680 resultados para Steel strip cleaning


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Weldability of powder bed fusion (PBF) fabricated components has come to discussion in past two years due to resent developments in the PBF technology and limited size of the machines used in the fabrication process. This study concentrated on effects of energy input of welding on mechanical properties and microstructural features of welds between PBF fabricated stainless steel 316L sheets and cold rolled sheet metal of same composition by the means of destructive testing and microscopic analysis. Optical fiber diameter, laser power and welding speed were varied during the experiments that were executed following one variable at a time (OVAT) method. One of the problems of welded PBF fabricated components has been lower elongations at break comparing to conventionally manufactured components. Decreasing energy input of the laser keyhole welding decreased elongations at break of the welded specimens. Ultimate tensile strengths were not affected significantly by the energy input of the welding, but fracturing of the specimens welded using high energy input occurred from the weld metal. Fracturing of the lower energy input welds occurred from the PBF fabricated base metal. Energy input was found to be critical factor for mechanical properties of the welds. Multioriented grain growth and formation of neck at fusion zone boundary on the cold rolled side of the weld was detected and suspected to be result from weld pool flows caused by differences in molten weld pool behaviour between the PBF fabricated and cold rolled sides of the welds.


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The biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens on AISI 304 stainless steel in the presence of reconstituted skim milk under different temperatures was conducted, and the potential of three chemical sanitizers in removing the mono-species biofilms formed was compared. Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in skim milk at 28 °C presented better growth rate (10.4 log CFU.mL-1) when compared with 3.7 and 4.2 log CFU.mL-1 for P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens cultivated at 7 °C, respectively. Pseudomonas aeruginosa formed biofilm when cultivated at 28 °C. However, only the adhesion of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens was observed when incubated at 7 °C. The sodium dichloroisocyanurate was the most efficient sanitizer in the reduction of the adhered P. aeruginosa cells at 7 and 28 °C and those on the biofilm, respectively. The hydrogen peroxide was more effective in the reduction of adhered cells of P. fluorescens at 7 °C.


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The aim of this work was to calibrate the material properties including strength and strain values for different material zones of ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) welded joints under monotonic static loading. The UHSS is heat sensitive and softens by heat due to welding, the affected zone is heat affected zone (HAZ). In this regard, cylindrical specimens were cut out from welded joints of Strenx® 960 MC and Strenx® Tube 960 MH, were examined by tensile test. The hardness values of specimens’ cross section were measured. Using correlations between hardness and strength, initial material properties were obtained. The same size specimen with different zones of material same as real specimen were created and defined in finite element method (FEM) software with commercial brand Abaqus 6.14-1. The loading and boundary conditions were defined considering tensile test values. Using initial material properties made of hardness-strength correlations (true stress-strain values) as Abaqus main input, FEM is utilized to simulate the tensile test process. By comparing FEM Abaqus results with measured results of tensile test, initial material properties will be revised and reused as software input to be fully calibrated in such a way that FEM results and tensile test results deviate minimum. Two type of different S960 were used including 960 MC plates, and structural hollow section 960 MH X-joint. The joint is welded by BöhlerTM X96 filler material. In welded joints, typically the following zones appear: Weld (WEL), Heat affected zone (HAZ) coarse grained (HCG) and fine grained (HFG), annealed zone, and base material (BaM). Results showed that: The HAZ zone is softened due to heat input while welding. For all the specimens, the softened zone’s strength is decreased and makes it a weakest zone where fracture happens while loading. Stress concentration of a notched specimen can represent the properties of notched zone. The load-displacement diagram from FEM modeling matches with the experiments by the calibrated material properties by compromising two correlations of hardness and strength.


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The need for reduced intrinsic weight of structures and vehicles in the transportation industry has made aluminium research of interest. Aluminium has properties that are favourable for structural engineering, including good strength-to-weight ratio, corrosion resistance and machinability. It can be easily recycled saving energy used in smelting as compared to steel. Its alloys can have ultimate tensile strength of up to 750 MPa, which is comparable to steel. Aluminium alloys are generally weldable, however welding of high strength alloys like the 7xxx series pose considerable challenges. This paper presents research on the weldability of high strength aluminium alloys, principally the 7xxx series. The weldability with various weld processes including MIG, TIG, and FSW, is discussed in addition to consideration of joint types, weld defects and recommendations for minimizing or preventing weld defects. Experimental research was carried out on 7025-T6 and AW-7020 alloys. Samples were welded, and weld cross sections utilized in weld metallurgy studies. Mechanical tests were carried out including hardness tests and tensile tests. In addition, testing was done for the presence of Al2O3 on exposed aluminium alloy. It was observed that at constant weld heat input using a pulsed MIG system, the welding speed had little or no effect on the weld hardness. However, the grain size increased as the filler wire feed rate, welding current and welding speed increased. High heat input resulted in lower hardness of the weld profile. Weld preheating was detrimental to AW- 7020 welds; however, artificial aging was beneficial. Acceptable welds were attained with pulsed MIG without the removal of the Al2O3 layer prior to welding. The Al2O3 oxide layer was found to have different compositions in different aluminium alloys. These findings contribute useful additional information to the knowledge base of aluminium welding. The application of the findings of this study in welding will help reduce weld cost and improve high strength aluminium structure productivity by removing the need for pre-weld cleaning. Better understanding of aluminium weld metallurgy equips weld engineers with information for better aluminium weld design.


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Strenx® 960 MC is a direct quenched type of Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) with low carbon content. Although this material combines high strength and good ductility, it is highly sensitive towards fabrication processes. The presence of stress concentration due to structural discontinuity or notch will highlight the role of these fabrication effects on the deformation capacity of the material. Due to this, a series of tensile tests are done on both pure base material (BM) and when it has been subjected to Heat Input (HI) and Cold Forming (CF). The surface of the material was dressed by laser beam with a certain speed to study the effect of HI while the CF is done by bending the specimen to a certain angle prior to tensile test. The generated results illustrate the impact of these processes on the deformation capacity of the material, specially, when the material has HI experience due to welding or similar processes. In order to compare the results with those of numerical simulation, LS-DYNA explicit commercial package has been utilized. The generated results show an acceptable agreement between experimental and numerical simulation outcomes.


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Thermal cutting methods, are commonly used in the manufacture of metal parts. Thermal cutting processes separate materials by using heat. The process can be done with or without a stream of cutting oxygen. Common processes are Oxygen, plasma and laser cutting. It depends on the application and material which cutting method is used. Numerically-controlled thermal cutting is a cost-effective way of prefabricating components. One design aim is to minimize the number of work steps in order to increase competitiveness. This has resulted in the holes and openings in plate parts manufactured today being made using thermal cutting methods. This is a problem from the fatigue life perspective because there is local detail in the as-welded state that causes a rise in stress in a local area of the plate. In a case where the static utilization of a net section is full used, the calculated linear local stresses and stress ranges are often over 2 times the material yield strength. The shakedown criteria are exceeded. Fatigue life assessment of flame-cut details is commonly based on the nominal stress method. For welded details, design standards and instructions provide more accurate and flexible methods, e.g. a hot-spot method, but these methods are not universally applied to flame cut edges. Some of the fatigue tests of flame cut edges in the laboratory indicated that fatigue life estimations based on the standard nominal stress method can give quite a conservative fatigue life estimate in cases where a high notch factor was present. This is an undesirable phenomenon and it limits the potential for minimizing structure size and total costs. A new calculation method is introduced to improve the accuracy of the theoretical fatigue life prediction method of a flame cut edge with a high stress concentration factor. Simple equations were derived by using laboratory fatigue test results, which are published in this work. The proposed method is called the modified FAT method (FATmod). The method takes into account the residual stress state, surface quality, material strength class and true stress ratio in the critical place.


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Finnish design and consulting companies are delivering robust and cost-efficient steel structures solutions to a large number of manufacturing companies worldwide. Recently introduced EN 1090-2 standard obliges these companies to specify the execution class of steel structures for their customers. This however, requires clarifying, understanding and interpreting the sophisticated procedure of execution class assignment. The objective of this research is to provide a clear explanation and guidance through the process of execution class assignment for a given steel structure and to support the implementation of EN 1090-2 standard in Rejlers Oy, one of Finnish design and consulting companies. This objective is accomplished by creating a guideline for designers that elaborates on the four-step process of the execution class assignment for a steel structure or its part. Steps one to three define the consequence class (projected consequences of structure failure), the service category (hazards associated with the service use exploitation of steel structure) and the production category (manufacturing process peculiarities), based on the ductility class (capacity of structure to withstand deformations) and the behaviour factor (corresponds to structure seismic behaviour). The final step is the execution class assignment taking into account results of previous steps. Main research method is indepth literature review of European standards family for steel structures. Other research approach is a series of interviews of Rejlers Oy representatives and its clients, results of which have been used to evaluate the level of EN 1090-2 awareness. Rejlers Oy will use the developed novel coherent standard implementation guideline to improve its services and to obtain greater customer satisfaction.


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The objective of the work is to study the flow behavior and to support the design of air cleaner by dynamic simulation.In a paper printing industry, it is necessary to monitor the quality of paper when the paper is being produced. During the production, the quality of the paper can be monitored by camera. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the camera lens clean as wood particles may fall from the paper and lie on the camera lens. In this work, the behavior of the air flow and effect of the airflow on the particles at different inlet angles are simulated. Geometries of a different inlet angles of single-channel and double-channel case were constructed using ANSYS CFD Software. All the simulations were performed in ANSYS Fluent. The simulation results of single-channel and double-channel case revealed significant differences in the behavior of the flow and the particle velocity. The main conclusion from this work are in following. 1) For the single channel case the best angle was 0 degree because in that case, the air flow can keep 60% of the particles away from the lens which would otherwise stay on lens. 2) For the double channel case, the best solution was found when the angle of the first inlet was 0 degree and the angle of second inlet was 45 degree . In that case, the airflow can keep 91% of particles away from the lens which would otherwise stay on lens.


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In this study, finite element analyses and experimental tests are carried out in order to investigate the effect of loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength of three different non-load carrying welded joints. The current codes and recommendations do not give explicit instructions how to consider degree of bending in loading and the effect of symmetry in the fatigue assessment of welded joints. The fatigue assessment is done by using effective notch stress method and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Transverse attachment and cover plate joints are analyzed by using 2D plane strain element models in FEMAP/NxNastran and Franc2D software and longitudinal gusset case is analyzed by using solid element models in Abaqus and Abaqus/XFEM software. By means of the evaluated effective notch stress range and stress intensity factor range, the nominal fatigue strength is assessed. Experimental tests consist of the fatigue tests of transverse attachment joints with total amount of 12 specimens. In the tests, the effect of both loading type and symmetry on the fatigue strength is studied. Finite element analyses showed that the fatigue strength of asymmetric joint is higher in tensile loading and the fatigue strength of symmetric joint is higher in bending loading in terms of nominal and hot spot stress methods. Linear elastic fracture mechanics indicated that bending reduces stress intensity factors when the crack size is relatively large since the normal stress decreases at the crack tip due to the stress gradient. Under tensile loading, experimental tests corresponded with finite element analyzes. Still, the fatigue tested joints subjected to bending showed the bending increased the fatigue strength of non-load carrying welded joints and the fatigue test results did not fully agree with the fatigue assessment. According to the results, it can be concluded that in tensile loading, the symmetry of joint distinctly affects on the fatigue strength. The fatigue life assessment of bending loaded joints is challenging since it depends on whether the crack initiation or propagation is predominant.


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Valssi on valssauslaitteiston keskeinen komponentti. Valssauksessa aihiota muokataan kuljettamalla sitä kahden valssin muodostaman raon välistä. Valssit altistuvat valssausprosessissa korkealle lämpötilalle ja pintapaineelle. Valsseille asetettavat vaatimukset tiukkenevat tuottavuuden vaatimusten kiristyessä. Valssit, yhtenä valssauslaitteiston komponenteista, muodostavat suuren osan valssauksen kustannuksista, joten valssien käyttöiän pidentämisen avulla voidaan parantaa valssauksen tuottavuutta ja kustannustehokkuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin valssien käytettävyyttä ja kunnossapitoa, sillä näitä asioita kehittämällä on mahdollista saavuttaa valsseille pidempi kestoikä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kirjallisuusselvityksenä, jota täydennettiin valssausta tekevien yritysten haastatteluilla. Tavoitteena oli kerätä saatavissa oleva kirjallinen ja hiljainen tieto yksiin kansiin ja tutkia mahdollisia syy-seuraussuhteita valssien käytettävyyteen vaikuttavien ilmiöiden sekä valssien kulumisen ja vaurioitumisen välillä. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että vauriotyypit ovat riippuvaisia valssausprosessista, jolla tarkoitetaan, että kuuma- ja kylmävalssauksessa esiintyy erilaisia vauriotyyppejä. Kuuma- ja kylmävalssauksessa myös valssien kulumiseen vaikuttavat erilaiset ilmiöt. Valssien kulumista ja vaurioita on mahdollista ehkäistä erilaisilla pintakäsittely- ja pinnoitusmenetelmillä. Valssien kunnossapidon toteutusta tutkittaessa havaittiin, että kuluneiden valssien vaihto kunnostettuihin pyritään suorittamaan mahdollisimman nopeasti ja tätä varten on saatavilla kyseiseen tarkoitukseen kehitettyjä laitteistoja. Kuluneet valssit sorvataan ja hiotaan, jotta niiden pinnasta saadaan tasainen ja saavutetaan haluttu halkaisija. Tämän jälkeen pinnoitusmenetelmiä on mahdollista suorittaa uudelleen. Kunnossapitotoimenpiteet tehdään joko yrityksen omalla korjaamolla tai alihankintana toisen yrityksen tiloissa.


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Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsatun duplex-teräksen, laatu: EN 1.4462 (Outokumpu laatu 2205) väsymislujuutta. Tutkimusmetodologia noudattaa sekä kokeellisia että laskennallisia menetelmiä. Kokeelliset menetelmät sisältävät hitsatun teräksen väsytystestaukset laboratoriossa, hitsausten jälkikäsittelyt (HiFIT) sekä perusaineelle ja hitseille tehtävät metallurgiset tutkimukset. Väsytyskokeista saatavia tuloksia verrataan kansainvälisen hitsausinstituutin (IIW) vahvistamiin rakennekohtaisiin standardeihin sekä kirjallisuudessa esiintyviin tutkimustuloksiin. Laskennalliset menetelmät sisältävät vertailulaskelmia tehollisen lovijännityksen (ENS) menetelmää hyödyntäen. Tehollisen lovijännityksen menetelmässä liitoksissa vaikuttavat teholliset lovijännitykset selvitetään elementtimenetelmän (FEM) avulla. Tulokset vahvistavat, että hitsauksella ja hitsausten jälkikäsittelyllä on suuri merkitys rakenteen kestoikään. Suurin osa väsytyskokeiden tuloksista osoitti parempia väsymiskestävyyden arvoja kuin rakennekohtaiset standardit, mutta liitosten liitosvirheiden todettiin heikentävän väsytyskestävyyttä. Jälkikäsittelyiden todettiin parantavan liitosten väsymiskestävyyden tuloksia ja todettiin tulosten olevan hyödynnettävissä mitoituksessa.


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Some of the steel framework goes up during construction.