955 resultados para Problem solving Study and teaching


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Many real-world optimization problems contain multiple (often conflicting) goals to be optimized concurrently, commonly referred to as multi-objective problems (MOPs). Over the past few decades, a plethora of multi-objective algorithms have been proposed, often tested on MOPs possessing two or three objectives. Unfortunately, when tasked with solving MOPs with four or more objectives, referred to as many-objective problems (MaOPs), a large majority of optimizers experience significant performance degradation. The downfall of these optimizers is that simultaneously maintaining a well-spread set of solutions along with appropriate selection pressure to converge becomes difficult as the number of objectives increase. This difficulty is further compounded for large-scale MaOPs, i.e., MaOPs possessing large amounts of decision variables. In this thesis, we explore the challenges of many-objective optimization and propose three new promising algorithms designed to efficiently solve MaOPs. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed optimizers to perform very well, often outperforming state-of-the-art many-objective algorithms.


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Les études antérieures ont démontré les bénéfices de la satisfaction des besoins intrinsèques et du soutien à l’autonomie dans le domaine de l’éducation. Or, l’applicabilité des tenants principaux de la Théorie de l’Auto-Détermination (TAD; Deci & Ryan, 2000) n’a pas été investiguée auprès d’une population clinique d’adolescents. L’objectif de cette thèse doctorale est de faire la lumière sur la façon dont l'adaptation scolaire et sociale peut être favorisée par les agents de socialisation dans le contexte de la réadaptation sociale. Cette thèse est composée de deux études s’intéressant à l’application des tenants clés de la TAD auprès de deux échantillons d’adolescents vivant des problèmes d’adaptation et recevant des services d’éducation spécialisée et de réadaptation sociale. Les relations entre les concepts motivationnels de base sont étudiés afin de déterminer si, comme la TAD le propose, la satisfaction des besoins intrinsèques des jeunes peut être soutenue par le style interpersonnel des agents de socialisation (c.-à-d., le soutien à l’autonomie, l’implication et la structure). Il est aussi vérifié si ces concepts motivationnels améliorent la motivation ainsi que d’autres conséquences qui résultent de leur expérience, proposées par la TAD. La première étude a évalué si le style interpersonnel des enseignants peut favoriser la satisfaction des besoins des élèves, leur style de motivationl, tout comme leur ajustement scolaire. Les élèves en difficulté d’adaptation (N = 115) inscrits aux écoles internes des Centres de Réadaptation en raison de leurs problématiques émotionnelles et comportementales ont rempli les questionnaires à deux reprises, au début et à la fin de l’année scolaire. Les analyses de modèles d’équations structurelles révèlent que l’augmentation du soutien à l’autonomie et de l’implication (mais pas de la structure) des enseignants pendant l’année est associée à une augmentation de la satisfaction des besoins des élèves qui, conséquemment, conduit à une motivation scolaire plus auto-déterminée et à une diminution d’intentions de décrochage à la fin de l’année scolaire. De plus, l’amélioration de la satisfaction des besoins mène directement à une meilleure expérience affective à l’école. La deuxième étude consiste en une recherche expérimentale conduite auprès d’adolescentes en difficulté d’adaptation (N = 29). Le devis expérimental a permis de comparer l’impact de la présence (c. absence) du soutien à l’autonomie sur l’internalisation d’une tâche et sur les conséquences motivationnelles et expérientielles des jeunes. La tâche, fastidieuse mais importante, consistait à de la résolution de problèmes interpersonnels (activité clinique). Les résultats suggèrent qu’un style interpersonnel soutenant l’autonomie a augmenté la motivation auto-déterminée, la perception de la valeur de la tâche et son appréciation, ainsi que diminué les affects négatifs comparativement à la condition sans soutien à l’autonomie. Les résultats sont discutés en lien avec les implications théoriques et pratiques d’étendre la portée de la TAD à une population clinique d’adolescents aux prises avec des difficultés d’adaptation.


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Aus mehreren Untersuchungen zum Interesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler am Physikunterricht ist bekannt, dass der Unterricht dann für sie interessant ist, wenn die fachlichen Inhalte in einen für die Schülerinnen und Schüler relevanten Kontext eingebunden sind. Die vorliegende empirische Untersuchung beschäftigt sich mit dem Kontext „Physik lernen durch lehren“. Bei diesem Kontext sollen Schülerinnen und Schüler des Gymnasiums Physik lernen, um anschließend Kindern in der Vor- und Grundschule selbst naturwissenschaftliche Inhalte zu vermitteln. Der Kontext wurde dahingehend untersucht, inwiefern er das situationale Interesse der Schülerinnen und Schüler am Physikunterricht beeinflusst und welchen Einfluss er auf die Vermittlung fachlicher und überfachlicher Kompetenzen hat. Die Arbeit basiert auf der Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation von Deci u. Ryan (1993) sowie der pädagogischen Interessentheorie von Krapp u. Prenzel (1992). Um die Interessantheit des Unterrichts im Kontext und den Erwerb von Kompetenzen festzustellen, wurden im Rahmen der Untersuchung zwei quantitative Studien mittels Fragebogenerhebungen und eine qualitative Studie in Form von Leitfaden-Interviews sowohl mit Schülerinnen und Schülern als auch mit Lehrkräften durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass der Unterricht im Kontext „Physik lernen durch lehren“ hinsichtlich der Interessantheit deutlich den herkömmlichen Zugängen überlegen ist. In der Untersuchung wurde eine Reihe von potenziellen Einflussvariablen auf die festgestellte Interessantheit am Unterricht in dem zu unter-suchenden Kontext ermittelt. Der Unterricht wurde in erster Linie aufgrund der naturwissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen mit den Vor- und Grundschulkindern für die Schülerinnen und Schüler interessanter. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der Kontext besonders bei Schülerinnen und Schülern, die am Unterrichtsfach Physik allgemein unterdurchschnittlich interessiert sind, auf ein größeres situationales Interesse stößt. Insbesondere Mädchen zeigen ein großes situationales Interesse an dem Kontext. Bei dem kontextorientierten Unterricht werden neben fachlichen Kompetenzen vor allem überfachliche Kompetenzen bei den Schülerinnen und Schülern gefördert. Der Schwerpunkt bei den fachlichen Kompetenzen liegt im Bereich des Prozesswissens, und bei den überfachlichen Kompetenzen werden primär das methodisch-problemlösende Lernen und das sozial-kommunikative Lernen gefördert.


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This paper presents the findings of a podcasting trial held in 2007-2008 within the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Sydney, Australia. The trial investigates the value of using short-format podcasts to support assessment for postgraduate and undergraduate students. A multi-method approach is taken in investigating perceptions of the benefits of podcasting, incorporating surveys, focus groups and interviews. The results show that a majority of students believe they gained learning benefits from the podcasts and appreciated the flexibility of the medium to support their learning, and the lecturers felt the innovation helped diversify their pedagogical approach and support a diverse student population. Three primary conclusions are presented: (1) most students reject the mobile potential of podcasting in favour of their traditional study space at home; (2) what students and lecturers value about this podcasting design overlap; (3) the assessment-focussed, short-format podcast design may be considered a successful podcasting model. The paper finishes by identifying areas for future research on the effective use of podcasting in learning and teaching.


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This a short presentation which introduces how models and modelling help us to solve large scale problems in the real world. It introduces the idea that dynamic behaviour is caused by interacting components in the system. Feedback in the system makes behaviour prediction difficult unless we use modelling to support understanding


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This paper includes a course of study for teaching hearing impaired children about the use of TTY/TDD.


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This paper includes a course of study for teaching hearing impaired children about the use of TTY/TDD.


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Essentialist concepts of religion are common in the teaching of religion in schools and to a certain extent also in the academic discipline of religious studies. In this article, a number of problems with essentialist perceptions of religion are discussed. In the first part of the article a thesis is maintained, according to which essentialist conceptions of religion or specific religions are too limited to be of value in the teaching of religion. This is done through examples of essentialist expressions about religion. The examples are grouped according to a typology of different kinds of essentialism. Two main categories, each with two sub-categories are identified. Thus, the category of essentialism regarding the substance of religion is divided into transcendental or theological essentialism (which presupposes the existence of a sacred power of some kind, the experience of which is the basis for religion), and core essentialism (where it is presupposed that certain ideas or concepts constitute religion as a general category or specific religions). Likewise, the category of essentialism regarding the function of religion has two sub-categories: positive and negative essentialism. These kinds of essentialism presuppose that religion or specific religions are inherently good or harmful respectively to human beings. Examples from each of these categories are given and discussed. In the second part of the article, Benson Saler’s open concept of religion is presented as an alternative to essentialist or bounded perceptions. It is based on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s idea of family resemblances and on prototype theory. In connection with this, it is argued that a certain kind of conscious ethnocentrism is needed as a point of departure in the study and teaching of religion. The metaphor of education as a journey from the familiar out into the unfamiliar and back again is suggested as a possible pattern for such teaching. Finally,some examples of non-essentialist ways to introduce religions are offered.


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Pt. I. Fundamentals of hybrid intelligent systems and agents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Basics of hybrid intelligent systems -- 3. Basics of agents and multi-agent systems -- Pt. II. Methodology and framework -- 4. Agent-oriented methodologies -- 5. Agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent systems --6. Matchmaking in middle agents -- Pt. III. Application systems -- 7. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for financial investment
planning -- 8. Agent-based hybrid intelligent system for data mining -- Pt. IV. Concluding remarks -- 9. The less the more -- App. Sample source codes of the agent-based financial planning system


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Examines a contemporary and contentious social problem, child maltreatment, and the policy and practice in response to it, child protection.


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Popper, Polanyi and Duncker represent the widely held position that theoretical and experimental scientific research are motivated by problems to which discoveries are solutions. According to the argument here, their views are unsupported and - in light of counter-instances, anomalous chance discoveries, and the force of curiosity - over-generalized.


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In 1998 the author published a paper entitled ‘Current Issues and limitations in using the Internet for Teaching and Learning’ [1] that acknowledged the new educational possibilities provided by the Internet, while at the same time sought to identify the limitations and related issues of going on-line in education. As predicted, the passage of time and the advancement of technology have ameliorated many of the identified limitations, and, have brought new issues to the fore. This paper re-visits the area of important strategic issues in using the Internet for education, giving an overview of equity and access, infrastructure and costs, copyright and plagiarism, content development, libraries and on-line information access, and other strategic issues. As in the earlier paper, this paper draws on the experiences of the author in conventional and off-campus university teaching in engineering.


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This historical sociology deconstructs the interrelationship between the theory and practice of the troublesome notions of leadership, social justice and feminism. First, it tracks marginalised groups' relationship to the field of educational administration and their claims upon the state. Mainstream approaches have been informed by theories, practices and politics that do not focus on the core educational work of teaching and learning, therefore sidelining social justice issues. Second, it maps feminist and critical theorists' alternative conceptualisations, for example, of democratic leadership, which dissolve artificial binaries between formal and informal leadership. Finally, it considers what this means for re-theorising leadership for social justice.