarpon magnusianum, Cylindrocarpon sp., Fusarium culmorum, F. detonianum, F. oxysporum, F. sacchari, F. semitectum, Gliocladium roseum, Leptosphaeria coniothyrium, Penicillium expansum, Trichoderma harzianum, T. pseudokoningii), unter denen sich auch als Saprobier bekannte Arten befanden (P. expansum, T. harzianum), selbst bei Verfügbarkeit organischer Kohlenstoffverbindungen im Substrat, gegenüber Vitis spp. ein fakultativ pathogenes Potenzial besitzen. Diese aus In-vitro-Interaktionsversuchen gewonnenen Erkenntnisse geben Hinweise darauf, welchen Einfluss die Bewirtschaftung, insbesondere die Versorgung der Weinbergsböden mit organischem Kohlenstoff, auf fakultativ pathogene Sekundärparasiten in Form von Bodenpilzen und folglich auf die Entwicklung von Schadbildern an durch die Reblaus prädispositionierten Rebpflanzen in vivo haben kann.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, ein besseres Verständnis für die molekularen und biochemischen Grundlagen der Esca-Krankheit an Reben zu erarbeiten. Hierzu wurden sechs Teilprojekte durchgeführt. Die beiden Pilze Pm. chlamydospora und Pa. aleophilum wurden submers kultiviert um die gewonnenen Extrakte auf phytotoxische Substanzen zu untersuchten. Dabei wurden Metabolite isoliert, die zum ersten mal mit der Esca-Krankheit assoziiert werden konnten, wie Siderophoren und Kaempferol-3-O-Glukosid. Diese können das Verständnis der Pilz-Pflanze-Interaktion um neue Aspekte ergänzen. Die Glykosylierung von Kaempferol durch Pm wurde erstmals nachgewiesen und die hier dargelegten Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass der Pilz in der Lage ist, die von der Pflanze als Abwehrantwort produzierte Substanz, seinerseits zu nutzen. Dies bedeutet, dass Pm einen pflanzlichen Abwehrstoff durch Glykosylierung umwandelt und für die Wirtspflanze toxifiziert. Die durchgeführten Injektionstests in vivo in Weinpflanzen zeigten zudem, dass Esca-ähnliche Symptome durch K3G hervorgerufen werden können. Abseits dieser neuen Erkenntnisse konnten auch literaturbekannte Phytotoxine in den Extrakten identifiziert werden.rnIm zweiten Teilprojekt dieser Arbeit wurden Polyketidsynthase-Gene der beiden Pilze Pm und Pa inaktiviert. Zusätzlich wurde der veränderte Sekundärstoffwechsel bzw. die Reaktion der Insertionsmutanten auf abiotischen Stress und Infektionsfähigkeit von Vitis-Pflanzen untersucht. Damit ist es in dieser Arbeit erstmals gelungen selektiv Gene der Esca-assoziierten Pathogene zu inaktivieren. Es zeigte sich, dass die Mutanten sensitiver als die Wildtyp-Stämme bezüglich Salz-, Trocken- und oxidativen Stress reagieren. Die Infektionsfähigkeit bleibt jedoch unverändert.rnDie Analyse der Infektionsmechanismen sollte auch bei der Transformation der Pilze mit Fluoreszenzgenen im Fokus stehen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gelang es GFP-Mutanten der Pilze Pm, Pa und El zu generieren um das Wachstum nach Infektion von Weinpflanzen zu erfassen. Mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzmutanten war es möglich ein neues Verfahren zur Suche nach potentiellen Antagonisten zu erstellen. Mit dem Vitis Shoot Assay konnten die Esca-assoziierten Pilze und Fungizide, endophytische Pilze, Trichoderma spp. und Bakterien-Stämme in einem Testverfahren auf Schnittwunden untersucht werden. Dabei konnten erste biologische Wundschutzmittel auf Basis ganzer Organismen identifiziert werden. Es zeigte sich, dass der durchgeführte Antagonistentest und das hier beschriebene innovative Vitis Shoot Assay nicht immer äquivalente Ergebnisse generierten und dass sich die beiden Verfahren ergänzen.rnDes Weiteren wurde eine Interaktionsstudie der vier Esca-assoziierten Pilze unter Stressbedingungen und verschiedenen Temperaturen durchgeführt um den Einfluss äußere biotischer und abiotischer Faktoren auf das Zusammenwirken dieser Erreger zu untersuchen. Die Pilze reagieren sehr unterschiedlich in den durchgeführten Stresstests und die Dominanz einzelner Erreger hängt stark von der Temperatur und den osmotischen Verhältnissen ab. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass veränderte klimatische Bedingungen zur veränderten Zusammensetzung des Erregerspektrums führen kann.rnDie in dieser Arbeit generierten Ergebnisse geben neue Einblicke in die Esca Erkrankung von Weinreben und ermöglichen die weitere Forschung einiger weiterer Aspekte.


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Biofuels are an increasingly important component of worldwide energy supply. This research aims to understand the pathways and impacts of biofuels production, and to improve these processes to make them more efficient. In Chapter 2, a life cycle assessment (LCA) is presented for cellulosic ethanol production from five potential feedstocks of regional importance to the upper Midwest - hybrid poplar, hybrid willow, switchgrass, diverse prairie grasses, and logging residues - according to the requirements of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). Direct land use change emissions are included for the conversion of abandoned agricultural land to feedstock production, and computer models of the conversion process are used in order to determine the effect of varying biomass composition on overall life cycle impacts. All scenarios analyzed here result in greater than 60% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions relative to petroleum gasoline. Land use change effects were found to contribute significantly to the overall emissions for the first 20 years after plantation establishment. Chapter 3 is an investigation of the effects of biomass mixtures on overall sugar recovery from the combined processes of dilute acid pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Biomass mixtures studied were aspen, a hardwood species well suited to biochemical processing; balsam, a high-lignin softwood species, and switchgrass, an herbaceous energy crop with high ash content. A matrix of three different dilute acid pretreatment severities and three different enzyme loading levels was used to characterize interactions between pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. Maximum glucose yield for any species was 70% oftheoretical for switchgrass, and maximum xylose yield was 99.7% of theoretical for aspen. Supplemental β-glucosidase increased glucose yield from enzymatic hydrolysis by an average of 15%, and total sugar recoveries for mixtures could be predicted to within 4% by linear interpolation of the pure species results. Chapter 4 is an evaluation of the potential for producing Trichoderma reesei cellulose hydrolases in the Kluyveromyces lactis yeast expression system. The exoglucanases Cel6A and Cel7A, and the endoglucanase Cel7B were inserted separately into the K. lactis and the enzymes were analyzed for activity on various substrates. Recombinant Cel7B was found to be active on carboxymethyl cellulose and Avicel powdered cellulose substrates. Recombinant Cel6A was also found to be active on Avicel. Recombinant Cel7A was produced, but no enzymatic activity was detected on any substrate. Chapter 5 presents a new method for enzyme improvement studies using enzyme co-expression and yeast growth rate measurements as a potential high-throughput expression and screening system in K. lactis yeast. Two different K. lactis strains were evaluated for their usefulness in growth screening studies, one wild-type strain and one strain which has had the main galactose metabolic pathway disabled. Sequential transformation and co-expression of the exoglucanase Cel6A and endoglucanase Cel7B was performed, and improved hydrolysis rates on Avicel were detectable in the cell culture supernatant. Future work should focus on hydrolysis of natural substrates, developing the growth screening method, and utilizing the K. lactis expression system for directed evolution of enzymes.


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Secondary metabolites are produced by numerous organisms and can either be benign to humans or harmful. Genes involved in the synthesis and transport of these secondary metabolites are frequently found in gene clusters, which are often located in subtelomeric regions of the chromosome. These clusters are often coordinately regulated, being almost exclusively dependent on transcription factors that are located within the clusters themselves. Secondary metabolites are also regulated by a variety of factors, including nutritional factors, environmental factors and developmental processes. Gliotoxin, which is produced by a variety of Aspergillus species, Trichoderma species, and Penicillium species, exhibits immunosuppressive properties and has therefore been the subject of research for many laboratories. There have been a few proteins shown to regulate the gliotoxin cluster, most notably GliZ, a Zn2Cys6 binuclear finger transcription factor that lies within the cluster, and LaeA, a putative methyltransferase that globally regulates secondary metabolism clusters within numerous fungal organisms, although no study has demonstrated the direct binding of any protein to a promoter region in the gliotoxin cluster. I report here two novel proteins, GipA, a C2H2 transcription factor and GipB, a hybrid sensor kinase, which are involved in regulating the gliotoxin biosynthetic cluster. GipA plays an important role in gliotoxin production, as high-copy expression of gipA induces gliotoxin biosynthesis and loss of gipA reduces gliotoxin biosynthesis by 50%. GipB is also involved in regulating gliotoxin production, as high-copy expression of gipB induces gliotoxin biosynthesis, but only during certain stages of asexual development. Furthermore, loss of gipB reduces gliotoxin biosynthesis by 10%. Based on data obtained from this project, I propose a model for the regulation of gliA, the efflux pump of the gliotoxin cluster, which involves GipB signaling through both GliZ and GipA. I propose that GliZ and GipA are interdependent, as mutation of the GipA DNA binding site in the gliA promoter negatively affects both GliZ-mediated and GipA-mediated induction of gliA. This is further supported by the fact that GliZ cannot fully induce gliA in the absence of GipA and vice versa. This is the first time that anyone has shown evidence of a protein directly binding to the gliotoxin cluster. Even though biosynthetic clusters are often coordinately regulated, my model raises the possibility that gliA is independently regulated, as the layout of the binding site in the gliA promoter is not present upstream of any other genes in the gliotoxin cluster, except for gliZ.


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This is the seventeenth of a series of symposia devoted to talks by students about their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, and sixteenth were at Kansas State University, the second and fourth were at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the sixth was in Kansas City and was hosted by Iowa State University, the seventh, tenth, thirteenth, and seventeenth were at Iowa State University, the eighth and fourteenth were at the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the eleventh and fifteenth were at Colorado State University. Next year's symposium will be at the University of Colorado. Symposium proceedings are edited by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place elsewhere, papers here are brief, and often cover work in progress. ContentsThe Effect of Polymer Dosage Conditions on the Properties of ProteinPolyelectrolyte Precipitates, K. H. Clark and C. E. Glatz, Iowa State University An Immobilized Enzyme Reactor/Separator for the Hydrolysis of Casein by Subtilisin Carlsberg, A. J. Bream, R. A. Yoshisato, and G. R. Carmichael, University of Iowa Cell Density Measurements in Hollow Fiber Bioreactors, Thomas Blute, Colorado State University The Hydrodynamics in an Air-Lift Reactor, Peter Sohn, George Y. Preckshot, and Rakesh K. Bajpai, University of Missouri–Columbia Local Liquid Velocity Measurements in a Split Cylinder Airlift Column, G. Travis Jones, Kansas State University Fluidized Bed Solid Substrate Trichoderma reesei Fermentation, S. Adisasmito, H. N. Karim, and R. P. Tengerdy, Colorado State University The Effect of 2,4-D Concentration on the Growth of Streptanthus tortuosis Cells in Shake Flask and Air-Lift Permenter Culture, I. C. Kong, R. D. Sjolund, and R. A. Yoshisato, University of Iowa Protein Engineering of Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Michael R. Sierks, Iowa State University Structured Kinetic Modeling of Hybidoma Growth and Monoclonal Antibody Production in Suspension Cultures, Brian C. Batt and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado Modelling and Control of a Zymomonas mobilis Fermentation, John F. Kramer, M. N. Karim, and J. Linden, Colorado State University Modeling of Brettanomyces clausenii Fermentation on Mixtures of Glucose and Cellobiose, Max T. Bynum and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado, Karel Grohmann and Charles E. Yyman, Solar Energy Research Institute Master Equation Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation of Predator-Prey Interactions, R. 0. Fox, Y. Y. Huang, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Kinetics and Equilibria of Condensation Reactions Between Two Different Monosaccharides Catalyzed by Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Sabine Pestlin, Iowa State University Biodegradation of Metalworking Fluids, S. M. Lee, Ayush Gupta, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Redox Potential, Toxicity and Oscillations in Solvent Fermentations, Kim Joong, Rakesh Bajpai, and Eugene L. Iannotti, University of Missouri–Columbia Using Structured Kinetic Models for Analyzing Instability in Recombinant Bacterial Cultures, William E. Bentley and Dhinakar S. Kompala, University of Colorado


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This is the twenty-second of a series of symposia devoted to talks and posters by students about their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, sixteenth, and twenti~th were hosted by Kansas State University, the second and fourth by the University of Nebraska- Lincoln, the sixth, seventh, tenth, thirteenth, seventeenth, and twenty-second by Iowa State University, the eighth, fourteenth, and nineteenth by the University of Missouri-Columbia, the eleventh, fifteenth, and twenty-first by Colorado State University, and the eighteenth by the University of Colorado. Next year's symposium will be at the University of Oklahoma. Symposium proceedings are edited and issued by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place in refereed journals, articles included here are brief and often cover work in progress. ContentsC. A. Baldwin, J.P. McDonald, and L. E. Erickson, Kansas State University. Effect of Hydrocarbon Phase on Kinetic and Transport Limitations for Bioremediation of Microporous Soil J. C. Wang, S. K. Banerji, and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Migration of PCP in Soil-Columns in Presence of a Second Organic Phase Cheng-Hsien Hsu and Roger G. Harrison, University of Oklahoma. Bacterial Leaching of Zinc and Copper from Mining Wastes James A. Searles, Paul Todd, and Dhinakar S. Kompala, University of Colorado. Suspension Culture of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Utilizing Inclined Sedimentation Ron Beyerinck and Eric H. Dunlop, Colorado State University. The Effect of Feed Zone Turbulence as Measured by Laser Doppler Velocimetry on Baker's Yeast Metabolism in a Chemostat Paul Li-Hong Yeh, GraceY. Sun, Gary A. Weisman, and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Effect of Medium Constituents upon Membrane Composition of Insect Cells R. Shane Gold, M. M. Meagher, R. Hutkins, and T. Conway, University of Nebraska-Lincoin. Ethanol Tolerance and Carbohydrate Metabolism in Lactobacilli John Sargantanis and M. N. Karim, Colorado State University. Application of Kalman Filter and Adaptive Control in Solid Substrate Fermentation D. Vrana, M. Meagher, and R. Hutkins, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Product Recovery Optimization in the ABE Fermentation Kalyan R. Tadikonda and Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado. Cell Separations Using Targeted Monoclonal Antibodies Against Surface Proteins Meng H. Heng and Charles E. Glatz, Iowa State University. Charged Fusion for Selective Recovery of B-Galactosidase from Cell Extract Using Hollow Fiber Ion-Exchange Membrane Adsorption Hsiu-Mei Chen, Peter J. Reilly, and Clark Ford, Iowa State University. Site-Directed Mutagenesis to Enhance Thermostability of Glucoamylase from Aspergillus: A Rational Approach P. Tuitemwong, L. E. Erickson, and D. Y. C. Fung, Kansas State University. Applications of Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Fermentation on the Reduction of Flatulent Sugars in the Rapid Hydration Hydrothermal Cooked Soy Milk Sanjeev Redkar and Robert H. Davis, University of Colorado. Crossflow Microfiltration of Yeast Suspensions Linda Henk and James C. Linden, Colorado State University, and Irving C. Anderson, Iowa State University. Evaluation of Sorghum Ensilage as an Ethanol Feedstock Marc Lipovitch and James C. Linden, Colorado State University. Stability and Biomass Feedstock Pretreatability for Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Ali Demirci, Anthony L. Pometto Ill, and Kenneth E. Johnson, Iowa State University. Application of Biofilm Reactors in Lactic Acid Fermentation Michael K. Dowd, Peter I. Reilly, and WalterS. Trahanovsky, Iowa State University. Low Molecular-Weight Organic Composition of Ethanol Stillage from Corn Craig E. Forney, Meng H. Heng, John R. Luther, Mark Q. Niederauer, and Charles E. Glatz, Iowa State University. Enhancement of Protein Separation Using Genetic Engineering J. F. Shimp, J. C. Tracy, E. Lee, L. C. Davis, and L. E. Erickson, Kansas State University. Modeling Contaminant Transport, Biodegradation and Uptake by Plants in the Rhizosphere Xiaoqing Yang, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University. Modeling of Dispersive-Convective Characteristics in Bioremediation of Contaminated Soil Jan Johansson and Rakesh Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Fouling of Membranes J. M. Wang, S. K. Banerji, and R. K. Bajpai, University of Missouri-Columbia. Migration of Sodium-Pentachorophenol (Na-PCP) in Unsaturated and Saturated Soil-Columns J. Sweeney and M. Meagher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Purification of Alpha-D-Glucuronidase from Trichoderma reesei


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La contaminación del vino con aromas y/o sabores “fúngicos" o “a moho" es consecuencia de la presencia de ciertos compuestos conocidos como haloanisoles, producidos por hongos filamentosos. El objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de la información disponible relacionada con los hongos filamentosos productores de haloanisoles; su permanencia, desarrollo y la bioquímica de las reacciones de síntesis de haloanisoles, a fin de poder establecer las medidas sanitarias preventivas correspondientes.


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El trabajo presentado estudia la presencia de Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani(sensulato), F. equiseti y F.acuminatum en puntos del litoral de Almería, Alicante, Gerona e Islas Baleares (Menorca, Ibiza, Espalmador). Se analizaron tanto arenas de las playas (zonas intermareal y supramareal) como fondos marino situados a 27,9 y 7,2 metros de profundidad en Almería y a 10 m de profundidad en las Islas Baleares. Exceptuando el litoral de Gerona, en el resto de los enclaves se presentaron varias especies de Fusarium que se aislaron de las arenas de las playas, confirmando así resultados obtenidos con anterioridad. Lo más novedoso fue encontrar especies de Fusarium a diferentes profundidades marinas. En Almería F.oxysporum y F.equisti se aislaron a 27,9 y7,2 m profundidad. F. acuminatum se aisló de la muetra recogida a 27m de profundidad. En las islas Baleares, a10m de profundidad, se aislaron F. oxysporum, F. solani (sensulato), F.equiseti y F.acuminatum. El efecto antrópico, el comportamiento como "airborne" o los arrastres de aguas por las ramblas y torrentes podría explicar la presencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados. La permanencia de estas especies en los hábitats mencionados, especialmente en la zona intermareal de las playas y en los fondos marinos donde soportan elevadas presiones osmóticas por la alta salinidad del agua del mar Mediterráneo, permitirá estudios específicos sobre el comportamiento de estos hongos en medios muy salinos. Otros hongos aislados de arenas de playa y fondos marinos fueron: Acremonium, Alternaria, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Dreschlera, Gliocladium Humicola, Penicillium, Phialophora, Rhizopus, Stemphylium, Trichoderma, Trichocladium y Ulocladium. Muchos de ellos fueron aislados del fondo marino, testimoniando así que estos hábitats no son exclusivos de Fusarium.


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The aim of this work was to assess the effects of four doses of three commercial fibrolytic enzymes on ruminal fermentation of rice straw, maize stover and Pennisetum purpureum clon Cuba CT115 hay in batch cultures of ruminal micro-organisms from sheep. One enzyme was produced by Penicillium funiculosum (PEN) and two were from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (TL1 and TL2). Each liquid enzyme was diluted 200 (D1), 100 (D2), 50 (D3) and 10 (D4) - fold and applied to each substrate in quadruplicate over time and incubated for 120 h in rumen fluid. The D4 dose of each enzyme increased (P<0.05) the fractional rate of gas production and organic matter effective degradability for all substrates, and TL2 had similar effects when applied at D3. In 9 h incubations, PEN at D4, TL1 at all tested doses, and TL2 at D2, D3 and D4 increased (P<0.05) volatile fatty acid production and dry matter degradability for all substrates. The commercial enzymes tested were effective at increasing in vitro ruminal fermentation of low-quality forages, although effective doses varied with the enzyme.


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The design of shell and spatial structures represents an important challenge even with the use of the modern computer technology.If we concentrate in the concrete shell structures many problems must be faced,such as the conceptual and structural disposition, optimal shape design, analysis, construction methods, details etc. and all these problems are interconnected among them. As an example the shape optimization requires the use of several disciplines like structural analysis, sensitivity analysis, optimization strategies and geometrical design concepts. Similar comments can be applied to other space structures such as steel trusses with single or double shape and tension structures. In relation to the analysis the Finite Element Method appears to be the most extended and versatile technique used in the practice. In the application of this method several issues arise. First the derivation of the pertinent shell theory or alternatively the degenerated 3-D solid approach should be chosen. According to the previous election the suitable FE model has to be adopted i.e. the displacement,stress or mixed formulated element. The good behavior of the shell structures under dead loads that are carried out towards the supports by mainly compressive stresses is impaired by the high imperfection sensitivity usually exhibited by these structures. This last effect is important particularly if large deformation and material nonlinearities of the shell may interact unfavorably, as can be the case for thin reinforced shells. In this respect the study of the stability of the shell represents a compulsory step in the analysis. Therefore there are currently very active fields of research such as the different descriptions of consistent nonlinear shell models given by Simo, Fox and Rifai, Mantzenmiller and Buchter and Ramm among others, the consistent formulation of efficient tangent stiffness as the one presented by Ortiz and Schweizerhof and Wringgers, with application to concrete shells exhibiting creep behavior given by Scordelis and coworkers; and finally the development of numerical techniques needed to trace the nonlinear response of the structure. The objective of this paper is concentrated in the last research aspect i.e. in the presentation of a state-of-the-art on the existing solution techniques for nonlinear analysis of structures. In this presentation the following excellent reviews on this subject will be mainly used.


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The effects of three treatments of fibrolytic enzymes (cellulase from Trichoderma longibrachiatum (CEL), xylanase from rumen micro-organisms (XYL) and a 1:1 mixture of CEL and XYL (MIX) on the in vitro fermentation of two samples of Pennisetum clandestinum (P1 and P2), two samples of Dichanthium aristatum (D1 and D2) and one sample of each Acacia decurrens and Acacia mangium (A1 and A2) were investigated. The first experiment compared the effects of two methods of applying the enzymes to forages, either at the time of incubation or 24 h before, on the in vitro gas production. In general, the 24 h pre-treatment resulted in higher values of gas production rate, and this application method was chosen for a second study investigating the effects of enzymes on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation of forages. The pre-treatment with CEL for 24 h reduced (p < 0.05) the content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) of P1, P2, D1 and D2, and that of MIX reduced the NDF content of P1 and D1, but XYL had no effect on any forage. The CEL treatment increased (p < 0.05) total volatile fatty acid (VFA) production for all forages (ranging from 8.6% to 22.7%), but in general, no effects of MIX and XYL were observed. For both P. clandestinum samples, CEL treatment reduced (p < 0.05) the molar proportion of acetate and increased (p < 0.05) that of butyrate, but only subtle changes in VFA profile were observed for the rest of forages. Under the conditions of the present experiment, the treatment of tropical forages with CEL stimulated their in vitro ruminal fermentation, but XYL did not produce any positive effect. These results showed clearly that effectiveness of enzymes varied with the incubated forage and further study is warranted to investigate specific, optimal enzyme-substrate combinations.


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The cohesin-dockerin interaction in Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome mediates the tight binding of cellulolytic enzymes to the cellulosome-integrating protein CipA. Here, this interaction was used to study the effect of different cellulose-binding domains (CBDs) on the enzymatic activity of C. thermocellum endoglucanase CelD (1,4-β-d endoglucanase, EC3.2.1.4) toward various cellulosic substrates. The seventh cohesin domain of CipA was fused to CBDs originating from the Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolases I and II (CBDCBH1 and CBDCBH2) (1,4-β-d glucan-cellobiohydrolase, EC3.2.1.91), from the Cellulomonas fimi xylanase/exoglucanase Cex (CBDCex) (β-1,4-d glucanase, EC3.2.1.8), and from C. thermocellum CipA (CBDCipA). The CBD-cohesin hybrids interacted with the dockerin domain of CelD, leading to the formation of CelD-CBD complexes. Each of the CBDs increased the fraction of cellulose accessible to hydrolysis by CelD in the order CBDCBH1 < CBDCBH2 ≈ CBDCex < CBDCipA. In all cases, the extent of hydrolysis was limited by the disappearance of sites accessible to CelD. Addition of a batch of fresh cellulose after completion of the reaction resulted in a new burst of activity, proving the reversible binding of the intact complexes despite the apparent binding irreversibility of some CBDs. Furthermore, burst of activity also was observed upon adding new batches of CelD–CBD complexes that contained a CBD differing from the first one. This complementation between different CBDs suggests that the sites made available for hydrolysis by each of the CBDs are at least partially nonoverlapping. The only exception was CBDCipA, whose sites appeared to overlap all of the other sites.


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A gene, qid74, of mycoparasitic filamentous fungus Trichoderma harzianum and its allies encodes a cell wall protein that is induced by replacing glucose in the culture medium with chitin (simulated mycoparasitism conditions). Because no trace of this gene can be detected in related species such as Gibberella fujikuroi and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the qid74 gene appears to have arisen de novo within the genus Trichoderma. Qid74 protein, 687 residues long, is now seen as highly conserved tandem repeats of the 59-residue-long unit. This unit itself, however, may have arisen as tandem repeats of the shorter 13-residue-long basic unit. Within the genus Trichoderma, the amino acid sequence of Qid74 proteins has been conserved in toto. The most striking is the fact that Qid74 shares 25.3% sequence identity with the carboxyl-terminal half of the 1,572-residue-long BR3 protein of the dipteran insect Chironomus tentans. BR3 protein is secreted by the salivary gland of each aquatic larva of Chironomus to form a tube to house itself. Furthermore, the consensus sequence derived from these 59-residue-long repeating units resembles those of epidermal growth factor-like domains found in divergent invertebrate and vertebrate proteins as to the positions of critical cysteine residues and homology of residues surrounding these cysteines.


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Two novel type I ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were found in the storage roots of Mirabilis expansa, an underutilized Andean root crop. The two RIPs, named ME1 and ME2, were purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, cation-exchange perfusion chromatography, and C4 reverse-phase chromatography. The two proteins were found to be similar in size (27 and 27.5 kD) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their isoelectric points were determined to be greater than pH 10.0. Amino acid N-terminal sequencing revealed that both ME1 and ME2 had conserved residues characteristic of RIPs. Amino acid composition and western-blot analysis further suggested a structural similarity between ME1 and ME2. ME2 showed high similarity to the Mirabilis jalapa antiviral protein, a type I RIP. Depurination of yeast 26S rRNA by ME1 and ME2 demonstrated their ribosome-inactivating activity. Because these two proteins were isolated from roots, their antimicrobial activity was tested against root-rot microorganisms, among others. ME1 and ME2 were active against several fungi, including Pythium irregulare, Fusarium oxysporum solani, Alternaria solani, Trichoderma reesei, and Trichoderma harzianum, and an additive antifungal effect of ME1 and ME2 was observed. Antibacterial activity of both ME1 and ME2 was observed against Pseudomonas syringae, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Agrobacterium radiobacter, and others.


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To investigate the involvement of protein kinases in the signaling cascade that leads to hypersensitive cell death, we used a previously established system in which a fungal elicitor, xylanase from Trichoderma viride (TvX), induces a hypersensitive reaction in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells in culture (line XD6S). The elicitor induced the slow and prolonged activation of a p47 protein kinase, which has the characteristics of a family member of the mitogen-activated protein kinases. An inhibitor of protein kinases, staurosporine, and a blocker of Ca channels, Gd3+ ions, both of which blocked the TvX-induced hypersensitive cell death, inhibited the TvX-induced activation of p47 protein kinase. Moreover, an inhibitor of serine/threonine protein phosphatase alone induced both rapid cell death and the persistent activation of the p47 protein kinase. Thus, the p47 protein kinase might be a component of the signal transduction pathway that leads to hypersensitive cell death, and the regulation of the duration of activation of the p47 protein kinase might be important in determining the destiny of tobacco cells.