295 resultados para Jus cogens


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A source of emigration until the early 1970s, Greece has become home to a rising tide of immigrants since 1991, and its foreign-born population rose from below one to over 11 percent. Equally important is the fact that the Greek state has historically premised national belonging on ethnicity, and striven to exclude people who did not exhibit Greek ethnic traits. My study examines how immigration has challenged this nationalist model of ethnically homogeneous belonging. Further, it uses the Greek case to problematize the hegemonic assumption that the nationalist model of social organization is a human universal. Data consist of reactions to a 2010 landmark law that constituted the first jus soli bill in the nation's history, and include a plurality of voices found in parliamentary proceedings, newspapers, a government-sponsored online forum and Facebook discussions. Voices examined correspond to three main conceptual camps: people who premise belonging on ethnicity and hegemonic definitions of what it means to be Greek, people who mitigate nationalist norms enough to include immigrants, but reproduce a nationalist worldview, and people who seek to divorce political belonging from ethnicity altogether.


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O presente trabalho investiga a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo em 1998, de modo que tem como eixo de pesquisa e reflexões a política pública progressão continuada e seu processo de implantação e implementação. Houve o uso de duas linhas de pesquisa: pesquisa bibliográfica e pesquisa e análise do discurso oficial, não somente aquele que implanta o regime citado, mas também a gradação das leis e suas características. O suporte central de pesquisa apoia-se em duas consagradas obras: “A estrutura das revoluções científicas” e “A origem das espécies”, de Thomas Kuhn e Charles Darwin, respectivamente. As obras citadas farão jus ao título desse trabalho, a qual utiliza das discussões propostas por Kuhn sobre ‘crise’, tendo esta como uma das linhas mestras para analisar os períodos pré e pós implantação do regime combinado ao darwinismo, que aqui se denomina darwinismo pedagógico. Para estabelecer uma conexão entre o objeto central de pesquisa e as obras acima citadas, houve a necessidade de pesquisar e discutir temáticas diretamente relacionadas, como ‘um rio e seus afluentes’. Os ‘afluentes’ pesquisados e discutidos foram: pedagogia e ciência, regime de seriação, darwinismo, metáfora, políticas públicas, gradação das leis, identidade, resistência e desistência. Os ‘afluentes’ não ficaram restritos a pesquisa bibliográfica, houve a necessidade de também no discurso oficial realizar esta linha metodológica. A pesquisa revelou que a partir das contribuições de Kuhn, a implantação do regime de progressão continuada nas escolas públicas do estado de São Paulo apenas fez com que a educação no estado saísse de uma crise e entrasse em outra. Além disso, revelou também que o darwinismo pedagógico que imperava no regime de seriação, muda de face no regime de progressão continuada, porém continua ativo, agora afetando diretamente os docentes, que resistem ativamente ou em oposição, ou desistem, seja de forma anunciada ou velada.


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Nueva España aportó la mayor parte de los recursos que sostuvieron a las fuerzas armadas españolas durante la guerra contra Gran Bretaña que se desarrolló en el Caribe entre 1779 y 1783. En el artículo se analizan las medidas a las que recurrieron las autoridades reales para obtener recursos extraordinarios del Consulado y varios mercaderes de la ciudad de México. Asimismo se exponen algunas de las contraprestaciones que negociaron a cambio de dichos servicios financieros y se plantean diversas hipótesis acerca de los motivos económicos, sociales y políticos que los llevaron a colaborar con el monarca, teniendo en cuenta los negocios que realizaban durante el conflicto bélico y la forma en que eran afectados por la reciente apertura comercial.


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El ensayo examina la cuestión de la aplicación de las reglas y de la capacidad real para tratar casos específicos, llegando a la conclusión de que es la excepción la que confirma la regla, a condición de que sea dialógicamente construida, para que sea interpretable y aplicable por parte de sus numerosos destinatarios en las políticas públicas más complejas y conflictuales, sobre todo a nivel local.


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The thesis is first and foremost the examination of the notion and consequences of ‘state failure’ in international law. The disputes surrounding criteria for creation and recognition of states pertain to efforts to analyse legal and factual issues unravelling throughout the continuing existence of states, as best evidenced by the ‘state failure’ phenomenon. It is argued that although the ‘statehood’ of failed states remains uncontested, their sovereignty is increasingly considered to be dependent on the existence of effective governments. The second part of this thesis focuses on the examinations of the legal consequences of the continuing existence of failed states in the context of jus ad bellum. Since the creation of the United Nations the ability of states to resort to armed force without violating what might be considered as the single most important norm of international law, has been considerably limited. State failure and increasing importance of non-state actors has become a greatly topical issue within recent years in both scholarship and the popular imagination. There have been important legal developments within international law, which have provoked much academic, and in particular, legal commentary. On one level, the thesis contributes to this commentary. Despite the fact that the international community continues to perpetuate a notion of ‘statehood’ which allows the state-centric system of international law to exist, when dealing with practical and political realities of state failure, international law may no longer consider external sovereignty of states as an undeniable entitlement to statehood. Accordingly, the main research question of this thesis is whether the implicit and explicit invocation of the state failure provides sufficient legal basis for the intervention in self-defence against non-state actors in located in failed states. It has been argued that state failure has a profound impact, the extent of which is yet to be fully explored, on the modern landscape of peace and security.


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Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive


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Since the emergence of the first demands for actions that were intended to give greater attention to culture in Brazil, came the first discussions which concerned the way the Brazilian government could have a positive influence in encouraging the culture, as is its interaction with the actors interested and involved with the cause. During the military dictatorship, there were programs which relied on the direct participation of the State to ensure that right, from the viewpoint of its support and implementation of public resources in developing the "cultural product" to be brought to society in its various forms of expression - all this, funded by the government. It is an example of "EMBRAFILMES" and "Projeto Seis e Meia", continued until the present day in some regions of the country, though maintained by entities not directly connected with the administration or the government. However, it was from the period of democratization and the end of the dictatorship that the Brazilian government began to look at the different culture, under its guarantee to the society. Came the first incentive laws, led by "Lei Sarney" Nº 7.505/86, which was culture as a segment which could receive foreign assistance in order to assist the government in fulfilling its public duty. After Collor era and the end of the embargo through the encouragement of culture incentive laws, consolidated the incentive model proposed in advance of Culture "Lei Sarney" and the federal laws, state and local regimentares as close to this action. This applies to the Rouanet Law (Lei Rouanet), Câmara Cascudo Law (Lei Câmara Cascudo) and Djalma Maranhão Cultural Incentive Law (Lei de Incentivo à Cultura Djalma Maranhão), existing in Natal and Rio Grande do Norte. Since then, business entities could help groups and cultural organizations to keep their work from the political sponsorship under control and regiment through the Brazilian state in the form of their Cultural Incentive Law. This framework has contributed to the strengthening of NGOs and with the consolidation of these institutions as the linchpin of Republican guaranteeing the right to access to culture, but corporate social responsibility was the one who took off in the segment treated here, through the actions of Responsibility Cultural enterprises arising from the Cultural Organizations. Therefore, in the face of this discourse, this study ascertains the process of encouraging the Culture in Rio Grande do Norte from the Deviant Case Analysis at the Casa da Ribeira, the main Cultural Organization that operates, focused action in Natal in order to assess the relationships established between the same entity and the institutions which are entitled to maintain the process of encouraging treated in this study - Enterprise, from the viewpoint of corporate sponsorship and Cultural Responsibility and State in the form of the Laws Incentive Funds and Public Culture Incentive


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O presente documento trata do relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Musical no Ensino Básico. Esta prática foi concretizada com uma turma do 4º ano da EB1 de Paçô, uma turma do 6º e uma turma do 7º ano, ambas da EB 2,3 de S. Vicente de Pereira e Jusã, pertencentes ao Agrupamento de Ovar Sul. Na primeira parte do documento elabora-se um enquadramento conceptual onde se expõem os benefícios do desenvolvimento auditivo desde a vida intrauterina, relacionando-se este com o desenvolvimento das inteligências múltiplas - mais concretamente a inteligência musical - à luz da visão de Gardner. Seguidamente abordam-se os documentos do Ministério da Educação e as suas diretivas para o ensino da música no ensino básico em Portugal. Para concluir esta parte explana-se a importância da música no ensino básico e os seus benefícios. A segunda parte é composta por planificações das aulas lecionadas: três do 1º Ciclo, três do 2º e duas do 3º, acompanhadas pelas respetivas descrições e reflexões. Com o presente relatório pretende-se expor os benefícios da prática musical no desenvolvimento da criança a vários níveis: social e afetivo, psicomotor, cognitivo, linguístico e cultural.


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A Gestão da Experiência Turística Global dos Destinos tem vindo a assumir-­se nas Ciências do Turismo como uma base incontornável no âmbito da atratividade e consequentemente da própria Imagem Turística. O diagnóstico e compreensão dos mecanismos culturais, sociais, económicos e espaciais que influenciam o processo de intensificação da Experiência Turística é uma matéria em aberto, fazendo jus ao imenso campo de estudo que define a intangibilidade como elemento diferenciador da oferta turística de outros tipos de produtos. Mercê do seu percurso nos últimos anos, o Mercado Medieval de Óbidos (MMO) surgiu-­nos como um estudo de caso, suscetível de evidenciar num curto espaço temporal e numa área territorial totalmente definida, Fatores Intensificadores da Experiência Turística, cuja estratificação estará ainda numa fase embrionária. Com recurso a uma metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa, o presente estudo evidenciou a Incorporação sociocultural por parte do Turista ou Visitante como uma ferramenta de apropriação e integração na realidade local, perspetivando-­a como Fator Intensificador da Experiência Turística no MMO.


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Esta monografía busca analizar la figura de la soberanía estatal en el marco del Régimen Internacional de DDHH a través del caso de derogación de Leyes de Amnistía en Perú por parte de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Así, se pretende identificar la afectación de la soberanía del Estado peruano como consecuencia de la declaración de incompatibilidad y carencia de efectos jurídicos de las leyes de amnistía por parte de la Corte Interamericana, en la sentencia Barrios Altos c. Perú. En ese sentido, estudiando el concepto de soberanía estatal, en particular en la rama del poder legislativo, y su relación con las instituciones internacionales de carácter interestatal como la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, podremos señalar cómo las decisiones de la Corte limitan el poder soberano de los Estados.