292 resultados para Sòls volcànics
The purpose of this study was twofold. It was designed to determine (a) the efficacy of an intervention designed to increase the frequencies of appropriate study behaviors on the part of community college students who were preparing for academic mathematics activities and (b) whether any increase in appropriate study behavior frequency was accompanied by increased academic achievement in college preparatory mathematics classes. A total of 126 Miami Dade College students participated in this study. Two developmental (remedial) mathematics classes were randomly assigned as the experimental group, and two others were assigned as the control group. All students also took a College Survival (SLS) class. The Study Behavior Inventory (SBI) and the Computerized Placement Test (CPT) were administered to the four classes. The SBI was used as a pre- and post-test. The SLS curriculum and classroom time were the same for both groups. However, students in the treatment groups received instruction designed to increase the frequency of effective study behaviors associated with the three factors identified in the SBI, while the students in the control group participated in activities that did not emphasize study behaviors. A series of analysis of covariance procedures were used to analyze four hypotheses. The first three hypotheses proposed that students who were instructed in the use of appropriate study behaviors would score higher on the three factors of the Study Behavior Inventory than those who were not. The fourth hypothesis proposed that a greater proportion of mathematics students who were instructed in the use of appropriate study behaviors would receive a passing grade in their course than students who were in the control group. The four hypotheses were tested at the .05 level of significance. This study revealed that students who received instruction in appropriate study behaviors scored higher in the use of appropriate study behaviors and in mathematics achievement than students who did not. Additional research is needed to investigate whether these effects would persist over time, or be found in subjects other than mathematics.
Sesquiterpene lactones (SLs) are plant-derived compounds that display anti-cancer effects. Some SLs derivatives have a marked killing effect on cancer cells and have therefore reached clinical trials. Little is known regarding the mechanism of action of SLs. We studied the responses of human cancer cells exposed to various concentrations of dehydroleucodine (DhL), a SL of the guaianolide group isolated and purified from Artemisia douglasiana (Besser), a medicinal herb that is commonly used in Argentina. We demonstrate for the first time that treatment of cancer cells with DhL, promotes the accumulation of DNA damage markers such as phosphorylation of ATM and focal organization of γH2AX and 53BP1. This accumulation triggers cell senescence or apoptosis depending on the concentration of the DhL delivered to cells. Transient DhL treatment also induces marked accumulation of senescent cells. Our findings help elucidate the mechanism whereby DhL triggers cell cycle arrest and cell death and provide a basis for further exploration of the effects of DhL in in vivo cancer treatment models.
This paper presents new evidence on the relationships between access to post-secondary education and family background. More specifically, we use the School Leavers Survey (SLS) and the Youth in Transition Survey (YITS)to analyze participation rates first in 1991, and then almost a decade later in 2000. Overall, post-secondary education participation rates rose over this period. However, participation is strongly related to parent’s education, and whereas participation increased for individuals with more highly educated parents (especially those who went to university), they increased rather less, or in some cases (especially for males) declined for those from lower parental education families. The already strong “effect” of parents’ education on post-secondary access became even greater in the 1990’s. Participation rates are also strongly related to family type, but whereas those from two parent families continue to have an advantage over single mother families, the gap generally shrunk in the 1990’s, especially where the mother had university level schooling. We also find a number of interesting trends by province.
With the development of electronic devices, more and more mobile clients are connected to the Internet and they generate massive data every day. We live in an age of “Big Data”, and every day we generate hundreds of million magnitude data. By analyzing the data and making prediction, we can carry out better development plan. Unfortunately, traditional computation framework cannot meet the demand, so the Hadoop would be put forward. First the paper introduces the background and development status of Hadoop, compares the MapReduce in Hadoop 1.0 and YARN in Hadoop 2.0, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of them. Because the resource management module is the core role of YARN, so next the paper would research about the resource allocation module including the resource management, resource allocation algorithm, resource preemption model and the whole resource scheduling process from applying resource to finishing allocation. Also it would introduce the FIFO Scheduler, Capacity Scheduler, and Fair Scheduler and compare them. The main work has been done in this paper is researching and analyzing the Dominant Resource Fair algorithm of YARN, putting forward a maximum resource utilization algorithm based on Dominant Resource Fair algorithm. The paper also provides a suggestion to improve the unreasonable facts in resource preemption model. Emphasizing “fairness” during resource allocation is the core concept of Dominant Resource Fair algorithm of YARM. Because the cluster is multiple users and multiple resources, so the user’s resource request is multiple too. The DRF algorithm would divide the user’s resources into dominant resource and normal resource. For a user, the dominant resource is the one whose share is highest among all the request resources, others are normal resource. The DRF algorithm requires the dominant resource share of each user being equal. But for these cases where different users’ dominant resource amount differs greatly, emphasizing “fairness” is not suitable and can’t promote the resource utilization of the cluster. By analyzing these cases, this thesis puts forward a new allocation algorithm based on DRF. The new algorithm takes the “fairness” into consideration but not the main principle. Maximizing the resource utilization is the main principle and goal of the new algorithm. According to comparing the result of the DRF and new algorithm based on DRF, we found that the new algorithm has more high resource utilization than DRF. The last part of the thesis is to install the environment of YARN and use the Scheduler Load Simulator (SLS) to simulate the cluster environment.
I takt med att digitala medier har utvecklats under de senaste åren har köpresan för-ändrats till att kunder idag i ett mycket senare skede släpper in leverantörer i dialogen. Marketing Automation adresserar den problembilden och har växt fram som en brygga mellan sälj- och marknadsprocessen. Systemet ger möjlighet att effektivt och automatiserat utveckla leads (potentiell kund). Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Marketing Automation påverkar sälj- och marknadsprocesserna. Vilka förutsättningar krävs för en implementation? Ökar lönsamheten? Vi har därför valt att i det teoretiska ramverket beskriva Marketing Automation och bland annat undersöka om ett införande av Marketing Automation medför att sälj- och marknadsorganisationerna slås samman till en organisatorisk enhet. I studien har vi dessutom kartlagt och beskrivit den moderna köpresan och det som ibland kallas intäktsorganisationen. Vi har funnit att Marketing Automation är relativt outforskat i en svensk kontext. För att utröna om teorin, som i stor utsträckning bygger på internationell litteratur och internationella undersökningar, går att överföra till en svensk kontext har vi valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie i form av en fallstudie av leverantörer av produkter och tjänster inom området samt företag, med den gemensamma nämnaren att de re-presenterar ett kunskapsintensivt erbjudande och har implementerat lösningar för Marketing Automation. I vår analys finns en samsyn mellan leverantörer och kunder i förutsättningar för ett införande, men vi kan även se hur resultaten divergerar och pekar på implikationer, inte minst avseende måluppfyllnad och samverkan mellan sälj- och marknadsorgani-sationerna. Vår slutsats visar bland annat att Marketing Automation kan leda till uppfyllnad av mjuka värden i företaget men har inte bevisats leda till ökad lönsamhet per automatik. Vi ser lönsamhet och Return on Investment (ROI) som ett område som bör utforskas vidare.
On November 16, 2022, the NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) has been launched for the first time in the context of Artemis-1 mission where, together with the Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, a set of 10 CubeSats have been delivered into a translunar trajectory. Among the small satellites deployed during Artemis-1 there is ArgoMoon, a 6U CubeSat built by the Italian company Argotec and coordinated by Italian Space Agency (ASI). The primary goal of ArgoMoon is to capture images of the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage. The ArgoMoon trajectory has been designed as a highly elliptical geocentric orbit, with several encounters with the Moon. In order to successfully fly ArgoMoon along the designed cis-lunar trajectory, a ground-based navigation system has been developed exploiting the guidance techniques also used for regular deep space missions. The navigation process is subdivided into Orbit Determi- nation (OD) and a Flight Path Control (FPC), and it is designed to follow the reference trajectory, prevent impacts with the Earth and the Moon, intensively test the navigation techniques, and guarantee the spacecraft disposal at the end of the mission. The work done in this thesis has accomplished the navigation of ArgoMoon, covering all aspects of the project life, from pre-launch design and analysis to actual operations. Firstly, the designed navigation process and the pre-mission assessment of its performance will be presented. Then, the results of the ArgoMoon navigation operations performed after the launch in November 2022 will be described in detail by discussing the main encountered challenges and the adopted solutions. The results of the operations confirmed the robustness of the designed navigation which allowed to accurately estimate the trajectory of ArgoMoon despite a series of complex events.
Durabilita’ e cleaning validation di materiali polimerici per macchinari dell’industria farmaceutica
La scelta del materiale da costruzione (MOC) delle apparecchiature nell’industria farmaceutica rappresenta uno step cruciale per garantire il successo dell’impianto. Infatti, per evitare la contaminazione dei lotti e quindi assicurare la massima qualità del farmaco, è necessario evitare qualsiasi interazione chimica, nonostante il continuo contatto, tra il prodotto, la superficie dei macchinari e i fluidi di processo. Allo stato attuale, gli acciai inossidabili sono il riferimento per il settore. Il loro storico utilizzo è da imputare alla loro estrema versatilità: oltre ad essere particolarmente performanti dal punto di vista meccanico, mostrano alta resistenza alle temperature ed eccellente coefficiente igienico, grazie anche alla loro ottima resistenza alla corrosione. Tuttavia, ci sono stati diversi sviluppi e innovazioni nella produzione dei materiali plastici, che hanno portato alla generazione di nuovi polimeri ingegnerizzati in grado di competere per proprietà meccaniche, e non solo, con gli acciai. L’additive manufacturing (AM), inoltre, si è dimostrata essere un’importante innovazione per la produzione di componenti industriali in materiale plastico, in quanto può favorire la riduzione di peso del componente e l’abbassamento dei costi di produzione. Tra le varie tecnologie AM una delle più mature è la sinterizzazione laser selettiva (SLS), dove però i componenti prodotti, nonostante i numerosi vantaggi che garantiscono, sono tuttavia soggetti alla formazione di porosità. Nell’ottica dell’introduzione di polimeri come materiali da costruzione per macchinari dell’industria farmaceutica, questo elaborato si è concentrato sullo studio della durabilità di alcune tipologie di materiali plastici (elastomeri, poliolefine e poliammidi), andando a valutare nello specifico la compatibilità dei differenti polimeri studiati con diversi fluidi di lavaggio, e la loro pulibilità, essendo questa una prerogativa fondamentale dei componenti a contatto con il farmaco.