787 resultados para Internal and external protective strategies


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo, analizar el proceso de internacionalización del Turismo en Salud en Colombia bajo el marco del tratado de libre comercio con Estados Unidos. De esta manera, se logrará entender no solamente los retos que las grandes empresas, Pymes y el gobierno deben enfrentar para ser más competitivos sino también los factores internos y externos que afectan al sector del Turismo en Salud en Colombia a corto, mediano y largo plazo bajo el marco del Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos. Se identifican oportunidades de negocio con Estados Unidos, estrategias diferenciadoras para dicho sector y planes de acción que aumenten la productividad del país, generando conocimiento nuevo y aprendizaje no solamente para los colombianos sino para toda aquella persona que reconoce que la única manera para que un país salga adelante, es brindando mejores oportunidades a sus habitantes. Para analizar, como es el proceso de internacionalización del Turismo en Salud en Colombia, se estudia el panorama actual del sector de turismo de salud en Colombia, las proyecciones estimadas acerca del crecimiento del sector del turismo en salud en Colombia, se identifican las oportunidades de negocios, las alianzas estratégicas para el sector y se analiza el sector de turismo de salud bajo el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos a través del análisis DOFA, con el propósito de posicionar el sector de turismo de salud como sector de talla mundial.


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For more than 60 years, Colombia has been suffering an internal conflict, full of a constant violence known today as terrorism. The actual government from President Alvaro Uribe Velez has been developing during his administration, strategies looking for better conditions for those who decide to give away the weapons over the process known as “Reinsercion” or “Reincorporacion” for all the terrorist groups in Colombia. During the investigation, specifically at the work field with the actors from the Reinsercion, through conversations during all the meetings done, where identified the internal and external variables from the surroundings that affected somehow the Reinsercion Process. 85% of the system variables are in the Zone of Conflict, where a big amount of them have some kind of influence over the others, but not all of them are in the zone of the strategic vari ables. This way, there are many front works, important decisions to be taken, awareness on the population to generate, so that all the steps that are to be done toward a solution, reach fruitful results. On the other hand, when analyzing the relation betwe en the actors, the terrorist groups have shown a strong level of convergence from the first moment on the investigation, it could be identify that through the strategic route, this actor confronts the objectives from the other actors of the system. Next, i t will be presented the 4 possible scenarios to happen in the process of Reinsercion in Colombia, and the one with more probability is describe. - Scenario 1: A new Horizon - Scenario 2: Unavoidable Renegotiations - Scenario 3: Everything keeps the same way As the group of experts expressed, this is the scenario with the mayor probability to happen, therefore, as people that have already given up the weapons, perceive the process as a strategy with a lots of difficulties because just a few of the promises that gave the government are really being accomplished. There hasn‟t been a real change in the political structure, and there may be 3 or 4 more governments more and the influence of the narcotrafic could maintain.


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The aim of this paper is to analyze the knowledge transfer in the production of structural components of two aircraft:Q400 and Global Express of Bombardier Aerospace Company, Querétaro. Bombardier Aerospace is a pioneer company in the aviation sector in Mexico, and the third largest civil aircraft manufacturer. In 2005, Bombardier decided to invest in Mexico, creating Bombardier Aerospace de Mexico S. A. C. V. and transferring production lines from Japan and Toronto to Queretaro. The relocation strategy of both plants aims to reduce modular and general production costs facing other competitors. The relocation has been supported by the State Government funds, through a trust and the creation of Queretaro aerospace cluster. Among various benefits, the State of Queretaro donated seventy-eight acres of land where the Queretaro International Airport (QIA) and a training centre will be built to promote the development of this sector. The interest in this research is to analyze and describe the transfer of knowledge to the production of structural components of both aircraft models, thanks to the results of productivity and internal and external factors which have contributed along with this transfer


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La floricultura en Colombia ha sido uno de los rubros más destacados dentro del sector agropecuario, silvicultura, caza y pesca, afirmación que se ve reflejada en la participación de la floricultura con un 7% dentro del sector agropecuario, el cual tuvo un crecimiento del 5,2% en lo correspondiente del 2012 al 2013 del PIB Nacional, según el informe anual que realizó el DANE en marzo del 2014. Es uno de los sectores comerciales más importantes y dinámicos de la economía colombiana. De ahí que, el propósito de este texto, es realizar un informe investigativo que genere conocimientos claros en temas referentes a la logística del sector floricultor, buscando determinar la mayor producción de ciertos tipos de flores mayor demandados, la clasificación de las mismas para el consumo interno y externo, las rutas, el tiempo, los costos, los flujos logísticos y demás factores relevantes para el análisis del perfil floricultor, con el fin de facilitar los procesos de producción, almacenamiento y distribución, que generen competitividad dentro de un marco global en el mismo.


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La teoría de redes de Johanson y Mattson (1988) explica como las pequeñas empresas, también conocidas como PyMes, utilizan las redes de negocio para desarrollar sus procesos de internacionalización. Es así que a través de las redes pueden superar sus limitaciones de tamaño para encontrar cierto tipo de fluidez y dinamismo en su gestión, con el fin de aprovechar los beneficios de la internacionalización. A partir del desarrollo y fortalecimiento de las relaciones dentro de la red la organización puede posicionarse en una instancia competitiva cada vez más fuerte (Jarillo, 1988). Según Forsgren y Johanson (1992), para los gerentes es importante coordinar la interacción entre los diferentes actores de la red, ya que a través de estas su posición dentro de la red mejora y así mismo el flujo de recursos será mayor. El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el modelo de internacionalización según la teoría de redes, desde una perspectiva cultural, de e-Tech Simulation una PyME “Born to be global” norteamericana. Esta empresa ha minimizado su riesgo de internacionalización, a través del desarrollo de acuerdos entre los diferentes actores. Al mejorar su posición dentro de la red, es decir al fortalecer aún más los lazos existentes y crear nuevas relaciones, la empresa ha obtenido mayores beneficios de la misma y ha logrado ser aún más flexible con sus clientes. Es por esto que a partir de este análisis se planteó una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar los procesos de negociación dentro de la red, bajo un contexto cultural. De igual forma se evidencio la importancia del papel del emprendimiento del gerente en los procesos de internacionalización, así como su habilidad para mezclar los recursos obtenidos de diferentes mercados internacionales para satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes.


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El autor ofrece una visión sobre estudiantes capaces, dotados y talentosos en el contexto de la legislación de Every Child Matters (Cada Niño Cuenta) para lograr un aprendizaje personalizado. Hace un resumen de un espacio cada vez más importante de la educación, y ofrece un equilibrio entre teoría y práctica. Hay orientaciones para: la definición e identificación de estos alumnos, estrategias para utilizar en el aula, el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y creativo, el apoyo, y colaboración con los padres. ada capítulo contiene un resumen con los puntos clave, estudio de casos de buenas prácticas, ideas para usar con los estudiantes y actividades de desarrollo profesional para el personal.


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This paper provides an overview of the ‘state of the art’ in the academic literature on EU labour migration policies. It forms part of the research agenda of Work Package 18 of the NEUJOBS project, which aims at reviewing legislation and practices regarding the labour market inclusion and protection of rights of different categories of foreign workers in European labour markets. Accordingly, particular attention is paid to the works of scholars who evaluate the status of rights of third-country national workers in relation to labour market access, employment security, social integration, etc., in European legislation on labour immigration. More specifically, the review has selected those scholarly works that focus specifically on analysing the manner in which policy-makers have addressed the granting of rights to non-EU migrant workers, and the manner in which policy agendas – through the relevant political and institutional dynamics – have found their translation in the legislation adopted. This paper consists of two core parts. In the first section, it reviews the works of scholars who have touched on these research questions with respect to the internal dimensions of EU labour migration policies. The second section does the same for the external dimensions of these policies. Both sections start off by analysing the main trends in the literature that reviews these questions for the internal and external dimensions of European migration policies as a whole, and then move on to how these ‘trends’ can (or cannot) be found translated in scholarly writings on labour migration policies more specifically. In the final section, the paper concludes by summarising the main trends and gaps in the literature reviewed, and indicates avenues for further research.


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Aerosols and their precursors are emitted abundantly by transport activities. Transportation constitutes one of the fastest growing activities and its growth is predicted to increase significantly in the future. Previous studies have estimated the aerosol direct radiative forcing from one transport sub-sector, but only one study to our knowledge estimated the range of radiative forcing from the main aerosol components (sulphate, black carbon (BC) and organic carbon) for the whole transportation sector. In this study, we compare results from two different chemical transport models and three radiation codes under different hypothesis of mixing: internal and external mixing using emission inventories for the year 2000. The main results from this study consist of a positive direct radiative forcing for aerosols emitted by road traffic of +20±11 mW m−2 for an externally mixed aerosol, and of +32±13 mW m−2 when BC is internally mixed. These direct radiative forcings are much higher than the previously published estimate of +3±11 mW m−2. For transport activities from shipping, the net direct aerosol radiative forcing is negative. This forcing is dominated by the contribution of the sulphate. For both an external and an internal mixture, the radiative forcing from shipping is estimated at −26±4 mW m−2. These estimates are in very good agreement with the range of a previously published one (from −46 to −13 mW m−2) but with a much narrower range. By contrast, the direct aerosol forcing from aviation is estimated to be small, and in the range −0.9 to +0.3 mW m−2.


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We conducted the first molecular phylogenetic study of Ficus section Malvanthera (Moraceae; subgenus Urostigma) based on 32 Malvanthera accessions and seven outgroups representing other sections of Ficus subgenus Urostigma. We used DNA sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal and external transcribed spacers (ITS and ETS), and the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3pdh) region. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods recovered a monophyletic section Malvanthera to the exclusion of the rubber fig, Ficus elastica. The results of the phylogenetic analyses do not conform to any previously proposed taxonomic subdivision of the section and characters used for previous classification are homoplasious. Geographic distribution, however, is highly conserved and Melanesian Malvanthera are monophyletic. A new subdivision of section Malvanthera reflecting phylogenetic relationships is presented. Section Malvanthera likely diversified during a period of isolation in Australia and subsequently colonized New Guinea. Two Australian series are consistent with a pattern of dispersal out of rainforest habitat into drier habitats accompanied by a reduction in plant height during the transition from hemi-epiphytic trees to lithophytic trees and shrubs. In contradiction with a previous study of Pleistodontes phylogeny suggesting multiple changes in pollination behaviour, reconstruction of changes in pollination behaviour on Malvanthera, suggests only one or a few gains of active pollination within the section. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Phylogenetic methods hold great promise for the reconstruction of the transition from precursor to modern flora and the identification of underlying factors which drive the process. The phylogenetic methods presently used to address the question of the origin of the Cape flora of South Africa are considered here. The sampling requirements of each of these methods, which include dating of diversifications using calibrated molecular trees, sister pair comparisons, lineage through time plots and biogeographical optimizations are reviewed. Sampling of genes, genomes and species are considered. Although increased higher-level studies and increased sampling are required for robust interpretation, it is clear that much progress is already made. It is argued that despite the remarkable richness of the flora, the Cape flora is a valuable model system to demonstrate the utility of phylogenetic methods in determining the history of a modern flora.


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Travellers’ diarrhoea (TD) is the most common gastrointestinal illness to affect athletes competing abroad. Consequences of this debilitating condition include difficulties with training and/or participating in competitions which the athlete may have spent several years preparing for. Currently, there are no targeted strategies to reduce TD incidence in athletes. General methods used to reduce TD risk, such as avoidance of contaminated foods, chemoprophylactics and immunoprophylactics, have disadvantages. Since most causative agents of TD are microbial, strategies to minimise TD risks may be better focused on the gut microbiota. Prebiotics and probiotics can fortify the gut microbial balance, thus potentially aiding the fight against TD-associated microorganisms. Specific probiotics have shown promising actions against TD-associated microorganisms through antimicrobial activities. Use of prebiotics has led to an improved intestinal microbial balance which may be better equipped to combat TD-associated microorganisms. Both approaches have shown promising results in general travelling populations; therefore, a targeted approach for athletes has the potential to provide a competitive advantage.


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It is sometimes argued that experimental economists do not have to worry about external validity so long as the design sticks closely to a theoretical model. This position mistakes the model for the theory. As a result, applied economics designs often study phenomena distinct from their stated objects of inquiry. Because the implemented models are abstract, they may provide improbable analogues to their stated subject matter. This problem is exacerbated by the relational character of the social world, which also sets epistemic limits for the social science laboratory more generally.


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