870 resultados para Integrated circuits Ultra large scale integration


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The running innovation processes of the microwave transistor technologies, used in the implementation of microwave circuits, have to be supported by the study and development of proper design methodologies which, depending on the applications, will fully exploit the technology potentialities. After the choice of the technology to be used in the particular application, the circuit designer has few degrees of freedom when carrying out his design; in the most cases, due to the technological constrains, all the foundries develop and provide customized processes optimized for a specific performance such as power, low-noise, linearity, broadband etc. For these reasons circuit design is always a “compromise”, an investigation for the best solution to reach a trade off between the desired performances. This approach becomes crucial in the design of microwave systems to be used in satellite applications; the tight space constraints impose to reach the best performances under proper electrical and thermal de-rated conditions, respect to the maximum ratings provided by the used technology, in order to ensure adequate levels of reliability. In particular this work is about one of the most critical components in the front-end of a satellite antenna, the High Power Amplifier (HPA). The HPA is the main power dissipation source and so the element which mostly engrave on space, weight and cost of telecommunication apparatus; it is clear from the above reasons that design strategies addressing optimization of power density, efficiency and reliability are of major concern. Many transactions and publications demonstrate different methods for the design of power amplifiers, highlighting the availability to obtain very good levels of output power, efficiency and gain. Starting from existing knowledge, the target of the research activities summarized in this dissertation was to develop a design methodology capable optimize power amplifier performances complying all the constraints imposed by the space applications, tacking into account the thermal behaviour in the same manner of the power and the efficiency. After a reminder of the existing theories about the power amplifier design, in the first section of this work, the effectiveness of the methodology based on the accurate control of the dynamic Load Line and her shaping will be described, explaining all steps in the design of two different kinds of high power amplifiers. Considering the trade-off between the main performances and reliability issues as the target of the design activity, we will demonstrate that the expected results could be obtained working on the characteristics of the Load Line at the intrinsic terminals of the selected active device. The methodology proposed in this first part is based on the assumption that designer has the availability of an accurate electrical model of the device; the variety of publications about this argument demonstrates that it is so difficult to carry out a CAD model capable to taking into account all the non-ideal phenomena which occur when the amplifier operates at such high frequency and power levels. For that, especially for the emerging technology of Gallium Nitride (GaN), in the second section a new approach for power amplifier design will be described, basing on the experimental characterization of the intrinsic Load Line by means of a low frequency high power measurements bench. Thanks to the possibility to develop my Ph.D. in an academic spin-off, MEC – Microwave Electronics for Communications, the results of this activity has been applied to important research programs requested by space agencies, with the aim support the technological transfer from universities to industrial world and to promote a science-based entrepreneurship. For these reasons the proposed design methodology will be explained basing on many experimental results.


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Questa dissertazione esamina le sfide e i limiti che gli algoritmi di analisi di grafi incontrano in architetture distribuite costituite da personal computer. In particolare, analizza il comportamento dell'algoritmo del PageRank così come implementato in una popolare libreria C++ di analisi di grafi distribuiti, la Parallel Boost Graph Library (Parallel BGL). I risultati qui presentati mostrano che il modello di programmazione parallela Bulk Synchronous Parallel è inadatto all'implementazione efficiente del PageRank su cluster costituiti da personal computer. L'implementazione analizzata ha infatti evidenziato una scalabilità negativa, il tempo di esecuzione dell'algoritmo aumenta linearmente in funzione del numero di processori. Questi risultati sono stati ottenuti lanciando l'algoritmo del PageRank della Parallel BGL su un cluster di 43 PC dual-core con 2GB di RAM l'uno, usando diversi grafi scelti in modo da facilitare l'identificazione delle variabili che influenzano la scalabilità. Grafi rappresentanti modelli diversi hanno dato risultati differenti, mostrando che c'è una relazione tra il coefficiente di clustering e l'inclinazione della retta che rappresenta il tempo in funzione del numero di processori. Ad esempio, i grafi Erdős–Rényi, aventi un basso coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso peggiore nei test del PageRank, mentre i grafi Small-World, aventi un alto coefficiente di clustering, hanno rappresentato il caso migliore. Anche le dimensioni del grafo hanno mostrato un'influenza sul tempo di esecuzione particolarmente interessante. Infatti, si è mostrato che la relazione tra il numero di nodi e il numero di archi determina il tempo totale.


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In the thesis we present the implementation of the quadratic maximum likelihood (QML) method, ideal to estimate the angular power spectrum of the cross-correlation between cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large scale structure (LSS) maps as well as their individual auto-spectra. Such a tool is an optimal method (unbiased and with minimum variance) in pixel space and goes beyond all the previous harmonic analysis present in the literature. We describe the implementation of the QML method in the {\it BolISW} code and demonstrate its accuracy on simulated maps throughout a Monte Carlo. We apply this optimal estimator to WMAP 7-year and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) data and explore the robustness of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method. Taking into account the shot noise and one of the systematics (declination correction) in NVSS, we can safely use most of the information contained in this survey. On the contrary we neglect the noise in temperature since WMAP is already cosmic variance dominated on the large scales. Because of a discrepancy in the galaxy auto spectrum between the estimates and the theoretical model, we use two different galaxy distributions: the first one with a constant bias $b$ and the second one with a redshift dependent bias $b(z)$. Finally, we make use of the angular power spectrum estimates obtained by the QML method to derive constraints on the dark energy critical density in a flat $\Lambda$CDM model by different likelihood prescriptions. When using just the cross-correlation between WMAP7 and NVSS maps with 1.8° resolution, we show that $\Omega_\Lambda$ is about the 70\% of the total energy density, disfavouring an Einstein-de Sitter Universe at more than 2 $\sigma$ CL (confidence level).


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Coupled-cluster theory provides one of the most successful concepts in electronic-structure theory. This work covers the parallelization of coupled-cluster energies, gradients, and second derivatives and its application to selected large-scale chemical problems, beside the more practical aspects such as the publication and support of the quantum-chemistry package ACES II MAB and the design and development of a computational environment optimized for coupled-cluster calculations. The main objective of this thesis was to extend the range of applicability of coupled-cluster models to larger molecular systems and their properties and therefore to bring large-scale coupled-cluster calculations into day-to-day routine of computational chemistry. A straightforward strategy for the parallelization of CCSD and CCSD(T) energies, gradients, and second derivatives has been outlined and implemented for closed-shell and open-shell references. Starting from the highly efficient serial implementation of the ACES II MAB computer code an adaptation for affordable workstation clusters has been obtained by parallelizing the most time-consuming steps of the algorithms. Benchmark calculations for systems with up to 1300 basis functions and the presented applications show that the resulting algorithm for energies, gradients and second derivatives at the CCSD and CCSD(T) level of theory exhibits good scaling with the number of processors and substantially extends the range of applicability. Within the framework of the ’High accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry’ (HEAT) protocols effects of increased basis-set size and higher excitations in the coupled- cluster expansion were investigated. The HEAT scheme was generalized for molecules containing second-row atoms in the case of vinyl chloride. This allowed the different experimental reported values to be discriminated. In the case of the benzene molecule it was shown that even for molecules of this size chemical accuracy can be achieved. Near-quantitative agreement with experiment (about 2 ppm deviation) for the prediction of fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic shielding constants can be achieved by employing the CCSD(T) model together with large basis sets at accurate equilibrium geometries if vibrational averaging and temperature corrections via second-order vibrational perturbation theory are considered. Applying a very similar level of theory for the calculation of the carbon-13 NMR chemical shifts of benzene resulted in quantitative agreement with experimental gas-phase data. The NMR chemical shift study for the bridgehead 1-adamantyl cation at the CCSD(T) level resolved earlier discrepancies of lower-level theoretical treatment. The equilibrium structure of diacetylene has been determined based on the combination of experimental rotational constants of thirteen isotopic species and zero-point vibrational corrections calculated at various quantum-chemical levels. These empirical equilibrium structures agree to within 0.1 pm irrespective of the theoretical level employed. High-level quantum-chemical calculations on the hyperfine structure parameters of the cyanopolyynes were found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. Finally, the theoretically most accurate determination of the molecular equilibrium structure of ferrocene to date is presented.


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Bioinformatics, in the last few decades, has played a fundamental role to give sense to the huge amount of data produced. Obtained the complete sequence of a genome, the major problem of knowing as much as possible of its coding regions, is crucial. Protein sequence annotation is challenging and, due to the size of the problem, only computational approaches can provide a feasible solution. As it has been recently pointed out by the Critical Assessment of Function Annotations (CAFA), most accurate methods are those based on the transfer-by-homology approach and the most incisive contribution is given by cross-genome comparisons. In the present thesis it is described a non-hierarchical sequence clustering method for protein automatic large-scale annotation, called “The Bologna Annotation Resource Plus” (BAR+). The method is based on an all-against-all alignment of more than 13 millions protein sequences characterized by a very stringent metric. BAR+ can safely transfer functional features (Gene Ontology and Pfam terms) inside clusters by means of a statistical validation, even in the case of multi-domain proteins. Within BAR+ clusters it is also possible to transfer the three dimensional structure (when a template is available). This is possible by the way of cluster-specific HMM profiles that can be used to calculate reliable template-to-target alignments even in the case of distantly related proteins (sequence identity < 30%). Other BAR+ based applications have been developed during my doctorate including the prediction of Magnesium binding sites in human proteins, the ABC transporters superfamily classification and the functional prediction (GO terms) of the CAFA targets. Remarkably, in the CAFA assessment, BAR+ placed among the ten most accurate methods. At present, as a web server for the functional and structural protein sequence annotation, BAR+ is freely available at http://bar.biocomp.unibo.it/bar2.0.


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Concerns over global change and its effect on coral reef survivorship have highlighted the need for long-term datasets and proxy records, to interpret environmental trends and inform policymakers. Citizen science programs have showed to be a valid method for collecting data, reducing financial and time costs for institutions. This study is based on the elaboration of data collected by recreational divers and its main purpose is to evaluate changes in the state of coral reef biodiversity in the Red Sea over a long term period and validate the volunteer-based monitoring method. Volunteers recreational divers completed a questionnaire after each dive, recording the presence of 72 animal taxa and negative reef conditions. Comparisons were made between records from volunteers and independent records from a marine biologist who performed the same dive at the same time. A total of 500 volunteers were tested in 78 validation trials. Relative values of accuracy, reliability and similarity seem to be comparable to those performed by volunteer divers on precise transects in other projects, or in community-based terrestrial monitoring. 9301 recreational divers participated in the monitoring program, completing 23,059 survey questionnaires in a 5-year period. The volunteer-sightings-based index showed significant differences between the geographical areas. The area of Hurghada is distinguished by a medium-low biodiversity index, heavily damaged by a not controlled anthropic exploitation. Coral reefs along the Ras Mohammed National Park at Sharm el Sheikh, conversely showed high biodiversity index. The detected pattern seems to be correlated with the conservation measures adopted. In our experience and that of other research institutes, citizen science can integrate conventional methods and significantly reduce costs and time. Involving recreational divers we were able to build a large data set, covering a wide geographic area. The main limitation remains the difficulty of obtaining an homogeneous spatial sampling distribution.


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Adhesion, immune evasion and invasion are key determinants during bacterial pathogenesis. Pathogenic bacteria possess a wide variety of surface exposed and secreted proteins which allow them to adhere to tissues, escape the immune system and spread throughout the human body. Therefore, extensive contacts between the human and the bacterial extracellular proteomes take place at the host-pathogen interface at the protein level. Recent researches emphasized the importance of a global and deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie bacterial immune evasion and pathogenesis. Through the use of a large-scale, unbiased, protein microarray-based approach and of wide libraries of human and bacterial purified proteins, novel host-pathogen interactions were identified. This approach was first applied to Staphylococcus aureus, cause of a wide variety of diseases ranging from skin infections to endocarditis and sepsis. The screening led to the identification of several novel interactions between the human and the S. aureus extracellular proteomes. The interaction between the S. aureus immune evasion protein FLIPr (formyl-peptide receptor like-1 inhibitory protein) and the human complement component C1q, key players of the offense-defense fighting, was characterized using label-free techniques and functional assays. The same approach was also applied to Neisseria meningitidis, major cause of bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. The screening led to the identification of several potential human receptors for the neisserial adhesin A (NadA), an important adhesion protein and key determinant of meningococcal interactions with the human host at various stages. The interaction between NadA and human LOX-1 (low-density oxidized lipoprotein receptor) was confirmed using label-free technologies and cell binding experiments in vitro. Taken together, these two examples provided concrete insights into S. aureus and N. meningitidis pathogenesis, and identified protein microarray coupled with appropriate validation methodologies as a powerful large scale tool for host-pathogen interactions studies.


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The mass estimation of galaxy clusters is a crucial point for modern cosmology, and can be obtained by several different techniques. In this work we discuss a new method to measure the mass of galaxy clusters connecting the gravitational potential of the cluster with the kinematical properties of its surroundings. We explore the dynamics of the structures located in the region outside virialized cluster, We identify groups of galaxies, as sheets or filaments, in the cluster outer region, and model how the cluster gravitational potential perturbs the motion of these structures from the Hubble fow. This identification is done in the redshift space where we look for overdensities with a filamentary shape. Then we use a radial mean velocity profile that has been found as a quite universal trend in simulations, and we fit the radial infall velocity profile of the overdensities found. The method has been tested on several cluster-size haloes from cosmological N-body simulations giving results in very good agreement with the true values of virial masses of the haloes and orientation of the sheets. We then applied the method to the Coma cluster and even in this case we found a good correspondence with previous. It is possible to notice a mass discrepancy between sheets with different alignments respect to the center of the cluster. This difference can be used to reproduce the shape of the cluster, and to demonstrate that the spherical symmetry is not always a valid assumption. In fact, if the cluster is not spherical, sheets oriented along different axes should feel a slightly different gravitational potential, and so give different masses as result of the analysis described before. Even this estimation has been tested on cosmological simulations and then applied to Coma, showing the actual non-sphericity of this cluster.


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Computing the weighted geometric mean of large sparse matrices is an operation that tends to become rapidly intractable, when the size of the matrices involved grows. However, if we are not interested in the computation of the matrix function itself, but just in that of its product times a vector, the problem turns simpler and there is a chance to solve it even when the matrix mean would actually be impossible to compute. Our interest is motivated by the fact that this calculation has some practical applications, related to the preconditioning of some operators arising in domain decomposition of elliptic problems. In this thesis, we explore how such a computation can be efficiently performed. First, we exploit the properties of the weighted geometric mean and find several equivalent ways to express it through real powers of a matrix. Hence, we focus our attention on matrix powers and examine how well-known techniques can be adapted to the solution of the problem at hand. In particular, we consider two broad families of approaches for the computation of f(A) v, namely quadrature formulae and Krylov subspace methods, and generalize them to the pencil case f(A\B) v. Finally, we provide an extensive experimental evaluation of the proposed algorithms and also try to assess how convergence speed and execution time are influenced by some characteristics of the input matrices. Our results suggest that a few elements have some bearing on the performance and that, although there is no best choice in general, knowing the conditioning and the sparsity of the arguments beforehand can considerably help in choosing the best strategy to tackle the problem.


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A general approach is presented for implementing discrete transforms as a set of first-order or second-order recursive digital filters. Clenshaw's recurrence formulae are used to formulate the second-order filters. The resulting structure is suitable for efficient implementation of discrete transforms in VLSI or FPGA circuits. The general approach is applied to the discrete Legendre transform as an illustration.


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In the past few decades, integrated circuits have become a major part of everyday life. Every circuit that is created needs to be tested for faults so faulty circuits are not sent to end-users. The creation of these tests is time consuming, costly and difficult to perform on larger circuits. This research presents a novel method for fault detection and test pattern reduction in integrated circuitry under test. By leveraging the FPGA's reconfigurability and parallel processing capabilities, a speed up in fault detection can be achieved over previous computer simulation techniques. This work presents the following contributions to the field of Stuck-At-Fault detection: We present a new method for inserting faults into a circuit net list. Given any circuit netlist, our tool can insert multiplexers into a circuit at correct internal nodes to aid in fault emulation on reconfigurable hardware. We present a parallel method of fault emulation. The benefit of the FPGA is not only its ability to implement any circuit, but its ability to process data in parallel. This research utilizes this to create a more efficient emulation method that implements numerous copies of the same circuit in the FPGA. A new method to organize the most efficient faults. Most methods for determinin the minimum number of inputs to cover the most faults require sophisticated softwareprograms that use heuristics. By utilizing hardware, this research is able to process data faster and use a simpler method for an efficient way of minimizing inputs.