959 resultados para R4 - Transportation Systems


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Hoy en día, el desarrollo tecnológico en el campo de los sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS por sus siglas en inglés) ha permitido dotar a los vehículos con diversos sistemas de ayuda a la conducción (ADAS, del inglés advanced driver assistance system), mejorando la experiencia y seguridad de los pasajeros, en especial del conductor. La mayor parte de estos sistemas están pensados para advertir al conductor sobre ciertas situaciones de riesgo, como la salida involuntaria del carril o la proximidad de obstáculos en el camino. No obstante, también podemos encontrar sistemas que van un paso más allá y son capaces de cooperar con el conductor en el control del vehículo o incluso relegarlos de algunas tareas tediosas. Es en este último grupo donde se encuentran los sistemas de control electrónico de estabilidad (ESP - Electronic Stability Program), el antibloqueo de frenos (ABS - Anti-lock Braking System), el control de crucero (CC - Cruise Control) y los más recientes sistemas de aparcamiento asistido. Continuando con esta línea de desarrollo, el paso siguiente consiste en la supresión del conductor humano, desarrollando sistemas que sean capaces de conducir un vehículo de forma autónoma y con un rendimiento superior al del conductor. En este trabajo se presenta, en primer lugar, una arquitectura de control para la automatización de vehículos. Esta se compone de distintos componentes de hardware y software, agrupados de acuerdo a su función principal. El diseño de la arquitectura parte del trabajo previo desarrollado por el Programa AUTOPIA, aunque introduce notables aportaciones en cuanto a la eficiencia, robustez y escalabilidad del sistema. Ahondando un poco más en detalle, debemos resaltar el desarrollo de un algoritmo de localización basado en enjambres de partículas. Este está planteado como un método de filtrado y fusión de la información obtenida a partir de los distintos sensores embarcados en el vehículo, entre los que encontramos un receptor GPS (Global Positioning System), unidades de medición inercial (IMU – Inertial Measurement Unit) e información tomada directamente de los sensores embarcados por el fabricante, como la velocidad de las ruedas y posición del volante. Gracias a este método se ha conseguido resolver el problema de la localización, indispensable para el desarrollo de sistemas de conducción autónoma. Continuando con el trabajo de investigación, se ha estudiado la viabilidad de la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje y adaptación al diseño de controladores para el vehículo. Como punto de partida se emplea el método de Q-learning para la generación de un controlador borroso lateral sin ningún tipo de conocimiento previo. Posteriormente se presenta un método de ajuste on-line para la adaptación del control longitudinal ante perturbaciones impredecibles del entorno, como lo son los cambios en la inclinación del camino, fricción de las ruedas o peso de los ocupantes. Para finalizar, se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante un experimento de conducción autónoma en carreteras reales, el cual se llevó a cabo en el mes de Junio de 2012 desde la población de San Lorenzo de El Escorial hasta las instalaciones del Centro de Automática y Robótica (CAR) en Arganda del Rey. El principal objetivo tras esta demostración fue validar el funcionamiento, robustez y capacidad de la arquitectura propuesta para afrontar el problema de la conducción autónoma, bajo condiciones mucho más reales a las que se pueden alcanzar en las instalaciones de prueba. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the technological advances in the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) field have led the development of several driving assistance systems (ADAS). These solutions are designed to improve the experience and security of all the passengers, especially the driver. For most of these systems, the main goal is to warn drivers about unexpected circumstances leading to risk situations such as involuntary lane departure or proximity to other vehicles. However, other ADAS go a step further, being able to cooperate with the driver in the control of the vehicle, or even overriding it on some tasks. Examples of this kind of systems are the anti-lock braking system (ABS), cruise control (CC) and the recently commercialised assisted parking systems. Within this research line, the next step is the development of systems able to replace the human drivers, improving the control and therefore, the safety and reliability of the vehicles. First of all, this dissertation presents a control architecture design for autonomous driving. It is made up of several hardware and software components, grouped according to their main function. The design of this architecture is based on the previous works carried out by the AUTOPIA Program, although notable improvements have been made regarding the efficiency, robustness and scalability of the system. It is also remarkable the work made on the development of a location algorithm for vehicles. The proposal is based on the emulation of the behaviour of biological swarms and its performance is similar to the well-known particle filters. The developed method combines information obtained from different sensors, including GPS, inertial measurement unit (IMU), and data from the original vehicle’s sensors on-board. Through this filtering algorithm the localization problem is properly managed, which is critical for the development of autonomous driving systems. The work deals also with the fuzzy control tuning system, a very time consuming task when done manually. An analysis of learning and adaptation techniques for the development of different controllers has been made. First, the Q-learning –a reinforcement learning method– has been applied to the generation of a lateral fuzzy controller from scratch. Subsequently, the development of an adaptation method for longitudinal control is presented. With this proposal, a final cruise control controller is able to deal with unpredictable environment disturbances, such as road slope, wheel’s friction or even occupants’ weight. As a testbed for the system, an autonomous driving experiment on real roads is presented. This experiment was carried out on June 2012, driving from San Lorenzo de El Escorial up to the Center for Automation and Robotics (CAR) facilities in Arganda del Rey. The main goal of the demonstration was validating the performance, robustness and viability of the proposed architecture to deal with the problem of autonomous driving under more demanding conditions than those achieved on closed test tracks.


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This article provides a new methodology for estimating fuel consumption and emissions by enabling a correct comparison between freight transportation modes. The approach is developed and integrated as a part of an intelligent transportation system dealing with goods movement. A key issue is related to energy consumption ratios and consequent CO2 emissions. Energy consumption ratios are often used based on transport demand. However, including other ratios based on transport supply can be useful. Furthermore, it is important to indicate which factors are associated with variations in energy consumption and emissions; especially of interest are parameters that have a higher incidence and order of magnitude, in order to fairly compare and understand the difference between transport modes and sub-modes. The study finds that the use of an energy consumption equation can improve the quality of the estimates. The study proposes that coefficients that define the energy consumption equation should be tested to determine market niches and sources of improvement in energy consumption according to the category of vehicles, fuel types used, and classes of products transported.


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Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del ámbito de las Ciudades Inteligentes. Una Ciudad Inteligente se puede definir como aquella ciudad que usa las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones para hacer que tanto su infraestructura crítica, como sus componentes y servicios públicos ofrecidos sean más interactivos, eficientes y los ciudadanos puedan ser más conscientes de ellos. Se trata de un concepto emergente que presenta una serie de retos de diseño que se deben abordar. Dos retos importantes son la variabilidad del contexto con el tiempo y la incertidumbre en la información del contexto. Una parte fundamental de estos sistemas, y que permite abordar estos retos, son los mecanismos de toma de decisión. Estos mecanismos permiten a los sistemas modificar su comportamiento en función de los cambios que detecten en su contexto, de manera que puedan adaptarse y responder adecuadamente a la situación en cada momento. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de algoritmos de toma de decisión en el marco de las Ciudades Inteligentes. En particular, se ha diseñado e implementado, utilizando el software MATLAB, un algoritmo de toma de decisión que aborda los retos mencionados y que se puede aplicar en una de las áreas que engloban las Ciudades Inteligentes: los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte. Este proyecto se estructura fundamentalmente en dos partes: una parte teórica y una parte práctica. En la parte teórica se trata de proporcionar al lector nociones básicas sobre los conceptos de Ciudad Inteligente y Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte, así como de la toma de decisión. También se explican los pasos del procedimiento de la toma de decisión y se proporciona un estado del arte de los algoritmos de toma de decisión existentes. Por otro lado, la segunda parte de este proyecto es totalmente original, y en ella el autor propone un algoritmo de toma de decisión para ser aplicado en el ámbito de los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte y desarrolla la implementación en MATLAB del algoritmo mencionado. Por último, para demostrar su funcionamiento, se valida el algoritmo en un escenario de aplicación consistente en un sistema inteligente de gestión del tráfico. ABSTRACT. This master thesis is framed under Smart Cities environment. A Smart City can be defined as the use of Information and Communication Technologies to make the critical infrastructure components and services of a city more intelligent, interconnected and efficient and citizens can be also more aware of them. Smart City is a new concept which presents a novel set of design challenges that must be addressed. Two important challenges are the changeable context and the uncertainty of context information. One of the essential parts of Smart Cities, which enables to address these challenges, are decision making mechanisms. Based on the information collected of the context, these systems can be configured to change its behavior whenever certain changes are detected, so that they can adapt themselves and response to the current situation properly. This master thesis is aimed at developing decision making algorithms under Smart Cities framework. In particular, a decision making algorithm which addresses the abovementioned challenges and that can be applied to one of the main categories of Smart Cities, named Intelligent Transportation Systems, has been designed and implemented. To do so, MATLAB software has been used. This project is mainly structured in two parts: a theoretical part and a practical part. In theoretical part, basic ideas about the concept of Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation Systems are given, as well as the concept of decision making. The steps of the decision making procedure are also explained and a state of the art of existing decision making algorithms is provided. On the other hand, the second part of this project is totally original. In this part, the author propose a decision making algorithm that can be applied to Intelligent Transportation Systems and develops the implementation of the algorithm in MATLAB. Finally, to show the operation of the algorithm, it is validated in an application scenario consisting in a smart traffic management system.


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Assunto bastante abordado quando se trata de Sistemas Inteligentes de Transportes (ITS), a identificação veicular - utilizada em grande parte das aplicações de ITS deve ser entendida como um conjunto de recursos de hardware, software e telecomunicações, que interagem para atingir, do ponto de vista funcional, o objetivo de, conseguir extrair e transmitir, digitalmente, a identidade de um veículo. É feita tanto por sistemas que transmitem e recebem uma identidade digital quanto por sistemas que, instalados na infraestrutura da via, são capazes de reconhecer a placa dos veículos circulantes. Quando se trata da identificação automática por meio do reconhecimento da placa veicular, os estudos têm se concentrado sobremaneira nas tecnologias de processamento de imagens, não abordando - em sua maioria - uma visão sistêmica, necessária para compreender de maneira mais abrangente todas as variáveis que podem interferir na eficácia da identificação. Com o objetivo de contribuir para melhor entender e utilizar os sistemas de reconhecimento automático de placas veiculares, este trabalho propõe um modelo sistêmico, em camadas, para representar seus componentes. Associada a esse modelo, propõe uma classificação para os diversos tipos de falhas que podem prejudicar seu desempenho. Uma análise desenvolvida com resultados obtidos em testes realizados em campo com sistemas de identificação de placas voltados à fiscalização de veículos aponta resultados relevantes e limitações para obter correlações entre variáveis, em função dos diversos fatores que podem influenciar os resultados. Algumas entrevistas realizadas apontam os tipos de falhas que ocorrem com mais frequência durante a operação desses sistemas. Finalmente, este trabalho propõe futuros estudos e apresenta um glossário de termos, que poderá ser útil a novos pesquisadores.


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To combat unsustainable transportation systems characterized by reliance on petroleum, polluting emissions, traffic congestion and suburban sprawl, planners encourage mixed use, densely populated areas that provide individuals with opportunities to live, work, eat and shop without necessarily having to drive private automobiles to accommodate their needs. Despite these attempts, the frequency and duration of automobile trips has consistently increased in the United States throughout past decades. While many studies have focused on how residential proximity to transit influences travel behavior, the effect of workplace location has largely been ignored. This paper asks, does working near a TOD influence the travel behaviors of workers differently than workers living near a TOD? We examine the non-work travel behaviors of workers based upon their commuting mode and proximity to TODs. The data came from a 2009 travel behavior survey by the Denver Regional Council of Governments, which contains 8,000 households, 16,000 individuals, and nearly 80,000 trips. We measure sustainable travel behaviors as reduced mileage, reduced number of trips, and increased use of non-automobile transportation. The results of this study indicate that closer proximity of both households and workplaces to TODs decrease levels of car commuting and that non-car commuting leads to more sustainable personal travel behaviors characterized by more trips made with alternative modes.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo comparar a eficiência dos sistemas de transporte público e individual através da modelagem de redes em SIG. Foram revisados os conceitos de acessibilidade e indicadores de acessibilidade, modelos de rede de transportes, abordadas as etapas para criação dos modelos de rede, bases de dados utilizadas, configurações e atributos no sistema SIG. Os comparativos foram realizados através de dois níveis de detalhamento (simples e avançado) para as redes de transporte e elaborados índices de acessibilidade para os bairros do município de São Paulo através de parâmetros extraídos das redes modeladas. O estudo de caso consiste na medição de um índice de acessibilidade para empregos de baixa renda. Como resultado, os bairros centrais do município apresentam maior acessibilidade, porém, para o transporte público, alguns bairros fora da zona central também apresentaram alta acessibilidade devido à oferta de transporte público (metrô).


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The need for more sustainable public transportation choices drives innovation and provides opportunity for improvement in options. Transit buses provide many advantages for efficient transportation and electric drive vehicles are anticipated to play an increasing role in future transportation systems. A lifecycle cost analysis of battery electric transit buses indicates rate structures and demand charges do not currently have a large impact on lifecycle cost for small fleets of battery electric buses. As fleets grow, policies and rate structures will need to adjust to avoid becoming a barrier to adoption. Battery electric transit buses are now being developed which promise to address the primary issues of high life cycle cost, low reliability, range, and flexibility.


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Integration is currently a key factor in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), especially because of the ever increasing service demands originating from the ITS industry and ITS users. The current ITS landscape is made up of multiple technologies that are tightly coupled, and its interoperability is extremely low, which limits ITS services generation. Given this fact, novel information technologies (IT) based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm have begun to introduce new ways to address this problem. The SOA paradigm allows the construction of loosely coupled distributed systems that can help to integrate the heterogeneous systems that are part of ITS. In this paper, we focus on developing an SOA-based model for integrating information technologies (IT) into ITS to achieve ITS service delivery. To develop our model, the ITS technologies and services involved were identified, catalogued, and decoupled. In doing so, we applied our SOA-based model to integrate all of the ITS technologies and services, ranging from the lowest-level technical components, such as roadside unit as a service (RS S), to the most abstract ITS services that will be offered to ITS users (value-added services). To validate our model, a functionality case study that included all of the components of our model was designed.


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Texas Department of Transportation, Austin


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Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass.


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Transportation Department, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Systems Development and Technology, Washington, D.C.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Wyoming Highway Patrol, Commercial Carrier Section, Cheyenne


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Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.