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The Clay Minerals Society Source Clay kaolinites, Georgia KGa-1 and KGa-2, have been subjected to particle size determinations by 1) conventional sedimentation methods, 2) electron microscopy and image analysis, and 3) laser scattering using improved algorithms for the interaction of light with small particles. Particle shape, size distribution, and crystallinity vary considerably for each kaolinite. Replicate analyses of separated size fractions showed that in the <2 µm range, the sedimentation/centrifugation method of Tanner and Jackson (1947) is reproducible for different kaolinite types and that the calculated size ranges are in reasonable agreement with the size bins estimated from laser scattering. Particle sizes determined by laser scattering must be calculated using Mie theory when the dominant particle size is less than ∼5 µm. Based on this study of two well-known and structurally different kaolinites, laser scattering, with improved data reduction algorithms that include Mie theory, should be considered an internally consistent and rapid technique for clay particle sizing.


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Structurally novel compounds able to block voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) are currently being sought for the development of new drugs directed at neurological disorders. Fluorescence techniques have recently been developed to facilitate the analysis of VGCC blockers in a multi-well format. By utilising the small cell lung carcinoma cell line, NCI-H146, we were able to detect changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) using a fluorescence microplate reader. NCI-H146 cells have characteristics resembling those of neuronal cells and express multiple VGCC subtypes, including those of the L-, N- and P-type. We found that K+-depolarisation of fluo-3 loaded NCI-H146 cells causes a rapid and transient increase in fluorescence, which was readily detected in a 96-well plate. Extracts of Australian plants, including those used traditionally as headache or pain treatments, were tested in this study to identify those affecting Ca2+ influx following membrane depolarisation of NCI-H146 cells. We found that E. bignoniiflora, A. symphyocarpa and E. vespertilio caused dose-dependent inhibition of K+-depolarised Ca2+ influx, with IC50 values calculated to be 234, 548 and 209 μg/ml, respectively. This data suggests an effect of these extracts on the function of VGCCs in these cells. Furthermore, we found similar effects using a fluorescence laser imaging plate reader (FLIPR) that allows simultaneous measurement of real-time fluorescence in a multi-well plate. Our results indicate that the dichloromethane extract of E. bignoniiflora and the methanolic extract of E. vespertilio show considerable promise as antagonists of neuronal VGCCs. Further analysis is required to characterise the function of the bioactive constituents in these extracts and determine their selectivity on VGCC subtypes.


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A high performance liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous analysis of two flavonoids (iso-vitexin and vitexin), and three indole alkaloids (harmane, harmine, and harmol) was developed. This method was then utilised to quantitate levels of these five constituents in methanolic extracts of Australian Passiflora incarnata. HPLC analysis was performed using a Waters™ Novapak C18 (150 × 4 mm, 4 μm) column, with a gradient solvent system of methanol-water-acetic acid. Detection was achieved by PDA UV (254 nm) and fluorescence (excitation 254 nm, emission 414 nm), utilising the external standard method to obtain quantification.


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This work considers the problem of building high-fidelity 3D representations of the environment from sensor data acquired by mobile robots. Multi-sensor data fusion allows for more complete and accurate representations, and for more reliable perception, especially when different sensing modalities are used. In this paper, we propose a thorough experimental analysis of the performance of 3D surface reconstruction from laser and mm-wave radar data using Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces (GPIS), in a realistic field robotics scenario. We first analyse the performance of GPIS using raw laser data alone and raw radar data alone, respectively, with different choices of covariance matrices and different resolutions of the input data. We then evaluate and compare the performance of two different GPIS fusion approaches. The first, state-of-the-art approach directly fuses raw data from laser and radar. The alternative approach proposed in this paper first computes an initial estimate of the surface from each single source of data, and then fuses these two estimates. We show that this method outperforms the state of the art, especially in situations where the sensors react differently to the targets they perceive.


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Field robots often rely on laser range finders (LRFs) to detect obstacles and navigate autonomously. Despite recent progress in sensing technology and perception algorithms, adverse environmental conditions, such as the presence of smoke, remain a challenging issue for these robots. In this paper, we investigate the possibility to improve laser-based perception applications by anticipating situations when laser data are affected by smoke, using supervised learning and state-of-the-art visual image quality analysis. We propose to train a k-nearest-neighbour (kNN) classifier to recognise situations where a laser scan is likely to be affected by smoke, based on visual data quality features. This method is evaluated experimentally using a mobile robot equipped with LRFs and a visual camera. The strengths and limitations of the technique are identified and discussed, and we show that the method is beneficial if conservative decisions are the most appropriate.


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This work aims to promote integrity in autonomous perceptual systems, with a focus on outdoor unmanned ground vehicles equipped with a camera and a 2D laser range finder. A method to check for inconsistencies between the data provided by these two heterogeneous sensors is proposed and discussed. First, uncertainties in the estimated transformation between the laser and camera frames are evaluated and propagated up to the projection of the laser points onto the image. Then, for each pair of laser scan-camera image acquired, the information at corners of the laser scan is compared with the content of the image, resulting in a likelihood of correspondence. The result of this process is then used to validate segments of the laser scan that are found to be consistent with the image, while inconsistent segments are rejected. Experimental results illustrate how this technique can improve the reliability of perception in challenging environmental conditions, such as in the presence of airborne dust.


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We recently developed a binding assay format by incorporating native transmembrane receptors into artificial phospholipid bilayers on biosensor devices for surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy. By extending the method to surface plasmon-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS), sensitive recording of the association of even very small ligands is enabled. Herewith, we monitored binding of synthetic mono- and oligomeric RGD-based peptides and peptidomimetics to integrins alphavbeta3 and alphavbeta5, after having confirmed correct orientation and functionality of membrane-embedded integrins. We evaluated integrin binding of RGD multimers linked together via aminohexanoic acid (Ahx) spacers and showed that the dimer revealed higher binding activity than the tetramer, followed by the RGD monomers. The peptidomimetic was also found to be highly active with a slightly higher selectivity toward alphavbeta3. The different compounds were also evaluated in in vitro cell adhesion tests for their capacity to interfere with alphavbeta3-mediated cell attachment to vitronectin. We hereby demonstrated that the different RGD monomers were similarly effective; the RGD dimer and tetramer showed comparable IC50 values, which were, however, significantly higher than those of the monomers. Best cell detachment from vitronectin was achieved by the peptidomimetic. The novel SPFS-binding assay platform proves to be a suitable, reliable, and sensitive method to monitor the binding capacity of small ligands to native transmembrane receptors, here demonstrated for integrins.


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A new method has been developed for the quantification of 2-hydroxyethylated cysteine resulting as adduct in blood proteins after human exposure to ethylene oxide, by reversed-phase HPLC with fluorometric detection. The specific adduct is analysed in albumin and in globin. After isolation of albumin and globin from blood, acid hydrolysis of the protein and precolumn derivatisation of the digest with 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonylchloride, the levels of derivatised S-hydroxyethylcysteine are analysed by RP-HPLC and fluorescence detection, with a detection limit of 8 nmol/g protein. Background levels of S-hydroxyethylcysteine were quantified in both albumin and globin, under special consideration of the glutathione transferase GSTT1 and GSTM1 polymorphisms. GSTT1 polymorphism had a marked influence on the physiological background alkylation of cysteine. While S-hydroxyethylcysteine levels in "non-conjugators" were between 15 and 50 nmol/g albumin, "low conjugators" displayed levels between 8 and 21 nmol/g albumin, and "high conjugators" did not show levels above the detection limit. The human GSTM1 polymorphism had no apparent effect on background levels of blood protein 2-hydroxyethylation.


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A simple and rapid method of analysis for mercury ions (Hg2+) and cysteine (Cys) was developed with the use of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) as a fluorescent probe. In the presence of GQDs, Hg2+ cations are absorbed on their negatively charged surface by means of electrostatic interactions. Thus, the fluorescence (FL) of the GQDs would be significantly quenched as a result of the FL charge transfer, e.g. 92% quenching at 450 nm occurs for a 5 μmol L−1 Hg2+ solution. However, when Cys was added, a significant FL enhancement was observed (510% at 450 nm for a 8.0 μmol L−1 Cys solution), and Hg2+ combined with Cys rather than with the GQDs in an aqueous solution. This occurred because a strong metalsingle bondthiol bond formed, displacing the weak electrostatic interactions, and this resulted in an FL enhancement of the GQDs. The limits of detection (LOD) for Hg2+ and Cys were 0.439 nmol L−1 and 4.5 nmol L−1, respectively. Also, this method was used successfully to analyze Hg2+ and Cys in spiked water samples.


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Wet-milling protocol was employed to produce pressed powder tablets with excellent cohesion and homogeneity suitable for laser ablation (LA) analysis of volatile and refractive elements in sediment. The influence of sample preparation on analytical performance was also investigated, including sample homogeneity, accuracy and limit of detection. Milling in volatile solvent for 40 min ensured sample is well mixed and could reasonably recover both volatile (Hg) and refractive (Zr) elements. With the exception of Cr (−52%) and Nb (+26%) major, minor and trace elements in STSD-1 and MESS-3 could be analysed within ±20% of the certified values. Comparison of the method with total digestion method using HF was tested by analysing 10 different sediment samples. The laser method recovers significantly higher amounts of analytes such as Ag, Cd, Sn and Sn than the total digestion method making it a more robust method for elements across the periodic table. LA-ICP-MS also eliminates the interferences from chemical reagents as well as the health and safety risks associated with digestion processes. Therefore, it can be considered as an enhanced method for the analysis of heterogeneous matrices such as river sediments.


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We investigated the influence of different gas environments on the fabrication of surfaces, homogeneously covered with equally sized and spaced micro-structures. Two types of structures have been successfully micro-machined with a femtosecond laser on titanium surfaces in various atmospheres. The surface chemistry of samples machined in oxygen and helium shows TiO2, while machining in nitrogen leads to an additional share of TiN. The actual surface structure was found to vary significantly as a function of the gas environment. We found that the ablated particles and their surface triggered two consecutive events: The optical properties of the gas environment became non-isotropic which then led to the pulse intensity being redistributed throughout the cross section of the laser beam. Additionally, the effective intensity was further reduced for TiN surfaces due to TiN's high reflectivity. Thus, the settings for the applied raster-scanning machining method had to be adjusted for each gas environment to produce comparable structures. In contrast to previous studies, where only noble gases were found suitable to produce homogeneous patches, we obtained them in an oxygen environment.


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Lasers are very efficient in heating localized regions and hence they find a wide application in surface treatment processes. The surface of a material can be selectively modified to give superior wear and corrosion resistance. In laser surface-melting and welding problems, the high temperature gradient prevailing in the free surface induces a surface-tension gradient which is the dominant driving force for convection (known as thermo-capillary or Marangoni convection). It has been reported that the surface-tension driven convection plays a dominant role in determining the melt pool shape. In most of the earlier works on laser-melting and related problems, the finite difference method (FDM) has been used to solve the Navier Stokes equations [1]. Since the Reynolds number is quite high in these cases, upwinding has been used. Though upwinding gives physically realistic solutions even on a coarse grid, the results are inaccurate. McLay and Carey have solved the thermo-capillary flow in welding problems by an implicit finite element method [2]. They used the conventional Galerkin finite element method (FEM) which requires that the pressure be interpolated by one order lower than velocity (mixed interpolation). This restricts the choice of elements to certain higher order elements which need numerical integration for evaluation of element matrices. The implicit algorithm yields a system of nonlinear, unsymmetric equations which are not positive definite. Computations would be possible only with large mainframe computers.Sluzalec [3] has modeled the pulsed laser-melting problem by an explicit method (FEM). He has used the six-node triangular element with mixed interpolation. Since he has considered the buoyancy induced flow only, the velocity values are small. In the present work, an equal order explicit FEM is used to compute the thermo-capillary flow in the laser surface-melting problem. As this method permits equal order interpolation, there is no restriction in the choice of elements. Even linear elements such as the three-node triangular elements can be used. As the governing equations are solved in a sequential manner, the computer memory requirement is less. The finite element formulation is discussed in this paper along with typical numerical results.


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Polarization properties of Gaussian laser beams are analyzed in a manner consistent with the Maxwell equations, and expressions are developed for all components of the electric and magnetic field vectors in the beam. It is shown that the transverse nature of the free electromagnetic field demands a nonzero transverse cross-polarization component in addition to the well-known component of the field vectors along the beam axis. The strength of these components in relation to the strength of the principal polarization component is established. It is further shown that the integrated strengths of these components over a transverse plane are invariants of the propagation process. It is suggested that cross- polarization measurement using a null detector can serve as a new method for accurate determination of the center of Gaussian laser beams.


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The surface tension gradient driven flow that occurs during laser melting has been studied. The vorticity-streamfunction form of the Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation has been solved by the ‘Alternative Direction Implicit’ method. It has been shown that the inertia forces in the melt strongly influence the flow pattern in the melt. The convection in the melt modifies the isotherms in the melt at high surface tension Reynolds number and high Prandtl number. The buoyancy driven flow has been shown to be negligible compared to the surface tension gradient driven flow in laser melting.


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In this study, a quality assessment method based on sampling of primary laser inventory units (microsegments) was analysed. The accuracy of a laser inventory carried out in Kuhmo was analysed as a case study. Field sample plots were measured on the sampled microsegments in the Kuhmo inventory area. Two main questions were considered. Did the ALS based inventory meet the accuracy requirements set for the provider and how should a reliable, cost-efficient and independent quality assessment be undertaken. The agreement between control measurement and ALS based inventory was analysed in four ways: 1) The root mean squared errors (RMSEs) and bias were calculated. 2) Scatter plots with 95% confidence intervals were plotted and the placing of identity lines was checked. 3) Bland-Altman plots were drawn so that the mean difference of attributes between the control method and ALS-method was calculated and plotted against average value of attributes. 4) The tolerance limits were defined and combined with Bland-Altman plots. The RMSE values were compared to a reference study from which the accuracy requirements had been set to the service provider. The accuracy requirements in Kuhmo were achieved, however comparison of RMSE values proved to be difficult. Field control measurements are costly and time-consuming, but they are considered to be robust. However, control measurements might include errors, which are difficult to take into account. Using the Bland-Altman plots none of the compared methods are considered to be completely exact, so this offers a fair way to interpret results of assessment. The tolerance limits to be set on order combined with Bland-Altman plots were suggested to be taken in practise. In addition, bias should be calculated for total area. Some other approaches for quality control were briefly examined. No method was found to fulfil all the required demands of statistical reliability, cost-efficiency, time efficiency, simplicity and speed of implementation. Some benefits and shortcomings of the studied methods were discussed.