967 resultados para Missing values, Multiple comparisons, Unequal treatment samples


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Kurzfassung: Der Markt für ökologische Lebensmittel wächst stark. Verbraucher kaufen Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen. Ein Teil dieser Gründe lässt sich nicht auf die Produktqualität zurückführen, sondern beruht auf der Annahme, dass sich der Produktionsprozess des Ökologischen Landbaus hinsichtlich der Schonung von Umweltressourcen, der Nachhaltigkeit der Produktion und sozialen Komponenten vom konventionellen Anbau unterscheidet. Daneben spielt der Wunsch nach einer gesunden Ernährung eine Rolle. Ökologische Lebensmittel können als Vertrauensgüter verstanden werden. Lebensmittelskandale machten in den vergangenen Jahren auch vor ökologischen Lebens¬mitteln nicht Halt. Folgerichtig erschütterte dies das Vertrauen der Verbraucher in ökologische Produkte. Mit steigender Produktion könnte die Gefahr, das weitere solche Ereignisse auftreten, steigen. Daher besteht Bedarf für Methoden, die die ökologische Produktqualität im Sinne einer Authentizitätsprüfung prüfen. Eine solche Prüfung könnte sich auf die Analyse sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe stützen. Diese Gruppe von Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen spielt bei der Diskussion um die besondere Qualität ökologischer Pflanzenprodukte eine große Rolle. Postuliert wird, dass ökologisch angebaute Pflanzen mangels mineralischer Düngung und mangels Schädlingsbekämpfung mit synthetischen Pestiziden einem erhöhten Stress ausgesetzt sind. Dies soll sich in einem höheren Niveau der mit den Selbstverteidigungsmechanismen der Pflanze eng verbundenen sekundären Pflanzenstoffe ausdrücken. Wichtige Untergruppen der sekundären Pflanzenstoffe sind Carotinoide und Polyphenole. An Weizen (Triticum aestivum L. und Triticum durum L.) und Möhre (Daucus carota L.) als für den ökologischen Landbau wichtigen Produkten wurden Messungen der Carotinoid- und Polyphenolkonzentration mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, die potentielle Eignung dieser Pflanzenstoffe als Biomarker zur Authentizitätsprüfung ökologischer Produkte zu evaluieren. Dazu wurden Proben aus ökologischem und konventionellem Anbau (Paarvergleich) untersucht. Diese stammten aus Langzeit-Feldversuchen (Weizen aus dem DOK- und dem MASCOT-Versuch), Feldversuchen und von Betriebspaaren untersucht. Ein generell höheres Niveau sekundärer Pflanzenstoffe in Möhren bzw. Weizen aus ökologischem Anbau gegenüber Proben aus konventionellem Anbau wurde nicht gefunden. Die Carotinoide waren weder bei der Möhre noch beim Weizen zur Authentizitätsprüfung geeignet. Die Konzentration der Carotinoide wurde stark durch die nicht dem Anbau¬verfahren zuzuordnenden Faktoren Klima, Sorte und Standort beeinflusst. Die Luteinkonzentration war das einzige durch das Anbauverfahren systematisch beeinflusste Carotenoid bei Weizen und Möhre. Die Unterschiede der Luteinkonzentration waren aber im Paarvergleich von Proben (ökologischer versus konventioneller Anbau) nicht durchgängig signifikant. Die Eignung von Polyphenolen als potentielles Authentizitätskriterium wurde nur an Möhren geprüft. Im Paarvergleich unterschieden sich die Konzentrationen einzelner Polyphenole signifikant und konsistent über Probenjahre und Standorte, nicht jedoch über Sorten hinweg. Wie bei den Carotinoiden konnte auch hier ein starker Einfluss von Probenjahr, Standort und Sorte gezeigt werden. Trotz der Variation durch diese nicht dem Anbau zuzuordnenden Faktoren war eine korrekte Klassifizierung der Proben nach Anbauverfahren möglich. Dies wurde mittels Diskriminanzanalyse getestet. Die Polyphenole sind daher potentiell als Authentizitätskriterium geeignet.


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As stated in Aitchison (1986), a proper study of relative variation in a compositional data set should be based on logratios, and dealing with logratios excludes dealing with zeros. Nevertheless, it is clear that zero observations might be present in real data sets, either because the corresponding part is completely absent –essential zeros– or because it is below detection limit –rounded zeros. Because the second kind of zeros is usually understood as “a trace too small to measure”, it seems reasonable to replace them by a suitable small value, and this has been the traditional approach. As stated, e.g. by Tauber (1999) and by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000), the principal problem in compositional data analysis is related to rounded zeros. One should be careful to use a replacement strategy that does not seriously distort the general structure of the data. In particular, the covariance structure of the involved parts –and thus the metric properties– should be preserved, as otherwise further analysis on subpopulations could be misleading. Following this point of view, a non-parametric imputation method is introduced in Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2000). This method is analyzed in depth by Martín-Fernández, Barceló-Vidal, and Pawlowsky-Glahn (2003) where it is shown that the theoretical drawbacks of the additive zero replacement method proposed in Aitchison (1986) can be overcome using a new multiplicative approach on the non-zero parts of a composition. The new approach has reasonable properties from a compositional point of view. In particular, it is “natural” in the sense that it recovers the “true” composition if replacement values are identical to the missing values, and it is coherent with the basic operations on the simplex. This coherence implies that the covariance structure of subcompositions with no zeros is preserved. As a generalization of the multiplicative replacement, in the same paper a substitution method for missing values on compositional data sets is introduced


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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques have been implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many more are available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org . We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal is a MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support for operations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or without residuals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances, compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc. graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features: barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring of subsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . . dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simple and multiplicative replacement strategy, the time series analysis of compositional data. We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets


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The R-package “compositions”is a tool for advanced compositional analysis. Its basic functionality has seen some conceptual improvement, containing now some facilities to work with and represent ilr bases built from balances, and an elaborated subsys- tem for dealing with several kinds of irregular data: (rounded or structural) zeroes, incomplete observations and outliers. The general approach to these irregularities is based on subcompositions: for an irregular datum, one can distinguish a “regular” sub- composition (where all parts are actually observed and the datum behaves typically) and a “problematic” subcomposition (with those unobserved, zero or rounded parts, or else where the datum shows an erratic or atypical behaviour). Systematic classification schemes are proposed for both outliers and missing values (including zeros) focusing on the nature of irregularities in the datum subcomposition(s). To compute statistics with values missing at random and structural zeros, a projection approach is implemented: a given datum contributes to the estimation of the desired parameters only on the subcompositon where it was observed. For data sets with values below the detection limit, two different approaches are provided: the well-known imputation technique, and also the projection approach. To compute statistics in the presence of outliers, robust statistics are adapted to the characteristics of compositional data, based on the minimum covariance determinant approach. The outlier classification is based on four different models of outlier occur- rence and Monte-Carlo-based tests for their characterization. Furthermore the package provides special plots helping to understand the nature of outliers in the dataset. Keywords: coda-dendrogram, lost values, MAR, missing data, MCD estimator, robustness, rounded zeros


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Antecedentes: En la actualidad no es clara la relación de la DM 2 con respecto al deterioro de la función pulmonar y menos aún si el tipo de tratamiento modifica parámetros espirométricos e inflamatorios. Objetivo: Comparar la función pulmonar de pacientes con DM 2 tratados con metformina vs secretagogos y la combinación con insulinas. Establecer el nivel de biomarcadores inflamatorios entre los grupos de tratamiento. Metodología: Estudio observacional analítico de corte transversal 495 pacientes diabéticos, entre julio 2005 y septiembre de 2007. Se obtuvieron variables espirométricas, niveles de biomarcadores inflamatorios como ferritina, fibrinógeno, PCR, Iinterleukina 6, TNF-α. Se realizó análisis de residuales de función pulmonar (valores esperados-observados) entre tipo de tratamiento con respecto al deterioro en la función pulmonar (variables espirométricas) y los niveles plasmáticos de biomarcadores. Resultados: Sin embargo un resultado valioso que se muestra en nuestro estudio, es que Después de ajustar por determinantes conocidos de la función pulmonar; los pacientes tratados con metformina tenían una tendencia no significativa de menor residual del VEF1 siendo de -133.2 vs -174.8 ml en el grupo de secretagogos. Al igual que un residual de CVF menor en los pacientes tratados con metformina en comparación con secretagogos, siendo de -212.1 ml vs -270.2 ml respectivamente con una p de 0.039. En el grupo de pacientes tratados con Metformina, los niveles de biomarcadores inflamatorios fueron menores. Conclusiones: Este estudio sustenta que la metformina parece evitar el deterioro de la función pulmonar de los pacientes diabéticos, al igual que parece tener un efecto antiinflamatorio.


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Un problema de salud ambiental relevante es la contaminación del aire generado por diferentes factores, uno de ellos es la carga microbiana. El estudio evidencia la presencia de estos contaminantes del aire como son los bioaerosoles cultivables y contables en las áreas de los edificios administrativos estudiados la cual podría afectar la calidad del aire interior. Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal que permitió conocer y establecer las características de la carga microbiana presente relacionada con bioaerosoles cultivables y contables en los sistemas de ventilación mecánica en tres edificios administrativos de la ciudad de Bogotá en el periodo 2012 a 2013 y, la asociación o no entre variables de interés. Los bioaerosoles cultivables y contables encontrados con mayores porcentajes en las muestras tomadas fueron comunes a los tres edificios así: Aspergillus sp. se encontró en el 77,2% (61) de las muestras para el edifico uno, mientras que para el dos fue de 91% (30) de las muestras y para el edificio tres 100% (19) de las muestras tomadas; seguido por el género Penicillium sp. del cual se encontró 60,8% (48) de las muestras para el edificio uno, para el edificio dos 87,9% (29) de las muestras y para el edificio tres 94,7% (18) de las muestras. Otro género encontrado en porcentajes altos en los tres edificios fue el Cladosporium sp. , en el edificio uno 41,8% (33) de las muestras, mientras que para el edificio dos correspondió al 100% (33) de las muestra y finalmente para el edificio tres 84,2% (16) de las muestras analizadas. Los hallazgos se correlacionan con lo reportado por la literatura.


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Heat waves are expected to increase in frequency and magnitude with climate change. The first part of a study to produce projections of the effect of future climate change on heat-related mortality is presented. Separate city-specific empirical statistical models that quantify significant relationships between summer daily maximum temperature (T max) and daily heat-related deaths are constructed from historical data for six cities: Boston, Budapest, Dallas, Lisbon, London, and Sydney. ‘Threshold temperatures’ above which heat-related deaths begin to occur are identified. The results demonstrate significantly lower thresholds in ‘cooler’ cities exhibiting lower mean summer temperatures than in ‘warmer’ cities exhibiting higher mean summer temperatures. Analysis of individual ‘heat waves’ illustrates that a greater proportion of mortality is due to mortality displacement in cities with less sensitive temperature–mortality relationships than in those with more sensitive relationships, and that mortality displacement is no longer a feature more than 12 days after the end of the heat wave. Validation techniques through residual and correlation analyses of modelled and observed values and comparisons with other studies indicate that the observed temperature–mortality relationships are represented well by each of the models. The models can therefore be used with confidence to examine future heat-related deaths under various climate change scenarios for the respective cities (presented in Part 2).


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This study assesses the current state of adult skeletal age-at-death estimation in biological anthropology through analysis of data published in recent research articles from three major anthropological and archaeological journals (2004–2009). The most commonly used adult ageing methods, age of ‘adulthood’, age ranges and the maximum age reported for ‘mature’ adults were compared. The results showed a wide range of variability in the age at which individuals were determined to be adult (from 14 to 25 years), uneven age ranges, a lack of standardisation in the use of descriptive age categories and the inappropriate application of some ageing methods for the sample being examined. Such discrepancies make comparisons between skeletal samples difficult, while the inappropriate use of some techniques make the resultant age estimations unreliable. At a time when national and even global comparisons of past health are becoming prominent, standardisation in the terminology and age categories used to define adults within each sample is fundamental. It is hoped that this research will prompt discussions in the osteological community (both nationally and internationally) about what defines an ‘adult’, how to standardise the age ranges that we use and how individuals should be assigned to each age category. Skeletal markers have been proposed to help physically identify ‘adult’ individuals.


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The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) in raw milk and casein fractions of 15 batches of the corresponding ultra-high-temperature (UHT) milk was examined. Raw milk was collected, pasteurised and submitted to UHT treatment. Samples of the UHT milk were taken on days 8, 30, 60, 90 and 120 of storage at room temperature and their casein fractions analysed by high performance liquid chromatography. SCC ranged from 197,000 to 800,000 cells/mL. No correlation (p>0.05) was found between SCC and K-casein concentrations in raw or UHT milks. The alpha(s2) and P-casein concentrations in raw milk were negatively correlated with SCC (p<0.05). In UHT milk, negative correlations were observed for a,1-casein (p<0.05) and beta-casein (p<0.05) on the 8th day, and for alpha S-2-casein (p<0.01) on the 60th day of storage. Results indicate that higher SSC in raw milk is associated with substantial degradation of beta-casein and alpha(s)-casein, which may lead to quality defects in UHT milk during storage. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 63, 45-49


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Objective: To evaluate the effect of the neuregulins 1-alpha and 1-beta on the regeneration the sciatic nerves of male adult C57BL/6J mice, using the tubulization technique. Methods: Eighteen animals were used, divided into three groups. A polyethylene prosthesis was implanted in a 4.0 mm defect of the left sciatic nerve, as follows: group 1 containing only purified collagen (Vitrogen (R)); group 2, collagen with neuregulin 1-alpha; group 3, collagen with neuregulin 1-beta. The control group consisted of six segments of right sciatic nerves. After four weeks, the animals were sacrificed. A segment from the midpoint of the nerve regenerated inside the prostheses was extracted; histological sections were standardized, and slides were made up for histomorphometric analysis. Results: the results were statistically compared using the Tukey multiple comparisons test and The Student`s t test. The animals treated with neuregulins had greater numbers of myelinized axons, with a statistically significant difference in relation to the collagen-only group. There was no statistical difference between the neuregulin 1-alpha and 1-beta groups. Conclusion: The addition of neuregulins provided a significant increase in the number of myelinized fibers.


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The substitution of missing values, also called imputation, is an important data preparation task for many domains. Ideally, the substitution of missing values should not insert biases into the dataset. This aspect has been usually assessed by some measures of the prediction capability of imputation methods. Such measures assume the simulation of missing entries for some attributes whose values are actually known. These artificially missing values are imputed and then compared with the original values. Although this evaluation is useful, it does not allow the influence of imputed values in the ultimate modelling task (e.g. in classification) to be inferred. We argue that imputation cannot be properly evaluated apart from the modelling task. Thus, alternative approaches are needed. This article elaborates on the influence of imputed values in classification. In particular, a practical procedure for estimating the inserted bias is described. As an additional contribution, we have used such a procedure to empirically illustrate the performance of three imputation methods (majority, naive Bayes and Bayesian networks) in three datasets. Three classifiers (decision tree, naive Bayes and nearest neighbours) have been used as modelling tools in our experiments. The achieved results illustrate a variety of situations that can take place in the data preparation practice.


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The paper analyses empirical performance data of five commercial PV-plants in Germany. The purpose was on one side to investigate the weak light performance of the different PV-modules used. On the other hand it was to quantify and compare the shading losses of different PV-array configurations. The importance of this study relies on the fact that even if the behavior under weak light conditions or the shading losses might seem to be a relatively small percentage of the total yearly output; in projects where a performance guarantee is given, these variation can make the difference between meeting or not the conditions.When analyzing the data, a high dispersion was found. To reduce the optical losses and spectral effects, a series of data filters were applied based on the angle of incidence and absolute Air Mass. To compensate for the temperature effects and translate the values to STC (25°C), five different methods were assessed. At the end, the Procedure 2 of IEC 60891 was selected due to its relative simplicity, usage of mostly standard parameters found in datasheets, good accuracy even with missing values, and its potential to improve the results when the complete set of inputs is available.After analyzing the data, the weak light performance of the modules did not show a clear superiority of a certain technology or technology group over the others. Moreover, the uncertainties in the measurements restrictive the conclusiveness of the results.In the partial shading analysis, the landscape mounting of mc-Si PV-modules in free-field showed a significantly better performance than the portrait one. The cross-table string using CIGS modules did not proved the benefits expected and performed actually poorer than a regular one-string-per-table layout. Parallel substrings with CdTe showed a proper functioning and relatively low losses. Among the two product generations of CdTe analyzed, none showed a significantly better performance under partial shadings.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do mercado acionário brasileiro a partir de testes estatísticos, para posterior modelagem das séries de retorno das ações, utilizando os modelos ARMA, ARCH, GARCH, Modelo de Decomposição e, por final, VAR. Para este trabalho foram coletados dados intradiários, que são considerados dados de alta freqüência e menos suscetíveis a possíveis alterações na estrutura de mercado, tanto micro como macroeconômicos. Optou-se por trabalhar com dados coletados a cada cinco minutos, devido à baixa liquidez dos ativos no mercado financeiro (que poderia acarretar em dados ausentes para intervalos de tempo inferiores). As séries escolhidas foram: Petrobrás PN, Gerdau PN, Bradesco PN, Vale do Rio Doce PN e o índice Ibovespa, que apresentam grande representatividade do mercado acionário brasileiro para o período analisado. Com base no teste de Dickey-Fuller, verificou-se indícios que o mercado acionário brasileiro possa ser eficiente e, assim foi proposto modelos para as séries de retorno das ações anteriormente citadas.


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Multi-factor models constitute a useful tool to explain cross-sectional covariance in equities returns. We propose in this paper the use of irregularly spaced returns in the multi-factor model estimation and provide an empirical example with the 389 most liquid equities in the Brazilian Market. The market index shows itself significant to explain equity returns while the US$/Brazilian Real exchange rate and the Brazilian standard interest rate does not. This example shows the usefulness of the estimation method in further using the model to fill in missing values and to provide interval forecasts.


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Multi-factor models constitute a use fui tool to explain cross-sectional covariance in equities retums. We propose in this paper the use of irregularly spaced returns in the multi-factor model estimation and provide an empirical example with the 389 most liquid equities in the Brazilian Market. The market index shows itself significant to explain equity returns while the US$/Brazilian Real exchange rate and the Brazilian standard interest rate does not. This example shows the usefulness of the estimation method in further using the model to fill in missing values and to provide intervaI forecasts.