609 resultados para Lomonosov, Mihail Vasiljevitsh


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The data collection "Deep Drilling of Glaciers: Soviet-Russian projects in Arctic, 1975-1995" was collected by the following basic considerations: - compilation of deep (>100 m) drilling projects on Arctic glaciers, using data of (a) publications; (b) archives of IGRAN; (c) personal communication of project participants; - documentation of parameters, references. Accuracy of data and techniques applied to determine different parameters are not evaluated. The accuracy of some geochemical parameters (up to 1984 and heavy metalls) is uncertain. Most reconstructions of ice core age and of annual layer thickness are discussed; - digitizing of published diagrams (in case, when original numerical data were lost) and subsequent data conversion to equal range series and adjustment to the common units. Therefore, the equal-range series were calculated from original data or converted from digitized chart values as indicated in the metadata. For the methodological purpose, the equal-range series obtained from original and reconstructed data were compared repeatedly; the systematic difference was less then 5-7%. Special attention should be given to the fact, that the data for individual ice core parameters varies, because some parameters were originally measured or registered. Parameters were converted in equal-range series using 2 m steps; - two or more parameter values were determined, then the mean-weighted (i.e. accounting the sample length) value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered independently from the parameter values in depth intervals which over- and underlie it, then the value is assigned to the entire interval; - one parameter value was determined, measured or registered for two adjoining depth intervals, then the specific value is assigned to the depth interval, which represents >75% of sample length ; if each of adjoining depth intervals represents <75% of sample length, then the correspondent parameter value is assigned to both intervals of depth. This collection of ice core data (version 2000) was made available through the EU funded QUEEN project by S.M. Arkhipov, Moscow.


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Little is known about the benthic communities of the Arctic Ocean's slope and abyssal plains. Here we report on benthic data collected from box cores along a transect from Alaska to the Barents Abyssal Plain during the Arctic Ocean Section of 1994. We determined: (1) density and biomass of the polychaetes, foraminifera and total infauna; (2) concentrations of potential sources of food (pigment concentration and percent organic carbon) in the sediments; (3) surficial particle mixing depths and rates using downcore 210Pb profiles; and (4) surficial porewater irrigation using NaBr as an inert tracer. Metazoan density and biomass vary by almost three orders of magnitude from the shelf to the deep basins (e.g. 47 403 individuals m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 95 individuals m**-2 in the Barents Abyssal Plain). Water depth is the primary determinant of infaunal density, explaining 39% of the total variability. Potential food concentration varies by almost two orders of magnitude during the late summer season (e.g. the phaeopigment concentration integrated to 10 cm varies from 36.16 mg m**-2 on the Chukchi Shelf to 0.94 mg m**-2 in the Siberia Abyssal Plain) but is not significantly correlated with density or biomass of the metazoa. Most stations show evidence of particle mixing, with mixing limited to <=3 cm below the sediment-water interface, and enhanced pore water irrigation occurs at seven of the nine stations examined. Particle mixing depths may be related to metazoan biomass, while enhanced pore water irrigation (beyond what is expected from diffusion alone) appears to be related to total phaeopigment concentration. The data presented here indicate that Arctic benthic ecosystems are quite variable, but all stations sampled contained infauna and most stations had indications of active processing of the sediment by the associated infauna.


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A radiocarbon survey of primary production in the Arabian Sea was carried out during May to July 1966. Production ranged from 0.8 to 30 mg C/m**3 per day at the surface, and from 0.1 to 3 g C/m**2 per day in the photosynthetic layer. At most stations photosynthesis was found to be maximum at depths of 25-30 m, and its lower limit was at 75 m.


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A linear, N-S-trending belt of elliptical, positive magnetic anomalies occurs in central Nordaustlandet, northeast Svalbard. They extend from the Caledonian and older complexes in the vicinity of Duvefjorden, southwards beneath the western margin of Austfonna and the offshore areas covered by Carboniferous and younger strata, to the vicinity of Edge¯ya. One of the strongest anomalies occurs in inner Duvefjorden where it coincides with a highly magnetic quartz monzonite-granite pluton at Djupkilsodden. U-Pb and Pb-Pb zircon dating of this post-tectonic pluton defines an age of c. 415 Ma, this being based on the Pb-Pb analyses of three specimens (Pb-Pb ages of 414±10 Ma, 411±10 Ma and 408±10 Ma) and a U-Pb discordia with an upper intercept at 417+18/-7 Ma. Neighbouring felsic plutons in central Nordaustlandet, including the Rijpfjorden and Winsnesbreen granites, lack magnetic signatures in their exposed parts, but have a similar Caledonian age. The central Nordaustlandet magnetic anomalies appear to be part of a circa 300 km long linear belt of late Silurian or early Devonian post-tectonic plutonism that characterizes the Caledonian basement of eastern Svalbard. Felsic intrusions of similar age further west in Spitsbergen are likewise both highly magnetic (Hornemantoppen batholith) and largely non-magnetic (Newtontoppen batholiths / Chydeniusbreen granitoid suite). They all appear to have been intruded at the end of the main period of Caledonian terrane assembly of the northwestern Barents Shelf.


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This study on phosphorites of different compositions and ages from shelf sediments and seamounts of the Pacific Ocean by means of analytical electron microscopy showed that these phosphorites contain ultra-microscopic inclusions of authigenic minerals and, more rarely, of rare earth element (REE) minerals. In some of phosphorite samples of Pleistocene-Pliocene age from the Namibian shelf both kinds of minerals were found. Uranium minerals were represented by uraninite, coffinite, and ningioite; those of REE - by monazite, xenotime, and bastnesite, which points to their potential accumulation not only as isomorphous admixtures in calcium phosphate but also as independent mineral phases. Coexistence of the minerals noted in shelf phosphorites is caused by repeated changes in redox conditions during formation and then redeposition of phosphate concretions. Presence of uranium minerals in phosphorites from seamounts shows that during an initial step of formation of these phosphorites environment was rather suboxic or reductive than oxic.


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Distribution of planktonic foraminiferal tests was studied in four drill cores of Upper Quaternary sediments from the zone of influence of the Canary upwelling and in nine sediment cores from the zone of the Benguela upwelling. Paleotemperatures were reconstructed from these data. It was established that under conditions during stadials, interstadials, and interglacials of Quaternary time, the upwelling existed continuously, intensifying and expanding during colder epochs and weakening and contracting in the warmer intervals. During the last stadial (about 18000 yrs ago), relative cooling of sea waters as compared to central regions of the ocean in the zone of the Canary upwelling was not lower than 9°C (4.5°C higher than at present time), and in the zone of the Benguela upwelling it was not lower than 15°C (8.5°C higher than at present time).