929 resultados para SUPERVISION CBT


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The authors examined antecedents of abusive supervision and the relative importance of interactional and procedural justice as mediators of the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes of affective organizational commitment and individual- and organization-directed citizenship behaviors. Data were obtained from subordinate-supervisor dyads from a telecommunication company located in southeastern China. Results of moderated regression analysis revealed that authoritarian leadership style moderated the relationship between supervisors' perceptions of interactional justice and abusive supervision such that the relationship was stronger for supervisors high rather than low in authoritarian leadership style. In addition, results of structural equation modeling analysis revealed that subordinates' perceptions of interactional but not procedural justice fully mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes. Implications for future investigations of abusive supervision are discussed. Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association.


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This study examined the processes linking abusive supervision to employee contextual performance by focusing on the mediating influence of emotional exhaustion and the moderating influence of work unit structure. Data were obtained from 285 subordinate-supervisor dyads from three manufacturing companies in north-eastern China. The results revealed that: (i) emotional exhaustion mediated the relationships between abusive supervision and the contextual performance dimensions of interpersonal facilitation and job dedication; and (ii) work unit structure moderated these relationships such that the relationships were stronger in mechanistic than in organic work unit structures. © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Purpose - To test a moderated mediation model where a positive relationship between subordinates’ perceptions of a dangerous world—the extent to which an individual views the world as a dangerous place—and supervisory abuse is mediated by their submission to authority figures, and that this relationship is heightened for more poorly performing employees. Design/Methodology/Approach - Data were obtained from 173 subordinates and 45 supervisors working in different private sector organizations in Pakistan. Findings - Our model was supported. It appears that subordinates’ dangerous worldviews are positively associated with their perceptions of abusive supervision and that this is because such views are likely to lead to greater submission to authority figures. But this is only for those employees who are performing more poorly. Implications - We highlight the possibility that individual differences (worldviews, attitudes to authority figures, and performance levels) may lead employees to become victims of abusive supervision. As such, our research informs organizations on how they may better support supervisors in managing effectively their subordinate relationships and, in particular, subordinate poor performance. Originality/Value - We add to recent work exploring subordinate-focused antecedents of abusive supervision, finding support for the salience of the previously untested constructs of individual worldviews, authoritarian submission, and individual job performance. In so doing we also extend research on dangerous worldviews into a new organizational setting. Finally, our research takes place within a new Pakistani context, adding to the burgeoning non-US based body of empirical work into the antecedents and consequences of abusive supervision.


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Noel C. Cullen, The World of Culinary Supervision, Training, and Management, 2nd ed. (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall Inc., ZOOOJ, ISBN 0-13-0225436, 366 pages, including appendix and bibliography $51 hardcover


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This research was an exploratory pilot study on the use and need of solution-focused practices in supervision according to child welfare workers and child welfare supervisors in Nova Scotia, Canada. Child welfare workers and supervisors were invited to participate in an online questionnaire exploring the use and need of solution-focused practices in child welfare supervision. The collected data indicated that these practices were being implemented and that workers and supervisors believe there is a need for them. Further research and training on solution-focused practices in the supervision of child welfare workers could be beneficial to help create the most productive supervision experience that positively impacts everyone involved.


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Low ridership of Corner Brook Transit, particularly among seniors and students, deserves intervention by the City of Corner Brook and Murphy Brothers Limited. The input of residents is required in examination of the transit system, and for the identification of action items with respect to a transit improvement strategy. This project contributes to research pertaining to transit in small cities and focuses on CBT as a case study. Findings can be used to mitigate both social inequalities and harmful emissions with the transportation systems of small cities.


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SOUZA, Rodrigo B. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; NASCIMENTO, João Maria A. ; GOMES, Heitor P. ; MAITELLI, André L. A Proposal to the Supervision of Processes in an Industrial Environment with Heterogeneous Systems. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEEOF THE INDUSTRUI ELECTRONICS SOCIETY,32., Paris, 2006, Paris. Anais... Paris: IECON, 2006


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This working paper is the second in a series of working papers presenting the on-going findings from a longitudinal research project grounded in exploring the experience of doctoral supervision and developing practice. In the first paper and phase one of this research study, Cook, Nichol and Loon (2014) explored the existing context for doctoral supervision and, drawing from literature on the problematic nature of doctoral supervision and coaching and mentoring, considered the value of drawing on coaching and mentoring models in formulating alternative paradigms for doctoral supervision. This paper reports the findings of phase one, a mixed methods study of experiences of doctoral supervision with supervisors and students in one UK university business school, from which the Collaborative Action Doctoral Supervision conceptual model emerged. The paper also introduces phase two, a collaborative action research study with doctoral supervisors and students who are applying, reflecting on and developing further this doctoral supervision model. We are aiming to answer the question of whether the use of coaching and mentoring in doctoral supervision enables the transfer and sustainability of learning from the doctoral supervision session to outside the experience and improves the quality. Is the doctoral supervisor coach, mentor or master? Key words Doctoral supervision, coaching, mentoring, collaborative action research.


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La supervision clinique occupe une place importante dans la formation des futurs psychologues. Elle est souvent considérée comme une expérience très déterminante dans leur développement personnel et professionnel. Parmi les éléments qui composent la supervision clinique, la relation de supervision est souvent identifiée comme étant un pilier dans le développement des étudiants supervisés. En effet, une relation de supervision positive peut notamment être associée à la construction d’une confiance et d’une identité professionnelle chez le supervisé. Par contre, une relation de supervision davantage marquée par des éléments négatifs peut rendre celui-ci plus vulnérable et fragiliser le développement de ses compétences en tant que futur psychologue. Toutefois, malgré l’importance que la relation de supervision présente, un nombre limité d’études se sont intéressées spécifiquement à cette relation dans son ensemble. De plus, rares sont les chercheurs qui ont étudié à la fois la relation de supervision et le développement des étudiants supervisés. La présente étude visait donc à explorer en profondeur la relation de supervision et son influence sur le développement personnel et professionnel des supervisés selon leur point de vue, en adoptant une perspective globale qui tient compte de l’ensemble des éléments qui composent l’expérience de supervision. Pour ce faire, un devis qualitatif a été privilégié en raison de la nature exploratoire de cette recherche et parce qu’il s’avère pertinent pour approfondir les connaissances sur une réalité humaine et complexe. Des entrevues semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de six internes supervisés à la fin de leur quatrième année doctorale en psychologie clinique. Les données ont été analysées avec la méthode d’analyse qualitative inductive proposée par Blais et Martineau (2006). Une grille de catégorisation, composée de sept catégories principales ainsi que de catégories de plus petit niveau, a été construite à partir des données analysées. L’analyse des données a été poursuivie jusqu’à l’élaboration d’un cadre de référence sous forme de schéma permettant d’illustrer les liens entre les catégories. Il ressort des données qu’une relation de supervision plus marquée par des éléments positifs semble avoir un impact positif sur le développement personnel et professionnel des supervisés. Selon la perception des supervisés, ces éléments positifs réfèrent notamment aux caractéristiques positives du superviseur et du supervisé, à l’approfondissement de leur relation ainsi qu’à une présence inspirante du superviseur. En contrepartie, lorsque la relation de supervision s’avère plus marquée par des éléments négatifs, le développement des supervisés et la confiance avec laquelle ils entrent dans la profession semblent plus mitigés. Les caractéristiques négatives du superviseur et du supervisé font notamment partie de ces éléments négatifs perçus par les supervisés, de même qu’un inassouvissement des besoins d’apprentissage du supervisé ainsi qu’un manque d’arrimage émotionnel au sein de la relation. De plus, afin de proposer des hypothèses au sujet de la diversité des cheminements possibles ainsi que la multitude « d’ingrédients » qui peuvent influencer l’expérience des supervisés en regard de leur relation de supervision, les catégories principales ayant émergé des données ont été mises en lien dans le cadre de référence exposé sous forme de schéma. À la lumière des résultats obtenus ainsi que des forces et des limites de l’étude, des recommandations concernant les pistes d’investigation futures pour la recherche sont formulées. Les résultats et la discussion de la présente étude pourront fournir aux supervisés, aux superviseurs de même qu’aux programmes de formation doctorale en psychologie clinique un levier pour amorcer ou poursuivre une réflexion quant à l’importance de la relation de supervision pour le développement personnel et professionnel des futurs psychologues.


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Group supervision is used for support, education and/or monitoring. Despite the potential value of these elements for school staff, it is rarely practised. This mixed methods research, from a critical realist perspective, explored the use of Solution Circles to structure staff supervision groups in three schools. Five circles were run in each school, involving thirty-one participants, eighteen of whom contributed data. Thirteen staff trained as facilitators. The self-efficacy, resilience and anxiety levels of the staff taking part were not found to be significantly different as a result of the intervention. However, a small effect size was noted for self-efficacy, perhaps worthy of further investigation in the context of the small sample size. Thematic analysis of participant feedback (gathered during the last circle, which ran as a Focus Group) indicated the following mechanisms as affecting the value of Solution Circles for staff supervision groups: the structure of the sessions; aspects linked to the groups meeting a ‘need to talk’; elements which helped participants to ‘feel like a team’; and, school context factors. Semi-structured interview data from six facilitators indicated that the structure of the circles, individual characteristics of facilitators, the provision of support for facilitators, and elements of the wider school context, were all mechanisms which affected the facilitation of the programme. Further research might implement elements of these mechanisms and measure their impact.