974 resultados para Local authorities
The public’s perception of the social work profession is a rarely considered perspective, and yet a topic that is a concern to front Thepublic’sperceptionofthesocialworkprofessionisararelyconsideredperspective and yet a topic that is a concern to front line professionals. This paper explores how social workers experience and attempt to cope with public perception of their profession. It highlights the impact of these concerns on social workers’ personal experiences and professional practice. Using semi-structured interviews with sixteen UK social workers, from local authorities and private organisations,we explore the experiences of this group.Thematic analysis of the data identified four concerns: the experience of public perception, drivers of public perception, coping with public perception, and mechanisms to raise the professions profile. Examining public perception through the eyes of social workers provides valuable insights into the lived experiences of these professionals, and offers practical implications at both the micro and macro levels. It reveals two key ways in which the profession can begin to address the prevailing negative perception considered to be emanating from the public: through developing a more co-operative relationship with external sources of public perception (e.g. government and the media) and by engaging in more pro-active self-promotion of the service.
This dissertation examines local governments' efforts to promote economic development in Latin America. The research uses a mixed method to explore how cities make decisions to innovate, develop, and finance economic development programs. First, this study provides a comparative analysis of decentralization policies in Argentina and Mexico as a means to gain a better understanding of the degree of autonomy exercised by local governments. Then, it analyzes three local governments each within the province of Santa Fe, Argentina and the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. The principal hypothesis of this dissertation is that if local governments collect more own-source tax revenue, they are more likely to promote economic development and thus, in turn, promote growth for their region. ^ By examining six cities, three of which are in Santa Fe—Rosario, Santa Fe (capital) and Rafaela—and three in Guanajuato—Leon, Guanajuato (capital) and San Miguel de Allende, this dissertation provides a better understanding of public finances and tax collection efforts of local governments in Latin America. Specific attention is paid to each city's budget authority to raise new revenue and efforts to promote economic development. The research also includes a large statistical dataset of Mexico's 2,454 municipalities and a regression analysis that evaluates local tax efforts on economic growth, controlling for population, territorial size, and the professional development. In order to generalize these results, the research tests these discoveries by using statistical data gathered from a survey administered to Latin American municipal officials. ^ The dissertation demonstrates that cities, which experience greater fiscal autonomy measured by the collection of more own-source revenue, are better able to stimulate effective economic development programs, and ultimately, create jobs within their communities. The results are bolstered by a large number of interviews, which were conducted with over 100 finance specialists, municipal presidents, and local authorities. The dissertation also includes an in-depth literature review on fiscal federalism, decentralization, debt financing and local development. It concludes with a discussion of the findings of the study and applications for the practice of public administration.^
Our approach emphasizes on the importance of the first forms of salt springs exploitation meant to obtain recrystallized salt for the development of prehistoric human communities within the continental inlands of Europe. Although it does not compare with the monumental dimension of World Heritage, the exploitation of some salt springs in Eastern Romania goes back around 8 millennia; they may be the oldest such exploitations in the world, as proven by 14C calibrated data. What differentiates Romanian salt springs from other famous similar areas in Europe is the continuity of exploitation and utilization of natural brine. Actually, these resilient behaviours explain the creation of a whole and complex universe of salt, which also represents a unique point of reference within the intangible World Heritage. It is through this association in variable proportions between tangible (non-monumental) and intangible that these salt springs comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation can be considered elements of World Heritage. Today, important personalities in the fields of archaeology, anthropology and history posit that salt is a major reference for the development of the entire umanity. Obviously, the breakthrough of this idea requires awareness efforts targeting, on one hand, local communities in those areas wand, on the other, national and international scientific and cultural environments concerned with the World Heritage. In this context, a proper motivation is the fact that the last two decades have witnessed an intensification of research on salt, which turned this topic one of the major themes within European archaeology and ethno-archaeology. In terms of local community awareness concerning the importance of salt springs in the economic development of a (micro) area over time, it is worth underlining mostly the specialists’ efforts of presenting this topic in the media. Moreover, the impact of a recent initiative of the two museums in the area (Piatra Neamț and Târgu Neamț)—establishing distinct sections that represent, by using museum-inspired means, both archaeological vestiges and traditional practices of natural brine exploitation and utilization—will prove its extent in time. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania is an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and thep rotection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas. Certain local authorities and private entrepreneurs have pinpointed that valorising tourist areas comprising the oldest traces of salt exploitation in Romania will become, sooner or later, an imminent issue. The greatest challenge is finding a balance between the civilization improvements (upgraded access roads, upgrading operating areas, etc.) and the protection of still-alive traditional practices of salt exploitation and use, within rural areas.
The paper explores informal settlement upgrading approaches in South Africa and presents a review of top-down vs. bottom-up models, using experience and lessons learned from the Durban metropolitan area. Reflections on past upgrading efforts suggest that top-down policies in South Africa have not been successful to date. By contrast, participatory techniques, such as planning activism, can be used to enhance community empowerment and a sense of local ownership. This paper reveals that although the notion of ‘bottom-up’, participatory methods for community improvement is often discussed in international development discourses, the tools, processes and new knowledge needed to ensure a successful upgrade are under-utilised. Participation and collaboration can mean various things for informal housing upgrading and often the involvement of local communities is limited to providing feedback in already agreed development decisions from local authorities and construction companies. The paper concludes by suggesting directions for ‘co-producing’ knowledge with communities through participatory, action-research methods and integrating these insights into upgrading mechanisms and policies for housing and infrastructure provision. The cumulative impacts emerging from these approaches could aggregate into local, regional, and national environmental, social and economic benefits able to successfully transform urban areas and ensure self-reliance for local populations.
Around the world, informal and low-income settlements (so-called “slums”) have been a major issue in city management and environmental sustainability in developing countries. Overall, African cities have an agenda for slum management and response. For example, the South African government introduced the Upgrade of Informal Settlements Program (UISP), as a comprehensive plan for upgrading slum settlements. Nevertheless, upgrading informal settlements from the bottom-up is key to inform broad protocols and strategies for sustainable communities and `adaptive cities´. Community-scale schemes can drive sustainability from the bottom-up and offer opportunities to share lessons learnt at the local level. Key success factors in their roll-out are: systems thinking; empowered local authorities that support decentralised solutions and multidisciplinary collaboration between the involved actors, including the affected local population. This research lies under the umbrella of sustainable bottom-up urban regeneration. As part of a larger project of collaboration between UK and SA research institutions, this paper presents an overview of in-situ participatory upgrade as an incremental strategy for upgrading informal settlements in the context of sustainable and resilient city. The motivation for this research is rooted in identifying the underpinning barriers and enabling drivers for up-scaling community-led, participatory upgrading approaches in informal settlements in the metropolitan area. This review paper seeks to provide some preliminary guidelines and recommendations for an integrated collaborative environmental and construction management framework to enhance community self-reliance. A theoretical approach based on the review of previous studies was combined with a pilot study conducted in Durban (South Africa) to investigate the feasibility of community-led upgrading processes.
Globally, efforts are underway to reduce anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change impacts at the local level. However, there is a poor understanding of the relationship between city strategies on climate change mitigation and adaptation and the relevant policies at national and European level. This paper describes a comparative study and evaluation of cross-national policy. It reports the findings of studying the climate change strategies or plans from 200 European cities from Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. The study highlights the shared responsibility of global, European, national, regional and city policies. An interpretation and illustration of the influences from international and national networks and policy makers in stimulating the development of local strategies and actions is proposed. It was found that there is no archetypical way of planning for climate change, and multiple interests and motivations are inevitable. Our research warrants the need for a multi-scale approach to climate policy in the future, mainly ensuring sufficient capacity and resource to enable local authorities to plan and respond to their specific climate change agenda for maximising the management potentials for translating environmental challenges into opportunities.
Purpose of this paper:
Recent literature indicates that around one third of perishable products finish as waste (Mena et al., 2014): 60% of this waste can be classified as avoidable (EC, 2010) suggesting logistics and operational inefficiencies along the supply chain. In developed countries perishable products are predominantly wasted in wholesale and retail (Gustavsson et al., 2011) due to customer demand uncertainty the errors and delays in the supply chain (Fernie and Sparks, 2014). While research on logistics of large retail supply chains is well documented, research on retail small and medium enterprises’ (SMEs) capabilities to prevent and manage waste of perishable products is in its infancy (c.f. Ellegaard, 2008) and needs further exploration. In our study, we investigate the retail logistics practice of small food retailers, the factors that contribute to perishable products waste and the barriers and opportunities of SMEs in retail logistics to preserve product quality and participate in reverse logistics flows.
As research on waste of perishable products for SMEs is scattered, we focus on identifying key variables that contribute to the creation of avoidable waste. Secondly we identify patterns of waste creation at the retail level and its possibilities for value added recovery. We use explorative case studies (Eisenhardt, 1989) and compare four SMEs and one large retailer that operate in a developed market. To get insights into specificities of SMEs that affect retail logistics practice, we select two types of food retailers: specialised (e.g. greengrocers and bakers) and general (e.g. convenience store that sells perishable products as a part of the assortment)
Our preliminary findings indicate that there is a difference between large retailers and SME retailers in factors that contribute to the waste creation, as well as opportunities for value added recovery of products. While more factors appear to affect waste creation and management at large retailers, a small number of specific factors appears to affect SMEs. Similarly, large retailers utilise a range of practices to reduce risks of product perishability and short shelf life, manage demand, and manage reverse logistics practices. Retail SMEs on the other hand have limited options to address waste creation and value added recovery. However, our findings show that specialist SMEs could successfully minimize waste and even create possibilities for value added recovery of perishable products. Data indicates that business orientation of the SME, the buyersupplier relationship, and an extent of adoption of lean principles in retail coupled with SME resources, product specific regulations and support from local authorities for waste management or partnerships with other organizations determine extent of successful preservation of a product quality and value added recovery.
Our contribution to the SCM academic literature is threefold: first, we identify major factors that contribute to the generation waste of perishable products in retail environment; second, we identify possibilities for value added recovery for perishable products and third, we present opportunities and challenges for SME retailers to manage or participate in activities of value added recovery. Our findings contribute to theory by filling a gap in the literature that considers product quality preservation and value added recovery in the context of retail logistics and SMEs.
Research limitations/implications:
Our findings are limited to insights from five case studies of retail companies that operate within a developed market. To improve on generalisability, we intend to increase the number of cases and include data obtained from the suppliers and organizations involved in reverse logistics flows (e.g. local authorities, charities, etc.).
Practical implications:
With this paper, we contribute to the improvement of retail logistics and operations in SMEs which constitute over 99% of business activities in UK (Rhodes, 2015). Our findings will help retail managers and owners to better understand the possibilities for value added recovery, investigate a range of logistics and retail strategies suitable for the specificities of SME environment and, ultimately, improve their profitability and sustainability.
The cold weather plan gives advice to help prevent the major avoidable effects on health during periods of cold weather in England. The documents for the 2015 to 2016 winter season include: cold weather plan making the case: why long-term strategic planning for cold weather is essential to health and wellbeing letter for local authorities chief executives, directors of public health, directors of adult and child services, chairs of health and wellbeing boards, NHS England regional, clinical leads of CCGs
O presente trabalho baseia-se na pesquisa documental e na análise crítico-reflexiva sobre o serviço social no Poder Local, a sua evolução, influências e implicações no trabalho desenvolvido no (pelo) Gabinete de Ação Social do Município de Pampilhosa da Serra. O serviço social assume, durante o Estado Novo, um papel de controle, com uma prática associada essencialmente ao Estado e a algumas entidades da sociedade civil, nomeadamente à Igreja Católica. Com a Era Democrática, assiste-se ao crescimento da intervenção do Estado e à descentralização da sua atuação para as Autarquias, assumindo-se o SAAL (1974) como um marco histórico. A intervenção ganha, assim, um caráter “territorial” crescendo as responsabilidades das autarquias, quer no âmbito das transferências de competências por parte do Poder Central, quer ao nível da dinamização de serviços de âmbito municipal e da criação de respostas sociais específicas. O PRS (1997) e a RLIS (2013), apresentam-se como exemplos dessa territorialização, reforçando as atribuições das Autarquias ao nível da ação social. O primeiro, implementado a nível nacional, visa a articulação de recursos e uma intervenção integrada. Tem como princípios, a promoção a participação da população e dos agentes locais quer na elaboração de diagnósticos sociais, quer na criação de respostas adequadas às necessidades. A segunda, em fase de implementação, visa a criação de uma metodologia de trabalho ao nível do atendimento e acompanhamento social. Destaca-se o papel das Autarquias e da Sociedade Civil, na efetivação de uma intervenção social de proximidade. A crescente desresponsabilização do Estado na intervenção social, em particular do Poder Central, motivada pela Crise Económica, provoca alterações nas políticas sociais. Surgem as políticas de inserção direcionadas para públicos específicos, tendencialmente contratualizadas e centradas no sujeito. Estas alterações tiveram, também, implicações na atuação do Município de Pampilhosa da Serra, onde o serviço social se desenvolveu a par da implementação dos programas de âmbito comunitário, nomeadamente do PDIAS e PLCP (1996) e do projecto-piloto do RMG (1997). Sistematizou-se com a implementação das Redes Sociais e operacionaliza-se no Gabinete de Ação Social, atuando em três dimensões: mediação, promoção e execução. Da análise e reflexão em torno da atuação do GAS, no qual inscrevemos a nossa intervenção profissional, consideramos que esta se desenvolve numa relação sociopolítica e operacional, assumindo a Autarquia um papel ativo ao criar e/ou reforçar medidas de apoio socioeducativo e económico, de forma a garantir o bem-estar social e a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos Pampilhosenses. O município assume-se como o patamar de atuação de proximidade por excelência, onde o local se perspetiva como o espaço onde a intervenção social se operacionaliza, enquanto que o Poder Local, em conjunto com a sociedade Civil, assumem o poder de co construir a mudança social. / This work is based on documentary research and critical and reflective analysis of the social service in Local Government, its evolution, influences and implications on the work of the (at) Social Action Office of the municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra. The social service assumes, during the Estado Novo, a paper control, primarily associated with a practice the state and some civil society organizations, including the Catholic Church. With the Democratic Era, we are witnessing the growth of state intervention and the decentralization of its activities to the local authorities, assuming the SAAL (1974) as a historical landmark. Intervention win, so a character "territorial" growing responsibilities of local authorities, or within the transfer of responsibilities from the Central Power, both in terms of promotion of municipal services and the creation of specific social responses. The PRS (1997) and the RLIS (2013), are presented as examples of territorial, strengthening the powers of local authorities to the level of social action. The first, implemented nationally, aimed at articulating features and an integrated intervention. Its principles, promoting the participation of the population and local actors when developing social diagnosis, whether the creation of appropriate responses to the needs. The second, under implementation, aims to create a working methodology in terms of care and social support. It highlights the role of local authorities and civil society in the execution of a social intervention proximity. The growing irresponsibility of the state in social intervention, in particular the Central Power, motivated by the economic crisis, causes changes in social policies. Arise inclusion policies targeting specific audiences tend contracted and centered on the subject. These changes have also implications for the work of the municipality of Pampilhosa da Serra, where the social work developed together with the implementation of Community-wide programs, including the PDIAS and PLCP (1996) and the pilot project of RMG (1997). Systematized with the implementation of Social Networks and made operational in the Social Action Office, working in three dimensions: mediation, promotion and implementation. Analysis and reflection around the GAS operation, in which we inscribe our professional intervention, we believe that this is developed in a socio-political and operational relationship, assuming the Municipality an active role to create and / or strengthen measures of socio-educational and economic support, to ensure the welfare and quality of life of citizens Pampilhosenses. The municipality is assumed as the proximity actuation level par excellence where the location is perspective as the space where social intervention made operational, while the Local Government, together with civil society, assume the co power build social change.
Palheiros are traditional timber constructions existing in the littoral centre region of Portugal. This is particularly the case of the Aveiro lagoon region where for many years many such constructions have existed. They were originally built to store working tools related with lagoon activity (fishing and sea salt extraction) and to give shelter for the fishermen during the fishing season. These constructions were built with superimposed veneers in vertical or horizontal directions. Since they are mostly located near the sea, they have started to be used as holiday houses and are often painted in vivid colours. Most of these buildings are being replaced by concrete constructions, since their preservation state is rather unsatisfactory or simply because there is a need to increase their size. Additionally, little knowledge about the possibilities of maintenance and building in timber structures exists. In some cases, although the structures were changed from timber to concrete, the exterior appearance of the palheiros remains the same, which might be interesting from the pictorial point of view but it isn’t certainly from a heritage preservation perspective. However in many other situations, they are being substituted by “modern” constructions that were not valuable in any of the previous viewpoints. Fortunately, there are also cases where palheiros have been preserved and remain in good condition. For how long these examples will remain is certainly the major question that must be answered since these are only on the dependence of owner’s will and not based on local authorities concern. A consciousness of local authorities and citizens is mandatory in order to preserve this heritage because it is perfectly possible to preserve the traditional constructions offering all the comfort of modern houses. Keywords: timber construction, vernacular construction, preservation.
The object of this work is a fellowship of São Sebastião e Nossa Senhora do Rosário in the city of Jardim do Seridó (RN), that is, a black catholic fellowship on the sertão potiguar. The devotion to Nossa Senhora do Rosário, in colonial Brazil, organizes itself through black catholic men as fellowships. They blossomed in Brazil until the abolition, getting support from the Catholic church, from owners of slaves and from the population in general − unlike others afro-Brazilian religious expression. Today, these fellowships remain active, against the sentimental pessimism of the folklore studies, and they also have a highlight position in the calendar of many cities in Brazil, and in particular in Seridó. The research s foothold is the apparent valorization of the fellowship by the local elite, attitude that hides asymmetric relationships between the group of negros do Rosário and the local authorities, having as its consequence that the members occupy a subaltern position inside their own fellowship. This subalternity take place, mainly, in the public area, where the negros do Rosário cannot represent themselves neither political nor discursively. To discuss this idea, it s done a brief historical of these catholic institutions as well as a description of the relationship between the negros do Rosário and the elites of the city. Then, the phenomenon is analyzed as folklore and/or religion , under the perspective of many agents that participate in this process. In other moment, it is going to be presented how the group formulates their own representation of the history, of the devotional forms and of their own political-religious experiences. In this sense, an ethnography of the subalternity is understood as an analysis of the process that leads the negros do Rosário to become a subaltern group. It s also outlined the perception that the group has of its own position, through an ethnography essay of the subaltern subject. The research, focused in the group of Rosário, was done between August 2010 and January 2012 and includes other agents (like treasurers, priests and intellectuals). Besides that, as a methodological complement, there are documental research, photography, as well as shoots of the party days and public presentation
Dissertação de Mestrado em Auditoria
Public Lightning is an important part of municipality’s nighttime landscape. Lighting can be used to enhance public safety and security while improving the aesthetic appeal of the surrounding properties but with the current global financial crisis, such lighting systems must also be sustainable. Most climate policy efforts focus on the state and international level, however national governments won’t be able to meet their international commitments without local action. In Portugal, the Public Lighting is responsible for 3% of energy consumption. The problem is that the trend is to increase (about 4-5% per year) which represents very high costs for the municipal authorities. In terms of numbers are analyzed in this thesis 45 of 278 existent in Continental Portugal what represents only 16,2 % of the counties. This where the local authorities in Portugal that had a Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) that had been accepted and made available in the Covenant of Mayors website until the end of year 2013. It is important that the Covenant of Mayors will increase the local authorities awareness for energy efficiency and especially to public lighting because there is still a long way to go in terms of energy consumption reduction. In future works it would be interesting to see the payback of the EolGreen post in a real scenario due to lack of energy consumption from the grid it would allow to have a pretty high initial investment even with the maintenance that those technologies need.
El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar la cooperación internacional para la seguridad alimentaria en Suroeste y Oriente antioqueños, a través de la revisión del Convenio FAO-Gobernación de Antioquia, sus componentes y sus actividades, con el propósito de visualizar la cooperación internacional a nivel local. Estudio descriptivo cuali-cuantitativo con fuentes secundarias y primarias (entrevistas). La investigación fue autorizada por los gerentes de MANÁ y FAO, delegando en los coordinadores del convenio la entrega de la información. El investigador se desplazó a las oficinas de Medellín para su recolección. Una vez depurados los datos se procedió a elaborar las tablas para las dos subregiones estudiadas, analizar la información y presentarla en gráficos y tablas, complementando con las entrevistas semiestructuradas de los actores claves del convenio. Resultados: el convenio de cooperación internacional para la seguridad alimentaria se viene ejecutando de manera satisfactoria según los compromisos desarrollados en los componentes: emprendimiento de agricultura familiar se organizaron 16 asociaciones entre fincas; se establecieron 7.000 huertas de las oportunidades mediante procesos de capacitación y asesoría realizando para ello, 10.972 visitas y 1.483 talleres. Para el componente de plan de abastecimiento de alimentos lograron identificar los rubros pecuarios y de alimentos según la oferta y demanda local. Con el fortalecimiento institucional motivaron a las autoridades locales, familias y otras instituciones y utilizaron medios diferentes para informar los avances a 1.800 personas. Se concluye que la cooperación internacional ayuda a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria en Antioquia.
A actividade vitivinícola possui um conjunto diverso de características presentes no solo, território e comunidade que fazem parte do património cultural de uma determinada região. Quando a tradição se traduz num conceito como terroir que é formado por características territoriais, sociais e culturais de uma região rural, o vinho apresenta uma “assinatura” que se escreve “naturalmente” no paladar regionalmente identificado. Os vinhos da Região de Nemea, na Grécia e de Basto (Região dos Vinhos Verdes) em Portugal, estão ambos sob a proteção dos regulamentos das Denominações de Origem. No entanto, apesar de ambos serem regulados por sistemas institucionais de certificação e controlo de qualidade, afigura-se a necessidade de questionar se o património cultural e a identidade territorial específica, “impressa” em ambos os terroirs, pode ser protegida num sentido mais abrangente do que apenas origem e qualidade. Em Nemea, a discussão entre os produtores diz respeito ao estabelecimento de sub-zonas, isto é incluir na regulação PDO uma diferente categorização territorial com base no terroir. Ou seja, para além de estar presente no rótulo a designação PDO, as garrafas incluirão ainda informação certificada sobre a área específica (dentro do mesmo terroir) onde o vinho foi produzido. A acontecer resultaria em diferentes status de qualidade de acordo com as diferentes aldeias de Nemea onde as vinhas estão localizadas. O que teria possíveis impactos no valor das propriedades e no uso dos solos. Para além disso, a não participação da Cooperativa de Nemea na SON (a associação local de produtores de vinho) e como tal na discussão principal sobre as mudanças e os desafios sobre o terroir de Nemea constitui um problema no sector vitivinícola de Nemea. Em primeiro lugar estabelece uma relação de não-comunicação entre os dois mais importantes agentes desse sector – as companhias vinícolas e a Cooperativa. Em segundo lugar porque constituiu uma possibilidade real, não só para os viticultores ficarem arredados dessa discussão, como também (porque não representados pela cooperativa) ficar impossibilitado um consenso sobre as mudanças discutidas. Isto poderá criar um ‘clima’ de desconfiança levando a discussão para ‘arenas’ deslocalizadas e como tal para decisões ‘desterritorializadas’ Em Basto, há vários produtores que começaram a vender a sua produção para distribuidoras localizadas externamente à sub-região de Basto, mas dentro da Região dos Vinhos Verdes, uma vez que essas companhias tem um melhor estatuto nacional e internacional e uma melhor rede de exportações. Isto está ainda relacionado com uma competição por uma melhor rede de contactos e status mais forte, tornando as discussões sobre estratégias comuns para o desenvolvimento rural e regional de Basto mais difícil de acontecer (sobre isto a palavra impossível foi constantemente usada durante as entrevistas com os produtores de vinho). A relação predominante entre produtores é caracterizada por relações individualistas. Contudo foi observado que essas posições são ainda caracterizadas por uma desconfiança no interior da rede interprofissional local: conflitos para conseguir os mesmos potenciais clientes; comprar uvas a viticultores com melhor rácio qualidade/preço; estratégias individuais para conseguir um melhor status político na relação com a Comissão dos Vinhos Verdes. Para além disso a inexistência de uma activa intermediação institucional (autoridades municipais e a Comissão de Vinho Verde), a inexistência entre os produtores de Basto de uma associação ou mesmo a inexistência de uma cooperativa local tem levado a região de Basto a uma posição de subpromoção nas estratégias de promoção do Vinho Verde em comparação com outras sub-regiões. É também evidente pelos resultados que as mudanças no sector vitivinícolas na região de Basto têm sido estimuladas de fora da região (em resposta também às necessidades dos mercados internacionais) e raramente de dentro – mais uma vez, ‘arenas’ não localizadas e como tal decisões desterritorializadas. Nesse sentido, toda essa discussão e planeamento estratégico, terão um papel vital na preservação da identidade localizada do terroir perante os riscos de descaracterização e desterritorialização. Em suma, para ambos os casos, um dos maiores desafios parece ser como preservar o terroir vitivinícola e como tal o seu carácter e identidade local, quando a rede interprofissional em ambas as regiões se caracteriza, tanto por relações não-consensuais em Nemea como pelo modus operandi de isolamento sem comunicação em Basto. Como tal há uma necessidade de envolvimento entre os diversos agentes e as autoridades locais no sentido de uma rede localizada de governança. Assim sendo, em ambas as regiões, a existência dessa rede é essencial para prevenir os efeitos negativos na identidade do produto e na sua produção. Uma estratégia de planeamento integrado para o sector será vital para preservar essa identidade, prevenindo a sua desterritorialização através de uma restruturação do conhecimento tradicional em simultâneo com a democratização do acesso ao conhecimento das técnicas modernas de produção vitivinícola.