937 resultados para Reinhardt College (Waleska, Ga.)
S.J. Cox, S. Neethling and H. Wilson (2008) British Society of Rheology mid-winter meeting on The Rheology of Foams and Emulsions. Applied Rheology 18:93-95
Rothwell, W., Femina (Trinity College, Cambridge MS B.14.40); edited with an Introduction and Notes (The Anglo-Norman On-Line Hub, 2005) RAE2008
Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej
This work examines the origins and early history of the Queen's College, Cork. Designedly there is as much stress on the origins as on the early history, for it is the contention of the work that the College was something more than a legislative mushroom. It was very much in the tradition of the civic universities which added an exciting new dimension to academic life in these islands in the nineteenth century. The first chapter surveys university practice and thinking at the opening of the century, relying exclusively on published sources. The second chapter is devoted specifically to the state of learning in Cork during the period, and makes extensive use of hitherto unpublished manuscript material in relation to the Royal Cork Institution. The third chapter deals with the highly significant evidence on education embodied in the Report of the Select Committee on Irish Education of 1838. This material has not previously been published. In chapter four an extended study is made of relevant letters in the manuscript correspondence of Sir Robert Peel - even the most recent authoritative biography has ignored this material. The remaining three chapters are devoted more specifically to the College, both in the formulation or policy and in its practical working. In chapter six there is an extended survey of early College life based exclusively on hitherto unpublished manuscript material in the College Archives. All of these sources, together with incidental published material, are set out at the end of each chapter.
Tugann an staidéar taighde aghaidh ar an dátheangachas i bPoblacht na hÉireann agus go háirithe ar thuairimí dhaoine óga dátheangacha sa 21ú haois. Is é cuspóir an staidéir ná iniúchadh a dhéanamh ar mheonta déagóirí Éireannacha dátheangacha i leith na Gaeilge agus a gcuid aitheantais mar dhéagóirí dátheangacha. Déanann an staidéar anailís ar mheonta daltaí a fhreastalaíonn ar iar-bhunscoileanna lán-Ghaeilge. Féachtar ar thuairimí tuismitheoirí, múinteoirí agus iar-scoláirí freisin. Is í príomhcheist an staidéir seo ná: Cad iad meonta déagóirí Éireannacha dátheangacha i leith teanga na Gaeilge agus cad iad a n-aitheantais mar Éireannaigh óga dátheangacha? Baineadh úsáid as modhanna cáilíochtúla idir agallaimh, agallamh grúpa, scríbhneoireacht phearsanta agus ríomhphoist chun eolas a bhailiú i scoil an staidéir cháis. Roghnaíodh modh cainníochtúil an cheistneora náisiúnta chun cur leis an eolas. Tugann an taighde le tuiscint go mothaíonn déagóirí Éireannacha dearfach faoi theanga na Gaeilge agus faoin a gcuid aitheantais mar dhaoine dátheangacha. Léiríonn torthaí an taighde gurb ionann teanga na Gaeilge dóibh agus seoid luachmhar a sholáthraíonn buntáistí, deiseanna agus féidearthachtaí dóibh. Maidir le cruthú aitheantais, chuaigh formhór na ndéagóirí i scoil an staidéir cháis i dtreo a ndá ghrúpa teangeolaíochta agus chruthaigh siad “linguistic brokerage” (Shenk, 2008) a tharraing a taobh Gaelach is Béarla le chéile. Mothaíonn formhór na ndéagóirí dátheangacha seo go bhfuil aitheantas amháin acu ach go bhfuil an dá theanga, an dá chultúr agus an dá pháirt dá saoil mar pháirt den gcomhaitheantas sin. Ach ba léir go raibh éagsúlachtaí i measc na rannpháirtithe freisin. Tacaíonn torthaí an taighde le gnéithe den litríocht ar a rinneadh athbhreithniú chun ról lárnach na teanga i gcruthú aitheantais an déagóra a léiriú. Cuireann an taighde seo leis an réimse toisc go soláthraíonn sé eolas luachmhar agus fiúntach faoin dátheangachas agus aitheantas i bPoblacht na hÉireann sa 21ú haois.
Is é a chuirim romham a dhéanamh sa tráchtas seo ná eagar a chur ar shaothar liteartha Mhíchíl Coimín; file agus údar próis a bhí ag saothrú na litríochta i gCill Chorcoráin, Contae an Chláir san ochtú haois déag. D’éag sé sa bhliain 1760 nuair a bhí sé beagnach 90 bliain d’aois. Is féidir a rá go bhfuil an Coimíneach, ó thaobh chanóin litríocht na Gaeilge de i measc na mionscríbhneoirí, agus níl aon dabht faoi ach go bhfuil an-chuid de léitheoirí na Gaeilge sa lá atá inniu ann dall ar a chuid scríbhneoireachta. Tá cáil air mar údar ‘Laoi Oisín i dTír na n-Óg’ ach mar a léireofar sa tráchtas seo, tá gach cuma ar an scéal nárbh é a scríobh. Tá againn óna pheann dornán beag dánta agus dhá scéal rómánsaíochta (‘Eachtra Thoroilbh Mhic Stairn’ agus ‘Eachtra a Thriúr Mac’) a scríobh sé nuair a bhí an traidisiún sin próis ar an dé deiridh. Níl aon chuid dá shaothar ar fáil in eagráin a shásódh léitheoirí an lae inniu ná na critéir scolártha atá i bhfeidhm anois. Níor tháinig aon lámhscríbhinn, i lámh an Choimínigh, anuas chugainn agus dá bhrí sin bhí dúshlán áirithe ag baint leis an bpróiseas eagarthóireachta. Sa tráchtas rinne mé an suirbhé is iomláine go dtí seo ar a shaothar i dtraidisiún na lámhscríbhinní agus ar na scríobhaithe a rinne é a sheachadadh. Bhí sé mar aidhm agam teacht ar na lámhscríbhinní is údarásaí sa traidisiún d’fhonn eagráin a réiteach a bheadh dílis dá bhunshaothar. Chomh maith leis sin tabharfar cuntas ar a bheatha agus ar a chúlra liteartha, agus déanfar iniúchadh criticiúil ar a shaothar próis agus fileata.
Background: College adjustment is a developmental milestone that can be stressful and may lead to mental health problems such as depression. Support during this adjustment period is seen as essential, however it is unknown if informal peer support from fellow students has any impact on either college adjustment or depressive symptoms. Aim: To identify levels of social and personal college adjustment, depressive symptoms and peer support among students, and to examine the relationship between the variables. Design: A quantitative correlational design was used Instruments: Data were collected using two subscales of the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire; the Centre for Epidemiology Depressive Symptoms Scale and a subscale of the Peer Support Evaluation Inventory. Sample: The sample consisted of 417, first (n=188), second (n=134) and fourth (n=94) year nursing and midwifery students from one University in Ireland. Findings: The findings indicated that 20% of participants were poorly personally adjusted and 9% poorly socially adjusted. Furthermore, 34% of participants experienced significant depressive symptoms. Most students had good levels of peer support. Statistically significant relationships were found between all key variables, the strongest of which were between personal adjustment and depressive symptoms and social adjustment and depressive symptoms. Differences in adjustment and depressive symptom scores were found based on year of study, with second year students experiencing more depressive symptoms and having poorer personal adjustment scores. Participants who had poor relationships with their father’s experienced greater depressive symptoms and had more difficulties personally and socially adjusting to college. The alcohol consumption of participants had a statistically significant correlation with college adjustment, depressive symptoms and peer support, with higher consumption having a positive impact on the variables.
The parasite Bonamia ostreae has decimated Ostrea edulis stocks throughout Europe. The complete life cycle and means of transmission of the parasite remains unknown. The methods used to diagnose B. ostreae were examined to determine sensitivity and reproducibility. Two methods, with fixed protocols, should be used for the accurate detection of infection within a sample. A 13-month study of two stocks of O. edulis with varying periods of exposure to B. ostreae, was undertaken to determine if varying lengths of exposure would translate into observations of differing susceptibility. Oyster stocks can maintain themselves over extended periods of time in B. ostreae endemic areas. To identify a well performing spat stock, which could be used to repopulate beds within the region, hatchery bred spat from three stocks found in the North sea were placed on a B. ostreae infected bed and screened for growth, mortality and prevalence of infection. Local environmental factors may influence oyster performance, with local stocks better adapted to these conditions. Sediment and macroinvertebrate species were screened to investigate mechanisms by which B. ostreae may be maintaining itself on oyster beds. Mytilus edulis was positive, indicating that B. ostreae may use incidental carriers as a method of maintaining itself. The ability of oyster larvae to pick up infection from the surrounding environment was investigated by collecting larvae from brooding oysters from different areas. Larvae may acquire the pathogen from the water column during the process of filter feeding by the brooding adult, even when the parents themselves are uninfected. A study was undertaken to elucidate the activity of the parasite during the initial stage of infection, when it cannot be detected within the host. A naïve stock screened negative for infection throughout the trial, using heart imprints and PCR yet B. ostreae was detected by in-situ hybridisation.
Is é atá sa tráchtas ná staidéar ar logainmneacha agus dinnseanchas ceantair Ghaeltachta Bhéal Átha an Ghaorthaidh. Ins na léarscáileanna a cruthaíodh tá iarracht ar na logainmneacha a líonadh isteach chomh cruinn is ab fhéidir agus furasta iad a aimsiú mar go bhfuil iomlán an eolais ar leathanach amháin. Cuireadh leis an eolas seo trí úsáid foinsí béaloidis a bhain leis an gceantar nó baile fearainn agus is iad Páipéir Uí Dhonnchadha agus Cnuasach Bhéaloideas Éireann is mó a úsáideadh. Tá a lán eolas a bhailigh An tAth Ó Donnchadha faoin nGuagán scríte anseo agus tugann sé le fios a lán dúinn ar an áit agus imeachtaí na haimsire sin.