775 resultados para Process-aware Information Systems


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Assessment processes are essential to guarantee quality and continuous improvement of software in healthcare, as they measure software attributes in their lifecycle, verify the degree of alignment between the software and its objectives and identify unpredicted events. This article analyses the use of an assessment model based on software metrics for three healthcare information systems from a public hospital that provides secondary and tertiary care in the region of Ribeirão Preto. Compliance with the metrics was investigated using questionnaires in guided interviews of the system analysts responsible for the applications. The outcomes indicate that most of the procedures specified in the model can be adopted to assess the systems that serves the organization, particularly in the attributes of compatibility, reliability, safety, portability and usability.


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Declarative techniques such as Constraint Programming can be very effective in modeling and assisting management decisions. We present a method for managing university classrooms which extends the previous design of a Constraint-Informed Information System to generate the timetables while dealing with spatial resource optimization issues. We seek to maximize space utilization along two dimensions: classroom use and occupancy rates. While we want to maximize the room use rate, we still need to satisfy the soft constraints which model students’ and lecturers’ preferences. We present a constraint logic programming-based local search method which relies on an evaluation function that combines room utilization and timetable soft preferences. Based on this, we developed a tool which we applied to the improvement of classroom allocation in a University. Comparing the results to the current timetables obtained without optimizing space utilization, the initial versions of our tool manages to reach a 30% improvement in space utilization, while preserving the quality of the timetable, both for students and lecturers.


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At the core of the analysis task in the development process is information systems requirements modelling, Modelling of requirements has been occurring for many years and the techniques used have progressed from flowcharting through data flow diagrams and entity-relationship diagrams to object-oriented schemas today. Unfortunately, researchers have been able to give little theoretical guidance only to practitioners on which techniques to use and when. In an attempt to address this situation, Wand and Weber have developed a series of models based on the ontological theory of Mario Bunge-the Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) models. Two particular criticisms of the models have persisted however-the understandability of the constructs in the BWW models and the difficulty in applying the models to a modelling technique. This paper addresses these issues by presenting a meta model of the BWW constructs using a meta language that is familiar to many IS professionals, more specific than plain English text, but easier to understand than the set-theoretic language of the original BWW models. Such a meta model also facilitates the application of the BWW theory to other modelling techniques that have similar meta models defined. Moreover, this approach supports the identification of patterns of constructs that might be common across meta models for modelling techniques. Such findings are useful in extending and refining the BWW theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää sohvakalusteita valmistavan yrityksen tuotannon- ja materiaalinohjausta. Tuotanto on sekä varasto-ohjautuvaa, että tilausohjautuvaa kokoonpanoa. Kehittämisessä pääpaino oli läpäisyaikojen lyhentämisellä molemmissa tuotantomuodoissa, vaihto-omaisuuden arvon alentamisessa sekä kriittisten materiaalien ohjauksen tehostamisessa. Työssä on ensin selvitetty tuotannon- ja materiaalin-ohjauksen teoriaa, tilaus-toimitus-prosessia ja tietojärjestelmiä osana tuotannonohjausta. Tavoitteena on ollut valita käytännössä hyvin toimivia ohjausmenettelyitä ja soveltaa niitä kohdeyrityksessä, jotta asetetut tavoitteet saavutettaisiin mahdollisimman nopealla aikataululla. Raporttien ja seurantatyökalujen kehittäminen tietojärjestelmässä on ensisijaisen tärkeää, että voidaan mitata tuloksia ja asettaa tavoitteita. Varastoinnin painopisteen siirtäminen valmistuotevarastosta puolivalmis-tasolle tulee toteuttaa kuluvan vuoden aikana. Avainsanoja läpäisyajan lyhentämisessä tilausohjautuvassa tuotannossa ovat nopea tilausten aloittaminen, turhien alkuvaiheiden poistaminen, nopea leikkuu, töiden visuaalinen ohjaaminen, sähköisten kotiinkutsumenettelyiden kehittäminen ja toimittajayhteistyö. Varasto-ohjautuvilla tuotteilla taas puolivalmisteet, imuohjausmenettelyt ainakin puolivalmisteiden tekemisen ohjauksessa, vedossuunnittelun ja hienokuormituksen yksinkertaistaminen ja luonnollisesti kaikki materiaalinohjausta parantavat toimenpiteet. Konsignaatiovarastojen käyttö päälliskangasvarastossa alentaisi huomattavasti vaihto-omaisuuden määrää. Kehittämiskohteet on valittu, kehittämistyö on aloitettu ja toimintamallit luotu, Niiden impelementointi ja tietojärjestelmän loppuun kehittäminen vaativat vielä työtä, mutta saavutettavat hyödyt ovat suuret ja turvaavat tehtaan menestymisen tulevaisuudessakin.


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Julkinen terveydenhuolto on muutoksen ja monien haasteiden edessä, kun palveluiden kysyntä ja laatuvaatimukset kasvavat. Julkisen sektorin taloudellinen tilanne aiheuttaa paineita kustannusten pienentämiseksi ja toimintojen keskittämiseen. Muutoksista huolimatta terveydenhuollon henkilökunnalla tulee olla mahdollisimman helppo ja nopea pääsy potilasta koskeviin ajantasaisiin ja olennaisiin tietoihin. Tämä diplomityö tarkastelee tietojärjestelmän käyttöönottoprosessia, paperisten potilasasiakirjojen digitalisointia ja niiden hyödyntämistä hoitoprosessissa. Tutkimuksessa esitellään paperilähetteiden käsittely, skannausratkaisun käyttöönotto ja integrointi HUS:n XDS-yleisarkistoon. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu käyttöönottoprosessista ja siihen liittyvistä haasteista, onnistumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä sekä onnistumiseen mittaamiseen käytettävissä olevista malleista ja mittareista. Tietojärjestelmän käyttöönoton onnistumiseen vaikutti erityisesti ennakkosuunnittelu ja muutosvastarinnan ymmärtäminen. Tietojärjestelmän käyttöönotossa havaittiin, että muutos hyväksytään käyttäjien osalta, kun se vastaa käyttäjien todelliseen tarpeeseen. Erityisesti lähetteiden käsittely sähköisessä muodossa koettiin hyödylliseksi ja tarpeelliseksi, koska tämä mahdollisti potilastietojen saatavuuden paikasta ja ajasta riippumatta ja tuki potilaan hoitoprosessia. Käyttöönotossa havaittiin, että skannausprosessi ei voi olla samanlainen kaikkialla, koska eri yksiköissä tapahtuva skannaus voi olla potilaskeskeistä tai asiakirjatyyppien mukaan tai kompeksista ja suuriin määriin perustuvaa.


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The National Water Management Policy was defined by Law 9.433/97 (Water Act), establishing the hydrographic basin as the management unity, independently of geographic limits and respective federal organisms. Nevertheless, water management entities and instruments are directly associated to different federal entities located within the same basin, and depend on them for being effective. The absence of law mechanisms that conciliate the various requisitions of federal organisms located in the same basin is a challenge still without brazilian law support. This study describes the integration process of information systems in Paraíba do Sul river basin. It also emphasizes integration restrictions of these systems, the cooperation level and the instruments used by the various actors and federal organisms in order to meet National Water Management Policy objectives. The management instrument Water Management Information System is presented as an important component that helps the stakeholders decision making process involved in water management, respecting federalism and the water domains defined in the brazilian constitution, and according to the policy established in the Water Act. In theoretical aspects, this work presents the basic concepts of National Water Management Policy institutional arrangement, considering the network aspects in public policy, the limits imposed by federalism and the way that the water domains is defined in the brazilian constitution and according to the brazilian Water Act. Besides, it identifies the most significant questions related with information systems implementation in public administration and water management. It also illustrates how cooperative federalism and information systems may create conditions that do guarantee the National Water Management Policy management instruments operationality within a hydrographic basin. The action research method was used to develop the research and the selected entity was the Fundação Superintendência Estadual de Rios e Lagoas (Serla). Serla was the water management entity in Rio de Janeiro state, at the research beginning. Others methods as bibliographic and documentary research were also used, aiming to describe the hydrographic basin, as well as the processes and systems concerned with the implementation of the National Water Management Policy in Paraíba do Sul basin.


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O presente relatório, inserido no Mestrado em Gestão do Território, Área de Especialização em Deteção Remota e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, lecionado pelo Departamento de Geografia e Planeamento Regional da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, pretende descrever o trabalho desenvolvido pelo mestrando enquanto estagiário no Observatório do Tráfico de Seres Humanos (OTSH). O relatório está estruturado em três capítulos distintos. No primeiro capítulo é realizada uma abordagem teórica sobre o Tráfico de Seres Humanos e a distinção entre o mesmo com o Auxílio à Imigração Ilegal. Neste, é também feita uma pequena referência à problemática dos novos fluxos de refugiados/migrantes que, no momento da realização do mesmo, constituem uma questão bastante complexa sobretudo ao nível europeu. No segundo capítulo é realizada uma caracterização da área de estudo, assim como a descrição dos dados utilizados e a metodologia aplicada no mesmo. No terceiro capítulo são apresentados os resultados finais do estudo e a cartografia de síntese que sustenta os mesmos. Para a realização deste estudo recorreu-se a uma análise multicritério em SIG para prever a localização de áreas de maior suscetibilidade de ocorrência de novos casos relativos ao crime do tráfico de seres humanos para exploração laboral na agricultura, na região do Alentejo (distritos de Beja, Évora e Portalegre), através do recurso a dados estatísticos disponibilizados tanto pelo OTSH, como por outras entidades. A metodologia apresentada integra um SIG baseado num modelo raster com o Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Através da realização deste estudo, a importância dos SIG como ferramenta no auxílio ao processo de tomada de decisão, pôde ser testada, conjuntamente com o processo metodológico AHP, através dos resultados apresentados. Com um possível desenvolvimento deste modelo analítico, pretende-se que o mesmo seja adaptável a outras regiões e em última instância, outros tipos de exploração e/ou tráfico.


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Historically, business process design has been driven by business objectives, specifically process improvement. However this cannot come at the price of control objectives which stem from various legislative, standard and business partnership sources. Ensuring the compliance to regulations and industrial standards is an increasingly important issue in the design of business processes. In this paper, we advocate that control objectives should be addressed at an early stage, i.e., design time, so as to minimize the problems of runtime compliance checking and consequent violations and penalties. To this aim, we propose supporting mechanisms for business process designers. This paper specifically presents a support method which allows the process designer to quantitatively measure the compliance degree of a given process model against a set of control objectives. This will allow process designers to comparatively assess the compliance degree of their design as well as be better informed on the cost of non-compliance.


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This article describes the problem of commercializing of scientific researches in universities. Management tasks are reduced to subtasks and combined formal algorithm. The overall control problem is reduced to a set of formal subtasks combined into a single algorithm. Here the necessity of joint control of all commercialization projects as well as the use of information systems for the successful implementation of the existing commercialpotential is shown.


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This thesis examines coordination of systems development process in a contemporary software producing organization. The thesis consists of a series of empirical studies in which the actions, conceptions and artifacts of practitioners are analyzed using a theory-building case study research approach. The three phases of the thesis provide empirical observations on different aspects of systemsdevelopment. In the first phase is examined the role of architecture in coordination and cost estimation in multi-site environment. The second phase involves two studies on the evolving requirement understanding process and how to measure this process. The third phase summarizes the first two phases and concentrates on the role of methods and how practitioners work with them. All the phases provide evidence that current systems development method approaches are too naïve in looking at the complexity of the real world. In practice, development is influenced by opportunity and other contingent factors. The systems development processis not coordinated using phases and tasks defined in methods providing universal mechanism for managing this process like most of the method approaches assume.Instead, the studies suggest that managing systems development process happens through coordinating development activities using methods as tools. These studies contribute to the systems development methods by emphasizing the support of communication and collaboration between systems development participants. Methods should not describe the development activities and phases in a detail level, butshould include the higher level guidance for practitioners on how to act in different systems development environments.


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Business strategy is important to all organizations. Nearly all Fortune 500 firms are implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to improve the execution of their business strategy and to improve integration with its information technology (IT) strategy. Successful implementation of these multi-million dollar software systems are requiring new emphasis on change management and on Business and IT strategic alignment. This paper examines business and IT strategic alignment and seeks to explore whether an ERP implementation can drive business process reengineering and business and IT strategic alignment. An overview of business strategy and strategic alignment are followed by an analysis of ERP. The “As-Is/To-Be” process model is then presented and explained as a simple, but vital tool for improving business strategy, strategic alignment, and ERP implementation success.


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Membrane computing is a recent area that belongs to natural computing. This field works on computational models based on nature's behavior to process the information. Recently, numerous models have been developed and implemented with this purpose. P-systems are the structures which have been defined,developed and implemented to simulate the behavior and the evolution of membrane systems which we find in nature. What we show in this paper is a new model that deals with encrypted information which provides security the membrane systems communication. Moreover we find non deterministic and random applications in nature that are suitable to MEIA systems. The inherent parallelism and non determinism make this applications perfect object to implement MEIA systems.


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This thesis deals with the problematic of the business systems systemic purpose definition. The definition of the systemic purpose, which is regarded as the utmost expression of the system's purposefulness, is to be achieved by ensuring the participation of all the stakeholders, if possible, who affect or they are affected by the business system's operations. The nature of participation, defined as a process of the stakeholders' perceptual exchanges, is deemed to be problematic in itself due to the influence exerted upon it by organisational power, coercion and false consciousness. The main focus of the thesis then is to make aware and provide the stakeholders with an explicit philosophical pedestal and a set of principles upon which a meta- epistemological framework for the enquiry of the business system's purposeful behaviour is developed. In addition, the thesis focuses on the development of a methodology that can be used by the stakeholders to achieve self-knowledge through the critical and systemic examination of their normative presuppositions, about the business system, at both sociological as well as the psychological levels concurrently and the subsequent development of an organisational intrinsically motivated information system. According to the critical systems philosophy and principles, developed in this thesis, normative presuppositions define the stakeholders' perceptions about the purposeful behaviour of the business system they perceived as having a material, an informational and/or an emacipatory stake (human interest) in. The methodology will provide Information Systems that demonstrably improve coordination of organisational activities by enabling the development and maintenance of a single/multifaceted view of purpose throughout organisations.