621 resultados para Posttreatment Abstinence Survivorship
A interação sexual no sentido de ação conjunta ou recíproca supõe a existência de parceiros dimorficamente caracterizados a partir da estrutura cromossomial X-X ou X-Y. A diferenciação do sexo, entretanto, não depende apenas da condição cromossomial, podendo mesmo ser invertida quando a ação hormonal for alterada. Os dados disponíveis apontam os andrógenos como um dos principais agentes de diferenciação, afetando o organismo "básico" feminino num sentido masculinizante. A medida que se progride na escala animal, contudo, os aspectos estritamente biológicos perdem em importância e as condições ambientais aos poucos se impõem . Nos primatas superiores, caso não se estabeleçam condições adequadas de aprendizagem, o desenvolvimento sexual não se completa e a cópula se torna inviável. No ser humano, além dessa aprendizagem, fatores socio-culturais respondem pelo comportamento considerado masculino ou feminino que supostamente será exibido por cada parceiro da interação. Também as noções de estética são seriamente determinadas pela tradição cultural, com cada povo tendendo a valorizar os próprios traços raciais como ideal de beleza. Do ponto de vista físico, entretanto, pode-se tentar estabelecer algumas constantes, como as formas arredondadas para a mulher e o porte atl6tico ou capacidades gerais , para o homem. Uma vez estabelecida a atração e encontrado local e momento adequado, a interação sexual tende a uma progressiva intensificação e genitalização, que, nas sociedades de tradição judaico-cristã se reflete numa sequência, mais ou menos previsível, envolvendo carícias gerais, beijos, acariciamento de seios e genitais até a união genito-genital o significado e a forma como cada cultura desenvolve os contatos físicos de intercambio erógeno revelam tão grande variedade que já se apontou essa polimorfismo corno aquisição típica do ser humano. Assim, ao contrário do que faz supor o ideal de abstinência, é na capacidade de buscar e estender o prazer além da s1mples atividade orgânico-sexual que o homem, em sexo, se liberta da limitação animal.
This study presents an alternative investment projection model to estimate the future values of Private Equity (PE) investments. The performance of PE investments is assessed by analyzing the risk-return relationship relative to simulated Public Market (PM) investments that mimic the cash flow patterns of PE investments. The model allows for a quantified analysis of the underlying inputs that outline the PE performance and risks, and accounts for survivorship bias. These inputs include the fund manager’s decisions regarding the selection, leverage, size, duration and timing of investment and divestments.
Esta tese avalia o impacto dos principais atores recorrentes durante o processo de IPO, em particular, o venture capitalist, o underwriter, e o auditor, sobre as condições de comercialização das ações da empresa, capturado pelo bid-ask spread, a fração de investidores institucionais que investem na empresa, a dispersão de capital, entre outros. Além disso, este estudo também analisa alguns benefícios que os fundos de Venture Capital (VCs) fornecem às empresas que eles investem. Ele investiga o papel dos VCs em dificultar o gerenciamento de resultados em IPOs e quantifica o papel desempenhado por eles no desempenho operacional das empresas após sua oferta inicial de ações. No primeiro capítulo, os resultados indicam que as empresas inflam seus resultados principalmente nos períodos pré-IPO e do IPO. Quando nós controlamos para os quatro períodos diferentes do IPO, observamos que IPOs de empresas investidas por VCs apresentam significativamente menos gerenciamento de resultados no IPO e em períodos seguintes à orfeta inicial das ações, exatamente quando as empresas tendem a inflar mais seus lucros. Este resultado é robusto a diferentes métodos estatísticos e diferentes metodologias usadas para avaliar o gerenciamento de resultados. Além disso, ao dividir a amostra entre IPOs de empresas investidas e não investidas por VCs, observa-se que ambos os grupos apresentam gerenciamento de resultados. Ambas as subamostras apresentam níveis de gerenciamento de resultados de forma mais intensa em diferentes fases ao redor do IPO. Finalmente, observamos também que top underwriters apresentam menores níveis de gerenciamento de resultados na subamostra das empresas investidas por VCs. No segundo capítulo, verificou-se que a escolha do auditor, dos VCs, e underwriter pode indicar escolhas de longo prazo da empresa. Nós apresentamos evidências que as características do underwriter, auditor, e VC têm um impacto sobre as características das empresas e seu desempenho no mercado. Além disso, estes efeitos são persistentes por quase uma década. As empresas que têm um top underwriter e um auditor big-N no momento do IPO têm características de mercado que permanecem ao longo dos próximos 8 anos. Essas características são representadas por um número maior de analistas seguindo a empresa, uma grande dispersão da propriedade através de investidores institucionais, e maior liquidez através um bid-ask spread menor. Elas também são menos propensas a saírem do mercado, bem como mais propensas à emissão de uma orferta secundária. Finalmente, empresas investidas por VCs são positivamente afetadas, quando consideramos todas as medidas de liquidez de mercado, desde a abertura de capital até quase uma década depois. Tais efeitos não são devido ao viés de sobrevivência. Estes resultados não dependem da bolha dot-com, ou seja, os nossos resultados são qualitativamente similares, uma vez que excluímos o período da bolha de 1999-2000. No último capítulo foi evidenciado que empresas investidas por VCs incorrem em um nível mais elevado de saldo em tesouraria do que as empresas não investidas. Este efeito é persistente por pelo menos 8 anos após o IPO. Mostramos também que empresas investidas por VCs estão associadas a um nível menor de alavancagem e cobertura de juros ao longo dos primeiros oito anos após o IPO. Finalmente, não temos evidências estatisticamente significantes entre VCs e a razão dividendo lucro. Estes resultados também são robustos a diversos métodos estatísticos e diferentes metodologias.
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil is a disease caused by Leishmania infantum chagasi (L.i.chagasi). The clinical evolution post-infection depends on the vertebrate host immune response, which is genetically mediated. This study aimed to evaluate the immune response of individuals living in endemic area for VL in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, considering individuals with VL under treatment (n = 9), recovered VL <1 year post treatment (n = 10), > 10 years posttreatment (n = 9), uninfected individuals living in endemic areas (n = 7), individuals that lost DTH response (n=6) and asymptomatic individuals for VL (n=9). Peripheral blood cells were evaluated in the presence and absence of soluble Leishmania antigens (SLA) and ex vivo, to determine activation, presence of regulatory cells and memory cells. The Leishmania parasitemia and anti-Leishmania antibodies were determined respectively by qPCR and ELISA. Cells from individuals with VL under treatment showed less cell activation after stimulation with SLA for the markers CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 compared with VL post treatment treatment (p <0.001). Apparently uninfected individuals have a higher cell activation than symptomatic VL (p <0.001), with the exception of CD8/CD25 marker (p = 0.6662). On the other hand, in the ex-vivo group, significant differences were observed for CD4/CD69, CD8/CD69 and CD8/CD25 between the 4 groups due to increased cell activation present in cells of individuals symptomatic LV (p <0.001). VL cells under treatment, ex vivo, have a lower percentage of memory cells (CD4/CD45RO and CD8/CD45RO) than individuals VL post-treatment or control group (p = <0.01). Likewise, individuals with symptomatic VL have fewer regulatory cells when stimulated by SLA [CD4/CD25 (p = 0.0022) and CD4/FOXP3 (p = 0.0016)] and in the ex-vivo group (p = 0.0017). Finally, DNA isolated from recovered VL contained Leishmania DNA, supporting the hypothesis of non-sterile clinical cure for Leishmania infection. Recovered VL, even 10 years after treatment have high levels of memory cells, which may be due to the presence of stimulation, either by reexposure to Leishmania or non-sterile cure
A cytogenetic study was carried out with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) and etoposide (VP-16) in CHO-K1 and XRS-5 (mutant cells deficient for double-strand break rejoining) cell lines to verify the interaction effects of the drugs in terms of induction of chromosomal aberrations. 5-azaC is incorporated into DNA causing DNA hypomethylation, and VP-16 (inhibitor of topoisomerase 11 enzyme) is a potent clastogenic agent. Cells in exponential growth were treated with 5-azaC for I h, following incubation for 7 h, and posttreatment with VP16 for the last 3 h. In K1 cells, the combined treatments induced a significant reduction in the aberrations induced in the X and A (autosome) chromosomes, which are the main target for 5-azaC. However, in XRS-5 cells, the drug combination caused a significant increase in the aberrations induced in those chromosomes, but with a concomitant reduction in the randomly induced-aberrations. In addition, each cell line presented characteristic cell cycle kinetics; while the combined treatment induced an S-arrest in K1 cells, alterations in cell cycle progression were not found for XRS-5, although each drug alone caused a G2-arrest. The different cell responses presented by the cell lines may be explained on the basis of the evidence that alterations in chromatin structure caused by 5-aza-C probably occur to a different extent in K1 and XRS-5 cells, since the mutant cells present a typical hyper-condensed chromosome structure (especially the X- and A chromosomes), but, alternatively, 5-aza-C could induce reactivation of DNA repair genes in XRS-5 cells. Teratogenesis Carcinog. Mutagen. Suppl. 1:171-186, 2003. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar o efeito da temperatura e do teor de umidade do solo na sobrevivência de Metarhizium anisopliae (Metsch.) Sorok. em três tipos de solos. Foram utilizados o Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa, Latossolo Vermelho textura média e Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo textura arenosa média. As temperaturas empregadas foram 21,5; 26,8 e 31,5°C, e os teores de umidade foram 35, 65 e 100% de saturação. A sobrevivência do fungo foi avaliada após zero, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 e 120 dias de incubação em cada temperatura estudada. Na análise do efeito do teor de umidade, a sobrevivência foi avaliada após zero, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98 e 112 dias de incubação à temperatura de 27,0±1,0°C. em ambos os ensaios, foi determinado o número de unidades formadores de colônias (UFC) em placa de Petri. Houve influência significativa da temperatura e do teor de umidade na sobrevivência do fungo. O maior crescimento e a maior sobrevivência ocorreram nas temperaturas de 21,5 e 26,8°C, enquanto que, no solo incubado a 31,5°C, o fungo cresceu pouco, e a população declinou rapidamente. No teor de 65% de umidade, houve rápido crescimento do fungo, mas no 112° dia foi observado um declínio da população nos três tipos de solos. Nos teores de 35 e 100% de umidade, o crescimento foi menor, mas obteve-se maior sobrevivência do fungo no solo.
This research evaluated the microalgae removal produced in a stabilization pond system using biofilters as post-treatment, besides characterizing the effluents of stabilization ponds and filters in relation to concentrations of algal biomass (chlorophyll a and suspended solids), organic matter (BOD and COD), total phosphorus, orthophosphate, pH and dissolved oxygen, and tried to correlate physicochemical parameters with chlorophyll "a". It was held at the Ponta Negra ETE which is constituted by three stabilization ponds, with a primary facultative pond and two of maturation. For the algae removal were used two submerged bio-filters: the filter FPF (Facultative Pond Filter), fed with facultative pond effluent; and the filter MPF (Maturation Pond Filter), fed with second maturation pond effluent. The filling material of both filters was predominantly gravel no. 2, although it contains portions of gravel no. 1 and no. 3. The filters operating conditions were bad, they were nearly 10 years without maintenance, without cleaning or removal of sludge since the time of its construction, and part of the filling material may be obstruct. Despite poor operating conditions were obtained satisfactory results, in level of posttreatment. Removal efficiencies in relation to BOD and COD were 7 and 25% in FPF and 9 and 19% and in MPF, respectively. In relation to TSS efficiencies in MPF and FPF were 37 and 20%, respectively. As for the chlorophyll "a" removal, the FPF efficiency was 44% and the MPF was 40%. There was 50% of consumption of dissolved oxygen, on average, within the filters. Two profiles were performed in the filters, and it was possible to conclude that variations throughout the day were not statistically significant, and that, regardless of the time of collection, they would have the same representation comparing to the time of data collection (7 am) and the daily average, although individual variations throughout the day have been shown to be significant. Another important observation is that the correlations between Chlorophyll a and TSS were bigger and more significant in the effluent of the filters than in the effluent of the ponds
A maioria dos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos aponta a nicotina como o principal agente responsável pelo desenvolvimento da dependência ao tabaco. Muitos trabalhos têm demonstrado que as bases neurais da dependência à nicotina são semelhantes àquelas das outras drogas de abuso. A nicotina induz preferência condicionada por lugar e auto-administração e, portanto, atua como reforçador positivo, esse efeito parece ser mediado pelo sistema dopaminérgico mesolímbico. A nicotina também induz à sensibilização comportamental que é provavelmente resultante de alterações da expressão gênica do núcleo acumbens induzidas pela exposição prolongada a essa substância. A suspensão do uso de nicotina resulta em síndrome de abstinência. As evidências indicam que esses sinais e sintomas sejam mediados por receptores colinérgicos nicotínicos centrais e periféricos. Outros neurotransmissores, como por exemplo a serotonina e os peptídeos opióides, também podem estar envolvidos na mediação da dependência e síndrome de abstinência à nicotina. A revisão da literatura mostra a complexidade dos efeitos da nicotina no organismo. A integração entre as abordagens comportamental, neuroquímica e molecular possibilitará a compreensão dos mecanismos neurais da dependência ao tabaco e fornecerá as bases para o desenvolvimento racional de agentes terapêuticos que possam ser utilizados para o tratamento da dependência e síndrome de abstinência ao tabaco.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Caffeine is considered the most consumed psychostimulant in the world, presenting several central and peripheral effects. In the Central Nervous System the major effect occur by its antagonistic activity at the A1 and A2a subtypes of the adenosine receptors. These receptors are responsible for the slow-wave sleep induction, and their binding, caused by the consumption of foods and beverages that contain caffeine, cause behaviors like increase of alertness, mood and locomotion. The effects of caffeine on memory are still discussed because of the diversity of experimental protocols. Also, it does not have the same effects on all stages of the processing of memory - acquisition, consolidation and recall. Thus, using the marmoset (Callitrhix jacchus) as subject, we aim to evaluate the effects of caffeine on the memory of this primate through the conditioned place preference paradigm, where the animal selects a context by presence of food. This cognitive task consists of five phases. The first phase was two sessions of pre-exposure, in which they were evaluated for preference for any compartment of the apparatus. Then, we proceeded the training, conditioning the animals to the food-present context for 8 days. Then, there was administration of caffeine or placebo (10mg/kg) for 8 consecutive days, during the pre-sleep phase, where the 20 animals were distributed in two groups: placebo and repeated. The forth phase was one day of retraining, a re-exposure of the apparatus to the marmosets followed by the administration of caffeine (for the repeated group and a new group called abstinence) or placebo (for placebo and abstinence groups). Finally, was the test where we evaluated if the subjects learned where the food was present. Moreover, in this work we evaluate the existence of differences between females and males on the task, and the locomotor activity for the experimental groups. The results showed that in the pre-exposure phase the animals were habituated on the apparatus and did not present differences for any contexts. In training, they were able to learn the conditioning task, independent of gender. For the retraining, the two groups exhibited more interactions in rewarded context than that in non-rewarded context. Nevertheless, in the locomotor activity, the repeated group moved similarly in contact with the apparatus and outside of it. In the other hand, the animals of the placebo group moved more when in contact with the apparatus. In the test phase, the marmosets under influence of caffeine presented an increase in the locomotor activity when compared with the placebo group, corroborating works that show this increase in locomotion. In the learning evaluation, the continuous and abstinence groups had a bad performance in the task in relation to the placebo and acute groups. This suggests that the prolonged administration of caffeine disrupts the memories because it affected sleep, which is largely responsible offline processing of memories
The rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, induces mastocytosis, hypertrophy of enteric smooth muscle, alteration of enteric myoelectric activity, and slowed enteric transit of the rat host's intestine. This report examines the resolution of both tapeworm-induced mastocytosis and tissue changes during the period following removal of the tapeworm with Praziquantel (PZQ). The dynamics of the mucosal mast cell (MMC) population following removal of the tapeworms was assessed by histochemical identification of MMC and morphometric techniques. As a possible mechanism of MMC population regulation, MMC apoptosis was examined over the same experimental period using the in situ nick end labeling of fragmented DNA (TUNEL). Shifts in MMC numbers were correlated with functional and morphological changes of the intestine following removal of the adult-stage tapeworm. Ileal tissues from rats infected 32 days with H. diminuta (the beginning of plateau phase of tapeworm-induced chronic mastocytosis) were harvested 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks after the PZQ treatment. Control ilea were obtained either from rats which were never infected and never treated with PZQ or from rats infected with H, diminuta for 32 days but not treated with PZQ. In order to detect MMC and apoptosis, tissue sections of ileum were doubled stained sequentially with Astra blue for MMC granules followed by a modification of the TUNEL technique. No alteration in MMC numbers were observed in PZQ-treated animals until 3 weeks after the removal of the tapeworms. The decline of MMC occurred in the mucosa and submucosa. MMC numbers first approached uninfected control levels at 4 weeks posttreatment. Coincident with the decline in mucosal MMC numbers, the rate of MMC entering apoptosis also declined. Simultaneously, ileal smooth muscle layers, hypertrophied by infection, and mucosal structures began the process of involution and atrophy. Apoptosis of MMC in the submucosa and muscularis mucosa was not detected. In conclusion, H. diminuta elicited mastocytosis and increased thickness of both mucosa and muscularis externa do not begin a decline toward control Values until 3 weeks after the parasites are gone and normal intestinal motility is restored. These data are consistent with the lack of MMC mediation of altered motility, and the decline in the rate of MMC apoptosis at 3 weeks post-PZQ suggests that apoptosis may play an important role in the involution of tapeworm-induced mastocytosis. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
While providing physical and psychological benefits, excessive exercise could be or cause a compulsive behavior, making the individual dependent on it. In a parallel discussion, computerized psychological instruments, for a hand, reflects the development of information technology and your applicability to other areas, but also shows little advance for Psychological Assessment. In this perspective, this study aims to adapt the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-R) in two formats (paper-and-pencil and computerized) and evaluate evidence of factorial and convergent validity, and reliability of each version and compare them with each other. It is also proposed to observe the relationship of some bio-demographic (Sex, age, frequency, duration and intensity of practice exercise) and the exercise dependence (DEF). For this purpose, 709 regular physical activity practitioners, selected by procedures non-probabilistic sampling, responded a adapted version of EDS-R, Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale (MASS), Body Modification Scale (BMS) and a demographic questionnaire, analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, Cronbach's Alpha and not parametric tests. Both the traditional version and the computer showed a seven factors structure, explaining 57 and 62% of the variance, respectively, and Cronbach's alphas of 0.83 and 0.89. Factors were: (1) intentionality, (2) continuity, (3) tolerance, (4) reduction of other activities, (5) lack of control, (6) abstinence and (7) time spent on exercise. Relationships were observed between the Exercise Dependence and the variables: age, diets, consumption of food supplements and medicines for weight change, desire to do plastic surgery and body satisfaction. We observed also a positive correlation between the DEF and the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise, and the factor "Dependence on exercising" from MASS, indicating convergent validity of the EDS-R. Finally, comparisons between the two formats were equivalent, with few changes: computerized version achieved higher DEF scores. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the EDS-R has factorial and convergent validity, reliability, to measure exerceise dependence on traditional e computerized formats. DEF is related to actions used to body modification and behaviors toward exercise. Finally, it was found equivalence between the formats, especially in psychometric parameters, thus suggesting feasibility of a computerized assessment. However, it was observed that the computerized data has sample recruiting strategies more limited
The harm reduction HR is the official policy of Ministry of Public Health to deal with problem derived from alcohol consumption and other drugs AD. The HR refers to policies and support programs whose purpose is to reduce the risks related to the use of AD, without necessarily decrease individual consumption. This research aim was to analyze the HR conceptions and practices at two specialized institutions for AD users: 1) Psychosocial Care Center Alcohol and Drugs III (CAPSad III); 2) Therapeutic Community Fazenda da Esperança (FE) Dom Bosco. This is a qualitative research that used the following methodological tools: semi-structured interview with 21 professionals; socio demographic file and rounds of conversation with 63 participants users; participant observation and field journal. The interviews with professionals have characterized HR as a less complex and cheap treatment. At FE the HR proposal does not make part of their actions, being considered ―against the human being dignity‖. At CAPSad III is understood as an ―inevitable‖ guideline to service, once users do not remain abstinent. The users understand RD as an improvement in healthy conditions, social relations and work that occurs with the decreasing consumption of AD. They use the HR when they avoid situations that facilitate AD consumption, share relapse prevention strategies and, exclusively at CAPSad III, decrease psychotropic consumption. Stands out as an analyzer the HR comprehension as a less efficient treatment that opposes to the objective of both institutions, which is abstinence. The HR is not operationalize in daily routine by professionals and users as a healthy promotion strategy, however, the users are more affected to HR and produce strategies to face the difficulties arising from the AD consumption
Para estudar a ocorrência da utilização do preservativo masculino em relações sexuais pelos portadores do HIV, foram entrevistados 132 indivíduos, sendo 82 homens e 50 mulheres. A maioria do Estado de São Paulo e algumas de outras regiões do País, atendidas na Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu. As mulheres eram mais jovens, tinham menor escolaridade, pior qualificação profissional que os homens, e ainda, maior proporção era de viúvas, separadas, desquitadas e divorciadas. Verificou-se que 43,9% dos homens e 72% das mulheres foram contaminados pela via sexual, mas apenas 41,2% dos primeiros e 31,8% das mulheres referiram utilização do preservativo após o diagnóstico de infecção, a maioria de homens e mulheres preferindo observar abstinência sexual. Os resultados permitem concluir que ainda há necessidade de se manter informação continuada sobre a importância do uso do preservativo, além de se garantir sua distribuição gratuita, pelos baixos níveis de instrução e qualificação profissional dos indivíduos. Sugerem, ainda, que as campanhas de divulgação de medidas preventivas considerem as diferenças sociais e culturais das mulheres que se infectam.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)