840 resultados para Opinion of Predecessors


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I have always condemned (and to do anything more was not within our power or abilities) the illegal and sometimes destructive whaling by the Soviet Union. This opinion was expressed in numerous documents, including reports and records of presentations at scientific and other meetings; these documents are the witnesses to this condemnation. However, none of these documents ever saw the light of day: all of them were marked with the sinister stamp “secret.” When necessary in this memoir, my opinion of the whaling will be supported by data drawn from these docume


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O consumo de alimentos processados tem crescido mundialmente e esse aumento tem sido relacionado em parte, pelas estratégias de marketing utilizadas pelas indústrias alimentícias que tem como objetivo aumentar as vendas e expandir o mercado consumidor. Segundo documento Recomendações da Consulta de Especialistas da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde sobre a Promoção e a Publicidade de Alimentos e Bebidas Não Alcoólicas para Crianças nas Américas, a publicidade televisiva é a forma mais utilizada de marketing de alimentos para crianças e está associada a maior preferência e aumentos nos pedidos de compra de alimentos e bebidas com elevado teor de gordura, açúcar e sal. No âmbito da discussão mais recente sobre a possível influência da propaganda de alimentos na epidemia mundial de obesidade e doenças crônicas, o governo brasileiro, por meio da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA), formulou uma proposta de Regulamento Técnico que normatiza os termos das atividades publicitárias e que se concretizou na Resolução da Diretoria Colegiada n 24 de 2010 (RDC24/2010). Logo após sua publicação, grupos de interesse empresarial entraram na justiça e obtiveram diversas liminares que suspenderam a aplicação da RDC 24/2010 com base em parecer contrário da Advocacia Geral da União (AGU). O debate sobre ações regulatórias no campo da alimentação e nutrição como estratégia de controle e prevenção da obesidade envolve diversos atores sociais e opiniões bastante distintas e antagônicas, principalmente quando se trata dos argumentos do grupo de indivíduos que acredita na regulamentação da publicidade como uma forma de promover a saúde versus os argumentos contrários dos setores econômicos ligados ao tema a ser regulado. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve a intenção de descrever como e por que, neste processo, algumas práticas se estabeleceram no cotidiano das instituições e identificar os embates, argumentos e conflitos de interesses que apareceram nas discussões a respeito da formulação da resolução. Para isso, foi feita, primeiramente, análise documental de todo o processo de formulação, através de arquivos institucionais, documentos, pareceres, relatórios, entre outros. Posteriormente, foram identificados e caracterizados os sujeitos que participaram do processo e em seguida, realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com atores chaves. Foram encontradas duas teses centrais no debate em torno da formulação da resolução: a primeira, se o Estado deve estabelecer uma regulamentação sobre publicidade de alimentos e a segunda diz respeito à competência legal da ANVISA em exercer o papel regulador sobre a propaganda de alimentos. As disputas em torno destas duas teses e os argumentos que se apresentaram para defendê-las são evidentemente incomensuráveis entre si, não havendo esperança de acordo entre as partes. O caso descrito elegeu a ANVISA como o território da disputa e a aparente maioria no jogo democrático desta arena mostrou-se ineficaz diante da captura pelo questionamento da pertinência desta Agência para função de regular a publicidade de alimentos.


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Este estudo tem por objeto a implantação do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) na região do Médio Paraíba fluminense sob o olhar dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde e dos gestores da Atenção Básica. A indagação norteadora desta pesquisa foi: em que medida o Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) capta a importância do trabalho dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde? Partindo do pressuposto que o desenvolvimento do PMAQ não se dá, no concreto, de forma linear nem livre de tensões, e que o trabalho do ACS, por seu caráter de mediação, é um campo privilegiado para análise sobre essas tensões. O objetivo geral do estudo é analisar a implantação do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB) nos municípios da região do Médio Paraíba do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, tomando como eixo de análise o processo de trabalho dos agentes comunitários de saúde. O estudo apresenta uma abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, através de questionários, entrevistas e grupos focais e o método de análise dos dados qualitativos foi de base interpretativa com apoio do referencial da Hermenêutica-Dialética. O campo da pesquisa foi a região do Médio Paraíba fluminense. Os resultados evidenciam que na opinião dos gestores, o PMAQ aparece como uma estratégia norteadora do processo de trabalho das equipes, que possibilita o resgate de alguns princípios da ESF, já os ACS apontam que o seu primeiro contato com o PMAQ foi fundamentado na pactuação do cumprimento de metas que resultariam no pagamento de um incentivo financeiro. Percebemos que não existe uma crítica quanto a implantação do PMAQ, nem por parte da gestão, muito menos por parte das equipes. Não encontramos nos relatos dos gestores nenhuma menção ao trabalho do ACS, sua participação e importância em todas as fases do PMAQ. Os gestores consideram que o PMAQ promoveu uma mudança positiva na forma de organização do trabalho dos ACS. Os ACS não perceberam mudanças em sua rotina a partir da implantação do PMAQ, exceto pela questão da sobrecarga de trabalho. Conclui-se que o PMAQ-AB não capta a potencialidade e o trabalho dos ACS. A participação do ACS nas fases do PMAQ é identificada somente no aspecto instrumental, ou seja, dele ser um produtor, um registrador de informações.Para os gestores o PMAQ surge como algo que abre um horizonte positivo, de maior envolvimento e retomada de alguns processos pelas EAB, mas não é assim, de fato, que a questão chega até os ACS e, por consequência, nem para as equipes.


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In the present paper some preliminary remarks are made on the colour patterns of all the Potamonidae of Sri Lanka. In the opinion of the author more detailed studies will show that the colour pattern of each species is a useful diagnostic aid even with difficult species like those belonging to the "Ceylonensis" complex (Fernando, 1960). Fernando (1960, 1961) has described the species of Potamonidae. Eight species are known all belonging to the genus Paratelphusa. Only one species has been illustrated in colour so far (Fernando, 1960). Black and white pictures of all the other species except Paratelphusa soror (Zenthner) have been given in Fernando (1961). Paratelphusa soror is illustrated in the present paper.


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An attitude scale was constructed to measure the attitude of fisherwomen towards improved fish processing methods. To construct the attitude scale, 'scale' and ‘Q’ values (the interquartile ranges) were calculated for 31 statements selected, based on the opinion of 34 judges. Based on the 'scale' and ‘Q’ values 16 statements were selected with eight favorable statements and eight unfavorable statements. The weightages given were 3, 2 and 1 for favorable statements and 1, 2 and 3 for unfavorable statements.


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P3P问题的多解现象使其应用受到了限制 ,前人的研究结果对布置控制点和摄像机没有太大的指导意义 .该文作者采用了与前人不同的研究方法 ,发现 3个控制点构成等腰三角形时 ,在空间可以找到一些区域 ,当摄像机在这些区域中时 ,可以唯一地求出所构成的P3P问题的真实解 .同时 ,该文的研究结果又对P3P问题在实际应用中布置控制点和摄像机的位置具有指导意义 .


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Based on the data of wind from 11 meteorological observation stations in recent 40 years, the paper analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of resultant drift potential in the Badain Jaran Desert. The 84 sand samples were collected and analysed from three compound crescentic dunes developped on southeast part of The Badain Jaran Desert. Through the statistics and computation of wind data and the analysis of Grain Size over compound crescentic dunes in The Badain Jaran Desert, this paper analyzed the characteristics of the blown sand activities in in this area. The following viewpoints were obtained: 1 Most parts of The Badain Jaran Desert are dominated by northwest wind and sub-dominated by west wind, while prevailing wind in southeast part of The Badain Jaran Desert is southeast, different froms other places. 2 The Badain Jaran Desert is strongly zoned from its surounding meteorological observation stations. It has impressively high DP and RDP value. Except for Ding Xin Station in medium wind power environment, the left stations are all belongs to high wind-power districts. 3 From the seventies till now, the value of DP and RDP in The Badain Jaran Desert shows a decending trend except for the RDP value of Guai Zihu Station in the north. This trend indicates that the wind power for the moment of The Badain Jaran Desert is far lower than it in the seventies. 4 Adopting sand rose map for classification of wind environments in defferent parts of The Badain Jaran Desert, Ejinaqi is Narrow unimodal wind regimes, Ding xin, Bayinmaodao and Ayouqi districts obtuse bimodal and Guaizihu complex. 5 Resultant drift directions in most parts of the Badain Jaran desert are southeast, which indicates annual net sand in these areas drifted from the northwest to the southeast of the desert, which consists with the analysis results of grain size of predecessors. RDD in Ayouqi staion shows the net sand drifted from the southeast to the northwest in the recent 40 years, which may attribute to the reason that, the Badain Jaran desert lies in the zone influenced by both northwest and southeast wind, the southeast monsoon was strengthened and northwest wind became weaker than a former time. So, if sand mareria is sufficient, there are two different drift directions, namely two sorts of sand source, existed in Badain Jaran desert at least. 6 Based on analysis results of meteorologic data and grain size, blown sand activities is that, in most parts of Badain Jaran desert in the past 40 years, northwest wind transported net sand from the northwest part to the southeast part of The Badain Jaran Desert.And besides this, analysis of collected sand samples also shows that, in the southeast part of Badain Jaran desert, grain size do fined from southeast to northwest. Combining results of meteorologic data in the southeast part, it can infered that southeast monsoon took blown sand to the inner desert from its southeast part.


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Rock mass is widely recognized as a kind of geologic body which consists of rock blocks and discontinuities. The deformation and failure of rock mass is not only determined by rock block,but also by discontinuity which is virtually more important. Mutual cutting and combination of discontinuities controlled mechanical property of rock mass. The complex cutting of discontinuities determine the intense anisotropy on mechanical property of rock mass,especially under the effect of ground stress. Engineering practice has show that the brittle failure of hard rock always occurs when its working stress is far lower than the yield strength and compressive strength,the failure always directly related to the fracture propagation of discontinuities. Fracture propagation of discontinuities is the virtue of hard rock’s failure. We can research the rock mass discontinuous mechanical properties precisely by the methods of statistical analysis of discontinuities and Fracture Mechanics. According to Superposition Principle in Fracture Mechanics,A Problem or C Problem could be chosen to research. Problem A mainly calculates the crack-tip stress field and displacement field on internal discontinuities by numerical method. Problem C calculate the crack-tip stress field and displacement field under the assumption of that the mainly rock mass stress field has been known. So the Problem C avoid the complex mutual interference of stress fields of discontinuities,which is called crack system problem in Fracture Mechanics. To solve Problem C, field test on stress field in the rock mass is needed. The linear Superposition of discontinuities strain energies are Scientific and Rational. The difference of Fracture Mechanics between rock mass and other materials can mostly expression as:other materials Fracture Mechanics mostly face the problem A,and can’t avoid multi-crack puzzle, while the Rock mass Fracture Mechanics answer to the Problem C. Problem C can avoid multi-discontinuities mutual interference puzzle via the ground stress test. On the basis of Problem C, Fracture Mechanics could be used conveniently in rock mass. The rock mass statistics fracture constitutive relations, which introduced in this article, are based on the Problem C and the Discontinuity Strain Energy linear superposition. This constitutive relation has several merits: first, it is physical constitutive relation rather than empirical; second, it is very fit to describe the rock mass anisotropy properties; third, it elaborates the exogenous factors such as ground stress. The rock mass statistics fracture constitutive relation is the available approach to answer to the physical, anisotropic and ground stress impacted rock mass problems. This article stand on the foundation of predecessor’s statistics fractures constitutive relation, and improved the discontinuity distributive function. This article had derived the limitation of negative exponential distribution in the course of regression analysis, and advocated to using the two parameter negative exponential distribution for instead. In order to solve the problems of two-dimension stability on engineering key cross-sectional view in rock mass, this article derived the rock mass planar flexibility tensor, and established rock mass two-dimension penetrate statistics fracture constitutive relation on the basis of penetrate fracture mechanics. Based on the crack tip plasticity research production of penetrate fracture, for example the Irwin plasticity equifinality crack, this article established the way to deal with the discontinuity stress singularity and plastic yielding problem at discontinuity tip. The research on deformation parameters is always the high light region of rock mass mechanics field. After the dam foundation excavation of XiaoWan hydroelectric power station, dam foundation rock mass upgrowthed a great deal of unload cracks, rock mass mechanical property gotten intricacy and strong anisotropy. The dam foundation rock mass mostly upgrowthed three group discontinuities: the decantation discontinuity, the steep pitch discontinuity, and the schistosity plane. Most of the discontinuities have got partial unload looseness. In accordance with ground stress field data, the dam foundation stress field greatly non-uniform, which felled under the great impaction of tectonic stress field, self-weight stress field, excavation geometric boundary condition, and excavation, unload. The discontinuity complexity and stress field heterogeneity, created the rock mass mechanical property of dam foundation intricacy and levity. The research on the rock mass mechanics, if not take every respected influencing factor into consideration as best as we can, major errors likely to be created. This article calculated the rock mass elastic modulus that after Xiao Wan hydroelectric power station dam foundation gutter excavation finished. The calculation region covered possession monolith of Xiao Wan concrete double-curvature arch dam. Different monolith were adopted the penetrate fracture statistics constitutive relation or bury fracture statistics constitutive relation selectively. Statistics fracture constitutive relation is fit for the intensity anisotropy and heterogeneity rock mass of Xiao Wan hydroelectric power station dam foundation. This article had contrastive analysis the statistics fracture constitutive relation result with the inclined plane load test actual measurement elastic modulus and RMR method estimated elastic modulus, and find that the three methods elastic modulus have got greatly comparability. So, the statistics fracture constitutive relations are qualified for trust. Generally speaking,this article had finished following works based on predecessors job: “Argumentation the C Problems of superposition principle in Fracture Mechanics, establish two-dimension penetrate statistics fracture constitutive relation of rock mass, argue the negative exponential distribution limitation and improve it, improve of the three-dimension berry statistics fracture constitutive relation of rock mass, discontinuity-tip plastic zone isoeffect calculation, calculate the rock mass elastic modulus on two-dimension cross-sectional view”. The whole research clue of this article inherited from the “statistics rock mass mechanics” of Wu Faquan(1992).


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As one part of national road No. 318, Sichuan-Tibet (Chengdu-Lasha) Highway is one of traffic life lines connecting Tibet municipality to the inland, which is very important to the economic development of Tibet. In addition, it is still an important national defence routeway, with extremely important strategic position on maintaining the stability and solidarity of Tibet municipality and consolidating national defence. Particular geological condition, terrain and landform condition and hydrometeorological condition induce large-scale debris flows and landslides (including landslips) and the like geological hazards frequently occur along the highway. High frequency geological hazards not only result in high casualties and a great property loss, but also block traffic at every turn, obstructing the Sichuan-Tibet highway seriously. On the basis of considerable engineering geological investigation and analysis to the relative studying achievements of predecessors, it is found that one of the dominating reason incurring landslides or debris flows again and again in a place is that abundant loose materials are accumulated in valleys and slopes along the highway. Taking landslides' and debris flows along Ranwu-Lulang section of Sichuan-Tibet highway as studying objects, the sources and cause of formation of loose accumulation materials in the studying area are analyzed in detail, the major hazard-inducing conditions, hazard, dynamic risk, prediction of susceptibility degree of landslides and debris flows, and the relations between landslides and debris flows and various hazard-inducing conditions are systematically researched in this paper. All of these will provide scientific foundation for the future highway renovating and reducing and preventing geological hazards. For the purpose of quantitatively analyzing landslide and debris flow hazards, the conception of entropy and information entropy are extended, the conception of geological hazard entropy is brought forward, and relevant mathematics model is built. Additionally, a new approach for the dynamic risk analysis of landslide and debris flow is put forward based on the dynamic characteristics of the hazard of hazard-inducings and the vulnerability of hazard-bearings. The formation of landslide and debris flow is a non-linear process, which is synthetically affected by various factors, and whose formation mechanics is extremely complex. Aiming at this question, a muli-factors classifying and overlapping technique is brought forward on the basis of engineering geomechanics meta-synthesis (EGMS) thought and approach, and relevant mathematics model is also built to predict the susceptibility degree of landslide or debris flow. The example analysis result proves the validity of this thought and approach. To studying the problem that whether the formation and space distribution of landslides and debris flows are controlled by one or several hazard-inducing conditions, the theme graphics of landslides and debris flows hazard and various hazard-inducing conditions are overlapped to determine the relationship between hazard and hazard-inducing conditions. On this basis, the semi-quantitative engineering zonation of the studying area is carried out. In addition, the overlapping analysis method of the hazard-indue ing conditions of landslides and debris flows based on "digital graphics system" is advanced to orderly organize and effectively manage the spatial and attributive data of hazard and hazard-inducing conditions theme graphics, and to realize the effectively combination of graphics, images and figures.


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Predecessors’ research found that feeling-of-knowing and feeling-of-not-knowing was two different cognitional processes. Processing depth had more good effects on FOK judgment, but it had little effects on FOnK judgment, furthermore, it perhaps decreased the accuracy of FOnK judgment. On the base of predecessors’ research the experiment discussed the different effects on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment by processing depth and memory materials of different kinds. The first purpose was to find that the effects of processing depth on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment were different or not. The second purpose was to reveal the two different memory materials of the Paired-Chinese-words and the Paired- Chinese-phonetic-alphabet would cause difference on the grade and accuracy of FOK judgment or not, and if the two different kinds of memory materials took different effects on FOK judgment and FOnK judgment. The third purpose was to search if there was interaction on processing depth and different kinds of memory materials. The experiment used the Paired-Chinese-words and the Paired- Chinese-phonetic-alphabet as the materials, and regarded processing depth in the time of encoding stage and different kinds of memory materials as the independent variable. The experiment regarded validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOnK judgment as the dependent variable. The experiment adopted the “RJR” normal researching form of FOK judgment projected by Hart. The result of the researching proved that in the condition of deep processing in the time of encoding stage, the validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment were higher than in the condition of superficial processing, but processing depth had little effect on accuracy of FOnK judgment. FOK judgment and FOnK judgment were two different cognitional processes. Memory materials of different kinds led clear difference on the dependent variable of the validity of memory; the grade of FOK judgment; the accuracy of FOK judgment, and also had little effect on accuracy of FOnK judgment. Processing depth and different kinds of memory materials had interaction on their effects on FOK judgment. Regard the accuracy of recall, the percentage of “feeling of knowing”, the percentage of “feeling of not knowing”, and the grade of FOK judgment as the dependent variables, memory materials of different kinds make little effect in the condition of superficial processing in the time of encoding stage, but in the condition of deep processing in the time of encoding stage, Chinese characters was higher than Chinese phonetic alphabet.


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Schema acquisition is one of the mechanisms of learning. How to design reasonable teaching material to promote schema acquisition is an important question that psychological researchers and educators both interested. Cognitive Load Theory indicates that: The cognitive resource of Human is limited, the organization and presentation of the learning material should avoid demanding the learner consume resource in actions that have nothing to do with schema acquisition. How can we do that? Sweller. J. et think: Increasing the operation cost of the learning material would make the students put more resource into the implementation of the operation, this kind of resource consuming has nothing to do with schema acquisition. So, in order to make the students put more resource into actions which relating to schema acquisition, we should decrease the operation cost of the learning material. But, the research results of O'Hara et indicate: In problem-solving of knowledge lean field, increasing the operation cost would make the college students invent more resource to plan and understanding actions. So, Increasing the operation cost would facilitate the schema acquisition. How operation cost will effect the Middle-School Students' (MSS) schema acquisition and resource distribution when they solve problems of knowledge lean/rich field? This is the main question this research want to make inquiry. IN this research, we use three experiments indicate: Increasing the operation cost of actions, the implementing action would be less and the planning action would be more. So, increasing the operation cost can promote the schema acquisition. We use "cost-benefit analysis" strategy to explain this result. This strategy means that: Human is rational, before doing one action, he will weigh the cost and the coming benefit of this action, if the coming benefit is higher than the cost, he will implement this action; if the cost is higher than the coming benefit, this action will be contained. On the one hand, this research further affirms the core opinion of the Cognitive Load Theory: Human's cognitive resource is limited, we should put the limited resource into actions which is related to the schema acquisition; On the other hand, for the learning material designing principle which is advanced by the Cognitive Load Theory, we raise our questions. Besides, the question we raised holds some identical views with the constructive learning opinion: Learning is not passive information absorption, but positively constructing the meaning of the information, besides, this kind of construction can't done by others. The result of this research can provide some theory guidance and experimental basis for the designing of the MSS's science teaching material from a complete new angle.


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The main objective of this article is to present the results of a study aimed at determining, classifying and evaluating practices of interest for general competency development and assessment in undergraduate programmes. The study encompassed the following phases: (1) focus group in order to establish a starting point regarding competency development and assessment, counting on the opinion of some of the best-rated teachers belonging to the participating universities; (2) collection of best practices; (3) design and validation of a scale for the assessment of best practices; and (4) scale administration (evaluation of good practices) and data analysis.


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Wydział Filologii Polskiej i Klasycznej: Instytut Filologii Polskiej


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Monografia apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Medicina Dentária


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Food is one of the main exogenous sources of genotoxic compounds. In heated food products, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) represent a priority group of genotoxic, mutagenic and/or carcinogenic chemical pollutants with adverse long-term health effects. People can be exposed to these compounds through different environments and via various routes: inhalation, ingestion of foods and water and even percutaneously. The presence of these compounds in food may be due to environmental contamination, to industrial handling and processing of foods and to oil processing and refining. The highest levels of these compounds are found in smoked foods, in seafood which is found in polluted waters, in grilled meats and, to a lesser extent, in vegetable fats and oils. Lower levels of PAHs are found in vegetables and in cereals and its products.