971 resultados para Sussex County (N.J.)--Maps, Outline and base.


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Using a retrospective cross-sectional approach, this study quantitatively analyzed foodborne illness data, restaurant inspection data, and census-derived socioeconomic and demographic data within Harris County, Texas between 2005 and 2010. The main research question investigated involved determining the extent to which contextual and regulatory conditions distinguish outbreak and non-outbreak establishments within Harris County. Two groups of Harris County establishments were analyzed: outbreak and non-outbreak restaurants. STATA 11 was employed to determine the average profiles of each category across both the regulatory and socioeconomic (contextual) variables. Cross tabulations of all of the non-quantitative variables were also performed, and finally, a discriminant analysis was conducted to assess how well the variables were able to allocate the restaurants into their respective categories. Contextual and regulatory conditions were found to be minimally associated with the occurrence of foodborne outbreaks within Harris County. Across both the categories (outbreak and non-outbreak establishments), variables included were extremely similar in means, and when possible to observe, distributions. The variables analyzed in this study, both regulatory and contextual, were not found to significantly allocate the establishments into their correct outbreak or non-outbreak categories. The implications of these findings are that regulatory processes and guidelines in place in Harris County do not effectively to distinguish outbreak from non-outbreak restaurants. Additionally, no socioeconomic or racial/ethnic patterns are apparent in the incidence of foodborne disease in the county. ^


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Although the objective of Ocean Drilling Program Leg 191 was to install a seismic monitoring station and to test a hard rock reentry drilling system, several good, near-continuous sedimentary core sequences were recovered during the cruise. Two holes, 1179B and 1179C, yielded an upper Miocene to Pleistocene diatom record through an expanded section with excellent recovery. Because diatom species included in both low-latitude and high-latitude biostratigraphies are present, zonations for the equatorial Pacific and northwest Pacific are applied to the sediments. The oldest zones from each zonation that are represented in the cores are the Nitzschia miocenica Zone and the Rouxia californica Zone, respectively. Only one zonal boundary is not observed within the diatom assemblage, that being the top of the Nitzschia jouseae Zone and base of the Rhizosolenia praebergonii Subzone A (equatorial Pacific). Preservation is good overall, and sample abundances vary from rare to abundant. This would be an excellent section for further biostratigraphic, paleoclimatic, and paleoceanographic study.


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We detail the petrography and mineralogy of 145 basaltic rocks from the top, middle, and base of flow units identified on shipboard along with associated pyroclastic samples. Our account includes representative electron microprobe analyses of primary and secondary minerals; 28 whole-rock major-oxide analyses; 135 whole-rock analyses each for 21 trace elements; 7 whole-rock rare-earth analyses; and 77 whole-rock X-ray-diffraction analyses. These data show generally similar petrography, mineralogy, and chemistry for the basalts from all four sites; they are typically subalkaline and consanguineous with limited evolution along the tholeiite trend. Limited fractionation is indicated by immobile trace elements; some xenocrystic incorporation from more basic material also occurred. Secondary alteration products indicate early subaerial weathering followed by prolonged interaction with seawater, most likely below 150°C at Holes 552, 553A, and 554A. At Hole 555, greenschist alteration affected the deepest rocks (olivine-dolerite) penetrated, at 250-300°C.


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Stable isotopic data of calcareous nannofossil, monogeneric and monospecific planktic and benthic foraminifera from five Indian Ocean DSDP sites (212, 217, 220, 237, and 253), leads to the following paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conclusions: - The latest Cretaceous oxygen isotopic record implies a cooling (3-4°C) during the Maastrichtian. At the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary only a minor warming (about 2°C) has been recorded. The parallel delta13C decrease of more than 1? indicates a significant decrease in productivity. - During the latest Paleocene a positive delta13C excursion was detected in Sites 217 and 237. This transient enrichment in delta13C may be due to productivity changes on continents and/or a change in the storage rate of organic matter in marginal basins or shelf areas. - The most striking feature in the oxygen isotopic record is noted at the Early/Middle Eocene transition. The shift towards more positive values (which were probably enhanced to a certain extent by a preceding diagenetic alteration) delineates a dramatic climatic deterioration at high and mid latitudes during the earlier Tertiary. - Near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary a cooling is evident within the latest Eocene interval. During the earliest Oligocene time a hiatus at Sites 217 and 253 partially obscures the climatic record. - Several climatic fluctuations have been noted during the Oligocene: a cooling at the base of Zone NP 23, a warming at the top of Zone NP 23 through NP 24, and a cooling during Zone NP 25. - The Miocene oxygen isotopic record is dominated by changes in surface and bottom water environments during Zone NN5. The decreasing and then increasing delta18O values, together with the subsequent steepening of the vertical delta18O gradient, point towards major climatic instabilities. These events coincide with the Mid-Miocene build-up of Antarctic ice-sheets. During the latest Miocene to the earliest Pliocene the delta18O record of planktic foraminifera indicates a significant warming of the Indian Ocean at mid-latitudes. - The delta13C record during the Oligocene and Miocene reveals several cycles (delta13C enrichments: NP 24, NN2, NN5, NN9, and base NN 11) which are most likely related to changes in storage rates of organic matter and biological productivity due to climatic changes and transgression/regression cycles. In addition, changes in the circulation patterns may also have influenced the carbon isotopic record.


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La Tesis decodifica una selección de veinte proyectos representativos de Sejima-SANAA, desde su primer proyecto construido, la Casa Platform I, 1987, hasta el Centro Rolex, 2010, año en que Sejima y Nishizawa –SANAA- reciben el Premio Pritzker. De los veinte proyectos once son de Sejima: Casa Platform I, Casa Platform II, Residencia de Mujeres, Casa N, Pachinco Parlor I, Villa en el Bosque, Comisaría en Chofu, Casa Y, Apartamentos en Gifu, Edificio de equipamientos en la Expo Tokio 96, Pachinko Parlor III; y nueve de SANAA: edificio Multimedia en Oogaki, estudio de viviendas metropolitanas,Park Café en Koga, De Kunstlinie en Almere, Museo de Kanazawa, Pabellón de Toledo, Escuela de Zollverein, Casa Flor y Centro Rolex. La decodificación lee la obra de Sejima-SANAA a la inversa para ‘reconstruir’, en un ejercicio de simulación ficticia, una versión verosímil y coherente de los que podrían haber sido sus procesos proyectuales; podrían, porque los verdaderos son imposibles de dilucidar. Los que se proponen se pretenden exclusivamente verosímiles y plausibles. Con ello se pretende contribuir al entendimiento y comprensión de la arquitectura de Sejima-SANAA y, tangencialmente y en menor medida, a la teoría sobre el ejercicio proyectual arquitectónico. La decodificación se centra en dos aspectos concretos: la forma arquitectónica y el papel proyectual de la estructura portante. Ambas decodificaciones se extienden inevitablemente a otros aspectos relacionados, como, por ejemplo, la naturaleza del espacio arquitectónico. El procedimiento de investigación partió de una descripción objetiva y pormenorizada de los significantes formales y estructurales de cada proyecto desde su propia configuración física y geométrica. Esa descripción ‘objetiva’, llevada al límite, permitió que afloraran estructuras conceptuales y lógicas subyacentes de cada proyecto. Unida a interpretación crítica, –mediante su relación y confrontación con otras arquitecturas y otros modos de hacer conocidos- permitió trazar la reconstitución ficticia que persigue la decodificación. Ese trabajo se materializó en veinte ensayos críticos y se acompañó de un conjunto de otros textos sobre temas sugeridos o reclamados por el proceso de investigación. El conjunto de todos esos textos constituye el material de trabajo de la tesis. A partir de ahí, con una visión de conjunto, la tesis identifica una trayectoria de estrategias formales y una trayectoria de estrategias proyectuales relacionadas con lo portante. Juntas conforman el grueso de la tesis que se expone en los cuatro capítulos centrales. Los precede un capítulo introductorio que expone el recorrido biográfico de K. Sejima y la trayectoria profesional de Sejima-SANAA; y los siguen de unos textos transversales sobre forma, lugar y espacio. La tesis termina con una síntesis de sus conclusiones. Las estrategias formales se exponen en tres capítulos. El primero, ‘Primeras estrategias formales’ agrupa proyectos de la primera etapa de Sejima. El segundo capítulo está dedicado enteramente al proyecto de los apartamentos en Gifu, 1994-98, que según esta tesis, supuso un importante punto de inflexión en la trayectoria de Sejima; tanto el tercer capítulo lleva por nombre ‘Estrategias formales después de Gifu’ y recoge los proyectos que le siguieron. Las ‘Primeras estrategias formales’, varias y balbucientes, se mueven en general en torno a dos modos o procedimientos de composición, bien conocidos: por partes y sistemático. Éste última inicia en la trayectoria de SANAA un aspecto que va a ser relevante de aquí en adelante: entender el proyecto como propuesta genérica en la que, más allá de su realidad específica y tangible, subyace una lógica, en cada proyecto la suya, extrapolable a otros lugares, otras dimensiones, incluso otros programas: cada proyecto podría dar lugar a otros proyectos de la misma familia. La composición sistemática incluye, entre otros, la Casa Platform II, basada en la definición de un elemento constructivo, y la formulación de unas leyes de repetición y de posibles modos de agrupación. Incluye también la Residencia de Mujeres Saishunkan Seiyaku- proyecto que lanzó a Sejima a la fama internacional-, que también sería un sistema, pero distinto: basado en la repetición regular de una serie de elementos a lo largo de una directriz generando un hipotético contenedor infinito del que el proyecto sería tan solo un fragmento. La estrategia formal del edificio de Gifu ahondaría en la voluntad genérica del proyecto, adoptando la lógica de un juego. El proyecto sería una partida del juego, pero no la única posible, podrían jugarse otras. Esta hipótesis del juego está verificada en ‘El Juego de Gifu’ que - tras formular el juego identificando sus elementos (tablero y fichas), reglas y procedimientos- juega una partida: la que habría dado lugar al edificio proyectado por Sejima. Gifu extiende el concepto de ‘repetir’ un elemento constructivo a la de repetir un patrón espacial, lo que conlleva: la desvinculación entre forma y función; y un nuevo concepto de flexibilidad, que deja de referirse al uso flexible del edificio construido para pertenecer al momento proyectual en que se asignan funciones específicas a los patrones espaciales. Esta tesis propone que esa asignación de funciones sería uno de los últimos eslabones del proceso proyectual, algo opuesto a la premisa moderna de “la forma sigue a la función”. Las estrategias formales ‘Después de Gifu’ tienen también lógicas de juego, pero cada estrategia responde a un juego distinto, como dejan entrever sus nombres: ‘Tableros de Juego’, que con distintos grados de madurez estaría presente en varios proyectos; ‘Elementos de Catálogo’ en el Museo de Kanazawa; ‘Forma apriorística’, en la Casa Flor y ‘Repetición de una situación topológica’, en el Centro Rolex. Todas esas estrategias, o juegos, mantienen aspectos comunes relativos a la forma arquitectónica, precisamente los aspectos Gifu: la repetición aplicada al patrón espacial, y lo que conlleva: desvinculación entre forma y función y la nueva acepción de flexibilidad. ‘Tableros de Juego’ consiste en configurar cada sistema de proyecto (estructura, cerramientos, particiones y mobiliario) eligiendo elementos ofrecidos por una geometría de base, en cada proyecto la suya, en general reticular: intersecciones, líneas, módulos. Cada sistema se configura, en principio, sin relación de subordinación con cualquiera de los demás; cuando esa subordinación es ineludible, el juego determina que el sistema portante no puede materializar el orden geométrico de base, lo que se traduce en que no ejerce el papel dominante. Por lo tanto, ‘Tableros de Juego’ transgrede la lógica de la planta libre moderna: la estructura ni refleja ni revela el orden de base y los sistemas no respetan las relaciones de subordinación jerárquica y encadenada que aquella determinaba. Esta estrategia de ‘Tableros de juego’ deriva en soluciones y proyectos formales muy distintos: los proyectos de Oogaki y Park Café, que presentarían ‘Tableros de Juego’ incipientes; De Kunstlinie en Almere y la Escuela de Zollverein, que presentarían una consolidación de esta estrategia; y el Pabellón de Vidrio de Toledo que resultaría de la subversión de la estrategia. Este último proyecto, además, lleva el concepto de repetición más allá del elemento constructivo y del patrón espacial (que en este caso tiene forma de burbuja) parar acabar afectando a la propia experiencia del espectador, que esté donde esté, siempre tiene la sensación de estar en el mismo sitio. Esta tesis denomina a ese espacio repetitivo como ‘espacio mantra’. La estrategia ‘Elementos de Catálogo’ se ilustra con el Museo de Kanazawa. Su lógica parte de la definición de una serie de elementos, muy pocos, y se basa en el ingente número de posibles combinaciones entre sí. Gifu habría anunciado el catalogo de elementos en la caracterización de sus patrones espaciales. La estrategia ‘Forma Apriorística’ se ilustra con la Casa Flor. La decisión sobre el tipo de forma -en este caso la de una ameba- estaría al principio del proceso proyectual, lo que no quiere decir que sea una forma arbitraria: la forma de la ameba lleva implícita la repetición de un patrón espacial (el seudópodo) y una apoteosis del concepto de repetición que, alcanzando la experiencia espacial, da lugar a un espacio repetitivo o mantra. El ‘Espacio Mantra’ es uno de los leitmotivs, que se emplean como argumento en la última estrategia formal que la Tesis decodifica: el Centro Rolex. Con respecto a la estructura portante, la tesis identifica y traza una trayectoria de cinco estrategias proyectuales: preeminencia, ocultación, disolución, desaparición y desvirtuación. --Ocultación, reduce el papel dominante de la estructura. Al principio es una ocultación literal, casi un tapado de los elementos estructurales, como en Gifu; luego se hace más sofisticada, como la ocultación por camuflaje o la paradójica ocultación por multiplicación de Park Café. --La disolución merma la condición dominante de la estructura que en lugar de configurarse como sistema unitario u homogéneo se fragmenta en varios subsistemas. --La desaparición se refiere a estructuras que desaparecen como sistemas propios y autónomos, a proyectos en los que la función portante es desempeñada por otros sistemas como el de las particiones. La desaparición culmina con la Casa Flor, cuyo perímetro ejerce la función portante y además es transparente, está desmaterializado: la estructura se ha hecho invisible, ha desaparecido. --La desvirtuación se refiere a estructuras que sí se presentan como sistemas propios y autónomos, pero dejan de tener un papel preeminente por cuanto no materializan el orden de base: esta estrategia es correlativa a la estrategia formal ‘Tableros de juego’. Las conclusiones de la tesis están en la propia organización de la tesis: la identificación de las estrategias. Aún así, y como epílogos, se exponen seis. Las dos primeras subrayan el hilo conductor del trabajo realizado, que radica en la cualidad genérica de las estrategias proyectuales en Sejima-SANAA. Las cuatro siguientes dilucidan hasta qué punto hay, en sus proyectos, rasgos o significantes formales y/o estructurales que sean a su vez señales características del panorama arquitectónico contemporáneo; y plantean la pregunta estrella: ¿hay algunos que, apuntando más lejos, supongan aportaciones originales? --Como aportaciones originales la tesis destaca: la identificación entre el ideal genérico y proyecto concreto; y la propuesta de un espacio nuevo, híbrido, una suerte de estadio intermedio entre el espacio subdividido y compartimentado de la tradición y el continuo moderno. --Como síntomas de contemporaneidad se destacan: respecto de la forma, la traslación de la especificidad formal de la parte al conjunto; y respecto de la estructura, la tendencia contemporánea a hacer estructuras cada vez más ligeras y livianas, que tienden a lo evanescente. Ésta última, la tendencia al evanescencia estructural, podría tener la condición de aportación original, no en vano la desaparición de la estructura lleva la evanescencia hacia sus últimas consecuencias, y en el caso de estructuras con presencia física, hace que dejen de ser el sistema ordenador orquestador del proceso proyectual. ABSTRACT The Thesis decodes a selection of twenty representative Sejima-SANAA projects, from the first one built, the Platform I House in 1987, to the Rolex Center in 2010, year in which Sejima and Nishizawa –SANAA- received the Pritzker Prize. Eleven projects are from Sejima: Platform I, Platform II, Saishunkan Seiyaku Women´s Dormitory, N- House, Pachinco Parlor I, Villa in the Forest, Policy Box at Chofu Station, Y-House, Gifu Kitigata Apartment, World City Expo ´96 Facilities Building, Pachinko Parlor III; and nine from SANAA: Multimedia Workshop in Ogaki, Metropolitan Housing Studies, Park Café in Koga, De Kunstlinie in Almere, Kanazawa Museum, Glass Pavilion at the Toledo Museum of Art, Zollverein School, Flower House and the Rolex Center. This decoding reads the Sejima-SANAA’s projects inversely aiming ‘to reconstruct', in a fictitious simulation exercise, a likely and coherent version of what her/their projectual processes ‘could’ have been; ‘could’, because the true ones are impossible to explain. The ones proposed here pretend only to be likely and reasonable. By so doing the Thesis tries to contribute to the understanding and comprehension of Sejima-SANAA architecture and, tangentially and to a lesser extent, to the theory of architectural projects exercise. Decoding centers in two specific aspects: architectural form, and projectual role of the load bearing structure. Both decodes inevitably extend to other related aspects such as, for example, the nature of space. The research procedure begun by carrying out an objective and detailed description of the formal and structural signifiers of each project; looking at them from their physical and geometric configuration. Taken to the limit, the ‘objective’ descriptions allowed the conceptual structures and underlying logics of each project to arise. Together with critical interpretations, which related and confronted them with other architectures and well-known projectual working ways, it became possible to outline and trace the intended fictitious reconstruction decodes. The descriptive analytical work materialized in twenty critical essays, and was accompanied by a set of other essays on subjects suggested or demanded by the research process. Together, all those texts were the material basis on which thesis work was built. Looking at the whole and taking it from there, the thesis identifies two related projectual trajectories: a trajectory of formal strategies and a trajectory of strategies having to do with structural systems and components. Both, together, constitute the bulk of the thesis, as presented in the four central chapters. Preceding them there is an introductory chapter outlining the biographical path of Kazuyo Sejima and the professional trajectory of Sejima-SANAA. And following them there is another one containing transversal texts on form, place and space. The thesis ends with a synthesis on conclusions. The formal strategies are displayed in three chapters. The first one, `Early formal strategies' groups the first phase projects by Sejima. The second one, ‘Formal strategies of Gifu’s paradigm’, is entirely dedicated to the Gifu apartments project, 1994-98, which according to this thesis meant an important inflexion point in Sejima’s trajectory; so much so that the third chapter is named `Formal strategies after Gifu' and gathers the selected projects that followed it. The ‘Early formal strategies', diverse and tentative, move in general around two well-known projectual composition methods ‘composition by parts’, and ‘systematic composition’. This last one –systematic composition- begins and leads in SANAA’s trajectory an aspect which will remain relevant from here on: the understanding of the project as if it were an specific instance of a generic proposal in which -below and beyond the project tangible reality- there lays a logic that could be applicable at other places, for other dimensions, even with other programs; from each project, other projects of the same family could rise. The set of projects using this systematic composition method include, among others, the ‘Platform II House, based on the definition of a constructive element and of rules having to do with its replicas and their possible groupings. It also includes the Saishunkan Seiyaku Women Residence -project that launched Sejima to international fame- that could also be seen as a system, but of a different kind: a system based on the regular repetition of a series of elements along a directive line, thus generating a hypothetical infinite container of which the project would be only a fragment. The formal strategy of the Gifu apartments building would push further towards the generic project concept, adopting the logic of a game. The project would be a bout, a round, one play…, but not the only possible one; others could be played. The thesis confirms this game hypothesis -after having formulated `The Game of Gifu' and identified its elements (board, chips, rules and procedures)- playing the one play from which the building as projected by Sejima would have raised. Gifu extends the concept of ‘repeating a constructive element’ to that of ‘repeating a space pattern element’, and to what it implies: the decoupling of form and function, leading to a new concept of flexibility that no longer refers to the flexible use of the constructed building but to the projectual moment at which the specific functions are assigned to the space patterns. This thesis proposes that this allocation of functions would be one of the last steps in projectual process, quite opposite from the modern premise: “form follows function”. The Formal strategies after Gifu do also have a game logic; but, as their names reveal, each strategy responds to a different game: ‘Game Boards’, present with different maturity levels in several projects; ‘Elements from a Catalogue’, in the Kanazawa Museum; ‘Aprioristic Form’, in the Flower House; and ‘Repetition of a topologic situation', in the Rolex Center. All of these strategies, or games, maintain common aspects having to do with architectural form; aspects that were already present, precisely, in Gifu: repetition of space pattern units, uncoupling of form and function, and a new meaning of flexibility. -`Game Boards’ consists on setting up a base geometry -each project his, generally reticular- and give form to each project system (structure, closings, partitions and furniture) by choosing elements -intersections, lines, modules- it offers. Each project system is formed, in principle, with no subordinated relation with any of the others; when subordination is unavoidable, the game rules determine that the load bearing structural system may not be the one to materialize the base geometric order, which means that it does not exert the dominant role. Therefore, ‘Game Boards' transgresses the Modern logic, because the structure neither reflects nor reveals the base order, and because the systems do not respect any of the hierarchic and chained subordination relations that the ‘free plan’ called for. ‘Game Boards' leads to quite different solutions and formal projects: the Oogaki and Park Coffee projects show incipient Game Boards; The Almere Kunstlinie and the Zollverein School present consolidations of this strategy; and the Toledo’s Glass Pavilion results from subverting the strategy. In addition, the Toledo project takes the repetition concept beyond that of using a constructive element and a space pattern element (in this case with a bubble form) to end up affecting the personal experience of the spectator, who, wherever he is, feels to always be in the same place. This thesis denominates that repetitive space as ‘Mantra space '. -‘Elements from a Catalogue’ is shown with the Kanazawa Museum. Its logic starts from the definition of a series of elements, very few, and it is based on the huge number of possible combinations among them. The ‘Elements from a Catalogue’ approach was announced in the Gifu project when characterizing its space pattern elements. -Aprioristic Form' is illustrated by the Flower House. The decision on the type of form -in this case the form of an amoeba- would be the beginning of the projectual process, but it does not mean it is arbitrary form: the amoeba form implies repeating a space pattern (pseudopodia) and an apotheosis of the repetition concept: embracing the space experience, it gives rise to a repetitive or mantra space. ‘Mantra Space’ is one of leitmotivs used as an argument in the last formal strategy Thesis decodes: the Rolex Center. With respect to the ‘Projectual strategies of the load bearing structure’, the thesis finds and traces a trajectory of five projectual strategies: ‘preeminence, concealment, dissolution, disappearance and desvirtuación’. --Preeminence is present in Sejima’s first works in which she resorts to structures which have a dominant preeminent role in the project in so far as they impersonate the greater scale and/or materialize the base geometric order. In later works that preeminence will be inverted, the projects aiming towards its opposite: lighter, slighter, smaller structures. -Concealment reduces the dominant role of the structure. At the outset concealment is literal, almost hiding the structural elements, as in Gifu; soon it will become more sophisticated, such as the concealment by camouflage or the paradoxical concealment by multiplication in the Koga Park Café. -Dissolution diminishes the dominant condition of the structure: instead of its’ being configured as unitary or homogenous system is fragmented in several subsystems. -Disappearance talks about structures that fade away as self referred and independent systems; projects in which the load bearing function is carried out by other systems such as the set of partitions. Disappearance reaches its zenith at the Flower House, whose perimeter functions structurally being, in addition, transparent, immaterial: its structure has become invisible, has disappeared. -Desvirtuación talks about structures that do appear like independent self-systems, but which that do not longer have a preeminent paper, inasmuch as they do not materialize the base order. This strategy correlates with the ‘Game Boards’ formal strategy. The thesis conclusions are show by the organization of the thesis itself: its identification of the different strategies. Even so, as epilogues, the thesis exposes six ‘Conclusions’. The first two emphasize the leading thread of the work done, rooted in the generic quality of the Sejima-SANAA projectual strategies. The following four expound to what extent their projects show features, or formal and/or structural signifiers, which also are or can be read as characteristic signals of the contemporary architectonic panorama, and raise the key question: aiming farther, may some of them be taken as original contributions? -As original contributions the conclusions highlight: the identification between the generic ideal and the concrete project; and the proposal of a new, hybrid space, kind of an intermediate stage between the traditional subdivided compartmented space and the continuous modern. -As symptoms of contemporaneousness: in relation to the form it highlights the transferring of the formal specificity from the part to the whole; and in relation to the structure, it underscore the contemporary tendency towards lighter and growingly slimmer structures, tending to the evanescent. This last one, the tendency towards structural evanescence, could have condition of being an original contribution, not in vain it carries the structural disappearance towards its last consequences; and in the case of structures with physical presence, it makes them to cease being the ordering system orchestrating the projectual process.


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Interactions among transcription factors that bind to separate sequence elements require bending of the intervening DNA and juxtaposition of interacting molecular surfaces in an appropriate orientation. Here, we examine the effects of single amino acid substitutions adjacent to the basic regions of Fos and Jun as well as changes in sequences flanking the AP-1 site on DNA bending. Substitution of charged amino acid residues at positions adjacent to the basic DNA-binding domains of Fos and Jun altered DNA bending. The change in DNA bending was directly proportional to the change in net charge for all heterodimeric combinations between these proteins. Fos and Jun induced distinct DNA bends at different binding sites. Exchange of a single base pair outside of the region contacted in the x-ray crystal structure altered DNA bending. Substitution of base pairs flanking the AP-1 site had converse effects on the opposite directions of DNA bending induced by homodimers and heterodimers. These results suggest that Fos and Jun induce DNA bending in part through electrostatic interactions between amino acid residues adjacent to the basic region and base pairs flanking the AP-1 site. DNA bending by Fos and Jun at inverted binding sites indicated that heterodimers bind to the AP-1 site in a preferred orientation. Mutation of a conserved arginine within the basic regions of Fos and transversion of the central C:G base pair in the AP-1 site to G:C had complementary effects on the orientation of heterodimer binding and DNA bending. The conformational variability of the Fos–Jun–AP-1 complex may contribute to its functional versatility at different promoters.


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Current RGB-D sensors provide a big amount of valuable information for mobile robotics tasks like 3D map reconstruction, but the storage and processing of the incremental data provided by the different sensors through time quickly become unmanageable. In this work, we focus on 3D maps representation and propose the use of the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network as a model to represent 3D input data. GNG method is able to represent the input data with a desired amount of neurons or resolution while preserving the topology of the input space. Experiments show how GNG method yields a better input space adaptation than other state-of-the-art 3D map representation methods.


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Contains a variety of material relating to cases before the courts of common pleas in Kent, New Castle, and Sussex counties. One file deals exclusively with cases regarding slaves. Most likely kept by Rodney but some materials attributed to Wilson's Red Book.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A complete representation of the coast of England, together with the interior, divided into counties and military districts : also the coast of France and Holland from the Texel to Brest ... to which is annexed eighteen plans of the ports of the enemy, the principal depôts of the flotilla intended for the invasion of England, by John Luffman, Geogr. It was published by J. Luffman in 1804. Scale [ca. 1:2,500,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'British National Grid' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, administrative and military district boundaries, shoreline features including distances between selected ports, and more. Includes insets of foreign military installations and index to the military districts. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Chart exhibiting the discoveries of the second American-Grinnell-Expedition in search of Sir John Franklin : unrevised from the original material and projected on the spot by E.K. Kane. It was published by Lith of J. Bien in [1855]. Scale [ca. 1:400,000]. Covers the Nares Strait region, Greenland and Canada. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'NAD 1983 CSRS UTM Zone 19 North' projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows coastal features such as drainage, islands, capes, bays, tides, lines of ice, camps, and more. Relief shown by hachures. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This paper will outline and analyze the decision-making process in WTO matters. First, the players of the decision-making process -- the Council of the European Union (Council), the Trade Policy Committee, the Commission, and the European Parliament -- will be examined. Then the distinction will be made between decision-making in initiating WTO disputes and decision-making conducting trade agreement negotiations in the WTO. Then, decision-making practices in WTO matters will be assessed against constitutional principles of transparency, accountability, and legitimacy. After this assessment, conclusions will be drawn.


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In this new CEPS Commentary, a team of climate and energy specialists argue that a reliable system of climate and energy governance in the EU would certainly need to go beyond the issues that are identified in the 2030 framework for climate and energy and the Energy Union. In their view, such a system would consist of no less than seven complex areas, which they proceed to outline and discuss their interrelationships. To ensure that these areas are dealt with in an integrated manner, they recommend that the European Commission creates a roadmap – possibly in the form of a Communication – that would indicate the direction, interactions and a timeline for their adoption.


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OBJECTIVE Epilepsy is increasingly considered as the dysfunction of a pathologic neuronal network (epileptic network) rather than a single focal source. We aimed to assess the interactions between the regions that comprise the epileptic network and to investigate their dependence on the occurrence of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs). METHODS We analyzed resting state simultaneous electroencephalography-functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) recordings in 10 patients with drug-resistant focal epilepsy with multifocal IED-related blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) responses and a maximum t-value in the IED field. We computed functional connectivity (FC) maps of the epileptic network using two types of seed: (1) a 10-mm diameter sphere centered in the global maximum of IED-related BOLD map, and (2) the independent component with highest correlation to the IED-related BOLD map, named epileptic component. For both approaches, we compared FC maps before and after regressing out the effect of IEDs in terms of maximum and mean t-values and percentage of map overlap. RESULTS Maximum and mean FC maps t-values were significantly lower after regressing out IEDs at the group level (p < 0.01). Overlap extent was 85% ± 12% and 87% ± 12% when the seed was the 10-mm diameter sphere and the epileptic component, respectively. SIGNIFICANCE Regions involved in a specific epileptic network show coherent BOLD fluctuations independent of scalp EEG IEDs. FC topography and strength is largely preserved by removing the IED effect. This could represent a signature of a sustained pathologic network with contribution from epileptic activity invisible to the scalp EEG.


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Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.


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Drawn by B. A. Skeels. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.