839 resultados para Outdoor Leaders
This paper seeks to describe and discuss the impact of inspections of schools in Sweden. It outlines the political context, based on New Public Management (NPM) theory, according to what role the Schools Inspectorate is supposed to play in order to govern and control. Attention is also devoted, referring an on-going case study, to how inspections influence head teachers and their leadership in their everyday work. Reports from the Schools inspectorate are public. This forces both politicians and head teachers to take measures. In this case, the head teachers perceived that the inspection reports confirmed what they already knew, but it also gave them an alibi and a tool to push their teachers to take part in everyday school development work. During the first year after the inspection the head teachers mainly strived to adjust formal deficiencies in local steering documents. However, some of the deviations reported from the Schools inspectorate are regarding pedagogical problems that are complicated and difficult to handle. As interventions in many cases will show up much later the results are, for example as increased goal fulfilment, in this case, still an open question. Nevertheless, it seems obvious that the Schools Inspectorate must be seen as a result of the governing philosophy that denotes New Public Management NPM).
Racism in Brazil has some specificities when compared to other countries, for, differently from, for instance, South Africa and the United States, Brazilian Constitutions, ever since the Independence (1822), have never distinguished the citizens according to race or color. Furthermore, since the mid-1900s, Afro-Brazilian cultural manifestations, such as, for example, samba and capoeira, started to be valued as a part of our “national identity”. These specificities make race relations in Brazilian society a much more complex issue. This paper is focused on selected parts of interviews that deal with the nature of racial discrimination in Brazil, extracted from interviews with leaders of the black movement produced within the scope of the project “The History of Black Movement in Brazil: organization of a collection of Oral History Interviews”, developed by CPDOC, Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro). These “histories within history”, as told by our interviewees, may be transformed into images that will be able to condense a given reality, thus allowing us to evaluate the gains obtained by oral history methodology.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: The study objective was to understand the meaning of evidence-based management for senior nurse leaders in accredited, public hospitals in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Design and Method: A phenomenological approach was used to analyze interviews conducted with 10 senior nurse leaders between August 2011 and March 2012. The analytic method was developed by the Brazilian phenomenologist, Martins. Findings: Senior nurse leaders described how they critically appraise many sources of evidence when making managerial decisions. They emphasized the importance of working with their teams to locally adapt and evaluate best evidence associated with managerial decision making and organizational innovations. Their statements also demonstrated how they use evidence-based management to support the adoption of evidence-based practices. They did not, however, provide specific strategies for seeking out and obtaining evidence. Notable challenges were traditional cultures and rigid bureaucracies, while major facilitators included accreditation, teamwork, and shared decision making. Conclusions: Evidence-based management necessitates a continuous process of locating, implementing, and evaluating evidence. In this study leaders provided multiple, concrete examples of all these processes except seeking out and locating evidence. They also gave examples of other leadership skills associated with successful adoption of evidence-based practice and management, particularly interdisciplinary teamwork and shared decision making. Clinical Relevance: This study demonstrates senior nurse leaders' awareness and utilization of evidence-based management. The study also suggests what aspects of evidence-based management need further development, such as more active identification of potential, new organizational innovations. © 2013 Sigma Theta Tau International.
Wireless communications is a feature that has become indispensable for many people in the whole world. Through this feature, communication process can become much more efficient, allowing people to access information much more quickly wherever they are. The constant evolution of communication technologies allows the development of new unthinkable applications and services. This new range of possibilities brings greater mobility and efficiency for final users and also helps service providers and carriers to improve the quality of services offered by them. This study presents the principles of wireless communication and the Wi-Fi technology as well as its most modern applications, covering from the basics of computer networks to the procedures of planning a wireless network, concepts of radio frequency, antennas, patterns, regulatory agencies, network equipment, protocols and network monitoring
This research focused on identifying a series of successful practices relating to administrative talent management within the higher education setting. The field study included a thorough examination of seven small to mid-size private colleges and universities that have incorporated employee development strategies. These strategies were aimed at growing future leaders from within the organization in order to achieve continuity and support institutional priorities. Specifically, several focus areas were investigated including presidential vision, leadership commitment, talent management’s place among institutional priorities, program characteristics, and program evaluation. Among the commonalities that were gathered included support at the senior officer level who serve as advocates, mentors, and program facilitators, a strong connection between talent management and the institutions’ strategic plans, and a holistic approach to developing talent at all levels of the organizations. In addition, both coaching and opportunities for growth in the work environment were evident within several of the institutions. Also, academic leadership development was considered to be a part of the talent management strategy within three of the colleges and universities. The key differentiators included the incorporation of organizational and leadership competencies to provide focus toward the performance development process at two institutions, the implementation of a succession planning model at another institution, and the location of human resource generalists in departments across two of the institutions to identify learning opportunities for both individuals and work teams. Based on both the findings from the field study and the literature review, a comprehensive procedural model is introduced that serves to support human resource departments and higher education professionals, in general, who are looking to either begin or broaden their own talent management approach. However, despite the progress that has been made across several institutions noted throughout the research study, much more must be learned in terms of how the time and resources invested in talent management translates to institutional success. Advisor: James O‘Hanlon
Pregnant sows confinement systems were created in order to maximize the productivity, however there are problems concerning the animal welfare. The aim of this research was to evaluate pregnant sows in outdoors and in confinement systems in relation to the thermal environment and physiological animal responses. The experiment was conducted in a commercial farm in Monte Mor city, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The physiological evaluation was performed by recording physiological variables, such as respiratory frequency and skin temperature. Furthermore, variables like dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, and black globe temperature were also evaluated to characterize the ambient by means of enthalpy and black globe humidity index. In each treatment six animals were evaluated. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split-plot version whose averages were compared by the Tukey test. The findings of the experiment revealed higher values for all the bioclimatic variables in the confined treatment. Hence, the outdoor system provided better thermal conditioning for pigs, resulting in a lower heat stress.
Background: Angola is one of the African countries with the highest morbidity and mortality rates and a devastating lack of human resources for health, including nursing. The World Health Organization stimulates and takes technical cooperation initiatives for human resource education and training in health and education, with a view to the development of countries in the region. The aim in this study was to identify how nurses affiliated with nursing education institutions perceive the challenges nursing education is facing in Angola. Methods: After consulting the National Directory of Human Resources in Angola, the nurse leaders affiliated with professional nursing education institutions in Angola were invited to participate in the study by email. Data were collected in February 2009 through the focus group technique. The group of participants was focused on the central question: what are the challenges faced for nursing education in your country? To register and understand the information, besides the use of a recorder, the reporters elaborated an interpretative report. Data were coded using content analysis. Results: Fourteen nurses participated in the meeting, most of whom were affiliated with technical nursing education institutions. It was verified that the nurse leaders at technical and higher nursing education institutions in Angola face many challenges, mainly related to the lack of infrastructure, absence of trained human resources, bureaucratic problems to regularize the schools and lack of material resources. On the opposite, the solutions they present are predominantly centered on the valuation of nursing professionals, which implies cultural and attitude changes. Conclusions: Public health education policies need to be established in Angola, including action guidelines that permit effective nursing activities. Professional education institutions need further regularizations and nurses need to be acknowledged as key elements for the qualitative enhancement of health services in the country.
Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous mycosis and is also a zoonosis (sapro- and anthropozoonosis). The objective of the present study was to determine the occurrence of sporotrichosis in domestic cats and in wild or exotic felines in captivity through the isolation of Sporothrix spp. from claw impressions in a culture medium. The samples included 132 felines, of which 120 (91.0 %) were domestic cats, 11 (8.3 %) were wild felines, and one (0.7 %) was an exotic felid. Twenty-one (17.5 %) were outdoor cats. Of the total, 89 (67.4 %) had contact with other animals of the same species. It was possible to isolate Sporothrix schenckii from the claws of one (0.7 %) of the felids probed; this animal exhibited generalised sporotrichosis and had infected a female veterinarian. The potential pathogenic agents Microsporum canis and Malassezia pachydermatis were isolated in 12.1 and 5.3 % of the animals, respectively. The following anemophilous fungi, which were considered to be contaminants, were also isolated: Penicillium sp. (28 or 21.2 %), Aspergillus sp. (13 or 9.8 %), Rhodotorula sp. (5 or 3.8 %), Candida sp. (5 or 3.8 %), Trichoderma sp. (1 or 0.7 %), and Acremonium sp. (1 or 0.7 %). Due to the low magnitude of occurrence (0.7 %) of Sporothrix in feline claws, the potential of the cats evaluated in this study to be sources of infection in the city of São Paulo is considerably low.
„Extraterrestrische und terrestrische Anwendungen eines miniaturisierten Mössbauer-Spektrometers“ Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Anwendungen eines miniaturisierten Mössbauer- Spektrometers (MIMOS II), dessen Entwicklung in den frühen neunziger Jahren am Institut für Kernphysik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt unter Professor Egbert Kankeleit und seinen Mitarbeitern begann. Seit 1998 sind die Entwicklungsarbeiten im Arbeitskreis von Prof. Gütlich am Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie der Johannes Gutenberg- Universität Mainz von Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer und Mitarbeitern fortgesetzt worden. Vorrangiges Ziel war dabei der geplante Einsatz des Spektrometers zu mineralogischen Untersuchungen im Weltall. Entsprechend ist das Projekt mit erheblichen finanziellen Mitteln des Forschungsinstituts der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) in Bonn unterstützt worden. Bei den beiden Missionen, die im Jahre 2003 von der NASA zum Mars gesandt wurden und im Januar dieses Jahres die beiden „Mars Exploration Rover“ (MER) "Spirit" und "Opportunity" erfolgreich auf der Marsoberfläche abgesetzt haben, ist jeweils ein MIMOS II-Gerät zur Charakterisierung eisenhaltiger Minerale und Böden während der laufenden Mission im Einsatz. Einige Ergebnisse von MIMOS II an Gestein und Böden der Marsoberfläche werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit präsentiert und diskutiert. Diese Ergebnisse wurden vom MIMOS II-Consortium unter Führung von Dr. Göstar Klingelhöfer, mit Unterstützung des Ingenieurs- und Wissenschaftsteams von MER am Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Kalifornien, erlangt. Erste Spektren, die von Proben im Gusev-Krater (Landestelle von „Spirit“) aufgenommen wurden und in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, weisen auf das Vorkommen von forsteritischem Olivin, Pyroxen, Magnetit hin; daneben zeigt sich ein von Eisen(III) herrührendes Quadrupoldublett, das (noch) nicht eindeutig zugeordnet werden konnte. Aus den gewonnenen Daten wurde geschlossen, dass physikalische Verwitterung der vorherrschende Veränderungsprozess in den Ebenen des Gusev-Kraters ist. Um die Fähigkeiten von MIMOS II in der Charakteriserung extraterrestrischen Materials vor dem Start zum Mars zu demonstrieren, wurde eine Auswahl von chondritischen, Eisenund Marsmeteoriten gemessen. Ein Datenanalysepaket, basierend auf künstlichen neuronalen Netzwerken, genetischen Algorithmen und "fuzzy" Logik, wurde erstellt, erfolgreich getestet und während der Echtzeit-Operation der MER benutzt. Eine Datenbasis von Mössbauer-Parametern und Referenzen von veröffentlichten Studien über den Temperaturbereich des Mars wurde zusammengestellt. Die Werkzeuge zur Datenanalyse eröffnen neue Einsatzmöglichkeiten des miniaturisierten Mössbauer-Spektrometers in vielen Bereichen ausserhalb des Physikllabors. Einige davon werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt, wie z.B.die Pigmentcharakterisierung, die Echtheit archäologischer Artefakte oder in-situ Luftverschmutzungsmessungen. Datum: 20.07.2004 1. Betreuer: Professor Dr. P. Gütlich Paulo A. de Souza Jr. GAFEP/GETEP Departamento de Pelotização - DIPE Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - CVRD Tel.: (27) 3333-4609 - Carrier (835)
Terrestrial radioactivity for most individual is the major contributor to the total dose and is mostly provided by 238U, 232Th and 40K radionuclides. In particular indoor radioactivity is principally due to 222Rn, a radioactive noble gas descendent of 238U, second cause of lung cancer after cigarettes smoking. Vulsini Volcanic District is a well known quaternary volcanic area located between the northern Latium and southern Tuscany (Central Italy). It is characterized by an high natural radiation background resulting from the high concentrations of 238U, 232Th and 40K in the volcanic products. In this context, subduction-related metasomatic enrichment of incompatible elements in the mantle source coupled with magma differentiation within the upper crust has given rise to U, Th and K enriched melts. Almost every ancient village and town located in this part of Italy has been built with volcanic rocks pertaining to the Vulsini Volcanic District. The radiological risk of living in this area has been estimated considering separately: a. the risk associated with buildings made of volcanic products and built on volcanic rock substrates b. the risk associated to soil characteristics. The former has been evaluated both using direct 222Rn indoor measurements and simulations of “standard rooms” built with the tuffs and lavas from the Vulsini Volcanic District investigated in this work. The latter has been carried out by using in situ measurements of 222Rn activity in the soil gases. A radon risk map for the Bolsena village has been developed using soil radon measurements integrating geological information. Data of airborne radioactivity in ambient aerosol at two elevated stations in Emilia Romagna (North Italy) under the influence of Fukushima plume have been collected, effective doses have been calculated and an extensive comparison between doses associated with artificial and natural sources in different area have been described and discussed.