965 resultados para Maximum-entropy probability density


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Mapas simpléticos têm sido amplamente utilizados para modelar o transporte caótico em plasmas e fluidos. Neste trabalho, propomos três tipos de mapas simpléticos que descrevem o movimento de deriva elétrica em plasmas magnetizados. Efeitos de raio de Larmor finito são incluídos em cada um dos mapas. No limite do raio de Larmor tendendo a zero, o mapa com frequência monotônica se reduz ao mapa de Chirikov-Taylor, e, nos casos com frequência não-monotônica, os mapas se reduzem ao mapa padrão não-twist. Mostramos como o raio de Larmor finito pode levar à supressão de caos, modificar a topologia do espaço de fases e a robustez de barreiras de transporte. Um método baseado na contagem dos tempos de recorrência é proposto para analisar a influência do raio de Larmor sobre os parâmetros críticos que definem a quebra de barreiras de transporte. Também estudamos um modelo para um sistema de partículas onde a deriva elétrica é descrita pelo mapa de frequência monotônica, e o raio de Larmor é uma variável aleatória que assume valores específicos para cada partícula do sistema. A função densidade de probabilidade para o raio de Larmor é obtida a partir da distribuição de Maxwell-Boltzmann, que caracteriza plasmas na condição de equilíbrio térmico. Um importante parâmetro neste modelo é a variável aleatória gama, definida pelo valor da função de Bessel de ordem zero avaliada no raio de Larmor da partícula. Resultados analíticos e numéricos descrevendo as principais propriedades estatísticas do parâmetro gama são apresentados. Tais resultados são então aplicados no estudo de duas medidas de transporte: a taxa de escape e a taxa de aprisionamento por ilhas de período um.


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The interface between Au(hkl) basal planes and the ionic liquid 1-Ethyl-2,3-dimethyl imidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonil imide was investigated by using both cyclic voltammetry and laser-induced temperature jump. Cyclic voltammetry showed characteristic features, revealing surface sensitive processes at the interfaces Au(hkl)/[Emmim][Tf2N]. From laser-induced heating the potential of maximum entropy (pme) is determined. Pme is close to the potential of zero charge (pzc) and, therefore, the technique provides relevant interfacial information. The following order for the pme values has been found: Au(111) > Au(100) > Au(110). This order correlates well with work function data and values of pzc in aqueous solutions.


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En este proyecto se investigan 3 subáreas de Inteligencia Artificial y sus aplicaciones en contextos educativos. Las 3 áreas son 1) agentes conversacionales automatizados que actúan como instructores virtuales o sistemas de tutoring automatizado, 2) asistentes virtuales que llevan a cabo una tarea dada bajo la instrucción de un aprendiz avanzado, y 3) plataformas de programación de chatbots como una herramienta educativa para enseñar conceptos básicos de ciencias de la computación. La hipótesis de este proyecto es que tanto los tutores como los asistentes conversacionales automatizados deben incluir una representación contextual rica que identifique lo entendido por el aprendiz hasta el momento y ser capaces de realizar inferencias sobre ella para poder guiar mejor su aprendizaje. Los objetivos de este proyecto incluyen el desarrollo de algoritmos de inferencia contextuales apropiados para instructores y asistentes virtuales, el desarrollo de algoritmos para la programación simplificada de chatbots, la evaluación de estos algoritmos en pruebas piloto en escuelas y la realización de un curso online abierto masivo para estudiantes de secundario del programa Conectar Igualdad que quieran aprender sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencias de la Computación. El método a utilizar será la realización de recolección de corpus (interacciones humano-humano de las interacciones tutor-aprendiz), la aplicación de técnicas de procesamiento de lenguaje natural como la generación por selección y la interpretación por clustering y maximum entropy models usando características sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas. Se desarrollarán los algoritmos siguiendo una metodología estándar de Ingeniería de Software y se evaluarán en experiencias piloto en escuelas secundarias así como en un curso online abierto y masivo. Además se dictará un curso de capacitación docente para la incorporación de las tecnologías producidas a sus cursos. Como resultado se espera la contribución al área de Inteligencia Artificial con aplicaciones en Educación de algoritmos evaluados empíricamente en entornos educativos reales del nivel medio. Además, se espera contribuir a las metodologías de enseñanza de Ciencias de la Computación en el nivel medio. Este proyecto es relevante a la realidad nacional y mundial de falta de recursos humanos formados en las Ciencias de la Computación y al crecimiento mundial que el área de Inteligencia Artificial en general y de Sistemas de diálogo (o interfaces conversacionales) en particular ha tenido en los últimos años con el crecimiento exponencial de la tecnología en la vida diaria.


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Species distribution models (SDM) predict species occurrence based on statistical relationships with environmental conditions. The R-package biomod2 which includes 10 different SDM techniques and 10 different evaluation methods was used in this study. Macroalgae are the main biomass producers in Potter Cove, King George Island (Isla 25 de Mayo), Antarctica, and they are sensitive to climate change factors such as suspended particulate matter (SPM). Macroalgae presence and absence data were used to test SDMs suitability and, simultaneously, to assess the environmental response of macroalgae as well as to model four scenarios of distribution shifts by varying SPM conditions due to climate change. According to the averaged evaluation scores of Relative Operating Characteristics (ROC) and True scale statistics (TSS) by models, those methods based on a multitude of decision trees such as Random Forest and Classification Tree Analysis, reached the highest predictive power followed by generalized boosted models (GBM) and maximum-entropy approaches (Maxent). The final ensemble model used 135 of 200 calculated models (TSS > 0.7) and identified hard substrate and SPM as the most influencing parameters followed by distance to glacier, total organic carbon (TOC), bathymetry and slope. The climate change scenarios show an invasive reaction of the macroalgae in case of less SPM and a retreat of the macroalgae in case of higher assumed SPM values.


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Maximum entropy spectral analyses and a fitting test to find the best suitable curve for the modified time series based on the non-linear least squares method for Td (diatom temperature) values were performed for the Quaternary portion of the DSDP Sites 579 and 580 in the western North Pacific. The sampling interval averages 13.7 kyr in the Brunhes Chron (0-780 ka) and 16.5 kyr in the later portion of the Matuyama Chron (780-1800 ka) at Site 580, but increases to 17.3 kyr and 23.2 kyr, respectively, at Site 579. Among dominant cycles during the Brunhes Chron, there are 411.5 kyr and 126.0 kyr at Site 579, and 467.0 kyr and 136.7 kyr at Site 580 correspond to 413 kyr and 95 to 124 kyr of the orbital eccentricity. Minor cycles of 41.2 kyr at Site 579 and 41.7 kyr at Site 580 are near to 41 kyr of the obliquity (tilt). During the Matuyama Chron at Site 580, cycles of 49.7 kyr and 43.6 kyr are dominant. The surface-water temperature estimated from diatoms at the western North Pacific DSDP Sites 579 and 580 shows correlation with the fundamental Earth's orbital parameters during Quaternary time.


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The focus of the present work is the well-known feature of the probability density function (PDF) transport equations in turbulent flows-the inverse parabolicity of the equations. While it is quite common in fluid mechanics to interpret equations with direct (forward-time) parabolicity as diffusive (or as a combination of diffusion, convection and reaction), the possibility of a similar interpretation for equations with inverse parabolicity is not clear. According to Einstein's point of view, a diffusion process is associated with the random walk of some physical or imaginary particles, which can be modelled by a Markov diffusion process. In the present paper it is shown that the Markov diffusion process directly associated with the PDF equation represents a reasonable model for dealing with the PDFs of scalars but it significantly underestimates the diffusion rate required to simulate turbulent dispersion when the velocity components are considered.


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Statistical tests of Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) signals are carried in order to verify statistical robustness of the previous studies using the Lattice Solid Model (MORA et al., 2002b). In each case 24 groups of samples with the same macroscopic parameters (tidal perturbation amplitude A, period T and tectonic loading rate k) but different particle arrangements are employed. Results of uni-axial compression experiments show that before the normalized time of catastrophic failure, the ensemble average LURR value rises significantly, in agreement with the observations of high LURR prior to the large earthquakes. In shearing tests, two parameters are found to control the correlation between earthquake occurrence and tidal stress. One is, A/(kT) controlling the phase shift between the peak seismicity rate and the peak amplitude of the perturbation stress. With an increase of this parameter, the phase shift is found to decrease. Another parameter, AT/k, controls the height of the probability density function (Pdf) of modeled seismicity. As this parameter increases, the Pdf becomes sharper and narrower, indicating a strong triggering. Statistical studies of LURR signals in shearing tests also suggest that except in strong triggering cases, where LURR cannot be calculated due to poor data in unloading cycles, the larger events are more likely to occur in higher LURR periods than the smaller ones, supporting the LURR hypothesis.


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Highly localized positive-energy states of the free Dirac electron are constructed and shown to evolve in a simple way under the action of Dirac's equation. When the initial uncertainty in position is small on the scale of the Compton wavelength, there is an associated uncertainty in the mean energy that is large compared with the rest mass of the electron. However, this does not lead to any breakdown of the one-particle description, associated with the possibility of pair-production, but rather leads to a rapid expansion of the probability density outwards from the point of localization, at speeds close to the speed of light.


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Evolutionary algorithms perform optimization using a population of sample solution points. An interesting development has been to view population-based optimization as the process of evolving an explicit, probabilistic model of the search space. This paper investigates a formal basis for continuous, population-based optimization in terms of a stochastic gradient descent on the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the model probability density and the objective function, represented as an unknown density of assumed form. This leads to an update rule that is related and compared with previous theoretical work, a continuous version of the population-based incremental learning algorithm, and the generalized mean shift clustering framework. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate the dynamics of the new algorithm on a set of simple test problems.


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The rate of generation of fluctuations with respect to the scalar values conditioned on the mixture fraction, which significantly affects turbulent nonpremixed combustion processes, is examined. Simulation of the rate in a major mixing model is investigated and the derived equations can assist in selecting the model parameters so that the level of conditional fluctuations is better reproduced by the models. A more general formulation of the multiple mapping conditioning (MMC) model that distinguishes the reference and conditioning variables is suggested. This formulation can be viewed as a methodology of enforcing certain desired conditional properties onto conventional mixing models. Examples of constructing consistent MMC models with dissipation and velocity conditioning as well as of combining MMC with large eddy simulations (LES) are also provided. (c) 2005 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The published requirements for accurate measurement of heat transfer at the interface between two bodies have been reviewed. A strategy for reliable measurement has been established, based on the depth of the temperature sensors in the medium, on the inverse method parameters and on the time response of the sensors. Sources of both deterministic and stochastic errors have been investigated and a method to evaluate them has been proposed, with the help of a normalisation technique. The key normalisation variables are the duration of the heat input and the maximum heat flux density. An example of application of this technique in the field of high pressure die casting is demonstrated. The normalisation study, coupled with previous determination of the heat input duration, makes it possible to determine the optimum location for the sensors, along with an acceptable sampling rate and the thermocouples critical response-time (as well as eventual filter characteristics). Results from the gauge are used to assess the suitability of the initial design choices. In particular the unavoidable response time of the thermocouples is estimated by comparison with the normalised simulation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We describe methods for estimating the parameters of Markovian population processes in continuous time, thus increasing their utility in modelling real biological systems. A general approach, applicable to any finite-state continuous-time Markovian model, is presented, and this is specialised to a computationally more efficient method applicable to a class of models called density-dependent Markov population processes. We illustrate the versatility of both approaches by estimating the parameters of the stochastic SIS logistic model from simulated data. This model is also fitted to data from a population of Bay checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha bayensis), allowing us to assess the viability of this population. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The texture segmentation techniques are diversified by the existence of several approaches. In this paper, we propose fuzzy features for the segmentation of texture image. For this purpose, a membership function is constructed to represent the effect of the neighboring pixels on the current pixel in a window. Using these membership function values, we find a feature by weighted average method for the current pixel. This is repeated for all pixels in the window treating each time one pixel as the current pixel. Using these fuzzy based features, we derive three descriptors such as maximum, entropy, and energy for each window. To segment the texture image, the modified mountain clustering that is unsupervised and fuzzy c-means clustering have been used. The performance of the proposed features is compared with that of fractal features.


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Two probabilistic interpretations of the n-tuple recognition method are put forward in order to allow this technique to be analysed with the same Bayesian methods used in connection with other neural network models. Elementary demonstrations are then given of the use of maximum likelihood and maximum entropy methods for tuning the model parameters and assisting their interpretation. One of the models can be used to illustrate the significance of overlapping n-tuple samples with respect to correlations in the patterns.