786 resultados para International Constitutional Court
Esta tesis producto del trabajo de investigación se planteo sobre las bases de un derecho administrativo interno creado para resolver los problemas suscitados al interior del Estado en consonancia con los postulados constitucionales, teniendo en cuenta el artículo 4° en que se establece la supremacía de la Constitución y los artículo 9°, 93, 94 y 224 al 227 que ordenan el desarrollo del derecho de integración en el marco de los países Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, por lo que surge la imperiosa necesidad de armonizar el derecho de la integración con el ordenamiento jurídico nacional y en especial con el derecho administrativo quien deberá recepcionar el mencionado ordenamiento supraestatal, alterando las tradicionales concepciones de las fuentes de este derecho interno. Por lo tanto, desde la perspectiva del derecho administrativo comprendido como un derecho legislado que regula las relaciones entre el Estado y los particulares en el que prevalece el “principio de legalidad” de los actos administrativos, se puede intuir que constituye un problema jurídico los impactos derivados de los tratados de integración, donde nos preguntamos sí las categorías de fuentes actuales del derecho administrativo son las adecuadas para abordar la recepción de estas disposiciones Por lo que al explorara las incidencias en el derecho administrativo con ocasión de la recepción del derecho de integración con particular énfasis en la Comunidad Andina, identificamos que uno de los rasgos más distintivos del ordenamiento jurídico andino, como el de otros esquemas de integración, proviene del discutido concepto de supranacionalidad. Dentro de la teoría jurídica contemporánea la comprensión de este término trae una novísima concepción que al mismo tiempo es respetuosa de la soberanía interna de los Estados miembros, la cual permite el surgimiento del nuevo ente común donde es posible la distribución de competencias en la reglamentación de ciertos ámbitos entre autoridades multilaterales y nacionales, conservando su propia autonomía. Este concepto ha permitido que en el ordenamiento comunitario andino, a semejanza de lo que acontece en el derecho interno de los Estados, exista un sistema de control de las normas jurídicas garantizado por una jurisdicción contenciosa-administrativa ejercida a través del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidad Andina. Lo que en definitiva incide en el derecho administrativo interno al encontramos frente a ordenamientos independientes, como lo son los del derecho de integración, en los que se producen, aplican y ejecutan normas según las reglas de juego adoptadas para ese efecto por los Estados miembros, que dependerán del marco del proceso de integración y su armonización con las normas internas. Es por ello, que en el resultado final de esta tesis se constata la aparición de nuevas fuentes de legalidad, donde ya no sólo se contemplará la ley y la jurisprudencia, ésta última posicionada con el devenir del tiempo debido a su pertinencia, como lo podemos contrastar con la expedición del Nuevo Código de Procedimiento Contencioso Administrativo (L. 1437/11) que aún no ha entrado en vigencia, en donde se resalta la importancia del Precedente Judicial a partir de las sentencias de unificación del Consejo de Estado. Pero más allá, de este nuevo reconocimiento legislativo, el sistema de fuentes establecido se verá alterado en su jerarquía con el derecho que nace con ocasión de los tratados de integración, lo que aún no se refleja en este nuevo Código, el cual no prevé la aplicación de las nuevas fuentes de legalidad.
The human right to water is nowadays more broadly recognised, mainly due to the essential societal function that this resource plays; likewise, because of the present water scarcity is generating conflicts between its different uses. Thus, this right aims at protecting human beings by guaranteeing access to clean water that is essential to satisfy vital human needs. Similarly, access to clean water is an important element to guarantee other rights including the right to life and health. The recognition of the right to water is mainly achieved in two ways: as a new and independent right and as a subordinate or derivative right. Concerning the latter, the right to water can emanate from civil and political rights, such as the right to life; or can be derived from economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to housing. This contribution explores the position of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding the right to water, and analyses whether the Court has recognised the right to water and, if so, in which manner.
Los precios de transferencia ocupan el interés de los Estados en el mundo actual al constituir uno de los retos fundamentales del Derecho Internacional Tributario. En el seno de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE), creada en 1961, se discutieron y desarrollaron diversas propuestas para regular el fenómeno. Estas, se materializaron en Modelos de Convenios Tributarios e instrumentos de soft law, que hoy en día constituyen los principios internacionalmente aceptados en la materia. Las Guías de la OCDE sobre precios de transferencia para empresas multinacionales y administraciones tributarias son el cuerpo normativo de soft law que se erigen, en el Ordenamiento Internacional, como el norte de las legislaciones a nivel interno para efectos de regulación de dicha temática. Su adopción por parte de los países miembros y no miembros de la OCDE se enfrenta a problemas teóricos derivados del quebrantamiento del decantado principio de reserva de ley tributaria y el respeto por la seguridad jurídica, razón por la cual su incorporación ha variado de Estado a Estado. El presente trabajo recoge la experiencia en varios países europeos y latinoamericanos y pretende proponer una fórmula de adopción en Colombia, coherente con los principios constitucionales tributarios y con virtualidad de superar las críticas realizadas por la doctrina a la aplicación directa de las Guías.
This paper reflects on the challenges facing the effective implementation of the new EU fundamental rights architecture that emerged from the Lisbon Treaty. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and its ability to function as a ‘fundamental rights tribunal’. The paper first analyses the praxis of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and its long-standing experience in overseeing the practical implementation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Against this analysis, it then examines the readiness of the CJEU to live up to its consolidated and strengthened mandate on fundamental rights as one of the prime guarantors of the effective implementation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. We specifically review the role of ‘third-party interventions’ by non-governmental organisations, international and regional human rights actors as well as ‘interim relief measures’ when ensuring effective judicial protection of vulnerable individuals in cases of alleged violations of fundamental human rights. To flesh out our arguments, we rely on examples within the scope of the relatively new and complex domain of EU legislation, the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ), and its immigration, external border and asylum policies. In view of the fundamental rights-sensitive nature of these domains, which often encounter shifts of accountability and responsibility in their practical application, and the Lisbon Treaty’s expansion of the jurisdiction of the CJEU to interpret and review EU AFSJ legislation, this area can be seen as an excellent test case for the analyses at hand. The final section puts forth a set of policy suggestions that can assist the CJEU in the process of adjusting itself to the new fundamental rights context in a post-Lisbon Treaty setting.
The Court of Justice has, over the years, often been vilified for exceeding the limits of its jurisdiction by interpreting the provisions of Community legislation in a way not seem originally envisaged by its drafters. A recent example of this approach was a cluster of cases in the context of the free movement of workers and the freedom of establishment (Ritter-Coulais and its progeny), where the Court included within the scope of those provisions situations which, arguably, did not present a sufficient link with their (economic) aim. In particular, in that case law the Court accepted that the mere exercise of free movement for the purpose of taking up residence in the territory of another Member State whilst continuing to exercise an economic activity in the State of origin, suffices for bringing a Member State national within the scope of Articles 39 and 43 EC. It is argued that the most plausible explanation for this approach is that the Court now wishes to re-read the economic fundamental freedoms in such a way as to include within their scope all economically active Union citizens, irrespective of whether their situation presents a sufficient link with the exercise of an economic activity in a cross-border context. It is suggested that this approach is problematic for a number of reasons. It is, therefore, concluded that the Court should revert to its orthodox approach, according to which only situations that involve Union citizens who have moved between Member States for the purpose of taking up an economic activity should be included within the scope of the market freedoms.
The blog-post critically analyses the Israeli Supreme Court judgment (HCJ 8425/13 Anon v. Knesset et al) quashing the Prevention of Infiltration Law (Amendment no. 4), offering themes of comparative constitutional interest.
Earlier accounting works have shown that an understanding of agenda entry is critical to better understanding the accounting standards setting process. Consider Walker and Robinson (1993; 1994) and Ryan (1998); and more generally agenda entrance as theorized in Kingdon (2011). In 2003, the IASB placed on its agenda a project to promulgate a standard for small and medium-sized entities (SMEs). This provides our focus. It seemed to be a departure from the IASB’s constitutional focus on capital market participants. Kingdon’s three-streams model of agenda entry helps to identify some of the complexities related to politics and decision making messiness that resulted in a standard setting project for simplified IFRS, misleadingly titled IFRS for SMEs. Complexities relate to the broader international regulatory context, including the boundaries of the IASB’s standard-setting jurisdiction, the role of board members in changing those boundaries, and such sensitivities over the language that the IASB could not agree on a suitably descriptive title. The paper shows similarities with earlier agenda entrance studies by Walker and Robinson (1994) and Ryan (1998). By drawing on interviewees’ recollections and other material it especially reinforces the part played by the nuanced complexities that influence what emerges as an international accounting standard.
Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a posse dos bens públicos, sob a perspectiva do neoconstitucionalismo, com destaque para o princípio da função social da propriedade. A tese deste estudo se pautou na afirmativa de que a partir do surgimento da concessão de uso especial para fins de moradia, instituída pela Medida Provisória 2.220 para regulamentar o artigo 183, § 1º da Constituição Federal de 1988, a função social da propriedade, antes sobrelevada nos litígios envolvendo a posse dos bens públicos, passou a ser discutida no âmbito dos tribunais. Para a comprovação da referida tese, analisou-se a jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, dos Tribunais Regionais Federais das cinco regiões do país e dos Tribunais de Justiça do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e do Rio Grande do Sul. Feita esta análise, foi possível comprovar a tese defendida. Com o intuito de garantir a máxima eficácia ao princípio da função social da propriedade, defendeu-se a não delimitação temporal imposta pela MP 2.220, tendo por base quatro argumentos de índole constitucional, sendo eles, a observância da força normativa da Constituição, a aplicação dos tratados internacionais de Direitos Humanos, o respeito ao princípio da igualdade e, por fim, o princípio da supremacia da Constituição.
This article examines the arising cross-border dispute resolution models (Cooperation and Competition among national Courts) from a critical perspective. Although they have been conceived to surpass the ordinary solution of a Modern paradigm (exclusive jurisdiction, choice of court, lis pendens, forum non conveniens, among others), they are insufficient to deal with problems raised with present globalization, as they do not abandon aspects of that paradigm, namely, (i) statebased Law; and (ii) standardization of cultural issues.
The economic regional integration is a phenomenon observed in numerous occasions inside the global economic reality. Watchful to that phenomenon, the 1988 s Brazilian constitutional order establish in its 4th article, single paragraph, the commitment to seek for the Latin- American integration, as a Fundamental Principle to the Brazilian Federative Republic. Regarding the mentioned constitutional disposition s realization, the Brazilian State celebrated, specially, the 1980 s Montevideo Treaty, creating the Latin-American Integration Association, and the 1991 s Asuncion Treaty, performing the duty to establish a common market, in sub regional level, with Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, called Mercado Comum do Sul. However, due to an addiction to a wrong comprehension of State s Sovereignty Principle, the Constitution imposes to the international rules an incorporation process, without providing any privilege to those ones regarding the integration constitutional disposition s realization, whether original or derived. The Brazilian s Supreme Court, as matter of fact, affirmed that it is not possible, facing the actual constitutional order, to grant any character of preference. Also in the controversies solution mechanism, responsible for the law s execution in case of its noncompliance, where found malfunctions, most notably the system s open character and its excessive procedural flexibility, in addiction to restricting the access of individuals. It follows from these findings, then, the lack of legal certainty provided by the Mercosul s legal system, considering its effects both international and within the Brazilian state. Among the possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the problem are using the practice of the so-called executive agreements in the Mercosul s original rules incorporation to the Brazilian state, the creation of a Mercosul s court of law and/or a constitutional reform
In Brazil, social rights have always been considered secondary legal categories, whose implementation could wait for the pending of political decisions. At the end of the Second World War, International Law emphasizes the protection of human beings, raising his dignity as a legal pillar of the legal orders and one of the main foundations of Constitutions. At the post-positivism Constitutionalism, the realization of social rights receives special attention with the assumption of supremacy and normativity of the Constitutions, while the judiciary participates in the realization of democracy, not only as applicator of laws, but also as the guardian of constitutionality of the acts and administrative omissions, creatively contributing to the constitutional achievement, filling gaps and normative state omissions. In this aspect, the supply of medicines, whose costs can not be supported by the individual, keep a close connection with the right to life, health and dignity of the human being, as the subject of numerous lawsuits directed against the Public Administration. Such phenomenon has caused intense debate regarding judicial activism and legitimacy of these decisions, particularly on the need to define what are the limits and possibilities considering the principle of separation of powers and the principle of reserve of the possible; bieng this the problematic developed in this research. Thus, this research aims to verify the legitimacy of judicial decisions that determines to the Public Administration the compulsory providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of their treatment, as well as, contribute to the dogmatic constructions of parameters to be observed by judicial interference. Regarding the methodology, this research has an investigative and descriptive caracter and an theoretical approach based on bibliographical data collection (judicial and doutrine decisions) that received qualitative treatment and dialectical approach. As a result, it is known that the judicial decision that determines the supply of medicines to those individuals who can not afford them with their own resources is legitimate and complies with the democratic principle, not violating the principle of separation of powers and the reserve of the possible, since the judicial decison is not stripped with an uniform and reasonable criteria, failing to contain high burden of subjectivism and witch signifies a possible exacerbation of functions by the judiciary, suffering, in this case, of requirement of legal certainty. It is concluded that the Court decision that determines the government the providing of medicine to those who can not afford the cost of treatment should be based on parameters such as: the protection of human dignity and the minimum existencial principle, the inafastable jurisdiction principle; compliance critique of the possible reserve principle; subsidiarity of judicial intervention; proportionality (quantitative and qualitative) in the content of the decision; the questioning about the reasons for non-delivery of the drug through administrative via; and, finally, the attention not to turn the judiciary into a mere production factor of the pharmaceutical industry, contributing to the cartelization of the right to health
The work presented here is the result of research on the issue of human rights in the face of conflicting issues such as the incorporation of international treaties, the sovereignty of states, globalization and multuculturalism. Specifically, we will investigate the origin of human rights, alongside his growing recognition, from the Revolutions until its completion in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The question, however, has become broader, when analyzed from the perspective of the internationalization of these rights as conditions and limits of democracy. Given the convergence on the reception of international treaties on human rights, we analyze a series of positions, including recent placements of the Supreme Court, and Constitutional Amendment n.45/2004. The study aims to review the classical concept of sovereignty, now within a new perspective based on the appearance of certain limitations of the state and a crisis in the face of the protection of human rights. We analyze the phenomenon of globalization in light of its complexity and its relation to sovereignty and human rights in pursuit of an expansion of democracy. The theme is consistent also with the line of contemporary constitutionalism, since their approach has a close connection with the issues of sovereignty and globalization, as well as a current relationship with the protection of human rights. The research aims to analyze the formation of a new society within a global vision of the constitutionalization of international law. It seeks to glimpse the invocacion model of foreign precedents and the possibility of dialogue betweem States as a way of protecting and enforcing the protection of human rights
Background: The participation of children and adolescents in sports, including basketball, is becoming increasingly common, and this increased involvement raises concerns about the potential risk of sports injuries. Objective. To analyze the occurrence of sports injuries among young basketball players according to their position on the court and to associate these injuries with risk factors. Method. A retrospective, epidemiological study. A sample consisting of 204 basketball players with a mean age of 14.33 ± 1.19 years participated in the study. The players were interviewed using a reported condition questionnaire containing anthropometric and training data as well as information on injuries during the previous 12 months. Results: The frequency of injury was highest among the shooting guards (47.8%), followed by the centers (34.8%) and point guards (17.4%). Among the 204 participants, 40 players reported a total of 46 injuries, representing 0.22 injuries per participant and 1.15 injuries per injured participant. For the shooting guards and centers, statistically significant differences between injured and non-injured players were found related to age, weight, height, length of time in training and number of weekly practice hours (p < 0.05). For point guards, a statistically significant difference between injured and non-injured players was found based on weight alone (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The occurrence of injuries among basketball players was low. Injuries were associated with both intrinsic and extrinsic factors among shooting guards and centers, whereas injuries were only associated with weight among point guards. © 2013 Vanderlei et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.