965 resultados para Stephen, Saint, d. ca. 36.


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A pesquisa tem por objetivo trabalhar o evento da Revolta de Jeú, em conjunto com a Estela de D, tendo como ponto de partida para tal, a exegese da perícope de 2 Reis 10-28,36. A história Deuteronomista apresenta o ato da Revolta de Jeú como sendo um feito demasiadamente importante, na restauração do culto a Javé em Israel, a partir de um contexto onde o culto a outras divindades, em Israel Norte, estava em pleno curso. No entanto, a partir da análise conjunta da Estela de D, que tem como provável autor o rei Hazael de Damasco, somos desafiados a ler esta história pelas entrelinhas não contempladas pelo texto, que apontam para uma participação ativa de Hazael, nos desfechos referentes a Revolta de Jeú, como sendo o responsável direto que proporcionou a subida de Jeú ao trono em Israel, clarificando desta forma este importante período na história Bíblica. Para tal análise, observar-se-á três distintos tópicos, ligados diretamente ao tema proposto: (1) A Revolta de Jeú e a Redação Deuteronomista, a partir do estudo exegético da perícope de 2 Reis 10,28-36, onde estão descritas informações pontuais sobre período em que Jeú reinou em Israel; (2) Jeú e a Estela de D, a partir da apresentação e análise do conteúdo da Estela de D, tratando diretamente dos desdobramentos da guerra em Ramote de Gileade, de onde se d o ponto de partida à Revolta de Jeú; e por fim (3) O Império da Síria, onde a partir da continuidade da análise do conteúdo da Estela de D, demonstraremos a significância deste reino, além de apontamentos diretamente ligados ao reinado de Hazael, personagem mui relevante no evento da Revolta de Jeú.


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Vol. 4 has imprint: London, Printed for H. M. Stationery off., by Eyre and Spottiswoode.


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Afonso de Ulloa, escritor espanhol, nasceu em Zamora na primeira metade do século XVl e morreu em Veneza, Itália, em 1580. Filho de Francisco de Ulloa, oficial que esteve na África com Carlos V, seguiu também a carreira das armas, estabelecendo-se depois em Veneza. Desempenhou várias missões diplomáticas, escreveu muitas obras e traduziu para o italiano, língua que conhecia tanto quanto a materna, autores espanhóis e portugueses. Quanto à obra Vita, et fatti dell' invitissimo imperatore Carlo Qvinto.. . sabe-se que foi pela primeira vez impressa em Veneza em 1560 por Vincenzo Valgrisio e que foi muitas vezes reeditada. Salvo pela época, a edição supra referenciada não oferece grande interesse artístico, mas há uma interessante gravura com a efígie de Carlos V.


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The isotopic and elemental abundances of noble gases in the solar system are investigated, using simple mixing models and mass-spectrometric measurements of the noble gases in meteorites and terrestrial rocks and minerals.

Primordial neon is modeled by two isotopically distinct components from the interstellar gas and dust. Neon from the gas dominates solar neon, which contains about ten times more 20Ne than 22Ne. Neon from the dust is represented in meteorites by neon-E, with 20Ne/22Ne less than 0.6. Isotopic variations in meteorites require neon from both dust and gas to be present. Mixing dust and gas without neon loss generates linear correlation lines on three-isotope and composition-concentration diagrams. A model for solar wind implantation predicts small deviations from linear mixing, due to preferential sputtering of the lighter neon isotopes.

Neon in meteorites consists of galactic cosmic ray spallation neon and at least two primordial components, neon-E and neon-S. Neon was measured in several meteorites to investigate these end- members. Cosmogenic neon produced from sodium is found to be strongly enriched in 22Ne. Neon measurements on sodium-rich samples must be interpreted with care so not to confuse this source of 22Ne with neon-E, which is also rich in 22Ne.

Neon data for the carbonaceous chondrite Mokoia show that the end member composition of neon-Si in meteorites is 20Ne/22Ne = 13.7, the same as the present solar wind. The solar wind composition evidently has remained constant since before the compaction of Mokoia.

Ca, Al-rich inclusions from the Allende meteorite were examined for correlation between neon-E and oxygen or magnesium isotopic anomalies. 22Ne and 36</sup>Ar enrichments found in some inclusions are attributed to cosmic- ray-induced reactions on Na and Cl, not to a primordial component. Neon-E is not detectably enriched in Allende.

Measurements were made to determine the noble gas contents of various terrestrial rocks and minerals, and to investigate the cycling of noble gases between different terrestrial reservoirs. Beryl crystals contain a characteristic suite of magmatic gases including nucleogenic 21Ne and 22Ne from (α,n) reactions, radiogenic 40Ar, and fissiogenic 131-136</sup>Xe from the decay of K and U in the continental crust. Significant concentrations of atmospheric noble gases are also present in beryl.

Both juvenile and atmospheric noble gases are found in rocks from the Skaergaard intrusion. The ratio 40Ar/36</sup>Ar (corrected for in situ decay of 40K) correlates with δ18O in plagioclase. Atmospheric argon has been introduced into samples that have experienced oxygen-isotope exchange with circulating meteoric hydrothermal fluids. Unexchanged samples contain juvenile argon with 40Ar/36</sup>Ar greater than 6000 that was trapped from the Skaergaard magma.

Juvenile and atmospheric gases have been measured in the glassy rims of mid-ocean ridge (MOR) pillow basalts. Evidence is presented that three samples contain excess radiogenic 129Xe and fission xenon, in addition to the excess radiogenic 40Ar found in all samples. These juvenile gases are being outgassed from the upper-mantle source region of the MOR magma. No isotopic evidence has been found here for juvenile primordial noble gases accompanying the juvenile radiogenic gases in the MOR glasses. Large argon isotopic variations in a single specimen provide a clear indication of the late-stage addition of atmospheric argon, probably from seawater.

The Skaergaard data demonstrate that atmospheric noble gases dissolved in ground water can be transferred into crustal rocks. Subduction of oceanic crust altered by seawater can transport atmospheric noble gases into the upper mantle. A substantial portion of the noble gases in mantle derived rocks may represent subducted gases, not a primordial component as is often assumed.


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通过Sephadex G-75凝胶过滤,QAE-Sephadex A-50和CM_Sephadex C-25离子交换的步骤,我们从湖南产尖吻蝮(Dienagkistrodon acutus)蛇毒中纯化出两个出血毒素,分别称之为DaHT-1和DaHT-2。在聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中均呈单一蛋白带,显示两个出血毒素皆为电泳纯。DaHT-1和DaHT-2的分子量相同,都为23,500道尔顿,具有相似的氨基酸组成,其中酸性氨基酸(Asx和GLx)分别占23%和24%。经等电聚焦(IEF)测得它们的等电点分别为5.6和5.2。两个出血毒素具有较强的出血活性(MHD别为0.5和0.8μg),都具蛋白水解酶活力,无精氨酸水解酶和PLA~2活性,但蛋白水解酶活性与出血活性并非正相关。DaHT-1,DaHT-2的最适温度分别为35 ℃,40 ℃;最适pH为6-9。对热不稳定,温度变高于60 ℃,活性完全丧失。在中性和碱性条件下稳定,在酸性条件下不稳定,pH<3,出血活性丧失。EDTA完全抑制,半胱氨酸部分抑制它们的出血活性,表明两个出血毒素都是依赖金属离子的蛋白酶,且二硫键对其活性是必需的。金属离子的分析表明每摩尔毒蛋白大约含0.5摩尔的Zn,1摩尔的Ca较多的Na,K。Mg,不含Co。两者是糖蛋白,含糖总量分别为11%和7%。用远紫外CD探讨DaHT-1和DaHT-2的溶液构象所得DaHT-1的α-螺旋,β-折叠和无规卷曲分别为36.9%,27.6%和31.4%;DaHT-2的α-螺旋,β-折迭和无规卷曲分别为23.4%,37.3%和45.3%。随着pH的增大或减少,DaHT-1和DaHT-2的峰位蓝移,在酸性条件下的变化比在碱性条件下大,计算表明:α-螺旋减少,无规卷曲增多,β-折迭基本未变。温度的影响和pH相似,50 ℃时峰位蓝移,α-螺旋减少,无规卷曲增多。EDTA对其影响很大,0.02M EDTA便导致两个出血毒素呈极度的无序状态。


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The deformed doubly magic nucleus (270)Hs has so far only been observed as the four-neutron (4n) evaporation residue of the reaction Mg-26+Cm-248, where a maximum cross section of 3 pb was measured. Theoretical studies on the formation of (270)Hs in the 4n evaporation channel of fusion reactions with different entrance channel asymmetry in the framework of a two-parameter Smoluchowski equation predict that the reactions Ca-48+Ra-226 and S-36+U-238 result in higher cross sections due to lower reaction Q values, in contrast to simple arguments based on the reaction asymmetry, which predict opposite trends. Calculations using HIVAP predict cross sections for the reaction S-36+U-238 that are similar to those of the Mg-26+Cm-248 reaction. Here, we report on the first measurement of evaporation residues formed in the complete nuclear fusion reaction S-36+U-238 and the observation of (270)Hs, which is produced in the 4n evaporation channel, with a measured cross section of 0.8(-0.7)(+2.6) pb at 51-MeV excitation energy. The one-event cross-section limits (68% confidence level) for the 3n, 4n, and 5n evaporation channels at 39-MeV excitation energy are 2.9 pb, while the cross-section limits of the 3n and 5n channel at 51 MeV are 1.5 pb. This is significantly lower than the 5n cross section of the Mg-26+Cm-248 reaction at similar excitation energy.


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La critique a depuis longtemps identifié les lieux de lecture travaillés par les œuvres hébertiennes, de la Bible à Faulkner en passant par Chrétien de Troyes et les contes de fées. Mais si la lecture est un legs, un témoignage du passé qu’il est loisible dinterroger dans le présent de l’écriture, les œuvres dAnne Hébert – l’adaptation cinématographique du Torrent en est l’illustration éclatante – constituent dsormais un héritage dont les effets peuvent être analysés. Nous voudrions ici interroger ces deux modalités du legs dAnne Hébert en nous attachant aussi bien aux traces des lectures de l’écrivaine qui parsèment son œuvre qu’à ce que cette dernière a légué en retour aux écrivains, ou cinéastes, qui lui succèdent. La présence de la bibliothèque de l’écrivaine au Centre Anne-Hébert est à cet égard à même douvrir de nouvelles avenues de recherche, susceptibles de renouveler notre compréhension des œuvres. Ce n’est donc pas seulement dintertextualité qu’il est question dans ces pages, ni de la notion ambigüe dinfluence qu’elle était venue remplacer, mais bien de ce legs symbolique bien particulier que constitue la lecture. À quel héritage littéraire Anne Hébert a-t-elle puisé afin de rompre avec les discours social et littéraire du Canada français des années 1940? Quel traitement réserve-t-elle à l’héritage canadien-français, notamment religieux? Mais aussi, qu’en est-il, dans son œuvre, de cet enjeu majeur de la transmission, elle qui ne cesse de s’interroger, dun texte à l’autre, sur les effets ineffaçables du passé à partir de son refoulement? Voilà quelques-unes des questions qui ont retenu l’attention des auteur(e)s de ce dossier, qui souhaite ainsi participer au renouvellement de la recherche sur cet aspect primordial du legs.