1000 resultados para Simulação estática
OBJETIVO: Este artigo apresenta a avaliação dosimétrica da radioterapia por íons de carbono em comparação à protonterapia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As simulações computacionais foram elaboradas no código Geant4 (GEometry ANd Tracking). Um modelo de olho discretizado em voxels implementado no sistema Siscodes (sistema computacional para dosimetria em radioterapia) foi empregado, em que perfis de dose em profundidade e curvas de isodose foram gerados e superpostos. Nas simulações com feixe de íons de carbono, distintos valores de energia do feixe foram adotados, enquanto nas simulações com feixe de prótons os dispositivos da linha de irradiação foram incluídos e diferentes espessuras do material absorvedor foram aplicadas. RESULTADOS: As saídas das simulações foram processadas e integradas ao Siscodes para gerar as distribuições espaciais de dose no modelo ocular, considerando alterações do posicionamento de entrada do feixe. Os percentuais de dose foram normalizados em função da dose máxima para um feixe em posição de entrada específica, energia da partícula incidente e número de íons de carbono e de prótons incidentes. CONCLUSÃO: Os benefícios descritos e os resultados apresentados contribuem para o desenvolvimento das aplicações clínicas e das pesquisas em radioterapia ocular por íons de carbono e prótons.
Numerical modeling studies of urban atmospheres were performed with a photochemical box submodel which incorporates primary emission rates, temperature and solar irradiance rate coefficients. Actinic flux calculations were made for an appropriate latitude for Rio de Janeiro and initial concentrations and emission rates were taken from experimental data. The relative importance of individual reactions is discussed as well as the effect of enhanced aldehyde emissions from vehicles using ethanol and ethanol-containing fuel.
The Solvay Process is an important route for the industrial preparation of sodium carbonate from brine and CO2. However, experiments illustrating such process are performed only in a few chemistry courses, mainly because of the difficulties to precipitate out the intermediate product NaHCO3 within the 3 or 4 hours generally available for laboratory classes. In this article we describe a method that properly simulates the Solvay process using glass apparatus that can be found in any chemistry laboratory. The good yields and purity attainable, associated with the short time (~3 hours) required to get the sodium bicarbonate, account for the suitability of our method for chemistry or chemical engineering undergraduate students laboratory classes.
A photochemical reaction mechanism for the description of air quality in Brazilian urban regions is described and evaluated by comparison with chamber experiments. The mechanism was developed for use in ozone modeling and application of control strategies. The oxidation of ethanol and methyl-ter-butyl-ether is also considered. Using this chemical model, a trajectory simulation of Brazil Avenue, Rio de Janeiro, was performed. The model predicts that ozone should reach a maximum of 22.4 ppb at 14:57 h. This value is in good agreement with the experimental measurements of 22.5 ppb for 14:00 h and 22.3 ppb for 15:00 h.
A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitude of the free energy obtained from this simulation did not permit us to conclude that urea is non-planar in water.
A lo largo del tiempo el hombre ha tenido la necesidad de crear obras artísticas que han sido el resultado del contexto social imperante, ya que mediante el artista y la forma de expresar sus sentimientos y sus ideas, se transmiten valores morales
Complex ¹H NMR spectra multiplets that cannot be easily understood by simple inspection are rather frequent in the daily work of the organic chemistry analyst. The multiple and excellent new techniques available from modern instruments usually provide satisfactory solutions, but there are still many cases where a simulation is necessary, at least to obtain a final confirmation. It is extremely convincing to see that a graph, obtained by calculations with chemical-shift and coupling-constant values only, can be virtually identical to the experimental spectrum. This paper describes a computer program to make such calculations. The program is free and can be downloaded from http://artemis.ffclrp.usp.br/NMR.htm (click on SimEsp_NMR_Compil.zip). All routines are also available and may be used without any restrictions. The paper includes a fairly detailed discussion about how the calculations are made.
The aim of this paper is to present a simple way of treating the general equation for acid-base titrations based on the concept of degree of dissociation, and to propose a new spreadsheet approach for simulating the titration of mixtures of polyprotic compounds. The general expression, without any approximation, is calculated a simple iteration method, making number manipulation easy and painless. The user-friendly spreadsheet was developed by using MS-Excel and Visual-Basic-for-Excel. Several graphs are drawn for helping visualizing the titration behavior. A Monte Carlo function for error simulation was also implemented. Two examples for titration of alkalinity and McIlvaine buffer are presented.
Environmental concern is growing in the current days and there is global agreement to banish production and use of persistent organic pollutants (POP). The synthetic insecticides chlordecone and mirex, classified as POPs, have similar structures and they are potentially toxic. This work uses properties and physicochemical constants related to the pesticides and computational simulation to evaluate the leach phenomenon and persistency in soil. The largest tendency of persistence of the compound is found to be in the surface of soil, but even low concentration in water represents a high risk due to bioaccumulation in adipose tissue.
Relació que mantenen la música i el silenci des de la perspectiva de l'estètica del silenci contemporània.
EPR users often face the problem of extracting information from frequently low-resolution and complex EPR spectra. Simulation programs that provide a series of parameters, characteristic of the investigated system, have been used to achieve this goal. This work describes the general aspects of one of those programs, the NLSL program, used to fit EPR spectra applying a nonlinear least squares method. Several motion regimes of the probes are included in this computational tool, covering a broad range of spectral changes. The meanings of the different parameters and rotational diffusion models are discussed. The anisotropic case is also treated by including an orienting potential and order parameters. Some examples are presented in order to show its applicability in different systems.
We make several simulations using the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain the chemical equilibrium for several first-order reactions and one second-order reaction. We study several direct, reverse and consecutive reactions. These simulations show the fluctuations and relaxation time and help to understand the solution of the corresponding differential equations of chemical kinetics. This work was done in an undergraduate physical chemistry course at UNIFIEO.
En aquests últims anys, són moltes les empreses que han optat per la utilització de sistemes de gestió normalitzats, per a garantir la rendibilitat i fiabilitat dels resultats de la implantació del sistema de gestió en qüestió. A la dècada dels 90 va ser quan la implantació de sistemes de gestió va començar a ser important en la majoria de sectors econòmics. L’evolució en els sistemes de gestió a trets generals va iniciar-se primerament en l’àmbit de la qualitat, seguidament en la gestió ambiental i en última instància en la prevenció de riscos laborals. Aquests tres tipus de sistemes de gestió, en els últims anys s’han anat integrant, de manera que s’han reduït els recursos i els esforços emprats en la gestió, millorant significativament l’eficàcia i l’eficiència d’aquests sistemes. L’objectiu principal que persegueix aquest projecte, és definir un sistema de gestió que permeti a l’empresa conduir les seves activitats de forma simplificada i ordenada, i que alhora faciliti la informació necessària per a corregir i millorar les activitats. Un altre objectiu que pretén aconseguir aquest projecte, és el de dissenyar un SGI que aprofiti les sinèrgies generades en els diferents àmbits de la pròpia empresa i fomenti les interaccions entre els diferents nivells de l’organització. En conseqüència, millorarà de forma important els fluxos d’informació dins de l’empresa minimitzant els esforços i la pèrdua d’informació. El mètode escollit per a la implantació del SGI, ha estat la Gestió per Processos, la qual es basa en la definició i seguiment dels processos de l’empresa, partint de les necessitats del client i acabant quan aquestes estan satisfetes. En conclusió, a la finalització del present projecte s’obtindrà un SGI, amb tots els processos de l’empresa definits i implantats, que doni compliment a les normes UNEEN-ISO 9001:00, UNE-EN-ISO 14001:04 i OHSAS 18001:07. Aquest SGI, que s’ha realitzat des d’un punt de vista documental i teòric, suposarà una millora de l’eficàcia operativa dels processos i una important millora competitiva de l’empresa.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the environmental distribution of benzo(a)pirene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, by the EQC model. The modeling of the contaminant distribution was accomplished by means of the fugacity model applied to a hypothetical scenario constituted by air, water, soil and sediment. The modeling and simulations revealed that the soil is the preferential compartment. We also discuss the implications of the results about fate and ecological risks associated with benzo(a)pirene. We concluded that the emissions of HPAs can not be ignored and bioaccumulation among others risks can be induced.
In this work, the combustion process of ammonium dinitramide, ADN, has been modeled in two different situations: decomposition in open environment, with abundant air and decomposition in a rocket motor internal environmental conditions. The profiles of the two processes were achieved, based on molar fractions of the species that compose the products of ADN combustion. The velocity of formation and quantity of species in the open environment was bigger than the ones in the rocket motor environment, showing the effect of the different atmosphere in the reactions kinetics.