988 resultados para Montchrestien, Antoine de, ca. 1575-1621
Prolonged depolarization of skeletal muscle cells induces entry of extracellular calcium into muscle cells, an event referred to as excitation-coupled calcium entry. Skeletal muscle excitation-coupled calcium entry relies on the interaction between the 1,4-dihydropyridine receptor on the sarcolemma and the ryanodine receptor on the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. In this study, we directly measured excitation-coupled calcium entry by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in human skeletal muscle myotubes harbouring mutations in the RYR1 gene linked to malignant hyperthermia (MH) and central core disease (CCD). We found that excitation-coupled calcium entry is strongly enhanced in cells from patients with CCD compared with individuals with MH and controls. Furthermore, excitation-coupled calcium entry induces generation of reactive nitrogen species and enhances nuclear localization of NFATc1, which in turn may be responsible for the increased IL-6 released by myotubes from patients with CCD.
Astrocyte Ca(2+) signalling has been proposed to link neuronal information in different spatial-temporal dimensions to achieve a higher level of brain integration. However, some discrepancies in the results of recent studies challenge this view and highlight key insufficiencies in our current understanding. In parallel, new experimental approaches that enable the study of astrocyte physiology at higher spatial-temporal resolution in intact brain preparations are beginning to reveal an unexpected level of compartmentalization and sophistication in astrocytic Ca(2+) dynamics. This newly revealed complexity needs to be attentively considered in order to understand how astrocytes may contribute to brain information processing.
Una nova societat civil: accions col·lectives de masses a l'Espanya postransicional (ca. 1982-2002)
INFORME DE RECERCA: Aquest treball ha consistit en una indagació sobre la protesta socialrecent al nostre paÃs (Espanya, 1982-2002); especÃficament, sobre els principals episodis contemporà nisd'acció col.lectiva que han esclatat a Espanya i a Catalunya, amb dos parà metresdelimitadors bà sics:a) haver-se produït en el periode postransicional, és a dir, amb la fase de resolució dela transició polÃtica ja culminada (cosa que, com altres investigadors, hipotitzemque es produà pel 1982, amb el primer relleu democrà tic i pacÃfic del Govern iamb el que anomenem transició institucional ja acabada); per tant, entre 1982 i2003 aproximadament.b) haver mobilitzat un seguiment massiu i adquirit, degut a aquest motiu, a vegadesreforçat per altres, una significació polÃtica excepcional, fora d'allò que esconsidera normal en l'activitat polÃtica quotidiana (itenint en conseqüència un impacte molt notable en el decurs mateix delperiode postransicional).
Els aiguamolls de Ca l'Estany de Tordera (Maresme, Catalunya) són sistemes força fluctuants, lligats al règim del riu La Tordera. Han estat determinades un total de 71 espècies i varietats en el fìtoplà ncton, de les que són descrites les seves variacions estacional i de comunitat segons les localitats.
En el marc de la història de la transmissió escrita de l'Alcorà (al-Qur'an), l'article fa referència a l'evolució de la forma i l'estructura del text en relació amb l'oralitat del missatge original, a l'existència de diferents tradicions textuals en el si de la comunitat islà mica i al seu reflex en les traduccions. L'atenció se centra, sobretot, en la primera traducció sencera coneguda de l'Alcorà al llatÃ, realitzada per Robert de Ketton (ca. 1141-1143) a la Vall de l'Ebre, i se'n destaca el valor documental com a testimoni contemporani d'una tradició magribina i andalusina de tractament del text.
Objectives of this investigation were to measure the effects of moderate heat treatments (below the dehydroxylation temperature) on physical and chemical properties of a calcium-montmorillonite clay. Previous workers have noted the reduction in cation exchange capacity and swelling property after heating in the range 200 to 400°C, and have suggested several possible explanations, such as hysteresis effect, increased inter-layer attractions due to removal of inter-layer water, or changes in the disposition of inter-layer or layer surface ions. The liquid limits of Ca-montmorillonite were steadily decreased with increased temperature of treatment, levelling at about 450°C. The plastic limit decreased slightly up to 350°C, above which samples could no longer be rolled into threads. The gradual change is in contrast with sudden major changes noted for weight loss (maximum rates of change at l00°C and 500°C), glycol retention surface area (520°C), and d001 diffraction peak intensity (17.7 A spacing) and breadth after glycolation (530°C). Other properties showing more gradual reductions with heat treatment were amount of exchangeable calcium (without water soaking), cation exchange capacity by NH4AC method, and d001 intensity (21 A spacing) after storing at 100% r.h. one month and re-wetting with water. Previous water soaking allowed much greater release of fixed Ca++ up to 450°C. Similar results were obtained with cation exchange capacities when samples were treated with N CaCl2 solution. The 21.0 A peak intensity curve showed close similarity to the liquid limit and plastic index curves in the low temperature range, and an explanation is suggested.
The most abundant clay mineral group in Iowa soils is montmorillonite, most commonly calcium-saturated (Hanway et al, 1960). The calcium montmorillonite-water system was therefore selected for detailed X-ray study. Montmorillonite is unusual among minerals in that it has an expanding lattice in the c direction. That is, upon wetting with water, the individual silicate layers separate to allow entry of water, and the mineral expands. Characteristics of this expansion are readily studied by means of X-ray diffraction: the X-ray diffraction angle gives the average layer-to-layer "d001" spacing for any given moisture condition; the sharpness of the diffraction peak is a measure of uniformity of the d001 spacing; and the intensity of the peak relates to uniformity of the d001 spacing and in addition to the electron density distribution within the repeating elements. The latter is embodied in the "structure factor".