1000 resultados para PESCA MARITIMA
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de Recursos Pesqueros
[ES] La evolución del poder de pesca de la flota artesanal con base en el puerto de Arguineguín, desde mediados del Siglo XX, ha tenido un impacto negativo en el estado de los recursos del sur y suroeste de la isla de Gran Canaria. El incremento escalonado en el poder de pesca, pasando primero por la motorización de las embarcaciones (1950- 1970), los cambios en los materiales de construcción de artes y trampas utilizadas (1960-1970), mejora de las infraestructuras portuarias y de asistencia a los buques (1980-1990), hasta la introducción de equipamiento electrónico y mejoras de las embarcaciones (1990-2010), han ido siempre acompañadas de fases breves de aumentos en las capturas, seguidos por periodos más prolongados de decrecimiento de los rendimientos.
[ES] foro organizado por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y la Comisión de Pesca de la Unión Europea celebrado en la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, el 25 de enero de 2013. Presenta el acto el Rector de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, don José Regidor García, el Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, don Melchor González Dávila, el Presidente de la Comisión de Pesca del Parlamento Europeo, don Gabriel Mato Adrover, el Secretario General de Pesca del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, don Carlos Domínguez, finalmente el Consejero de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Aguas del Gobierno Canario, Juan Ramón Hernández. Asimismo, se desarrollaron tres ponencias que recogieron algunos de los aspectos más relevantes en estos momentos, como son la pesca artesanal, en la que José Pascual Fernández, del Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad de La Laguna, puso el acento en las experiencias existentes en cogestión y gobernanza. La economía de la pesca en Canarias fue otro de los puntos tratados, a través de la ponencia desarrollada por Javier Macías, representante de la consultoría de pesca, CANAEST, así como la opinión de la Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, a través de la exposición que realizarán Alejandro Báez y María Marrero. La nueva propuesta de gestión pesquera para Gran Canaria, a cargo del Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Gestión Ambiental del Departamento de Biología de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Bioges), en la figura de José Juan Castro, fue otro de los puntos abordados.
[ES] El mundo de la pesca y de los pescadpres ha estado, desde muy antiguo, envuelto en una dualidad que titubea entre la probreza y la opulencia, entre los héroes solitarios, que se juegan la vida en un mundo hostil, y los piratas que saquean el mar hasta esquilmarlo. Sin embargo, y partiendo de que todas estas situaciones y aptitudes se codean diariamente en nuestros océanos, es verdad que la pesca está plagada de circunstancias que van más allá de las simplemente bucólicas o las absolutamente malditas. La pesca es el único sustento de cientos de miles de familias desde el primer al tercer mundo, auqnue de forma mayoritaria en este último, que sufrirán en primera instancia las consecuencias de la irracionalidad, perpretada en todo el planeta, y que ha llevado la productividad del océano al borde, si no lo ha superado ya, de la sostenibilidad. Desgraciadamente, los culpables de tal sinrazón no se encuentran únicamente enrolados en los barcos de pesca, sino que piratas y mercenarios integran también las huestes de científicos, gestores y políticos con responsabilidades en pesca. Es posible incluso que sean los pescadores los únicos que han hecho su trabajo bien, pescar, aunque quizás con egoismo desmedido. (JJ Castro, Prefacio)
Máster en Gestión Sostenible de los Recursos Pesqueros
Doctor en Biología por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canari. Es profesor titular del Departamento de Ciencias forestales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Medellín).
Grabación realizada por Ciencia compartida (Biblioteca Universitaria)
Grabación realizada por Ciencia compartida (Biblioteca Universitaria)
Linear dispersal systems, such as coastal habitats, are well suited for phylogeographic studies because of their low spatial complexity compared to three dimensional habitats. Widely distributed coastal plant species additionally show azonal and often essentially continuous distributions. These properties, firstly, make it easier to reconstruct historical distributions of coastal plants and, secondly, make it more likely that present distributions contain both Quaternary refugia and recently colonized areas. Taken together this makes it easier to formulate phylogeographic hypotheses. This work investigated the phylogeography of Cakile maritima and Eryngium maritimum, two species growing in sandy habitats along the north Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea coasts on two different spatial scales using AFLP data. The genetic structure of these species was investigated by sampling single individuals along most of their distributions from Turkey to south Sweden. On a regional scale the population genetic structure of both species was also studied in detail in the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits, the Strait of Gibraltar and along a continuous stretch of dunes in western France. Additionally, populations of C. maritima were investigated in the Baltic Sea/Kattegat/North Sea area. Over the complete sampling range the species show both differences and similarities in their genetic structure. In the Mediterranean Sea, both species contain Aegean Sea/Black Sea and west Mediterranean clusters. Cakile maritima additionally shows a clustering of Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea collections. Further, both species show a subdivision of Atlantic Ocean/North Sea/Baltic Sea material from Mediterranean. Within the Atlantic Ocean group, C. maritima from the Baltic Sea and the most northern Atlantic localities form an additional cluster while no such substructure was found in E. maritimum. In all three instances where population genetic investigations of both species were performed in the same area, the results showed almost complete congruency of spatial genetic patterns. In the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara region a subdivision of populations into a Black Sea, a Sea of Marmara and an Aegean Sea group is shared by both species. In addition the Sea of Marmara populations are more close to the Aegean Sea populations than they are to the Black Sea populations in both cases. Populations from the Atlantic side of the Strait of Gibraltar are differentiated from those on the Mediterranean side in both species, a pattern that confirms the results of the wide scale study. Along the dunes of West France no clear genetic structure could be detected in any of the species. Additionally, the results from the Baltic Sea/North Sea populations of C. maritima did not reveal any geographical genetic pattern. It is postulated that the many congruencies between the species are mainly due to a predominantly sea water mediated seed dispersal in both species and their shared sandy habitat. The results are compared to hypothetical distributions for the last glacial maximum based on species specific temperature requirements. It is argued that in both species the geographical borders of the clusters in the Mediterranean area were not affected by quaternary temperature changes and that the Aegean/Black Sea/Marmara cluster, and possibly the Ionian Sea/Adriatic Sea cluster in C. maritima, is the result of sea currents that isolate these basins from the rest of the sampled areas. The genetic gap in the Strait of Gibraltar between Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea populations in both species is also explained in terms of sea currents. The existence of three subgroups corresponding to the Aegean Sea, Black Sea and Sea of Marmara basins is suggested to have arisen due to geographical isolation during periods of global sea regressions in the glacials. The population genetic evidence was inconclusive regarding the Baltic Sea cluster of C. Maritima from the wide scale study. The results of this study are very similar to those of an investigation of three other coastal plant species over a similar range. This suggests that the phylo-geographic patterns of widespread coastal plants may be more predictable than those of other terrestrial plants.
Dopo un’introduzione sull’economia nel mondo antico e nella Galilea, la tesi affronta una rappresentazione storica de “Il Mare di Galilea tra l’antichità e oggi” (cap. 3). Seguono i capitoli sulle “Tecniche e le attrezzature di pesca” (cap.4) e su “Città, villaggi e aree di pesca” (Cap. 5). Due capitoli riguardano più particolarmente l’attività economica in senso stretto: “L’organizzazione dell’attività” (cap. 6) e “Commercio ed esportazione” (cap. 7). Chiudono la tesi due capitoli di carattere più metodologico: una rappresentazione degli agenti sociali della pesca (“i pescatori”) condotta ispirandosi alla network Analysis e un’analisi antropologica del loro sistema di vita (capitolo finale).La tesi è basata essenzialmente su tre corpi di documentazione: papiri documentari, dati archeologici, fonti storiche e letterarie. Molti dei documenti reperiti, in lingua greca, non erano mai stati tradotti in lingue moderne.La tesi consta – oltre ai diversi capitoli – anche di un’appendice documentaria molto estesa
Salt marshes are coastal ecosystem in the upper intertidal zone between internal water and sea and are widely spread throughout Italy, from Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the North, to Sicily, in the South. These delicate environments are threatened by eutrophication, habitat conversion (for land reclaiming or agriculture) and climate change impacts such as sea level rise. The objectives of my thesis were to: 1) analyse the distribution and biomass of the perennial native cordgrass Spartina maritima (one of the most relevant foundation species in the low intertidal saltmarsh vegetation in the study region) at 7 sites along the Northern Adriatic coast and relate it to critical environmental parameters and 2) to carry out a nutrient manipulation experiment to detect nutrient enrichment effects on S. maritima biomass and vegetation characteristics. The survey showed significant differences among sites in biological response variables - i.e., live belowground, live aboveground biomass, above:belowground (R:S) biomass ratio, % cover, average height and stem density – which were mainly related to differences in nitrate, nitrite and phosphate contents in surface water. Preliminary results from the experiment (which is still ongoing) showed so far no significant effects of nutrient enrichment on live aboveground and belowground biomass, R:S ratio, leaf %Carbon, average height, stem density and random shoot height; however, a significantly higher (P=0.018) increase in leaf %Nitrogen content in treated plots indicated that nutrient uptake had occurred.