963 resultados para Lefschetz-Hopf Theorem


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The Jensen theorem is used to derive inequalities for semiclassical tunneling probabilities for systems involving several degrees of freedom. These Jensen inequalities are used to discuss several aspects of sub-barrier heavy-ion fusion reactions. The inequality hinges on general convexity properties of the tunneling coefficient calculated with the classical action in the classically forbidden region.


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We obtain the exact nonequilibrium work generating function (NEWGF) for a small system consisting of a massive Brownian particle connected to internal and external springs. The external work is provided to the system for a finite-time interval. The Jarzynski equality, obtained in this case directly from the NEWGF, is shown to be valid for the present model, in an exact way regardless of the rate of external work.


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In this paper we determine the local and global resilience of random graphs G(n,p) (p >> n(-1)) with respect to the property of containing a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n. Roughly speaking, given alpha > 0, we determine the smallest r(g) (G, alpha) with the property that almost surely every subgraph of G = G(n,p) having more than r(g) (G, alpha)vertical bar E(G)vertical bar edges contains a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n (global resilience). We also obtain, for alpha < 1/2, the smallest r(l) (G, alpha) such that any H subset of G having deg(H) (v) larger than r(l) (G, alpha) deg(G) (v) for all v is an element of V(G) contains a cycle of length at least (1 - alpha)n (local resilience). The results above are in fact proved in the more general setting of pseudorandom graphs.


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We prove that for any a-mixing stationary process the hitting time of any n-string A(n) converges, when suitably normalized, to an exponential law. We identify the normalization constant lambda(A(n)). A similar statement holds also for the return time. To establish this result we prove two other results of independent interest. First, we show a relation between the rescaled hitting time and the rescaled return time, generalizing a theorem of Haydn, Lacroix and Vaienti. Second, we show that for positive entropy systems, the probability of observing any n-string in n consecutive observations goes to zero as n goes to infinity. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We extend the Jacobson's Coordinatization theorem to Jordan superalgebras. Using it we classify Jordan bimodules over superalgebras of types Q(n) and JP(n), n >= 3. Then we use the Tits-Kantor-Koecher construction and representation theory of Lie superalgebras to treat the remaining case Q(2).


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The objective of this paper is two-fold: firstly, we develop a local and global (in time) well-posedness theory for a system describing the motion of two fluids with different densities under capillary-gravity waves in a deep water flow (namely, a Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system) for low-regularity initial data in both periodic and continuous cases; secondly, a family of new periodic traveling waves for the Schrodinger-Benjamin-Ono system is given: by fixing a minimal period we obtain, via the implicit function theorem, a smooth branch of periodic solutions bifurcating a Jacobian elliptic function called dnoidal, and, moreover, we prove that all these periodic traveling waves are nonlinearly stable by perturbations with the same wavelength.


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In this paper we establish a method to obtain the stability of periodic travelling-wave solutions for equations of Korteweg-de Vries-type u(t) + u(p)u(x) - Mu(x) = 0, with M being a general pseudodifferential operator and where p >= 1 is an integer. Our approach uses the theory of totally positive operators, the Poisson summation theorem, and the theory of Jacobi elliptic functions. In particular we obtain the stability of a family of periodic travelling waves solutions for the Benjamin Ono equation. The present technique gives a new way to obtain the existence and stability of cnoidal and dnoidal waves solutions associated with the Korteweg-de Vries and modified Korteweg-de Vries equations, respectively. The theory has prospects for the study of periodic travelling-wave solutions of other partial differential equations.


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Given a separable unital C*-algebra C with norm parallel to center dot parallel to, let E-n denote the Banach-space completion of the C-valued Schwartz space on R-n with norm parallel to f parallel to(2)=parallel to < f, f >parallel to(1/2), < f, g >=integral f(x)* g(x)dx. The assignment of the pseudodifferential operator A=a(x,D) with C-valued symbol a(x,xi) to each smooth function with bounded derivatives a is an element of B-C(R-2n) defines an injective mapping O, from B-C(R-2n) to the set H of all operators with smooth orbit under the canonical action of the Heisenberg group on the algebra of all adjointable operators on the Hilbert module E-n. In this paper, we construct a left-inverse S for O and prove that S is injective if C is commutative. This generalizes Cordes' description of H in the scalar case. Combined with previous results of the second author, our main theorem implies that, given a skew-symmetric n x n matrix J and if C is commutative, then any A is an element of H which commutes with every pseudodifferential operator with symbol F(x+J xi), F is an element of B-C(R-n), is a pseudodifferential operator with symbol G(x - J xi), for some G is an element of B-C(R-n). That was conjectured by Rieffel.


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In Bohmian mechanics, a version of quantum mechanics that ascribes world lines to electrons, we can meaningfully ask about an electron's instantaneous speed relative to a given inertial frame. Interestingly, according to the relativistic version of Bohmian mechanics using the Dirac equation, a massive particle's speed is less than or equal to the speed of light, but not necessarily less. That is, there are situations in which the particle actually reaches the speed of light-a very nonclassical behavior. That leads us to the question of whether such situations can be arranged experimentally. We prove a theorem, Theorem 5, implying that for generic initial wave functions the probability that the particle ever reaches the speed of light, even if at only one point in time, is zero. We conclude that the answer to the question is no. Since a trajectory reaches the speed of light whenever the quantum probability current (psi) over bar gamma(mu)psi is a lightlike 4-vector, our analysis concerns the current vector field of a generic wave function and may thus be of interest also independently of Bohmian mechanics. The fact that the current is never spacelike has been used to argue against the possibility of faster-than-light tunneling through a barrier, a somewhat similar question. Theorem 5, as well as a more general version provided by Theorem 6, are also interesting in their own right. They concern a certain property of a function psi : R(4) -> C(4) that is crucial to the question of reaching the speed of light, namely being transverse to a certain submanifold of C(4) along a given compact subset of space-time. While it follows from the known transversality theorem of differential topology that this property is generic among smooth functions psi : R(4) -> C(4), Theorem 5 asserts that it is also generic among smooth solutions of the Dirac equation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3520529]


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We study a general stochastic rumour model in which an ignorant individual has a certain probability of becoming a stifler immediately upon hearing the rumour. We refer to this special kind of stifler as an uninterested individual. Our model also includes distinct rates for meetings between two spreaders in which both become stiflers or only one does, so that particular cases are the classical Daley-Kendall and Maki-Thompson models. We prove a Law of Large Numbers and a Central Limit Theorem for the proportions of those who ultimately remain ignorant and those who have heard the rumour but become uninterested in it.


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A mechanism for the kinetic instabilities observed in the galvanostatic electro-oxidation of methanol is suggested and a model developed. The model is investigated using stoichiometric network analysis as well as concepts from algebraic geometry (polynomial rings and ideal theory) revealing the occurrence of a Hopf and a saddle-node bifurcation. These analytical solutions are confirmed by numerical integration of the system of differential equations. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics


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In this paper, we study the generic hyperbolicity of equilibria of a reaction-diffusion system with respect to nonlinear terms in the set of C(2)-functions equipped with the Whitney Topology. To accomplish this, we combine Baire`s Lemma and the usual Transversality Theorem. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We study a class of lattice field theories in two dimensions that includes gauge theories. We show that in these theories it is possible to implement a broader notion of local symmetry, based on semisimple Hopf algebras. A character expansion is developed for the quasitopological field theories, and partition functions are calculated with this tool. Expected values of generalized Wilson loops are defined and studied with the character expansion.


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This paper presents studies of cases in power systems by Sensitivity Analysis (SA) oriented by Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problems in different operation scenarios. The studies of cases start from a known optimal solution obtained by OPF. This optimal solution is called base case, and from this solution new operation points may be evaluated by SA when perturbations occur in the system. The SA is based on Fiacco`s Theorem and has the advantage of not be an iterative process. In order to show the good performance of the proposed technique tests were carried out on the IEEE 14, 118 and 300 buses systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we use the Hermite-Biehler theorem to establish results on the design of proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) controllers for a class of time delay systems. Using the property of interlacing at high frequencies of the class of systems considered and linear programming we obtain the set of all stabilizing PID controllers. As far as we know, previous results on the synthesis of PID controllers rely on the solution of transcendental equations. This paper also extends previous results on the synthesis of proportional controllers for a class of delay systems Of retarded type to a larger class of delay systems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.