955 resultados para Moriscs-1609-1614 (Expulsió)
In this paper, we report a coupling of fluorophore-DNA barcode and bead-based
immunoassay for the detection of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), a potential pandemic threat for human health and enormous economic losses. The detection strategy is based on the use of sandwich immunoassay and fluorophore-tagged oligonucleotides as representatively fluorescent barcodes. Despite its simplicity the assay has sensitivity comparable to RT-PCR amplification, and possesses a great potential as a rapid and sensitive on-chip detection format.
This paper uses the analytical potential of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to explore processes of map production and circulation in early-seventeenth century Ireland. The paper focuses on a group of historic maps, attributed to Josias Bodley, which were commissioned in 1609 by the English Crown to assist in the Plantation of Ulster. Through GIS and digitizing map-features, and in particular by quantifying map-distortion, it is possible to examine how these maps were made, and by whom. Statistical analyses of spatial data derived from the GIS are shown to provide a methodological basis for ‘excavating’ historical geographies of Plantation map-making. These techniques, when combined with contemporary written sources, reveal further insight on the ‘cartographic encounters’ taking place between surveyors and map-makers working in Ireland in the early 1600s, opening up the ‘mapping worlds’ which linked Ireland and Britain through the networks and embodied practices of Bodley and his map-makers.
TBX2 is an oncogenic transcription factor known to drive breast cancer proliferation. We have identified the cysteine protease inhibitor Cystatin 6 (CST6) as a consistently repressed TBX2 target gene, co-repressed through a mechanism involving Early Growth Response 1 (EGR1). Exogenous expression of CST6 in TBX2-expressing breast cancer cells resulted in significant apoptosis whilst non-tumorigenic breast cells remained unaffected. CST6 is an important tumor suppressor in multiple tissues, acting as a dual protease inhibitor of both papain-like cathepsins and asparaginyl endopeptidases (AEPs) such as Legumain (LGMN). Mutation of the CST6 LGMN-inhibitory domain completely abrogated its ability to induce apoptosis in TBX2-expressing breast cancer cells, whilst mutation of the cathepsin-inhibitory domain or treatment with a pan-cathepsin inhibitor had no effect, suggesting that LGMN is the key oncogenic driver enzyme. LGMN activity assays confirmed the observed growth inhibitory effects were consistent with CST6 inhibition of LGMN. Knockdown of LGMN and the only other known AEP enzyme (GPI8) by siRNA confirmed that LGMN was the enzyme responsible for maintaining breast cancer proliferation. CST6 did not require secretion or glycosylation to elicit its cell killing effects, suggesting an intracellular mode of action. Finally, we show that TBX2 and CST6 displayed reciprocal expression in a cohort of primary breast cancers with increased TBX2 expression associating with increased metastases. We have also noted that tumors with altered TBX2/CST6 expression show poor overall survival. This novel TBX2-CST6-LGMN signaling pathway, therefore, represents an exciting opportunity for the development of novel therapies to target TBX2 driven breast cancers.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is diagnosed along a continuum of behavioural variants in social communication and repetitive behaviours [96]. Most individuals on the autism spectrum also experience differences in sensory perception. Some individuals on the spectrum are ‘high-functioning’ and able to cope in every day environments, while others are severely affected, non-verbal, and may have co-occurring diagnoses, such as intellectual disability, epilepsy, and/or obsessional, conduct, or mental health disorders. These individuals require substantial support, caring and careful management, and evidence-based, effective interventions.
It is necessary to transform the educative experiences into the classrooms so that they favor the development of intellectual abilities of children and teenagers. We must take advantage of the new opportunities that offer information technologies to organize learning environments which they favor those experiences. We considered that to arm and to program robots, of the type of LEGO Mind Storms or the so called “crickets”, developed by M. Resnik from MIT, like means so that they children them and young people live experiences that favor the development of their intellectual abilities, is a powerful alternative to the traditional educative systems. They are these three tasks those that require a reflective work from pedagogy and epistemology urgently. Robotics could become in the proper instrument for the development of intelligence because it works like a mirror for the intellectual processes of each individual, its abilities like epistemologist and, therefore, is useful to favor those processes in the classroom.
La anómala situación de los estudios sobre el Romancero de Galicia, y la indefinición de su propio estatuto como rama del Romancero hispánico, tienen su origen, en última instancia, en las posturas cambiantes que adoptó el primer nacionalismo cultural gallego, por razones ideológicas, ante el género de la poesía oral narrativa. Manuel Murguía es considerado hoy, por la amplitud y el eco de su obra, además de por su longevidad (1833-1923) y su papel como impulsor y heredero de la obra poética en gallego de Rosalía de Castro, como indiscutible padre fundador del galleguismo. Un nacionalismo gallego fundamentado en la tradición histórica y cultural tenía forzosamente que conceder gran importancia a las producciones de la poesía narrativa popular, como sucedió en el resto de la Europa coetánea. Sin embargo, a la altura de los 1860, se conocían solo muy escasas muestras de romances en Galicia, y su lengua era básicamente el castellano. El Romancero era así inservible como seña de identidad nacional o regional, y Murguía decidió dar la vuelta al argumento: la inexistencia de un Romancero gallego era en sí misma la prueba de un rasgo diferencial definitorio frente a Castilla. El conocimiento del Romancero portugués y una incipiente exploración de la tradición oral gallega llevaron, pocos años después, al “patriarca” a afirmar no sólo la existencia sino el esplendor de un Romanero gallego con características singulares. Tal romancero ha resultado ser producto de mixtificaciones de diverso grado realizadas por el propio Murguía y otros folcloristas. Se publica en este artículo la primera parte de un estudio, que irá seguida ulteriormente del inventario completo y análisis crítico de los romances gallegos alegados, y nunca publicados en colección, por Murguía.
A história de Aladino, tal como aparece em muitas edições de As Mil e uma Noites, contém uma particularidade que a afasta das leis da economia do conto popular, em relação às quais se mostra um tanto incoerente: a presença de dois objectos mágicos com poderes ilimitados: o anel e a lâmpada. As versões do conto que achamos em As Mil e uma Noites são muito literárias, mas no seu conteúdo podemos reconhecer o tipo 561 do Índice de Aarne-Thompson. A versão de Galland, da qual poderiam derivar todas as outras, até as dos textos redigidos em árabe, procede de Hanna Diab,que lhe deu uma versão escrita. Uma versão desse tipo, recolhida por Antoni M. Alcover da tradição oral de Maiorca, também contém a duplicidade de objectos mágicos. Charlotte R. Long viu no primeiro episódio do conto de Aladino o rasto do roubo dum túmulo egípcio; na versão de Alcover, dentro da caverna onde o herói acha a lâmpada, há um cadáver,detalhe que a torna singular.
Este trabalho de investigação comparativista insere-se no âmbito das relações entretecidas pelos Estudos de Tradução e a Literatura Comparada, nomeadamente no que respeita ao conceito de tradução literária na Europa Ocidental do século XVII. Trata-se de um estudo intercultural, atendendo a que a tradução promove a mudança cultural decorrente de um processo de transferência intercultural com implicações literárias e ideológicas. Os textos que constituíram o nosso objeto de trabalho são a Peregrinaçam de Fernão Mendes Pinto (1614) e as primeiras traduções completas ou parciais para espanhol (1620), da autoria de Francisco de Herrera Maldonado, para francês (1628), de Bernard Figuier, para inglês (1653), de Henry Cogan, e para alemão (1671), dos editores Henrich e Dietrich Boom. No decorrer da análise comparativa, procurámos demonstrar o grau de (in)fidelidade de cada tradução, estabelecendo paralelismos e realçando os procedimentos tradutológicos adotados em cada versão, os quais revelam, claramente, contactos entre si e/ou condicionalismos culturais e ideológicos implícitos. Estudámos o modo como cada tradução adaptou a obra original ao gosto e aos códigos linguísticos e literários do seu público-alvo. No desenvolvimento do nosso trabalho, tivemos em mente os códigos tradutológicos do século XVII em Espanha, França, Inglaterra e Alemanha, em virtude de o nosso corpus ser constituído por textos publicados no decorrer desse período. Como metodologia de trabalho, delimitámos cinco momentos narrativos, no interior dos quais foram encontradas e analisadas comparativamente passagens consideradas exemplificativas das principais técnicas tradutivas características de cada texto e das inter-relações estabelecidas entre eles. Por fim, um outro objetivo nosso consistiu na avaliação do significado e da relevância da receção da tradução- -adaptação desta obra portuguesa naqueles contextos de chegada (no momento imediato e para além dele).
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) whose migration from food packaging is recognized worldwide. However, the real overall food contamination and related consequences are yet largely unknown. Among humans, children’s exposure to BPA has been emphasized because of the immaturity of their biological systems. The main aim of this study was to assess the reproductive impact of BPA leached from commercially available plastic containers used or related to child nutrition, performing ecotoxicological tests using the biomonitoring species Daphnia magna. Acute and chronic tests, as well as single and multigenerational tests were done. Migration of BPA from several baby bottles and other plastic containers evaluated by GC-MS indicated that a broader range of foodstuff may be contaminated when packed in plastics. Ecotoxicological test results performed using defined concentrations of BPA were in agreement with literature, although a precocious maturity of daphnids was detected at 3.0 mg/L. Curiously, an increased reproductive output (neonates per female) was observed when daphnids were bred in the polycarbonate (PC) containers (145.1±4.3 % to 264.7±3.8 %), both in single as in multigenerational tests, in comparison with the negative control group (100.3±1.6 %). A strong correlated dose-dependent ecotoxicological effect was observed, providing evidence that BPA leached from plastic food packaging materials act as functional estrogen in vivo at very low concentrations. In contrast, neonate production by daphnids cultured in polypropylene and non-PC bottles was slightly but not significantly enhanced (92.5±2.0 % to 118.8±1.8 %). Multigenerational tests also revealed magnification of the adverse effects, not only on fecundity but also on mortality, which represents a worrying trend for organisms that are chronically exposed to xenoestrogens for many generations. Two plausible explanations for the observed results could be given: a non-monotonic dose–response relationship or a mixture toxicity effect.
BACKGROUND: Cerebellar pathology occurs in late multiple sclerosis (MS) but little is known about cerebellar changes during early disease stages. In this study, we propose a new multicontrast "connectometry" approach to assess the structural and functional integrity of cerebellar networks and connectivity in early MS. METHODS: We used diffusion spectrum and resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) to establish the structural and functional cerebellar connectomes in 28 early relapsing-remitting MS patients and 16 healthy controls (HC). We performed multicontrast "connectometry" by quantifying multiple MRI parameters along the structural tracts (generalized fractional anisotropy-GFA, T1/T2 relaxation times and magnetization transfer ratio) and functional connectivity measures. Subsequently, we assessed multivariate differences in local connections and network properties between MS and HC subjects; finally, we correlated detected alterations with lesion load, disease duration, and clinical scores. RESULTS: In MS patients, a subset of structural connections showed quantitative MRI changes suggesting loss of axonal microstructure and integrity (increased T1 and decreased GFA, P < 0.05). These alterations highly correlated with motor, memory and attention in patients, but were independent of cerebellar lesion load and disease duration. Neither network organization nor rs-fMRI abnormalities were observed at this early stage. CONCLUSION: Multicontrast cerebellar connectometry revealed subtle cerebellar alterations in MS patients, which were independent of conventional disease markers and highly correlated with patient function. Future work should assess the prognostic value of the observed damage. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1609-1619, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
1888/08/23 (Numéro 1614).
1888/08/18 (Numéro 1609).
[Mazarinade. 1649]