984 resultados para Superfícies de Riemann
This thesis presents a hybrid technique of frequency selective surfaces project (FSS) on a isotropic dielectric layer, considering various geometries for the elements of the unit cell. Specifically, the hybrid technique uses the equivalent circuit method in conjunction with genetic algorithm, aiming at the synthesis of structures with response single-band and dual-band. The equivalent circuit method allows you to model the structure by using an equivalent circuit and also obtaining circuits for different geometries. From the obtaining of the parameters of these circuits, you can get the transmission and reflection characteristics of patterned structures. For the optimization of patterned structures, according to the desired frequency response, Matlab™ optimization tool named optimtool proved to be easy to use, allowing you to explore important results on the optimization analysis. In this thesis, numeric and experimental results are presented for the different characteristics of the analyzed geometries. For this, it was determined a technique to obtain the parameter N, which is based on genetic algorithms and differential geometry, to obtain the algebraic rational models that determine values of N more accurate, facilitating new projects of FSS with these geometries. The optimal results of N are grouped according to the occupancy factor of the cell and the thickness of the dielectric, for modeling of the structures by means of rational algebraic equations. Furthermore, for the proposed hybrid model was developed a fitness function for the purpose of calculating the error occurred in the definitions of FSS bandwidths with transmission features single band and dual band. This thesis deals with the construction of prototypes of FSS with frequency settings and band widths obtained with the use of this function. The FSS were initially reviewed through simulations performed with the commercial software Ansoft Designer ™, followed by simulation with the equivalent circuit method for obtaining a value of N in order to converge the resonance frequency and the bandwidth of the FSS analyzed, then the results obtained were compared. The methodology applied is validated with the construction and measurement of prototypes with different geometries of the cells of the arrays of FSS.
Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch originale a rme que pour tout morphisme propre f : Y ! X entre vari et es quasi-projectifs lisses sur un corps, et tout el ement a 2 K0(Y ) du groupe de Grothendieck des br es vectoriels on a ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Ici ch est le caract ere de Chern, Td(Tf ) est la classe de Todd du br e tangent relative et f et f! sont les images directes de l'anneau de Chow et K0 respectivement. Apr es, Baum, Fulton et MacPherson ont d emontr e en [BFM75] le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch pour des morphismes localement intersection compl ete entre des sch emas alg ebriques (sch emas s epar es et localement de type ni sur un corps) projectifs et singuli eres. En [FG83] Fulton et Gillet ont d emontr e le th eor eme sans hypoth eses projectifs. L'extension a la th eorie K sup erieure pour des sch emas r eguli eres sur une base fut d emontr e par Gillet en [Gil81]. Le th eor eme de Riemann-Roch qu'il prouve est pour des morphismes projectifs entre des sch emas lisses et quasi-projectifs. Donc, dans le cas des sch emas sur un corps, le r esultat de Gillet n'inclus pas le th eor eme de [BFM75]. La plus grande g en eralisation du th eor eme de Riemann-Roch que je connais est [D eg14] et [HS15], o u D eglise et Holmstrom-Scholbach obtiennent ind ependamment le th eor eme de Riemann- Roch pour la K-th eorie sup erieure et les morphismes projectifs lic entre sch emas r eguli eres sur une base noetherienne de dimension nie... NOTA 520 8 El teorema de Riemann-Roch original de Grothendieck a rma que para todo mor smo propio f : Y ! X, entre variedades irreducibles quasiproyectivas lisas sobre un cuerpo, y todo elemento a 2 K0(Y ) del grupo de Grothendieck de brados vectoriales se satisface la relaci on ch(f!(a)) = f {u100000}Td(Tf ) ch(a) (cf. [BS58]). Recu erdese que ch denota el car acter de Chern, Td(Tf ) la clase de Todd del brado tangente relativo y f y f! las im agenes directas en el anillo de Chow y K0 respectivamente. M as tarde Baum, Fulton MacPherson probaron en [BFM75] el teorema de Riemann-Roch para mor smos localmente intersecci on completa entre esquemas algebraicos (es decir, esquemas separados localmente de tipo nito sobre cuerpo) proyectivos singulares. En [FG83] Fulton y Gillet probaron el teorema sin hip otesis proyectivas. La notable extensi on a la teor a K superior para esquemas regulares sobre una base fue probada por Gillet en [Gil81]. El teorema de Riemann-Roch all probado es para mor smos proyectivos entre esquemas lisos quasiproyectivos. Sin embargo, obs ervese que en el caso de esquemas sobre cuerpo el resultado de Gillet no recupera el teorema de [BFM75]. La mayor generalizaci on del teorema de Riemann-Roch que yo conozco es [D eg14] y [HS15] donde D eglise y Holmstrom-Scholbach obtuvieron independientemente el teorema de Riemann-Roch para teor a K superior y mor smos proyectivos lic entre esquemas regulares sobre una base noetheriana nito dimensional...
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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.
In this paper we study eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions for the three parameter fractional Laplace operator $\Delta_+^{(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)}:= D_{x_0^+}^{1+\alpha} +D_{y_0^+}^{1+\beta} +D_{z_0^+}^{1+\gamma},$ where $(\alpha, \beta, \gamma) \in \,]0,1]^3$, and the fractional derivatives $D_{x_0^+}^{1+\alpha}$, $D_{y_0^+}^{1+\beta}$, $D_{z_0^+}^{1+\gamma}$ are in the Riemann-Liouville sense. Applying operational techniques via two-dimensional Laplace transform we describe a complete family of eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions of the operator $\Delta_+^{(\alpha,\beta,\gamma)}$ in classes of functions admitting a summable fractional derivative. Making use of the Mittag-Leffler function, a symbolic operational form of the solutions is presented. From the obtained family of fundamental solutions we deduce a family of fundamental solutions of the fractional Dirac operator, which factorizes the fractional Laplace operator. We apply also the method of separation of variables to obtain eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions.
In this paper, we focus on a Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem (BVP) with a constant coefficients for the poly-Hardy space on the real unit ball in higher dimensions. We first discuss the boundary behaviour of functions in the poly-Hardy class. Then we construct the Schwarz kernel and the higher order Schwarz operator to study Riemann–Hilbert BVPs over the unit ball for the poly- Hardy class. Finally, we obtain explicit integral expressions for their solutions. As a special case, monogenic signals as elements in the Hardy space over the unit sphere will be reconstructed in the case of boundary data given in terms of functions having values in a Clifford subalgebra. Such monogenic signals represent the generalization of analytic signals as elements of the Hardy space over the unit circle of the complex plane.
SILVA, J. S. P. Estudo das características físico-químicas e biológicas pela adesão de osteoblastos em superfícies de titânio modificadas pela nitretação em plasma. 2008. 119 f. Tese (Doutorado) - Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2008.
Commercially pure Titanium (cp Ti) is a material largely used in orthopedic and dental implants due to its biocompatibility properties. Changes in the surface of cp Ti can determine the functional response of the cells such as facilitating implant fixation and stabilization, and increased roughness of the surface has been shown to improve adhesion and cellular proliferation. Various surface modification methods have been developed to increase roughness, such as mechanical, chemical, electrochemical and plasma treatment. An argon plasma treatment generates a surface that has good mechanical proprieties without chemical composition modification. Besides the topography, biological responses to the implant contribute significantly to its success. Oxidative stress induced by the biomaterials is considered one of the major causes of implant failure. For this reason the oxidative potential of titanium surfaces subjected to plasma treatment was evaluated on this work. CHO-k1 cells were cultivated on smooth or roughed Ti disks, and after three days, the redox balance was investigated measuring reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, total antioxidant capacity and biomarkers of ROS attack. The results showed cells grown on titanium surfaces are subjected to intracellular oxidative stress due to hydrogen peroxide generation. Titanium discs subjected to the plasma treatment induced less oxidative stress than the untreated ones, which resulted in improved cellular ability. Our data suggest that plasma treated titanium may be a more biocompatible biomaterial.
The stereographic projection is a bijective smooth map which allows us to think the sphere as the extended complex plane. Among its properties it should be emphasized the remarkable property of being angle conformal that is, it is an angle measure preserving map. Unfortunately, this projection map does not preserve areas. Besides being conformal it has also the property of projecting spherical circles in either circles or straight lines in the plane This type of projection maps seems to have been known since ancient times by Hipparchus (150 BC), being Ptolemy (AD 140) who, in his work entitled "The Planisphaerium", provided a detailed description of such a map. Nonetheless, it is worthwhile to mention that the property of the invariance of angle measure has only been established much later, in the seventeenth century, by Thomas Harriot. In fact, it was exactly in that century that the Jesuit François d’Aguilon introduced the terminology "stereographic projection" for this type of maps, which remained up to our days. Here, we shall show how we create in GeoGebra, the PRiemannz tool and its potential concerning the visualization and analysis of the properties of the stereographic projection, in addition to the viewing of the amazing relations between Möbius Transformations and stereographic projections.
In this paper we developed a prototype for dynamic and quantitative analysis of the hardness of metal surfaces by penetration tests. It consists of a micro-indenter which is driven by a gear system driven by three-rectified. The sample to be tested is placed on a table that contains a load cell that measures the deformation in the sample during the penetration of micro-indenter. With this prototype it is possible to measure the elastic deformation of the material obtained by calculating the depth of penetration in the sample from the difference of turns between the start of load application to the application of the load test and return the indenter until the complete termination of load application. To determine the hardness was used to measure the depth of plastic deformation. We used 7 types of steel trade to test the apparatus. There was a dispersion of less than 10% for five measurements made on each sample and a good agreement with the values of firmness provided by the manufacturers.
Interstitial compounds of titanium have been mainly studied due to the large range of properties acquired when C, N, O and H atoms are added. In this work, surfaces of TiCxNy were produced by thermochemical treatments assisted by plasma with different proportions of Ar + N2 + CH4 gas mixture. The Ar gas flow was fixed in 4 sccm, varying only N2 and CH4 gas flows. During the thermochemical treatment, the plasma was monitored by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) for the investigation of the influence of active species. After treatments, C and N concentration profile, crystalline and amorphous phases were analyzed by Nuclear Reaction (NRA). Besides tribomechanical properties of the Ti surface were studied through the nanohardness measurements and friction coefficient determination. The worn areas were evaluated by profilometry and Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) in order to verify the wear mechanism present in each material. It has been seen which the properties like nanohardness and friction coefficient have strong relation with luminous intensity of species of the plasma, suggesting a using of this characteristic as a parameter of process
This work reports the influence of the poly (ethylene terephthalate) textile and films surface modification by plasmas of O2 and mixtures (N2 + O2), on their physical and chemical properties. The plasma surface polymeric modification has been used for many researchs, because it does not affect the environment with toxic agents, the alterations remains only at nanometric layers and this technique shows expressive results. Then, due to its good acceptance, the treatment was carried out in a vacuum chamber. Some parameters remained constant during all treatment, such as: Voltage 470 V; Pressure 1,250 Mbar; Current: 0, 10 A and gas flow: 10 cm3/min, using oxygen plasma alternating the treatment time 10 to 60 min with an increase of 10 min to each subsequent treatment. Also, the samples were treated with a gas mixture (nitrogen + oxygen) which was varied only the gas composition from 0 to 100% leaving the treatment time remaining constant to all treatment (10 min). The plasma treatment was characterized in-situ with Optics Emission Spectroscopy (OES), and the samples was characterized by contact angle, surface tension, Through Capillary tests, Raman spectroscopy, Infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) and atomic force microscopy, scanning electronic Microscopy (SEM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The results showed that oxygen treated fabrics presented high wettability, due to the hydrophilic groups incorporation onto the surface formed through spputering of carbon atoms. For the nitrogen atmosphere, there is the a film deposition of amine groups. Treatment with small oxygen concentration in the mixture with nitrogen has a higher spputered species of the samples
Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Brazil and are among the crops that have one of the highest post-harvest losses indexes in the country. The present work aimed at evaluating impact damage observed in packing lines of fresh tomatoes as well as to determine, under laboratory conditions, quality alterations of tomato fruits submitted to impact damage in different surface types. Critical points evaluation was accomplished using an instrumented sphere. Critical transference points found showed variations in acceleration levels from 30 to 129 G (m s-2). Tests carried out under laboratory conditions showed that padded surfaces reduced up to 31% impact damage. Incidence of severe internal physical damage was evaluated by a subjective scale and increased by 79% on hard surfaces for the highest fall drop. On the other hand, it was observed an effective reduction in physical damage on fruits when padded surfaces were used. When a 10-cm drop was performed, the maximum reduction measured was 10% for hard surfaces and 5% for previously padded surfaces. For quality parameters, it was observed for high drops on hard surfaces, highest values for weight loss, total acidity, lower values for vitamin C and Soluble Solids.