954 resultados para Rising interest rates
Using data from the United States, Japan, Germany , United Kingdom and France, Sims (1992) found that positive innovations to shortterm interest rates led to sharp, persistent increases in the price level. The result was conÖrmed by other authors and, as a consequence of its non-expectable nature, was given the name "price puzzle" by Eichenbaum (1992). In this paper I investigate the existence of a price puzzle in Brazil using the same type of estimation and benchmark identiÖcation scheme employed by Christiano et al. (2000). In a methodological improvement over these studies, I qualify the results with the construction of bias-corrected bootstrap conÖdence intervals. Even though the data does show the existence of a statistically signiÖcant price puzzle in Brazil, it lasts for only one quarter and is quantitatively immaterial
Parametric term structure models have been successfully applied to innumerous problems in fixed income markets, including pricing, hedging, managing risk, as well as studying monetary policy implications. On their turn, dynamic term structure models, equipped with stronger economic structure, have been mainly adopted to price derivatives and explain empirical stylized facts. In this paper, we combine flavors of those two classes of models to test if no-arbitrage affects forecasting. We construct cross section (allowing arbitrages) and arbitrage-free versions of a parametric polynomial model to analyze how well they predict out-of-sample interest rates. Based on U.S. Treasury yield data, we find that no-arbitrage restrictions significantly improve forecasts. Arbitrage-free versions achieve overall smaller biases and Root Mean Square Errors for most maturities and forecasting horizons. Furthermore, a decomposition of forecasts into forward-rates and holding return premia indicates that the superior performance of no-arbitrage versions is due to a better identification of bond risk premium.
This paper is a theoretica1 and empirica1 study of the re1ationship between indexing po1icy and feedback mechanisms in the inflationary adjustment process in Brazil. The focus of our study is on two policy issues: (1) did the Brazilian system of indexing of interest rates, the exchange rate, and wages make inflation so dependent on its own past values that it created a significant feedback process and inertia in the behaviour of inflation in and (2) was the feedback effect of past inf1ation upon itself so strong that dominated the effect of monetary/fiscal variables upon current inflation? This paper develops a simple model designed to capture several "stylized facts" of Brazi1ian indexing po1icy. Separate ru1es of "backward indexing" for interest rates, the exchange rate, and wages, reflecting the evolution of po1icy changes in Brazil, are incorporated in a two-sector model of industrial and agricultural prices. A transfer function derived irom this mode1 shows inflation depending on three factors: (1) past values of inflation, (2) monetary and fiscal variables, and (3) supply- .shock variables. The indexing rules for interest rates, the exchange rate, and wages place restrictions on the coefficients of the transfer function. Variations in the policy-determined parameters of the indexing rules imply changes in the coefficients of the transfer function for inflation. One implication of this model, in contrast to previous results derived in analytically simpler models of indexing, is that a higher degree of indexing does not make current inflation more responsive to current monetary shocks. The empirical section of this paper studies the central hypotheses of this model through estimation of the inflation transfer function with time-varying parameters. The results show a systematic non-random variation of the transfer function coefficients closely synchronized with changes in the observed values of the wage-indexing parameters. Non-parametric tests show the variation of the transfer function coefficients to be statistically significant at the time of the changes in wage indexing rules in Brazil. As the degree of indexing increased, the inflation feadback coefficients increased, while the effect of external price and agricultura shocs progressively increased and monetary effects progressively decreased.
This paper examines structural changes that occur in the total factor productivity (TFP) within countries. It is possible that some episodes of high economic growth or economic decline are associated with permanent productivity shocks, therefore, this research has two objectives. The Örst one is to estimate the structural changes present in TFP for a sample of 81 countries between 1950(60) and 2000. The second one is to identify, whenever possible, episodes in the political and economic history of these countries that may account for the structural breaks in question. The results suggest that about 85% of the TFP time-series present at least one structural break, moreover, at least half the structural changes can be attributed to internal factors, such as independence or a newly adopted constitution, and about 30% to external shocks, such as oil shock or shocks in international interest rates. The majority of the estimated breaks are downwards, indicating that after a break the TFP tends to decrease, implying that institutional rearrangements, external shocks, or internal shocks may be costly and from which it is very di¢ cult to recover.
I start presenting an explicit solution to Taylorís (2001) model, in order to illustrate the link between the target interest rate and the overnight interest rate prevailing in the economy. Next, I use Vector Auto Regressions to shed some light on the evolution of key macroeconomic variables after the Central Bank of Brazil increases the target interest rate by 1%. Point estimates show a four-year accumulated output loss ranging from 0:04% (whole sample, 1980 : 1-2004 : 2; quarterly data) to 0:25% (Post-Real data only) with a Örst-year peak output response between 0:04% and 1:0%; respectively. Prices decline between 2% and 4% in a 4-year horizon. The accumulated output response is found to be between 3:5 and 6 times higher after the Real Plan than when the whole sample is considered. The 95% confidence bands obtained using bias-corrected bootstrap always include the null output response when the whole sample is used, but not when the data is restricted to the Post-Real period. Innovations to interest rates explain between 4:9% (whole sample) and 9:2% (post-Real sample) of the forecast error of GDP.
In an early paper, Cavalcanti and Wallace (2001) showed, using a computable version of Cavalcanti-Wallace model (CW-1999), that optimal regulation induces banks to pay interests, instead of contracting the money supply in an inside money allocation. Here, we generalize CW in two fashions, assuming inside money allocations, so that banks are supposed to issue money as they find a potential producer wishing to produce. The first generalization allows for seasonality due to real shocks on preferences with persistence and for monetary policy improvement. We found an asymmetric path for interest rates when constraints matter, even when shocks are independent. The second generalization allows for bank competition, in the sense that banks can choose between two different banking nets. We proof the existence of simple stable and unstable equilibria and also verify the existence of multiple equilibria.
Highly indebted countries, particularly the Latin American ones, presented dismal economic outcomes in the 1990s, which are the consequence of the ‘growth cum foreign savings strategy’, or the Second Washington Consensus. Coupled with liberalization of international financial flows, such strategy, which did not make part of the first consensus, led the countries, in the wave of a new world wide capital flow cycle, to high current account deficits and increase in foreign debt, ignoring the solvency constraint and the debt threshold. In practical terms it involved overvalued currencies (low exchange rates) and high interest rates; in policy terms, the attempt to control de budget deficit while the current account deficit was ignored. The paradoxical consequence was the adoption by highly indebted countries of ‘exchange rate populism’, a less obvious but more dangerous form of economic populism.
Nos países em desenvolvimento há uma tendência à sobrevalorização da taxa de câmbio. Existem duas causas estruturais: a doença holandesa e a atração que altos lucros e taxas de juros nos países em desenvolvimento exercem sobre capitais externos, e quatro causas políticas: a política do crescimento com poupança externa, o controle da inflação através de uma “âncora”, cambial, a política de “aprofundamento de capital”, e o populismo cambial. O país deverá neutralizar esta tendência para poder ter um crescimento rápido, ou sofrerá crises cíclicas de balanço de pagamento
O objetivo deste artigo é examinar como as decisões de taxa de juros básica no Brasil (um forte mecanismo de sinalização em política monetária) afetam a estrutura a termo da curva de juros. Diferentemente de outros trabalhos sobre o caso brasileiro, este avalia a evolução da previsibilidade das decisões de política monetária após a introdução do regime de metas de inflação e, também, compara esta evolução com outros países. A metodologia utilizada é um estudo de eventos em 2 períodos distintos: entre jan/2000 e ago/2003, após a introdução do regime de metas de inflação, e entre set/2003 e jul/2008, quando o regime de metas atinge certa maturidade. Os resultados indicam que: 1) os efeitos surpresa na curva de juros estão menores; 2) o poder explicativo das ações de política monetária aumentou; 3) o mercado tem efetuado o ajuste das expectativas de decisão sobre a taxa de juros com antecedência de 3 dias; 4) a previsibilidade e transparência das decisões de política monetária no Brasil aumentaram e estão próximas daquelas observadas nos EUA e Alemanha e superiores ao caso italiano e britânico.
In the last years, credit market has shown strong growth since interest rates and bank spreads have followed a declined route. This dissertation analyzes the impact of the monetary policy on the bank margins and interest rates of some type of credit operations and tests the relation between interest rates, loans and GDP. The cointegration test results can not reject the hypothesis that Selic rate could be affecting the bank margins and interest rates and also that there is a long term relation between interest rates, loans and GDP.
O fracasso do consenso de Washington e das políticas macroeconômicas, baseadas em altas taxas de juros e taxas de câmbio não-competitivas para promover o crescimento da economia, levou os países da América Latina a formularem estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento. O novo desenvolvimentismo é uma estratégia alternativa não apenas à ortodoxia convencional, mas também ao antigo nacional-desenvolvimentismo latino-americano. Enquanto o antigo nacional desenvolvimentismo era baseado na tendência à deterioração dos termos de troca e, adotando uma abordagem microeconômica, propunha planejamento econômico e industrialização, o novo nacional-desenvolvimentismo pressupõe que a industrialização foi alcançada, apesar de em diferentes estágios em cada país, e argumenta que, para assegurar rápidas taxas de crescimento e o catch up, a tendência que deve ser neutralizada é a da sobrevalorização da taxa de câmbio. Contrariamente à economia convencional, um estado capaz continua sendo o instrumento chave para assegurar o desenvolvimento econômico, a política industrial continua sendo necessária; mas o que distingue a nova abordagem é principalmente o crescimento com poupança interna, ao invés de com poupança externa. Uma política macroeconômica baseada em taxas de juros moderadas e uma taxa de câmbio competitiva, e não altas taxas de juros e moeda sobreapreciada conforme recomenda a ortodoxia convencional.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre uso de derivativos junto a 50 empresas não-financeiras brasileiras. A proporção de empresas que usam derivativos no Brasil não é significativamente diferente da de outros países que foram objeto de pesquisa, com exceção dos EUA. A exemplo do que foi verificado internacionalmente, as evidências sugerem que os gestores de empresas não-financeiras brasileiras usam derivativos principalmente com o propósito de gerenciar risco, e não com fins especulativos. O uso de derivativos por classes de risco no Brasil segue os padrões internacionais, ou seja, o tipo de exposição mais comumente gerenciada com derivativos é a cambial, seguido pelo risco de taxas de juros, de commodities e de patrimônio. Apesar da alta volatilidade dos mercados brasileiros, as preocupações principais dos gestores de risco brasileiros parecem estar mais ligadas às questões do arcabouço legal e institucional do que aos aspectos econômico-financeiros diferentemente do encontrado em outros países.
O trabalho investiga o ajustamento da taxa de câmbio na transição de um regime de câmbio fixo com taxa de câmbio real apreciada para um regime flutuante. Pretendemos argumentar, teórica e empiricamente, que a depreciação da taxa de câmbio, bem acima da apreciação acumulada no período, que se observou nos diversos países que passaram por esta mudança de regime, é esperada e não se confunde com a análise de overshooting de Dornbusch. Em linhas bastante gerais nosso argumento é que esta depreciação excessiva pode ser o mecanismo de correção do crescimento da dívida externa, que durante o período de apreciação cambial esteve acima de sua taxa de estado estacionário. A intensidade e duração deste ajuste depende, entre outras coisas, da possibilidade de novos empréstimos, da taxa de juros paga sobre os mesmos e da resposta da balança comercial à taxa de câmbio.
Recentemente, o mercado brasileiro regulamentou produtos de seguro de vida e previdência com garantia de uma remuneração mínima, a ser corrigida por um índice de preços e acrescida da participação em retorno de fundo específico de investimento. Esta tese vem dar sua contribuição no âmbito da crescente demanda pela avaliação econômico financeira destes produtos. Esta demanda é motivada não apenas pelas exigências regulatórias internacionais mas também pelas necessidades de real percepção dos riscos fincnaceiros envolvidos. Assim, é aqui proposto um modelo de precificação cuja finalidade é permitir a calibragem, dentro de uma condição definida de equilíbrio, dos parâmetros de garantias de um contrato - taxa mínima e participação. Estes são assim determinados em função não só da maturidade estabelecida, como também das expectativas relativas às variáveis de mercado, como taxas de juros, volatilidade dos ativos e índice de preços. O modelo proposto mostrou comportamento similar ao constatado num conjunto referencial de modelos. Por esta razão, sugere-se que ele é adequado, dentro das limitações colocadas, ao processo de precificação dos produtos em questão.
This research is in the domains of materialism, consumer vulnerability and consumption indebtedness, concepts frequently approached in the literature on consumer behavior, macro-marketing and economic psychology. The influence of materialism on consumer indebtedness is investigated within a context that is characterized by poverty and by factors that cause vulnerability, such as high interest rates, limited access to credit and to quality affordable goods. The objectives of this research are: to produce a materialism scale that is well adapted to its environment, characterizing materialism adequately for the population studied; to compare results obtained with results of other studies; and to measure the relationship between materialism, socio-demographic variables, attitude to debt and consumption indebtedness. The primary data used in the analyses were collected from field research carried out in August, 2005 that relied on a probabilistic household sample of 450 low income individuals who live in poor regions of the city of Sao Paulo. The materialism scale, adapted and translated into Portuguese from Richins (2004), proved to be very successful and encourages new work in the area. It was noted that younger adults tend to be more materialistic than older ones; that illiterate adults tend to be less materialistic than those who did literacy courses when they were already adults; and that gender, income and race are not associated with the materialism construct. Among the other results, a logistic regression model was developed in order to distinguish those individuals who have an installment plan payment booklet from those who do not, based on materialism, socio-demographic variables and purchasing and consumer habits. The proposed model confirms materialism as a behavioral variable useful for forecasting the probability of an individual getting into debt in order to consume, in some cases almost doubling the chance of occurrence of this event. Findings confirm the thesis that it is not only adverse economic factors that lead people to get into debt; and that the study of demand for credit for consumption purposes must, of necessity, include variables of a psychological nature. It is suggested that the low income materialistic consumer experiences feelings of powerlessness and exclusion because of the gap that exists between their possessions and their desires. Lines of conduct to combat this marginalization from the consumer society are drawn targeting marketing professionals, public policy makers and vulnerability researchers. Finally, the possibility of new studies involving the materialism construct, which is central to literature on consumer behavior, albeit little used in empirical studies in Brazil, are discussed.