953 resultados para Peace -- Congress
Includes bibliography
Contiene: asistencia y organizacion de los trabajos, resumen de los debates, y evaluacion del decenio y estrategias y medidas concretas de ejecucion para el adelanto de la mujer hasta el ano 2000, aprobadas por la Reunion.
Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography
Lista bibliografica de los principales trabajos realizados en CEPAL sobre la mujer, ordenados cronologicamente para facilitar la apreciacion de la evolucion que ha tenido el tema a lo largo del decenio; incluye resenas de algunas de las publicaciones.
Come al giorno dʼoggi si verifica lʼintegrazione (o più spesso lʼemarginazione) della cultura islamica, dalle caratteristiche così differenti e lontane dalla cultura occidentale, con la società contemporanea nella quale viviamo? Riflettendo sulla risposta a tale quesito, alla luce delle conoscenze intraprese durante lʼesperienza erasmus, ho pensato a quale fosse il contesto migliore nel quale investigare e tentare una connessione tra queste due culture. Ho quindi individuato alcune città “modello” per quanto riguarda la convivenza di differenti religioni, crogiuoli di diverse etnie e culture, con una storia radicata di interculturalità: in particolare Sarajevo, Tirana e Beirut. La scelta di allontanarmi da un contesto europeo od addirittura italiano è stata dettata da ragioni storiche e di apertura mentale: in quelle città da anni, forse secoli si verifica la convivenza di differenti confessioni, spesso allʼinterno dello stesso quartiere.
The times following international or civil conflicts but also violent revolutions often come with unequal share of the peace dividend for men and women. Delusions for women who gained freedom of movement and of roles during conflict but had to step back during reconstruction and peace have been recorded in all regions of the world. The emergence of peacebuilding as a modality for the international community to ensure peace and security has slowly incorporated gender sensitivity at the level of legal and policy instruments. Focusing on Rwanda, a country that has obtained significant gender advancement in the years after the genocide while also obtaining to not relapse into conflict, this research explores to what extent the international community has contributed to this transformation. From a review of evaluations, findings are that many of the interventions did not purse gender equality, and overall the majority understood gender and designed actions is a quite superficial way which would hardly account for the significative advancement in combating gender discrimination that the Government, for its inner political will, is conducting. Then, after a critique from a feminist standpoint to the concept of human security, departing from the assumption (sustained by the Governemnt of Rwanda as well) that domestic violence is a variable influencing level of security relevant at the national level, a review of available secondary data on GBV is conducted an trends over the years analysed. The emerging trends signal a steep increase in prevalence of GBV and in domestic violence in particular. Although no conclusive interpretation can be formulated on these data, there are elements suggesting the increase might be due to augmented reporting. The research concludes outlining possible further research pathways to better understand the link in Rwanda between the changing gender norms and the GBV.