904 resultados para Other Factors


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O presente estudo foi fruto de uma pesquisa maior ocorrida no período entre os anos de 2011 e 2012. Tal pesquisa teve como objetivo planejar, implementar e a avaliar um programa de capacitação oferecido para professores da rede municipal do Rio de Janeiro que atuavam em salas de Atendimento Educacional Especializado para introduzir o uso do sistema PECS-Adaptado junto aos alunos com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo sem fala funcional. Ao final da pesquisa maior, alguns questionamentos surgiram, dando origem ao presente trabalho, a fim de dar seguimento à pesquisa desenvolvida e finalizada. Para tanto, o estudo foi dividido em dois: Estudo I e Estudo II. O primeiro foi o Follow-up da pesquisa maior e teve como objetivo verificar a continuidade do uso do sistema PECS-Adapatado por um aluno com TEA tendo a professora de AEE em sala de recursos como a sua principal interlocutora após o término da pesquisa maior e analisar o avanço na evolução das fases do referido sistema de CAA. Foi realizado em uma sala de recursos do município do Rio de Janeiro e participaram da pesquisa uma professora da sala de recursos e aluno com TEA. Ocorreram 7 sessões de Follow-up, que foram analisadas a partir de um protocolo de registro, de acordo com as tentativas ocorridas e a pontuação de acordo com os níveis de apoio recebidos para usar o sistema de CAA. Os resultados apontaram para uma continuidade do uso do PECS-Adaptado pela professora de sala de recursos e um avanço no desempenho do aluno até a fase 4. O Estudo II teve como objetivo analisar as interações comunicativas de um aluno com TEA em ambiente de sala de aula regular, verificando os efeitos da utilização de um sistema de Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada no contexto escolar. Tiveram como participantes o aluno do Estudo I, a professora da turma regular que ele frequentava e a estagiária. O estudo ocorreu em uma sala de aula de uma escola regular municipal do Rio de Janeiro e foram realizadas 10 sessões ao todo, das quais 4 sessões de linha de base e 6 de intervenção, além de 3 encontros de capacitação com a professora e estagiária. Para transcrever os dados, foram realizados quadros de categorias dos atos comunicativos dos três participantes, onde foram verificadas as ocorrências em intervalos de 3 minutos. Os resultados sinalizaram uma maior interação comunicativa do aluno com a estagiária na fase de intervenção, uma vez que a professora passou a diminuir significativamente a atenção ao aluno, dirigindo-se pouco a ele. O aluno começou a fazer uso da CAA em sala de aula, ampliando a sua possibilidade de comunicar-se com seus pares em contexto escolar. Concluiu-se que a preocupação com a comunicação é um dos fatores fundamentais para que a inclusão de um aluno com TEA ocorra de forma mais eficaz, assim como outros fatores que ainda precisam ser revistos pela prática pedagógica para garantir o acesso pleno de pessoas com necessidades especiais ao contexto escolar. Além disso, o PECS-Adaptado mostrou-se um eficaz sistema de CAA para ser utilizado por alunos com TEA, mesmo que tenha sido mais efetivo em sala de recursos.


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A educação a distância (EAD) é uma importante estratégia na realização de atividades de educação permanente em saúde. Contudo, as raízes pedagógicas de muitas destas práticas convergem para a reapresentação de uma educação tradicional e transmissora, sobretudo pela inexistência de momentos de interação social que possibilitem a troca e o compartilhamento de saberes. Neste sentido, os fóruns on line são considerados um importante recurso para promover um cenário interativo e estimular processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento (CCC). Nesta pesquisa, defende-se a tese de que dentro da lógica dos processos de educação permanente em saúde, o fórum representa uma ferramenta interativa e possibilita a construção de saberes compartilhados. Assim, o objetivo geral é analisar os fóruns interativos como espaço de processos de ensino-aprendizagem entre enfermeiros da Estratégia de Saúde da Família em um curso de especialização em saúde da família a distância. Além disso, são objetivos específicos desta pesquisa: compreender a política e os projetos de educação permanente em saúde no Brasil; observar as interações sugestivas de processos de construção compartilhada do conhecimento entre alunos e tutores; analisar a percepção dos discentes do curso sobre o fórum interativo e as possíveis repercussões deste em sua prática profissional. A metodologia escolhidabaseia-se no estudo de caso. Na coleta de dados, foram utilizados questionários on line e análise dos fóruns temáticos das disciplinas do curso, segundo análise de suas redes sociais. Tal análise desdobrou-se na construção de três categorias: as relações comunicacionais e os processos interativos como essencialidades da CCC; a formação de grupos as redes sociais na EAD; o tutor como mediador do espaço virtual. Observou-se, neste estudo, que a construção das redes sociais dentro de uma turma de EAD obedece à mesma lógica daquelas construídas presencialmente, ou seja, é baseada na identificação com o grupo e na aceitação de ideias expostas por um determinado coletivo. Os tutores possuem papel essencial na formação das redes sociais e, também, no surgimento das relações dialógicas. As relações de cooperação dentro dos fóruns interativos indicam a existência de processos de CCC; contudo, assim como nas relações presenciais, é impossível dimensionar a influência e as consequências sociais destas construções na vida dos sujeitos. Conclui-se que o fórum possibilita a existência de relações comunicacionais, porém os desdobramentos interativos, bem como os processos de CCC, dependem, não só do instrumento utilizado, mas de outros fatores, como o estímulo do professor-tutor, a participação dos alunos e a criação de redes sociais cooperativas.


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Perante diversas situações da engenharia são utilizadas formulações empíricas de dimensionamento baseadas em dados de campo e experiência profissional que definem muito o caráter subjetivo da metodologia padrão de projeto. O presente trabalho de pesquisa aborda os diversos métodos de obtenção dos esforços gerados em dutos enterrados submetidos a cargas dinâmicas e estáticas e sua posterior reavaliação através de modelagem numérica com o programa Plaxis 3D. Os métodos analíticos não convencionais foram comparados com o método padrão de cálculo sendo que o mesmo demonstrou ter uma boa precisão mesmo sem considerar outros fatores importantes como a parcela de resistência devida à coesão do solo e sua deformabilidade. A modelagem numérica demonstrou o conservadorismo do método de Marston e o subdmensionamento do espraiamento em prisma devido aos efeitos locais ocasionados pela adoção do recobrimento mínimo e sobrecarga dinâmica elevada. Também se observou, através da modelagem 3D, que a utilização dos dois métodos clássicos favorecem a obtenção de resultados dentro da razoabilidade.Verificou-se também, como resultado desta pesquisa, que a proposta de um método clássico modificado permite uma melhor aproximação da carga que atinge o duto.


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (CRP AAS) was approved by the CGIAR Fund Council in July, 2011. Solomon Islands, one of five countries targeted by the program, began its rollout with a five month planning phase between August and December of 2011. Subsequent steps of the Program rollout include scoping, diagnosis and design. This report is the first to be produced during the scoping phase in Solomon Islands; it addresses the national setting and provides basic information on the context within which the AAS Program will operate. The macro level subjects of analysis provide initial baselines of national level indicators, policy context, power relationships and other factors relevant to the Program.


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Twenty-seven years (1956-1983) of oceanographic data collected at Ocean Station P (50°N/145°W), as well as supplementary data obtained in its neighborhood, have been examined for trends and interannual variability in the northeast Pacific Ocean. There is evidence that the water is warming and freshening and that the isopycnal surfaces are deepening. Trends in oxyty are mostly not significant. The most common periods for the interannual variability appear to be 2 1/2 and 6-7 years. The vertical movement of water accounts for one half of the changes in temperature and salinity and 30% of those in oxyty. Other factors, such as a shift of water masses, may also be important.


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The modern fishery for Tilefish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) developed during the 1970s, offshore of southern New England, in the western North Atlantic Ocean. The population quickly became over exploited, with documented declines in catch rates and changes in demographic traits. In an earlier study, median size at maturity (L50) of males declined from 62.6 to 38.6 cm fork length (FL) and median age at maturity (A50) of males declined from 7.1 to 4.6 years between 1978 and 1982. As part of a cooperative research effort to improve the data-limited Tilefish assessment, we updated maturity parameter estimates through the use of an otolith aging method and macroscopic and microscopic evaluations of gonads. The vital rates for this species have continued to change, particularly for males. By 2008, male L50 and A50 had largely rebounded, to 54.1 cm FL and 5.9 years. Changes in female reproductive schedules were less variable among years, but the smallest L50 and youngest A50 were recorded in 2008. Tilefish are dimorphic, where the largest fish are male, and male spawning success is postulated to be socially mediated. These traits may explain the initial rapid decline and the subsequent rebound in male L50 and A50 and less dramatic effects on females. Other factors that likely contribute to the dynamics of maturity parameter estimates are the relatively short period of overfishing and the amount of time since efforts to rebuild this fishery began, as measured in numbers of generations. This study also confirms the gonochoristic sexual pattern of the northern stock, and it reveals evidence of age truncation and relatively high proportions of immature Tilefish in the recent catch.


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We monitored the movements of 45 adult Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) between June 2007 and July 2008 through the use of passive acoustic telemetry to elucidate migratory and within-estuary behaviors in a lagoon system of the southern mid-Atlantic Bight. Between 8 June and 10 October 2007, fish resided primarily in the deeper (>3 m) regions of the system and exhibited low levels of large-scale (100s of meters) activity. Mean residence time within this estuarine lagoon system was conservatively estimated to be 130 days (range: 18–223 days), which is 1.5 times longer than the residence time previously reported for Summer Flounder in a similar estuarine habitat ~250 km to the north. The majority of fish remained within the lagoon system until mid-October, although some fish dispersed earlier and some of them appeared to disperse temporarily (i.e., exited the system for at least 14 consecutive days before returning). Larger fish were more likely to disperse before mid-October than smaller fish and may have moved to other estuaries or the inner continental shelf. Fish that dispersed after mid-October were more likely to return to the lagoon system the following spring than were fish that dispersed before mid-October. In 2008, fish returned to the system between 7 February and 7 April. Dispersals and returns most closely followed seasonal changes in mean water temperature, but photoperiod and other factors also may have played a role in large-scale movements of Summer Flounder.


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The intersection of social and environmental forces is complex in coastal communities. The well-being of a coastal community is caught up in the health of its environment, the stability of its economy, the provision of services to its residents, and a multitude of other factors. With this in mind, the project investigators sought to develop an approach that would enable researchers to measure these social and environmental interactions. The concept of well-being proved extremely useful for this purpose. Using the Gulf of Mexico as a regional case study, the research team developed a set of composite indicators to be used for monitoring well-being at the county-level. The indicators selected for the study were: Social Connectedness, Economic Security, Basic Needs, Health, Access to Social Services, Education, Safety, Governance, and Environmental Condition. For each of the 37 sample counties included in the study region, investigators collected and consolidated existing, secondary data representing multiple aspects of objective well-being. To conduct a longitudinal assessment of changing wellbeing and environmental conditions, data were collected for the period of 2000 to 2010. The team focused on the Gulf of Mexico because the development of a baseline of well-being would allow NOAA and other agencies to better understand progress made toward recovery in communities affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. However, the broader purpose of the project was to conceptualize and develop an approach that could be adapted to monitor how coastal communities are doing in relation to a variety of ecosystem disruptions and associated interventions across all coastal regions in the U.S. and its Territories. The method and models developed provide substantial insight into the structure and significance of relationships between community well-being and environmental conditions. Further, this project has laid the groundwork for future investigation, providing a clear path forward for integrated monitoring of our nation’s coasts. The research and monitoring capability described in this document will substantially help counties, local organizations, as well state and federal agencies that are striving to improve all facets of community well-being.


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Long-term living resource monitoring programs are commonly conducted globally to evaluate trends and impacts of environmental change and management actions. For example, the Woods Hole bottom trawl survey has been conducted since 1963 providing critical information on the biology and distribution of finfish and shellfish in the North Atlantic (Despres-Patango et al. 1988). Similarly in the Chesapeake Bay, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Summer Blue Crab Trawl survey has been conducted continuously since 1977 providing management-relevant information on the abundance of this important commercial and recreational species. A key component of monitoring program design is standardization of methods over time to allow for a continuous, unbiased data set. However, complete standardization is not always possible where multiple vessels, captains, and crews are required to cover large geographic areas (Tyson et al. 2006). Of equal issue is technological advancement of gear which serves to increase capture efficiency or ease of use. Thus, to maintain consistency and facilitate interpretation of reported data in long-term datasets, it is imperative to understand and quantify the impacts of changes in gear and vessels on catch per unit of effort (CPUE). While vessel changes are inevitable due to ageing fleets and other factors, gear changes often reflect a decision to exploit technological advances. A prime example of this is the otter trawl, a common tool for fisheries monitoring and research worldwide. Historically, trawl nets were constructed of natural materials such as cotton and linen. However modern net construction consists of synthetic materials such as polyamide, polyester, polyethylene, and polypropylene (Nielson et. al. 1983). Over the past several decades, polyamide materials which will be referred to as nylon, has been a standard material used in otter trawl construction. These trawls are typically dipped into a latex coating for increased abrasion resistance, a process that is referred to as “green dipped.” More recently, polyethylene netting has become popular among living resource monitoring agencies. Polyethylene netting, commonly known as sapphire netting, consists of braided filaments that form a very durable material more resistant to abrasion than nylon. Additionally, sapphire netting allows for stronger knot strength during construction of the net further increasing the net’s durability and longevity. Also, sapphire absorbs less water with a specific gravity near 0.91 allowing the material to float as compared to nylon with specific gravity of 1.14 (Nielson et. al. 1983). This same property results in a light weight net which is more efficient in deployment, retrieval and fishing of the net, particularly when towing from small vessels. While there are many advantages to the sapphire netting, no comparative efficiency data is available for these two trawl net types. Traditional nylon netting has been used consistently for decades by the MDDNR to generate long term living resource data sets of great value. However, there is much interest in switching to the advanced materials. In addition, recent collaborative efforts between MDNR and NOAA’s Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (NOAA-COL) require using different vessels for trawling in support of joint projects. In order to continue collaborative programs, or change to more innovative netting materials, the influence of these changes must be demonstrated to be negligible or correction factors determined. Thus, the objective of this study was to examine the influence of trawl net type, vessel type, and their interaction on capture efficiency.


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Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to the coastline and coastal communities due to wind-generated waves and storm surge. While extensive modeling efforts have been conducted regarding storm surge, there is far less information about the effects of waves on these communities and ecosystems as storms make landfall. This report describes a preliminary use of NCCOS’ WEMo (Wave Exposure Model; Fonseca and Malhotra 2010) to compute the wind wave exposure within an area of approximately 25 miles radius from Beaufort, North Carolina for estuarine waters encompassing Bogue Sound, Back Sound and Core Sound during three hurricane landfall scenarios. The wind wave heights and energy of a site was a computation based on wind speed, direction, fetch and local bathymetry. We used our local area (Beaufort, North Carolina) as a test bed for this product because it is frequently impacted by hurricanes and we had confidence in the bathymetry data. Our test bed conditions were based on two recent Hurricanes that strongly affected this area. First, we used hurricane Isabel which made landfall near Beaufort in September 2003. Two hurricane simulations were run first by passing hurricane Isabel along its actual path (east of Beaufort) and second by passing the same storm to the west of Beaufort to show the potential effect of the reversed wind field. We then simulated impacts by a hurricane (Ophelia) with a different landfall track, which occurred in September of 2005. The simulations produced a geographic description of wave heights revealing the changing wind and wave exposure of the region as a consequence of landfall location and storm intensity. This highly conservative simulation (water levels were that of low tide) revealed that many inhabited and developed shorelines would receive wind waves for prolonged periods of time at heights far above that found during even the top few percent of non-hurricane events. The simulations also provided a sense for how rapidly conditions could transition from moderate to highly threatening; wave heights were shown to far exceed normal conditions often long before the main body of the storm arrived and importantly, at many locations that could impede and endanger late-fleeing vessels seeking safe harbor. When joined with other factors, such as storm surge and event duration, we anticipate that the WEMo forecasting tool will have significant use by local emergency agencies and the public to anticipate the relative exposure of their property arising as a function of storm location and may also be used by resource managers to examine the effects of storms in a quantitative fashion on local living marine resources.


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The California Department of Fish and Game data base of California commercial fish landings for the period 1928 to 1985 has been assembled in computer accessible form at the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group in Monterey, California. Time series for fishes whose landings are known to vary during periods of ocean warming were compared to time series of sea surface temperature. Expected patterns of variation were confirmed in the seasonal cycle, but were less clear on the interannual scale. When interannual variation was considered, the most serious hindrance to interpretation of the landings series appeared to be the continued reduction of the fish stocks due to commercial exploitation; other factors are discussed. Landings data contain information potentially useful in climatological studies, but problems should be anticipated in their use.


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The Austrian-Ceylonese hydrobiological mission studied 38 biotopes; 28 of which contain Odonata. From the Zygoptera the Calopterydoidea seem to be the dominant form (22 habitats), while the Coenagrionoidea are scarcer (11 habitats). The most frequent species was Euphaea splendens (Epallagidae - 16 habitats) followed by Vestolis apicalis nigrescens (Calopterygidae, 8 habitats) and Neurobasis chinensis (Calopterygidae, 6 habitats). From the Anisoptera Zygonyx ceylanica (Libellulidae: Zygonictinae) was the dominant form (8 habitats), but some Libellulinae remain undescribed. The number of species varied greatly between different biotopes. The biotopes containing Odonata are small brooks, in which the pH was mostly on the limit between acid and alkaline reaction. They are fast running waters, situated in most cases on lower or middle elevations, only three species being found in higher elevations (1800-2000 m). Adaptations to fast currents and other factors are described.


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The mobile water hyacinth, which was produced in growth zones, especially Murchison Bay, was mainly exported to three sheltered storage bays (Thruston, Hannington and Waiya). Between 1996 and May 1998, the mobile form of water hyacinth occupied about 800 ha in Thruston Bay, 750 ha in Hannington Bay and 140 ha in Waiya Bay). Biological control weevils and other factors, including localised nutrient depletion, weakened the weed that was confined to the bays and it sunk around October 1998. The settling to the bottom of such huge quantities of organic matter its subsequent decomposition and the debris from this mass was likely to have environmental impacts on biotic communities (e.g. fish and invertebrate), physico-chemical conditions (water quality), and on socio-economic activities (e.g. at fish landings, water abstraction, and hydro-power generation points). Sunken water. hyacinth debris could also affect nutrient levels in the water column and lead to reduction in the content of dissolved oxygen. The changes in nutrient dynamics and oxygen levels could affect algal productivity, invertebrate composition and fish communities. Socio-economic impacts of dead sunken weed were expected from debris deposited along the shoreline especially at fish landings, water abstraction and hydropower generation points. Therefore, environmental impact assessment studies were carried out between 1998 and 2002 in selected representative zones of Lake Victoria to identify the effects of the sunken water hyacinth biomass


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Limited information is available on the prevalence among rural Africans of host genetic polymorphisms conferring resistance to HIV-1 infection or slowing HIV disease progression.We report the allelic frequencies of the AIDS-related polymorphisms CCR2-64I, SDF1-3#A, and CCR5-D32 in 321 volunteers from 7 ethnic groups in Cameroon. Allelic frequencies differed among the 7 ethnic groups, ranging from 10.8% to 31.3% for CCR2-64I and 0.0% to 7.1% for SDF1-3#A. No CCR5-D32 alleles were found. HIV seroprevalence was 6.9% in the total population and peaked at younger ages in girls and women than in boys and men. Among 15- to 54-year-olds, HIV seroprevalence varied from 2.0% to 11.1% among the village populations. Conditional logistic regression analysis using data from boys and men aged 15 to 54 years showed the number of CCR2-64I alleles to be a significant risk factor for HIV seropositivity (odds ratio per allele adjusted for age and matched on ethnic group = 6.3, 95% confidence interval: 1.3–30.3); this association was not found in women. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that CCR2-64I alleles may delay HIV disease progression without affecting susceptibility to infection among men. We did not observe this relation among women, and other factors, such as multiple pregnancies or maternal stressors (eg, breastfeeding), may have masked any protective effect of CCR2-64I alleles. Further study of this issue among women is warranted. SDF1-3#A did not differ between HIV-seropositive and HIV-seronegative individuals but wasassociated with increasing age among HIV-seronegative women, suggesting a protective effect against HIV-1 infection.


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Blanching is an important operation in the shrimp canning process, in order to bring down the moisture content of the product to the required level, to allow the proteins to coagulate and to give proper texture, shape and characteristic pink colour to the meat. It has been observed that among other factors responsible for fluctuations in the drained weight in the canned prawns, concentration of brine used for blanching and the duration of blanching are important (Varma, Chaudhury and Pillai 1961). The papers gives details of experiments