999 resultados para Isoterma de Curie


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Dados de umidade de equilíbrio de polpa de lulo em pó (PL) com e sem aditivos - 58% de maltodextrina (MD) ou 58% de goma Arábica (GA) - foram determinados nas temperaturas de 20, 30, 40 e 50 °C, utilizando-se o método estático gravimétrico numa faixa de atividade de água de 0,06 a 0,90. As isotermas apresentaram formato sigmoidal do tipo III e o modelo de Guggenhein-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) ajustou satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais de umidade de equilíbrio em função da atividade de água. A adição de encapsulantes afetou as isotermas de tal maneira que na mesma atividade de água, as amostras PL + GA y PL + MD apresentaram um menor conteúdo de umidade de equilíbrio e não foram afetadas pela variação de temperatura. Os calores isostéricos de sorção das polpas em pó com encapsulantes foram maiores (menos negativos) em relação à polpa de lulo em pó, sugerindo a existência de sítios polares mais ativos no produto sem adição de GA ou MD. Uma relação exponencial empírica foi utilizada para descrever a dependência do calor de sorção com o conteúdo de umidade do material.


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Electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were used to investigate emeraldine base polyaniline films. The magnetic susceptibility presented a Curie (localized spins)-Pauli (delocalized spins) transition at 240 K, when we also observed a transition in the dependence of the g factor with temperature (T). Peak-to-peak linewidth decreases with increasing temperature, reflecting that motional narrowing limits the hyperfine and dipolar broadening in this polymer. EDMR spectra could only be observed above 250 K in accordance to EPR results. Surface and bulk transport could be separated and their analysis reflected the effect of magnetic interaction with oxygen. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Pristine, W and Mn 1% doped Ba(0.6)Sr(0.4)TiO(3) epitaxial thin films grown on the LaAlO(3) substrate were deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Dielectric and ferroelectric properties were determined by the capacitance measurements and X-ray diffraction was used to determine both residual elastic strains and defect-related inhomogeneous strains-by analyzing diffraction line shifts and line broadening, respectively. We found that both elastic and inhomogeneous strains are affected by doping. This strain correlates with the change in Curie-Weiss temperature and can qualitatively explain changes in dielectric loss. To explain the experimental findings, we model the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of interest in the framework of the Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire thermodynamic theory. As expected, an, elastic-strain contribution due to the epilayer-substrate misfit has an important influence on the free-energy. However, additional terms that correspond to the defect-related inhomogeneous strain had to be introduced to fully explain the measurements.


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The dielectric permittivity of Na0.80K0.20NbO3 ceramic was investigated by impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric characterization was performed from room temperature to 800 degreesC, in the frequency range 5 Hz-13 MHz. The bulk permittivity was derived by the variation of the imaginary part of the impedance as a function of reciprocal angular frequency. The permittivity values as a function of temperature showed two maxima. The first maximum is very similar at 200degreesC and the second one positioned at around 400degreesC, which was associated to Curie's temperature. The evolution of the complex permittivity as a function of frequency and temperature was investigated. At low frequency dispersion was investigated in terms of dielectric loss. The Na0.80K0.20NbO3 showed a dissipation factor between 5 and 40 over a frequency range from 1 to 10(2) kHz. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The deposition of thick film pastes by screen-printing is a relatively simple and convenient method to produce thicker layers with thickness up to 100 mum. In the present work, the barium titanate thick films were prepared from mechanically activated powders based on BaC03 and TiO2. After mixing, the powders were calcined at low temperature by slow heating and cooling rates. The thick films were deposited on to Al2O3 substrates through hybrid technology. The obtained films were fired at 850 degreesC together with electrode material (silver/palladium). The electrical properties of thick films: dielectric permittivity, dielectric losses, Curie temperature, hysteresis loop were reported. The obtained BT thick films can be applied in as multilayer capacitors or in gas sensor application. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid organic - inorganic nanocomposites doped with Fe-II and Fe-III ions and exhibiting interesting magnetic properties have been obtained by the sol - gel process. The hybrid matrix of these ormosils ( organically modified silicates), classed as di-ureasils and termed U( 2000), is composed of poly( oxyethylene) chains of variable length grafted to siloxane groups by means of urea crosslinkages. Iron perchlorate and iron nitrate were incorporated in the diureasil matrices, leading to compositions within the range 80 greater than or equal to n greater than or equal to 10, n being the molar ratio of ether-type O atoms per cation. The structure of the doped diureasils was investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). For Fe-II-doped samples, SAXS results suggest the existence of a two-level hierarchical structure. The primary level is composed of spatially correlated siloxane clusters embedded in the polymeric matrix and the secondary, coarser level consists of domains where the siloxane clusters are segregated. The structure of Fe-III-doped hybrids is different, revealing the existence of iron oxide based nanoclusters, identified as ferrihydrite by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, dispersed in the hybrid matrix. The magnetic susceptibility of these materials was determined by zero-field-cooling and field-cooling procedures as functions of both temperature and field. The different magnetic features between Fe-II- and Fe-III-doped samples are consistent with the structural differences revealed by SAXS. While Fe-II-doped composites exhibit a paramagnetic Curie-type behaviour, hybrids containing Fe-III ions show thermal and field irreversibilities.


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We present a simple model for the doped compound Nd2-yCevCuO4, in order to explain some recent experimental results on the latter. Within a Hartree-Fock context, we start from an impurity Anderson-like model and consider the magnetic splitting of the Nd-4f ground state Kramers doublet due to exchange interactions with the ordered Cu moments. Our results are in very good agreement with the experimental data, yielding a Schottky anomaly peak for the specific heat that reduces its amplitude, broadens and shifts to lower temperatures, upon Ce doping. For overdoped compounds at low temperatures, the specific heat behaves linearly and the magnetic susceptibility is constant. A smooth transition from this Fermi liquid-like behavior occurs as temperature is increased and, at high temperatures, the susceptibility exhibits a Curie-like behavior. Finally, we discuss some improvements our model is amenable to incorporate, (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, the effect of bismuth content on the crystal structure, morphology and electric properties of barium-bismuth-tantalate (BBT) ceramics was explored with the aid of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microcopy (SEM), dielectric properties and ferroelectric hysteresis loops. BaBi2Ta2O9 (BBT) ceramics have been successfully prepared by the solid-state reaction. The BBT phase was crystallized at 900 degreesC for 2 h. The excess of bismuth controls the grain size, affecting the density of the material. Measurements of dieletric constant and dieletric losses confirm that the material is a ferroeletric with a Curie temperature around 77 degreesC. The dieletric constant measured at room temperature was 400, with a dielectric loss of 0.03. Both the phase-transition behaviour and ferroelectric properties, such as spontaneous polarization (P-s), showed a dependence on Bi content. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pure and W-doped PZT ceramics (PZT and PZTW) were prepared by a hybrid process consisting in the association of polymeric precursor and partial oxalate methods. The phase formation was investigated by simultaneous thermal analysis (TG/DSC) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The effect of W doping PZT and their electrical properties was evaluated. Substitution of W by Ti leads to an increase of Curie temperature and broadening of dielectric constant. A typical hysteresis loop was observed at room temperature and the remnant polarization was increased with the content of W. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The influence of niobia addition on the phase formation and dielectric properties of Pb(Zr0.45Ti0.55)O-3 powder prepared from polymeric precursor was analyzed. The weight fraction and unit-cell volume of the tetragonal phase decreased, and the mass fraction of the rhombohedral phase increased, with increasing niobia concentration. The rhombohedral unit-cell volume increased up to 5 mol% of added Nb and then decreased. Small amounts of pyrochlore and tetragonal zirconia phases were observed in PZT powder with more than 10 mol% Nb. These results were interpreted as an indication that the Nb ion was substituted for the zirconium ion in the tetragonal phase. For sintered PZT samples at 1100 degrees C, no free-zirconia phase was observed. The dielectric constant increased with the niobia addition up to 5 mol% and decreased for higher concentrations. The Curie temperature decreased with niobia addition up to 10 mol% before the formation of pyrochlore phase. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PZT ceramics were obtained from the mechanochemically synthesized powders. Milling and sintering conditions were optimized based on results of density measurements, as well as on microstructural and electrical characterization. As a result, highly dense and homogeneous ceramics were obtained. Excellent microstructural properties resulted in good electrical properties. Samples showed values of dielectric constants reaching 12800 at the Curie temperature, as well as low dielectric loss under the optimal processing conditions. High values of remanent polarization, reaching 60 muC cm(-2), indicate high internal polarizability. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The family of bismuth titanate, Bi(4)Ti(3)O(12) (BIT) layered-structured ferroelectrics materials is attractive from the viewpoint of such as their application as electronic materials dielectrics, piezoelectrics and pyroelectrics, because they are characterized by good stability of piezoelectric properties, a high Curie temperature and a good resistance vs temperature. Bismuth titanate (Bi(4)Ti(3)O(12)) powders can be prepared using different methods, depending if the creation will be film coating or ceramics. The structure and properties of bismuth titanate materials show a significance dependence on the applied synthesis method. In this review paper, we made an attempt to give an approach to analyszing the structure, synthesis methods and properties of bismuth titanate ferroelectrics materials.


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This work presents the preparation of SrBi2Nb2O9 (SBN) directly by the combustion synthesis. Strontium nitrate, niobium ammonium oxalate (NH4H2[NbO-(C2O4)(3)].3H(2)O) and bismuth oxide were used as oxidant reactants and urea as fuel. The influence of the fuel was evaluated by the addition of different fuel amounts (50%, 100%, 200% and 300%), 100% being the stoichiometric proportion. The XRD patterns showed that the SBN perovskite crystallized as the majority phase. The as-synthesized stoichiometric powder presented a specific surface area of around 13 m(2)/g and a mean grain size of around 16 nm. Dilatometric measurements showed that the maximum sintering rate occurs at 1275degreesC. The determination of the ferroparaelectric transition showed a Curie temperature (T-c) of 429degreesC. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic order resulting from the indirect exchange in the metallic phase of a (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs double layer structure is studied via Monte Carlo simulation. The polarization of the hole gas is taken into account, establishing a self-consistency between the magnetic order and the electronic structure. The Curie-Weiss temperatures calculated for these low-dimensional systems are in the range of 50-80 K, and the dependence of the transition temperature with the GaAs separation layer is established. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)