987 resultados para Oppenheim, Moritz DanielOppenheim, Moritz DanielMoritz DanielOppenheimasn1882
Esta tese tem por objetivo analisar a atuação dos partidos de oposição, durante o primeiro mandato do presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, com vistas a compreender como as esquerdas deram significado a este determinado momento político. Para levá-lo a efeito foram tomadas duas instâncias de sua ação, a saber: a) a produção legislativa dos deputados federais pertencentes a esses partidos, e b) seus pronunciamentos da tribuna, no espaço destinado ao Grande Expediente, no decorrer da 50ª legislatura, período correspondente a janeiro de 1995 e fevereiro de 1999. As condições emergenciais do discurso das oposições devem ser buscadas no resultado do pleito de 1994. Neste ano, o candidato da coligação de centro-direita conquistou a Presidência da República, obtendo o dobro da votação do segundo colocado, Lula da Silva, principal nome das esquerdas. Depois de sua posse, o presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso enviou, para apreciação do Congresso Nacional, um conjunto de medidas com vistas a alterar o perfil do Estado brasileiro. Foi em torno deste pacote reformista que se estabeleceu o debate público entre os dois blocos ideológicos - situação x oposição. De um lado, a base governista apoiando as propostas pró-mercado, e de outro lado, a bancada das oposições defendendo o estatismo.
The use of essential oils in foods has attracted great interest, due to their antagonistic action against pathogenic microorganisms. However, this action is undesirable for probiotic foods, as products containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus. The aim of the present study was to measure the sensitivity profile of L. rhamnosus and a yogurt starter culture in fermented milk, upon addition of increasing concentrations of cinnamon, clove and mint essential oils. Essential oils were prepared by steam distillation, and chemically characterised by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and determination of density. Survival curves were obtained from counts of L. rhamnosus and the starter culture (alone and in combination), upon addition of 0.04% essential oils. In parallel, titratable acidity was monitored over 28 experimental days. Minimum inhibitory concentration values, obtained using the microdilution method in Brain Heart Infusion medium, were 0.025, 0.2 and 0.4% for cinnamon, clove and mint essential oils, respectively. Cinnamon essential oil had the highest antimicrobial activity, especially against the starter culture, interfering with lactic acid production. Although viable cell counts of L. rhamnosus were lower following treatment with all 3 essential oils, relative to controls, these results were not statistically significant; in addition, cell counts remained greater than the minimum count of 10(8)CFU/mL required for a product to be considered a probiotic. Thus, although use of cinnamon essential oil in yogurt makes starter culture fermentation unfeasible, it does not prevent the application of L. rhamnosus to probiotic fermented milk. Furthermore, clove and mint essential oil caused sublethal stress to L. rhamnosus.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We developed 15 new polymorphic microsatellites for the plethodontid salamander Ensatina eschscholtzii. Loci were isolated from a genomic library from Ensatina eschscholtzii xanthoptica enriched for (AAAG)(n) repetitive elements. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 4 to 20 (mean 9) in the sampled population. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.37 to 1. None of the loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or showed significant linkage disequilibrium after a Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons. All loci amplified in the six other subspecies of the Ensatina eschscholtzii complex. These new markers will prove useful in measuring gene flow and population structure as well as patterns of mating and sperm use in Ensatina.
Aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of an extra corporal perfusion (cardiopulmonary bypass operation - cpb) on activation and biodistribution of Tc-99m labelled granulocytes in pigs with and without inhibition of the granulocytes by a leukocyte inhibition module (LIM). The cpb is often related to an activation of granulocytes resulting in an inflammatory answer. The biological mechanisms are unsolved yet. First trials of our group showed that LIM may inhibit the activation of neutrophils and therefore antagonize a cpb-caused impairment of cardiac function. This study is the continuation of these experiments with a higher number of animals and the focus on scintigraphic imaging. Animals, material, methods: 39 German landrace pigs were subdivided into three groups: group A (control) median sternotomy without cpb, group B with cpb, group C with LIM in addition to cpb. After labelling with Tc-99m-HMPAO autologues granulocytes were reinjected. Subsequently to cpb, the animals underwent scintigraphic imaging. Quantification was performed with ROI evaluation and with tissue samples (section analysis) examined in a well counter. Results:A high uptake of Tc-99m-HMPAO was found in the liver. The count rates in brain, heart, lung, spleen and kidneys were far below. The amount of Tc-99m-activity in the organ related to the half life corrected administered activity [%] was for the tissue samples (group A/B/C): brain 0.01/0.02/0.03; lung 12.1/8.3/11.5; heart 0.35/0.54/0.42; kidney 1.24/0.87/1.02; spleen 4.0/4.0/4.5, liver 16.8/20.9/19.6. The count rates determined by ROI-evaluation of the scintigraphic images related to the total count rate in the image [%] were (group A/B/C): brain 1.1/0.9/1.0; lung 15.6/10.4/12.2; heart 4.0/3.5/3.4; kidney 4.0/2.9/3.2; spleen 7.6/7.7/9.5, liver 23.1/36.7/31.4. A significant difference in the tracer uptake between the groups could neither be detected by scintigraphic imaging nor evaluation of tissue samples. Conclusion: Scintigraphic imaging as well as section analysis showed a comparable biodistribution of the tracer. Therefore, the initial results of our group were not confirmed with a considerably higher number of animals. Neither cpb nor the use of the LIM influenced distribution of Tc-99m-labelled granulocytes in pigs significantly.
The analysis of interactions between lineages at varying levels of genetic divergence can provide insights into the process of speciation through the accumulation of incompatible mutations. Ring species, and especially the Ensatina eschscholtzii system exemplify this approach. The plethodontid salamanders E. eschscholtzii xanthoptica and E. eschscholtzii platensis hybridize in the central Sierran foothills of California. We compared the genetic structure across two transects (southern and northern Calaveras Co.), one of which was resampled over 20 years, and examined diagnostic molecular markers (eight allozyme loci and mitochondrial DNA) and a diagnostic quantitative trait (color pattern). Key results across all studies were: (1) cline centers for all markers were coincident and the zones were narrow, with width estimates of 730 m to 2000 m; (2) cline centers at the northern Calaveras transect were coincident between 1981 and 2001, demonstrating repeatability over five generations; (3) there were very few if any putative F1s, but a relatively high number of backcrossed individuals in the central portion of transects: and (4) we found substantial linkage disequilibrium in all three studies and strong heterozygote deficit both in northern Calaveras, in 2001, and southern Calaveras. Both linkage disequilibrium and heterozygote deficit showed maximum values near the center of the zones. Using estimates of cline width and dispersal, we infer strong selection against hybrids. This is sufficient to promote accumulation of differences at loci that are neutral or under divergent selection, but would still allow for introgression of adaptive alleles. The evidence for strong but incomplete isolation across this centrally located contact is consistent with theory suggesting a gradual increase in postzygotic incompatibility between allopatric populations subject to divergent selection and reinforces the value of Ensatina as a system for the study of divergence and speciation at multiple stages. © 2005 The Society for the Study of Evolution. All rights reserved.
Incluye Bibliografía
Includes bibliography
The aim of this study was to evaluate adenosine deaminase activity and purines levels in serum of dogs experimentally infected by Ehrlichia canis. Banked serum samples of dogs divided into two groups with five animals each: healthy animals and animals infected by E. canis. The concentration of purines (adenosine triphosphate (ATP), adenosine diphosphate (ADP), adenosine monophosphate (AMP), adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid), and adenosine deaminase (E-ADA) activity in sera were evaluated. Samples were collected on days 12 and 30 post-infection (PI). The E-ADA activity showed a significant reduction on day 12 PI, and increased on day 30 PI in dogs infected with E. canis. On day 12, an increase in seric concentration of ATP, ADP and adenosine was verified, and different levels of hypoxanthine, xanthine and uric acid had a drastic reduction in infected compared healthy dogs (P< 0.05). However, on day 30 PI, the levels of seric ADP and AMP decreased, unlike the concentration of xanthine and uric acid that increased significantly in infected dogs (P< 0.05). Therefore, the activity of E-ADA and purine levels are altered in experimental canine ehrlichiosis, probably with the purpose of modulating the pathogenesis of the disease related to immune response, oxidative stress and coagulation disorders in acute phase. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
La dinámica del consumo energético industrial en América Latina y sus implicancias para un desarrollo sostenible / Hugo Altomonte, Nelson Correa, Diego Rivas y Giovanni Stumpo .-- La desigualdad del ingreso y los mercados de crédito / Adolfo Figueroa .-- Trinidad y Tabago: Desigualdades salariales intersectoriales / Allister Mounsey y Tracy Polius .-- México: Alza de precios de los alimentos y restricciones al crecimiento / Moritz Cruz, Armando Sánchez y Edmund Amann .-- Una mirada al auge exportador chileno / Raphael Bergoeing, Alejandro Micco y Andrea Repetto .-- Chile: Pensión anticipada, impaciencia y aversión al riesgo / Jaime Ruiz-Tagle y Pablo Tapia .-- Márgenes de ganancia, financiamiento e inversión del sector empresarial peruano (1998-2008) / Germán Alarco T. .-- ¿Se debe el mayor rendimiento de las escuelas de gestión privada en la Argentina al tipo de administración? / María Marta Formichella .-- Tecnología, comercio y calificación en el Brasil: Evidencias de datos microeconómicos / Bruno César Araújo, Francesco Bogliacino y Marco Vivarelli .-- Brasil: Cambio estructural y crecimiento con restricción de balanza de pagos / João Prates Romero, Fabrício Silveira y Frederico G. Jayme Jr. .-- Jueces de la Revista CEPAL año 2010 y enero-agosto 2011 .-- Orientaciones para los colaboradores de la Revista cepal.
Os sanitizantes químicos tradicionais utilizados na indústria de alimentos apresentam, como desvantagem, o possível desenvolvimento de resistência e adaptação bacteriana, interferindo na eficiência bactericida mínima destes produtos. Os óleos essenciais com atividade antimicrobiana despertam grande interesse na indústria de alimentos, pela possível utilização como princípios ativos de sanitizantes. Esta pesquisa objetivou determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) dos óleos essenciais (OEs) de cravo-da-índia e canela contra bactérias Gram positivas (Staphylococcus aureus e Listeriamono cytogenes) e Gram negativas (Escherichia coli e Salmonella sp.) e compará-la com a CIM do hipoclorito de sódio, além de determinar a concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) dos OEs para L. monocytogenes. Foi utilizado o método da microdiluição e os OEs foram caracterizados, quimicamente, por cromatografia gasosa - espectrometria de massa. Os componentes principais dos OEs de canela e cravo-da-índia foram o cinamaldeído (67,58%) e o eugenol (77,58%), respectivamente. A CIM do OE de canela foi de 0,04%, para as bactérias Gram positivas, e < 0,02%, para a bactérias Gram negativas. O OE de cravo-da-índia teve CIM de 0,04% para Salmonella sp., 0,06% para E. coli e S. aureus e 0,08% para L. monocytogenes. Para todas as bactérias testadas, a CIM do hipoclorito de sódio foi > 0,2%. A CBM para L. monocytogenes, no OE de cravo-da-índia, foi de 0,18% e o OE de canela destacou-se por apresentar CBM < 0,02%, demonstrando a possibilidade do uso destes OEs, principalmente o de canela, como princípios ativos de sanitizantes.
Essential oils (EOs) are technological options that may be employed in natural foods due to their antimicrobial activities. However, restrictions exist when high EOs concentrations are required which, in their turn, affect sensory qualities. Technological alternatives, such as combination of EOs with chelating and dispersing agents, have been proposed in the literature. Current research determined the antimicrobial activity of cinnamon EO against microbial spoilage in yogurt when added at the highest acceptable sensory EO concentration, alone or associated with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and/or polyethylene glycol. Cinnamon EO's chemical analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Sensory analysis was conducted to define the highest acceptable sensory concentration of cinnamon EO in yogurt, stipulated at 0.04% cinnamon EO. Antimicrobial activity in yogurt was then evaluated for aerobic mesophiles, psychrotrophilic microorganisms, yeasts and molds counts. Treatments comprised (1) control, (2) 0.04% EO, (3) 0.04% EO + 0.01% EDTA, (4) 0.04% EO + 0.02% polyethylene glycol; (5) 0.04% EO + 0.01% EDTA + 0.2% polyethylene glycol, in triplicates. Concentration 0.04% of cinnamon EO, alone or associated with EDTA and/or polyethylene glycol, failed to show any antimicrobial activity against aerobic mesophiles, yeasts and molds.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The evolution of eusociality is one of the major transitions in evolution, but the underlying genomic changes are unknown. We compared the genomes of 10 bee species that vary in social complexity, representing multiple independent transitions in social evolution, and report three major findings. First, many important genes show evidence of neutral evolution as a consequence of relaxed selection with increasing social complexity. Second, there is no single road map to eusociality; independent evolutionary transitions in sociality have independent genetic underpinnings. Third, though clearly independent in detail, these transitions do have similar general features, including an increase in constrained protein evolution accompanied by increases in the potential for gene regulation and decreases in diversity and abundance of transposable elements. Eusociality may arise through different mechanisms each time, but would likely always involve an increase in the complexity of gene networks.