1000 resultados para Perspective hiérarchique


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AbstractPerforming publicly has become increasingly important in a variety of professions. This condition is associated with performance anxiety in almost all performers. Whereas some performers successfully cope with this anxiety, for others it represents a major problem and even threatens their career. Musicians and especially music students were shown to be particularly affected by performance anxiety.Therefore, the goal of this PhD thesis was to gain a better understanding of performance anxiety in university music students. More precisely, the first part of this thesis aimed at increasing knowledge on the occurrence, the experience, and the management of performance anxiety (Article 1). The second part aimed at investigating the hypothesis that there is an underlying hyperventilation problem in musicians with a high level of anxiety before a performance. This hypothesis was addressed in two ways: firstly, by investigating the association between the negative affective dimension of music performance anxiety (MPA) and self-perceived physiological symptoms that are known to co-occur with hyperventilation (Article 2) and secondly, by analyzing this association on the physiological level before a private (audience-free) and a public performance (Article 3). Article 4 places some key variables of Article 3 in a larger context by jointly analyzing the phases before, during, and after performing.The main results of the self-report data show (a) that stage fright is experienced as a problem by one-third of the surveyed students, (b) that the students express a considerable need for more help to better cope with it, and (c) that there is a positive association between negative feelings of MPA and the self-reported hyperventilation complaints before performing. This latter finding was confirmed on the physiological level in a tendency of particularly high performance-anxious musicians to hyperventilate. Furthermore, the psycho-physiological activation increased from a private to a public performance, and was higher during the performances than before or after them. The physiological activation was mainly independent of the MPA score. Finally, there was a low response coherence between the actual physiological activation and the self-reports on the instantaneous anxiety, tension, and perceived physiological activation.Given the high proportion of music students who consider stage fright as a problem and given the need for more help to better cope with it, a better understanding of this phenomenon and its inclusion in the educational process is fundamental to prevent future occupational problems. On the physiological level, breathing exercises might be a good means to decrease - but also to increase - the arousal associated with a public performance in order to meet an optimal level of arousal needed for a good performance.


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The aim of this work was to determine approaches that would improve the quality of ancient DNA (aDNA) present in coprolites to enhance the possibility of success in retrieving specific sequence targets. We worked with coprolites from South American archaeological sites in Brazil and Chile dating up to 7,000 years ago. Using established protocols for aDNA extraction we obtained samples showing high degradation as usually happens with this kind of material. The reconstructive polymerization pretreatment was essential to overcome the DNA degradation and the serial dilutions helped with to prevent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Moreover, the random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR has been shown to be a reliable technique for further experiments to recover specific aDNA sequences.


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This study focuses on methylamphetamine (MA) seizures made by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to investigate the use of chemical profiling in an intelligence perspective. Correlation coefficients were used to obtain a similarity degree between a population of linked samples and a population of unlinked samples. Although it was demonstrated that a general framework can be followed for the use of any forensic case data in an intelligence-led perspective, threshold values have to be re-evaluated for each type of illicit drug investigated. Unlike the results obtained in a previous study on 3,4-methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) seizures, chemical profiles of MA samples coming from the same seizure showed relative inhomogeneity, limiting their ability to link seizures. Different hypotheses were investigated to obtain a better understanding of this inhomogeneity although no trend was observed. These findings raise an interesting discussion in regards to the homogeneity and representativeness of illicit drug seizures (for intelligence purposes). Further, it also provides some grounds to discuss the initial hypotheses and assumptions that most forensic science studies are based on.


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The main aims of the research are to explore young people's experiences and opinions of drug education and to discover whether it is, in their opinion, meeting their needs. The study was conducted with twenty young people aged fifteen to nineteen years in two towns in North County Dublin. The principal school teachers from three secondary schools in the area were also interviewed. The findings reveal there is a lack of planned drug education in the schools mainly, according to principal school teachers, due to timetable constraints. Another key finding is the need expressed by the young people for accurate and balanced drug education. The study also shows that there is a conflict between young people's negative opinion of teachers as drug educators and that of the literature and research, which identifies teachers as the most appropriate drug educators. In view of these findings the following recommendations are recommendations are suggested. Firstly, the role of teachers as drug educators needs further research. Secondly, the Substance Abuse Prevention Programme needs to be extended to include the over fifteen year's age group with a harm reduction/safety module as part of the programme. Thirdly, the Social, Personal and Health Education as a core subject needs to be fully implemented in the schools. Finally, the inclusion of young peoples' views in the form of a 'reference' or 'representative' group in each school would be a positive recommendation. This would give young consumers of drug education programmes some input into drug policy within the schools they attend.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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This thesis is concerned with alcohol problems and marital relationships. It is particularly interested in these dynamics from a treatment perspective. The study addresses theory, research and clinical practice in the field of alcohol problems. It specifically considers these areas as they relate to enhancing understanding of the dynamics between alcohol problems and marriage. The study examines three theoretical paradigms, the disease concept of addiction, behavioural/cognitive behavioural and systems based approaches to understanding alcohol addiction. This provides a multiple theory base from which research in the field and the clinical data collected in the current research is analysed and interpreted. The study reviews research findings that have contributed to the recognition of marital treatment interventions as significant in the alcohol field. It highlights the discrepancies between such research findings and developments in actual clinical practice. In doing so, the study illustrates the gap between theory, research and clinical practice. The need for a more effective framework of information exchange across these areas of activity is identified and a model for better exchange is presented and discussed. This model highlights the importance of including clients' experiences to influence policy, practice, theory and research. In the research, specific attention is focused on the experiences of couples in alcohol treatment. Clinical data is collected from a series of alcohol treatment couples group therapy sessions. The research analysis of the clinical data identifies and extracts concerns as expressed by couples in treatment. Interpretation of these identified concerns or themes is conducted by employing the theoretical constructs of the three selected theoretical paradigms in conjunction with group work theory. On the basis of the findings in this thesis a model for a maritally sensitive assessment framework is developed. The model identifies a number of factors that should be considered in order to enhance appreciation of the interaction between alcohol problems and marital dynamics. This has particular significance for treatment interventions.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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1. Contexte La physiopathologie de l'artériopathie diabétique a fait l'objet de nombreuses études qui ont révélé l'importance des voies de l'ostéogenèse et de la glycation. Ces nouvelles connaissances s'avèrent prometteuses, notamment dans une perspective thérapeutique. Mais peu d'études se sont intéressées à l'artériopathie des membres inférieurs en présence de diabète. 2. Objectifs L'objectif principal est d'étudier l'association entre marqueurs de remodelage osseux, glycation avancée et calcification artérielle des membres inférieurs en présence de diabète afin de pouvoir par la suite et sur la base d'un bon niveau de preuves, mettre en place des protocoles à visée thérapeutique ciblant spécifiquement ces mécanismes physiopathologiques. Le processus ciblé est la calcification artérielle, particulièrement prévalente en présence de diabète, mais dont la localisation aux membres inférieurs est encore peu étudiée en clinique. Nous étudions également la relation de la calcification artérielle avec de nombreux autres paramètres, notamment des marqueurs inflammatoires, l'adiponectine, le métabolisme phosphocalcique et la neuropathie diabétique. 3. Méthodologie Notre protocole est intitulé DIACART (« DIAbète et Calcification ARTérielle »). Il s'agit d'une étude transversale et prospective menée par le groupe hospitalier universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière (GHPS) à Paris, sous la direction du Professeur Agnès Hartemann, cheffe du service de diabétologie. J'ai été le médecin responsable des visites d'inclusion. Ma thèse se décline en 3 parties : la 1ère partie s'intéresse aux données actuelles de la littérature sur l'artériopathie diabétique : épidémiologie, facteurs de risque, traitement, physiopathologie ; la 2e partie décrit la mise en oeuvre du protocole DIACART et présente les résultats de la partie transversale de cette étude. La 3e partie présente les 3 études ancillaires au protocole DIACART, qui ont donné lieu à 3 articles dont l'un a été accepté pour publication le 3.02.2013, alors que les 2 autres ont été soumis en mars 2013 et sont en revue. 4. Résultats et conclusion Les résultats transversaux de notre étude suggèrent que l'ostéoprotégérine (OPG), la fétuine A et la glycation avancée sont impliquées dans le processus de calcification des artères des membres inférieurs chez les patients diabétiques. Par ailleurs, nous observons une relation positive très forte entre adiponectine et artériopathie périphérique. Notre étude confirme également le lien connu entre calcification artérielle et différents marqueurs et/ou facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire (RCV) : âge, sexe, durée du diabète, tabagisme, neuropathie, néphropathie, rétinopathie. L'analyse prospective apportera des notions complémentaires quant aux liens dynamiques de ces variables avec la calcification artérielle, aidera à préciser leur rôle comme marqueurs et/ou facteurs de RCV, et permettra peut-être la mise en place d'essais thérapeutiques ciblant ces mécanismes.


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The goal of this Report is to review all the relevant research in order to generate a comprehensive series of recommendations on food, nutrition, and physical activity, designed to reduce the risk of cancer and suitable for all societies. This process is also the basis for a continuous review of the evidence.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the mechanisms underlying the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, in humans, and to delineate dietary and environmental strategies for its prevention. DESIGN: Review of selected papers of the literature. RESULTS: Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance play a key role in the development of the metabolic syndrome. Strategies aimed at reducing insulin resistance may be effective in improving the metabolic syndrome. They include low saturated fat intake, consumption of low-glycemic-index foods, physical exercise and prevention of obesity. CONCLUSIONS: Future research, in particular the genetic basis of the metabolic syndrome and the interorgan interactions responsible for insulin resistance, is needed to improve therapeutic strategies for the metabolic syndrome.


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